Praveen.2014 - Carbon Sequestration Potential of Kapok (Ceiba
Praveen.2014 - Carbon Sequestration Potential of Kapok (Ceiba
Praveen.2014 - Carbon Sequestration Potential of Kapok (Ceiba
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Kapok (Ceiba pentandra) is the most important agroforestry tree species and it occupies major area under
plantations in Theni district of Tamil Nadu. In addition its value for silk cotton, it also plays an important
role in storing carbon. To assess the carbon sequestration potential, the study has been carried out to estimate
the carbon storage in different tree parts of Ceiba pentandra at different age groups. Carbon sequestration
potential was estimated through destructive felling method. Oven dried biomass samples were ground in
a Wiley Mill and carbon content in different tree components was estimated by ash method. There was
slight variation in carbon content between age groups and considerable difference between various parts
of the tree. The wood contained around 44.7 per cent, leaves around 36.4 per cent, branches around 41.5 per
cent and the roots around 42.5 per cent of carbon.It was found that 38.7 ton carbon per hectare is stored by
a 12 years old kapok plantation. AGRES software was used to compute the results.
achieved, when carbon from above ground biomass tree level and plantation level. Above ground and
transfer to the roots and enters the pool of soil car- below ground biomass of kapok was estimated by
bon (Jansson et al. 2010). destructive sampling. Biomass of trees that are re-
The Kyoto protocol legally binds 39 developed moved from the site through felling was only con-
countries to reduce their GHG emissions by an aver- sidered for estimating carbon sequestration.
age of 5.2% relative to 1990 levels by the period A small sample (500 g) of stem, branches and
2008-2012, referred as the first commitment period. leaves were immediately transported to the labora-
The Kyoto protocol permits the developed countries tory in double sealed polythene bags. The collected
to reach their targets through several mechanisms. tree samples were dried at 80°C till constant weight
They are emission trading, joint implementation and was obtained. The oven dry weight (ODW) of the
clean development mechanism (CDM). CDM allows whole sample was calculated using the formula
developed nations to achieve reduction obligation given below by (Lasco et al., 2005).
through projects in developing countries that reduce
emissions or sequester CO2 from the atmosphere
ODW (t) =
(Reddy et al. 2012; Metting et al. 1999). The CoP 7 of
UNFCCC that met in Bonn (Germany) in July 2001
decided to include Afforestation and Reforestation Where,
(A/R) as an effective way to reduce atmospheric ODW = Total oven dry weight
carbon by building up terrestrial carbon stocks and TFW = Total fresh weight
to produce Certified Emission Reductions (CERs). SFW = Sample fresh weight
Individual trees and stands of trees sequester car- SODW = Sample oven dry weight
bon within their main stem wood, bark, branches, Oven dried biomass samples were ground in a
foliage and roots. Carbon sequestered by the main Wiley Mill and carbon content in different tree com-
stem wood results in longer sequestration while ponents was estimated by ash method. Silica cru-
other components sequester and release carbon on cible was washed with 6 N hydrochloric acid and
shorter intervals due to natural pruning and decom- distilled water and dried in an oven at 65°C for one
position (Montagmini et al., 1998). hour. One gram of powdered sample was trans-
ferred in pre-weighed silica crucible. The crucible
Material and Methods was kept inside the muffle furnace. The furnace tem-
perature was adjusted to 550°C by slowly increasing
Six age groups of the trees were selected namely the temperature and ignition was continued for one
viz., 1, 2, 5, 8, 10 and 12 years old kapok plantations hour. Then the silica crucible was cooled, and after
in the all the eight blocks of the district. Carbon se- complete cooling, the crucible with ash was weighed
questration potential was estimated through de- and the percentage of ash was calculated as per the
structive felling method. Representative sample procedure given by Allen et al., (1986) with the fol-
trees were selected for felling. Samples of wood lowing formula.
from felled trees in each of the sites were collected
by slicing thin discs from the cut portions of logs.
Ash percentage = × 100
Samples of wood were also collected from different
branches of each felled tree. Root systems of the se-
lected trees in each site were excavated manually by Where,
starting at the stump and following the roots to pos- W1 = Weight of crucible
sible limits. The stumps along with the exposed W2 = Weight of oven dried powdered sample +
roots were pulled out with the help of tractor or crucible
manual power. Estimation of fine roots was done by W3 = Weight of ash + crucible
taking pits around each tree from which all soil was
removed to isolate fine roots to possible extent. They Carbon percentage in above ground biomass and
were weighed in the field itself and samples col- below ground biomass was estimated by the
lected from different parts of the root system to es- method followed by Negi et al., (2003); Dey (2005)
timate dry mass. and Dhruw et al., (2009) using the following formula
Carbon storage was worked out at two levels viz., given below:
Carbon percentage = 100-{Ash percentage + Molecular the increase in age of the trees. Stem component of
weight of O2 the tree contributed higher biomass followed by
(53.3 percent) in C6H12O6) branch, root and leaf components.
