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Best Journal of Administration and Management (BEJAM)

Vol. 1, No. 3, January 2023

ISSN: 2964-657X

Quality of Public Services In Service Office Population

and Civil Registration

Didik Supriyanto
Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia
[email protected]

This study aims to find out a descriptive description of Public
Corresponding Author:
Services and the Quality of Public Services at the Office of the
Didik Supriyanto Population and Civil Registry Office of Batu City. things, such as
Universitas Islam Malang, efforts to increase the professionalism of the apparatus which are still
Indonesia lacking, carrying out services that are not yet timely. The findings
Email: from the research show that there are a number of things that lead to
[email protected] poor service in terms of the professionalism of the apparatus and the
punctuality of work. All of these things need to be improved by
paying attention to the qualifications of the apparatus in providing
services. Both in terms of Reliability (Reliability), Responsivenees
(responsiveness), and Assurance (Guarantee). Supporting factors
such as work motivation and cooperation. Inhibiting factors such as
Human Resources (HR), Facilities and Infrastructure.
Keywords: Public Service, Quality, Civil Registry Office

Public service is one of the important tasks that cannot be ignored by local governments because if
the service component stagnates (congestion) it is almost certain that all sectors will have an impact on
congestion. provided by the central government to regional governments. Government institutions or
organizations are increasingly required to create quality services that can encourage and enhance community
economic activities. Therefore, government services (apparatus) must be more proactive and careful in
anticipating a new global paradigm so that their services are able to meet the dynamic needs of society. The
government of Batu City, which is part of the government organization of the Republic of Indonesia, has a
state government structure from the highest level, namely the president to the lowest level, namely the pillars
of the community and the pillars of neighbors. The Batu City Population and Civil Registry Office is one of
the executors of public administration services in the Batu City area. This population service includes
population registration and civil registration. Resident registration includes making Family Cards (KK),
Electronic Identity Cards (e-KTP), transfer documents etc., while civil registration includes making birth
certificate citations, death certificate citations, divorce certificate citations, recording child recognition and
child validation, recording changes name, and registration of change of citizenship.
The existence of general guidelines for compiling a community satisfaction index is part of an effort
to create objectivity in the services provided to the community, especially in the context of regional
autonomy. Kurniawan (2005; 6) says that public service is a service provider (serving) the needs of other
people or people who have an interest in the organization in accordance with the basic rules and procedures
that have been determined. The Batu City Government should provide good service to the community, but in
In fact, it is found that the quality of service at the Population and Civil Registry Service in Batu City still
needs to be improved, the quality of services provided is not optimal yet. from the word professional or lack
of accuracy in providing services to the community, so that in the process of implementing poor performance
it greatly affects the service products carried out by employees for the community, for example in making e-
KTP there is still an error in writing the name, date of birth and year of birth.

a. Definition of Service

The occurrence of competition in an effort to seize the market to increase sales brings a positive change in
the business world because they compete in providing the best service for every consumer. It changed the
perception of many people who initially adhered to a product and sales philosophy to a marketing
philosophy. In the marketing process, service quality is very crucial because it is the dominant factor in
creating a sense of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with customers. Batinggi and Badu (2009), argued that
based on the General Indonesian Dictionary; the basic word service is service and the verb is to serve,
meaning to help, provide everything that is needed by others. Meanwhile S. Lukman and Moenir in Batinggi
and Badu (2009), also said "service is an activity or sequence of activities that occurs in direct interaction
between a person and another person or machine physically and provides customer satisfaction". While the
definition of service according to Gronroos is an activity or a series of activities that are invisible that occur
as a result of interactions between consumers and employees or other things provided by service-providing
companies that are intended to solve customer problems (Ratminto, 2005). In other words, Service is an
effort to meet customer expectations in terms of speed of handling complaints and customer friendliness.
Service is the main key to achieving success in various aspects of business or business activities engaged in
services (Batinggi and Badu, 2009). Service will be very decisive in every activity in society if there is
competition in it. It could be that the products sold are the same or the services offered are the same but why
can the response from the community be different? All of that is caused by the existence of services to
different customers. Prasojo in Batinggi and Badu (2009), says "service is a response to managerial needs
which will only be fulfilled if service users get the product they want."

b. Quality Elements Service

Every modern and advanced organization always prioritizes forms of service quality actualization.
The quality of service in question is to provide an optimal form of service in meeting the needs, desires,
expectations and satisfaction of customers who request services and those who ask for their services to be
fulfilled. The concept of service quality related to satisfaction is determined by five elements commonly
known as "RATER" service quality (responsiveness, assurance, tangible, empathy and reliability). RATER's
concept of service quality is essentially shaping the attitudes and behavior of service developers to provide a
strong and basic form of service, so that an assessment is in accordance with the quality of service received.
The essence of the concept of service quality is to show all forms of actualization of service activities that
satisfy people who receive services in accordance with responsiveness, foster assurance, show tangible
evidence that can be seen, according to empathy. from people who provide services in accordance with their
reliability (reliability) carry out the service tasks given consequently to satisfy those who receive services.
Based on the essence of the service quality concept "RATER", most work organizations use this concept as a
reference in implementing service actualization in their work organizations, in solving various forms of gaps
in the various services provided by employees in meeting the demands of community service. The
actualization of the "RATER" concept is also applied in the implementation of employee service quality,
both government and non-government employees, in improving their work performance.