The carbon stock in the above ground biomass Carbon content percent of kapok trees of different
and below ground biomass was computed by using ages and different tree components
the formula given below. Carbon content percent at different age groups and
Carbon (t ha-1) = Biomass (t ha-1) × Carbon content different tree components is presented in Table 2.
(%) The mean of all the age groups selected showed the
The total biomass carbon was calculated by using carbon content percent of 44.7, 42.5, 41.5 and 36.4
the following formula. per cent in stem, root, branch and root components
(i) AGB carbon (t C ha-1) = Components of above respectively. Slightly variation was found with
ground biomass (t ha-1) × Carbon content (%) mean carbon content percent at different age group
i.e., 38.4, 39.3, 41.1, 42.3, 43.1 and 43.6 per cent in 1,
(ii) BGB carbon (t C ha-1) = Components of below 2, 5, 8, 10 and 12 years old kapok trees.
ground biomass (t ha-1) ×
Statistical analysis was conducted using AGRES Table 2. Carbon content (%) in different tree components
of kapok
software package were data of treatments and rep-
lications were fitted. Age group Leaf Branch Stem Root Mean
Carbon content (per cent)
Results 1 34.2 38.6 41.2 39.5 38.4
2 35.4 39.4 42.1 40.1 39.3
Biomass of kapok trees of different ages 5 36.2 41.5 44.2 42.3 41.1
8 37.0 42.2 46.4 43.5 42.3
Data on biomass of kapok at different age groups is 10 37.5 43.3 46.9 44.6 43.1
given in component wise as leaf, branch, stem and 12 37.8 44.1 47.3 45.2 43.6
root data shown in Table 1. Above ground and be- Mean 36.4 41.5 44.69 42.53 41.3
low ground biomass represent mean of three trees. SEd 0.67 1.30 1.18 1.24 1.74
It can be seen that 15 years old tree showed the av- CD (P= 0.05) 1.51 2.91 2.63 2.76 3.18
erage total biomass of 424.4 kg tree-1 followed by
351.4, 292.6, 198.5, 73.9 and 40.5 kg tree-1 of 12, 10, 8, Biomass carbon content of kapok trees of different
5, 2 and 1 year old kapok trees respectively of which ages and tree components
15 year old tree components constituted like leaf
62.6 kg tree-1, branch 115.4 kg tree-1, stem 165.8 kg Biomass carbon content expressed in kg tree -1 ,
tree-1 and root 80.6 kg tree-1. Biomass increased with showed increasing order with increase in age of the
Table 1. Above and below ground biomass per tree (kg tree-1) and per hectare (t ha-1) in kapok at different age group
Age of Leaf Branch Stem Root Total Age of Leaf Branch Stem Root Total
the tree the tree
Biomass (kg tree-1) Biomass (t ha-1)
1 5.80 10.3 15.6 8.80 40.5 1 1.18 2.10 3.18 1.19 7.65
2 10.3 19.0 30.8 13.8 73.9 2 2.10 3.88 6.28 2.82 15.1
5 22.4 48.7 96.6 30.8 198.5 5 4.57 9.93 19.7 6.28 40.5
8 40.5 75.52 122.4 54.2 292.6 8 8.26 15.4 25.0 11.1 59.8
10 49.6 94.6 136.3 70.9 351.4 10 10.1 19.3 27.8 14.5 71.7
12 62.6 115.4 165.8 80.6 424.4 12 12.8 23.5 33.8 16.4 86.4
Mean 31.8 60.6 94.6 43.2 230.2 Mean 6.48 12.4 19.3 8.72 46.8
SEd 1.07 1.40 0.91 0.68 1.73 SEd 0.79 0.91 0.75 0.79 1.56
CD (P= 0.05) 2.39 3.12 2.02 1.52 3.81 CD 1.78 2.02 1.68 1.76 3.42
1290 Eco. Env. & Cons. 20 (3) : 2014
Among the carbon content recorded in the differ- and 76.3 t C ha-1 respectively. Carbon content in-
ent components of the tree, stem bole recorded the creased with biomass.
highest and it may be due to more density in the It can be concluded within the limitations of the
wood portion and higher biomass have been allo- present study that 38.7 carbon per hectare could be
cated in the stem part in order to give more strength stored by a kapok plantation in Theni district of
and support to the tree. Sreejesh et al. (2012) re- Tamil Nadu of 12 years old kapok plantation.
ported that wood, bark, branches and roots con-
tained 46, 32, 40 and 45 per cent of carbon respec- Acknowledgement
tively. Ranabhat et al. (2007) observed the mean car-
bon content of 40.5 per cent in stem, 33 per cent in We express our gratitude to Dr. A.Balasubramanian
branches, 9.5 per cent in leaves and 16.4 per cent in Professor and Head, Department of Forest Ecology
bark of Alnus nepalensis. and Environment, Forest College and Research Insti-
tute, Mettupalayam for valuable suggestions and
encouragement. We are also indebted to officers and
field staff of the Tamil Nadu Agricultural Depart-
ment for support and help during the course of the
investigation. We extend our gratitude to
Bhaktakumar lab technician of Soil Science Depart-
ment for their whole hearted support.
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