The method used is to use a qualitative approach. According to Moleong (2009; 6) "qualitative
research is research that intends to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by research subjects
holistically and by means of descriptions in the form of words and language, in a special natural context and
by utilizing various scientific methods" . Qualitative research uses analysis and inductively. Besides that,
researchers use descriptive research types intended to provide data that is as precise as possible about a
condition or other symptoms. As according to Nawawi (Sugiono, 2009: 43), that the descriptive method is a
research method that formulates attention to problems or phenomena that existed at the time the research was
carried out or actual problems, then describes the facts about the problem being investigated as it is
accompanied by with a rational and accurate interpretation and to provide the clearest possible description of
the quality of public services at the Office of the Population and Civil Registry Office of Batu City. )
Reliability, namely the ability to provide promised services promptly, accurately and satisfactorily. Reliable
service is customer expectation. This means that the service is on time at all times, under the same rules and
without errors. Reliability has the following indicators: Accuracy of employees in serving service users,
Having clear service standards, Ability to use service tools, Expertise of officers using service tools. (2)
Responsiveness, namely the desire of staff to help customers and provide responsive service. Responsiveness
has the following indicators: Respond to each customer, and service quickly and precisely. (3) Assurance,
including officers providing timely guarantees in services. Assurance (guarantee) has the following
indicators: Guaranteed timely service, and Guaranteed certainty in service fees (Hardiyansyah, 2011: 53).

Data collection technique
Observation or observation is a complementary tool in collecting research data. According to Nisbet
and Watt (Sugiyono, 2009: 115) in making observations one must use unstructured notes in the first stage
which is open, in the second stage paying attention to a number of selected categories.
An interview is an information gathering technique using a free questioning technique, but based on
a guideline (according to the scope of the research) in order to obtain the required information. This interview
uses a structured interview guide, namely using an interview guide intended to obtain as much information as
possible about the problems observed.


The results showed that civil registration staffing data at the Population and Civil Registry Service
in Batu City was seen based on general conditions, namely at the high school/vocational school education
level there were 36 people 51.43%, the D3 education level was 1 person 2.86%, the education level S1 there
are 27 people 38.57%, and the level of education S2 there are 5 people 7.14%. So that the total number of
employees is 69 people. Judging from the facilities and infrastructure, it is also not good, especially for KTP
making tools. This condition is not in accordance with the standards of existing facilities and infrastructure,
such as the KTP camera making tool, there are 4 while the office only has 3 cameras, and there are 4 KTP
printing machines, while the office only has 3 printing machines because 1 machine printing is damaged.
Administrative and technical operational facilities and infrastructure can be carried out effectively and
efficiently if the existing facilities and infrastructure within the organization are adequate. And based on the
Human Resources it can be seen that the Service Operator officers at counters 1 to Counter 8 only has 7
service staff. Meanwhile, 1 other person was taken from the PPPK staff. To maximize the service to make it
better, it is necessary to have additional staff of 4 special people at counters 1 to counter 8 so that officers
taken from PPPK staff can also return to carry out their duties according to their respective duties.
respectively. And there are only 2 people in the KTP recording section, meanwhile 2 additional staff are
To measure the Reliability dimension in an effort to determine the quality of public services in the
Department of Population and Civil Registration City of Batu, it can be measured through the following
indicators: Accuracy of Employees in Serving Service Users Based on the results of interviews with the Head
of Personnel Section at the Office of Population and Civil Registry Office of Batu City which states that: "In
general, services at the Batu City Population and Civil Registry Office are in accordance with applicable
procedures. We put forward the principle of careful service, fast and precise. However, on several occasions
we are also aware that there are still people who complain about the service process we provide. This is
certainly a part that must be corrected continuously by us”.Furthermore, the results of interviews with one of
the service employees stated that: "So far in carrying out the service process, employees have always given
their best for the satisfaction of the community, so that mistakes are rarely made by service employees. For
example, to take care of population transfers, employees inform service users of the conditions that must be
completed. When the service user meets the requirements needed, the employee only checks whether the
completeness is complete or not.”
"We try to be thorough in serving all service users who come here with various needs. We double-
checked the conditions needed to avoid mistakes.” And based on an interview with one of the Population
Administration employees at the Batu City Population and Civil Registry Office who stated that: “Sometimes
officers also make mistakes. Errors usually occur when inputting data from the form to the KTP, either by
typing in the name, date and year of birth. The most basic typo in the name. And based on the results of an
interview with one of the community users of the service at the Batu City Population and Civil Registry
Service Office which stated that: "Not careful, but there are only a few employees whose service method is
good, my experience in taking care of e-KTP is there are still errors in writing names so that it makes me
have to go back and forth to need service again. Most of our houses are far from the office and that makes the
service ineffective.” Having Clear Service Standards Based on the interview results With one of the service
employees when interviewed by the researcher who stated that: "We are in carrying out services to the
community using SOP (Standard Operational Procedure)". Because for us the SOP is a guideline for
employees who are implementing the service". service employees can operate computers, only employees
who have special abilities are given the authority to operate these tools. Until when the authorized officer is
not in place, work that uses assistive devices is a bit slow and delayed”. Supporting Factors for the Quality of
Public Services at the Office of the Population and Civil Registry Service in Batu City The results of research
on services at the Department of Population and Civil Registration in Batu City which were found by
researchers through interviews and direct field observations indicate that there are several things that are
supporting factors for the quality of public services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration
Kota Batu, this is as conveyed by several informants where the supporting factors for Department of
Population and Civil Registration employees in Batu City are the support from the Head of Service himself in
carrying out these services. In addition, the form of cooperation between Department of Population and Civil
Registration Batu City employees so that their duties and obligations are carried out properly. Because
cooperation is a very important main factor that is usually carried out by employees who work in an
organization consisting of various kinds of people and then form a team to achieve the goals that have been
set as one of the visions to be achieved by the Batu City Department of Population and Civil Registration
The quality of public services is an effort to fulfill everything related to production, services, people,
processes, the environment, and the needs and desires of consumers both in the form of goods and services
that are expected to meet the expectations and satisfaction of the community as customers. Service quality in
general must meet customer expectations and satisfy their needs. However, even though this definition is
oriented towards service users, it does not mean that in determining the quality of service, service providers
must comply with all the wishes of consumers. Service quality can be identified by comparing service users'
perceptions of the services they receive with the services they actually expect. (Tjiptono, 2005; 121). Service
quality can be identified by comparing service users' perceptions of the service they receive with the service
they actually expect, this is in line with what was explained by Sedarmayanti (1999) that there are several
indicators to determine a service quality. in general, that service providers must be able to translate
everything that becomes with the right service ethics. In general, the capacity of every personnel in each
agency that prioritizes satisfaction in the services provided must receive a portion of serious attention, as well
as concrete actions shown in the form of training or other efforts that can improve competence, as well as
good work and professional principles. Factors Inhibiting the Implementation of Human Resources Duties
Obstacles in the process of services provided consist of several main things, including the lack of human
resources, in the form of staff and others, as well as various facilities and infrastructure for administrative
services. This is as reflected in the results of observations and other research findings in the form of
interviews with informants. These things are considered as technical constraints in every activity carried out
in the service. The importance of protecting the obstacles that arise has become a necessity that is carried out
by parties in the Office of the Population and Civil Registry Office of Batu City to reduce or even eliminate
obstacles that appear in the field.the provisions of the game in service procedures that can provide
satisfaction to the community. Therefore, the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Batu City
needs to increase the capacity of its apparatus through forms of activities that are relevant to the tasks and
functions carried out by its apparatus. Problems in public services can basically be seen in the process of
providing public services such as the accuracy or accuracy of employees in serving service users is very
important for the service process. If employees are not careful in serving the community, mistakes will occur
and create new jobs. As in the research findings, when an employee makes a typo in writing the name on the
KTP, the service user has to re-arrange the wrong name. From this inaccuracy will lead to new work that
should not be done by employees, and will lead to an unfavorable assessment by service users of the quality
of services provided. Therefore, first, employees must be careful in carrying out their task responsibilities,
especially those related to service, so that good service is created and the community will judge it well. It is
clear that employees in carrying out the service process must be careful so that errors do not occur which
require service users to take care of mistakes made by employees due to the employee's carelessness in
carrying out the service process. Both have clear Service Standards. The District Department of Population
and Civil Registration already has Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). However, not all service user
communities know the service standards at Department of Population and Civil Registration, Batu City.
Having clear Service Standards is indeed important for employee guidelines in serving service users in the
service process because by referring to service standards, the service process can run well in order to achieve
service goals, especially in Department of Population and Civil Registration City of Batu. Third Ability and
expertise in using tools in the service process. The reliability and ability of employees is one of the important
factors in determining the success of the services provided by the Population and Civil Registry Office of
Batu City to the community. The goals and objectives must be achieved by each service employee by serving
the community according to predetermined service procedures.

Based on the results of the research and discussion, conclusions can be drawn, namely: The quality
of services provided at the Batu City Population and Civil Registry Office is generally still not good, this can
be seen through several things related to the Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance Dimensions. The
supporting factor is motivation the work given by employees to each other, and the form of cooperation from
the employees themselves so that good service can be realized. Factors inhibiting the quality of service at the
Office of the Population and Civil Registry Service in Batu City are seen from several things, including the
lack of human resources in quantity and quality . As well as the availability of these facilities and
infrastructure, it is important to be carried out by interested parties in achieving the goals or objectives of the
presence of government in the community.
For the recommendation, It is understandable that a service-oriented public institution must have all
the things that support the smooth running of these public services, but as the findings of the researchers
previously disclosed, that the availability of facilities and infrastructure is still a separate obstacle in efforts to
maximize service to the public. The importance of protecting the obstacles that arise has become a necessity
that is carried out by parties in the Office of the Population and Civil Registry Office of Batu City to reduce
or even eliminate obstacles that arise in the field.


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