2024-03 EMEA-AirLiquide Cryogenic Reference en

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Cryogenic insulation
In cryogenic applications, where extremely low temperatures present unique
challenges, ArmaFlex Ultima is the solution of choice. It optimises energy efficiency,
minimises heat loss, and significantly reduces the risk of corrosion under insulation
and ice formation. Based on our patented ArmaPrene® technology, ArmaFlex Ultima
has been rigorously tested and certified, proving its mettle in the demanding
cryogenic environments of Air Liquide, a leading global provider of liquefied gases.


Air Liquide

Our collaboration with AirLiquide has set new benchmarks in the
insulation of cryogenic systems, achieving remarkable results
that underscore the performance, reliability and durability of
ArmaFlex Ultima. This partnership not only showcases our
commitment to excellence but also positions ArmaFlex Ultima
as the go-to insulation solution for industry leaders.

A cornerstone of our partnership with Our materials underwent rigorous testing

Air Liquide was a comprehensive testing according to DIN EN 1797 and ISO 21010
regime, conducted at the company’s standards, confirming that ArmaFlex
site in Switzerland. Here, ArmaFlex Ultima due to its high limiting oxygen index
Ultima was applied to cryogenic piping, (LOI) does not react with liquid oxygen.
subjecting it to temperatures as low as This critical attribute ensures that our
-196 °C and varying outdoor conditions. insulation material remains safe and
This meticulous process, spanning almost effective, even in the most challenging
a year, involved detailed analysis of water conditions.
absorption, thermal conductivity, and
mechanical and physical properties,
resulting in impressively positive results.
Air Liquide

“Partnering with Armacell allowed us to achieve a uniform insulation


system across all our cryogenic plants, marking a significant step forward in our commitment
to operational excellence and sustainability.”

Setting New Standards Ivan Sanchez Molinero

IM Engineering Head - EIM - Central Europe Cluster Air Liquide
Air Liquide’s search for a standardised,
efficient, and safe insulation solution
for cryogenic plants led to a fruitful “In partnership with AirLiquide, we tackled on-site challenges to specify
collaboration with Armacell. Through our and implement the ArmaFlex Ultima system for cryogenic applications.
joint efforts, ArmaFlex Ultima has been Our collaborative effort overcame real-world obstacles, demonstrating the system’s
validated as a consistent and reliable effectiveness and setting new industry standards. This project underscores our joint
insulation system, enhancing safety, commitment to innovation, efficiency, and professional excellence.”
efficiency, and cost-effectiveness across Mert Karabulut
Air Liquide’s operations world-wide. Business Development Manager Industrial EMEA

Industrial gases such as liquefied

oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are key
to energy transition and environmental YOUR BENEFITS WITH
protection. They are used in a wide range

of applications, including medicine and
pharmaceuticals, automotive and electronics
as well as metal production. Liquification at boiling

points below -150 °C drastically reduces the volume of
substances, making them significantly more compact and
facilitating easier transportation, storage, and handling.

PROVEN // Beyond Better Technology

Based on our patented ArmaPrene

PERFORMANCE technology for superior quality,

safety and sustainability.

// Superior Insulation Performance
Unmatched thermal insulation up
to -196°C, ensuring optimal energy
The findings from our joint testing with Air
efficiency and performance.
Liquide reveal that all samples of ArmaFlex
Ultima exhibited exceptional performance, // Moisture and CUI Mitigation
maintaining robust mechanical properties and High resistance to moisture,
low water absorption rates. This performance is effectively mitigating ice formation
pivotal in preventing ice formation on pipes and
and corrosion under insulation (CUI).
equipment – a significant risk that can obstruct
valves, cause surface corrosion, and potentially
damage the system. // Safety and Reliability
Exceptional fire behaviour and no
Compliance with ISO 23766:2022 Method B negative reactions with liquid oxygen,
during testing provided valuable insights into enhancing the safety and reliability of
the coefficient of linear thermal expansion,
cryogenic installations.
confirming ArmaFlex Ultima’s capacity to
withstand and adapt to the intense thermal
contraction associated with cryogenic // Innovative System Solution
temperatures. The use of a cladding Exceptional flexibility to manage
material with high emissivity, such as thermal contraction efficiently;
black sheet metal, further enhances easy and safe installation with
system efficiency as it allows for
ArmaFlex Ultima 700 adhesive.
reduced insulation thicknesses
without compromising on
performance. // Reduced Costs
Lowers total cost of ownership (TCO)
through less maintenance, high
energy efficiency, and long-lasting

Typical set-up of a cryogenic insulation

with ArmaFlex Ultima, water vapour
barrier and black metal cladding.
Learn more about how ArmaFlex Ultima can meet and exceed your
cryogenic insulation requirements. For expert advice and bespoke
solutions, contact us today. Let’s embark together on a journey
towards operational excellence and a sustainable future.

All data and technical information are based on results achieved under the specific conditions defined according to the testing standards referenced.
Despite taking every precaution to ensure that said data and technical information are up to date, Armacell does not make any representation or warranty, express
or implied, as to the accuracy, content or completeness of said data and technical information. Armacell also does not assume any liability towards any person
resulting from the use of said data or technical information. Armacell reserves the right to revoke, modify or amend this document at any moment. It is the
customer’s responsibility to verify if the product is suitable for the intended application. The responsibility for professional and correct installation and compliance
with relevant building regulations lies with the customer. This document does not constitute nor is part of a legal offer to sell or to contract.

At Armacell, your trust means everything to us, so we want to let you know your rights and make it easier for you to understand what information we collect
and why we collect it. If you would like to find out about our processing of your data, please visit our Data Protection Policy.

© Armacell, 2024. All brands followed by ® or TM are trademarks of the Armacell Group.
00810 | Cryogenic insulation with ArmaFlex Ultima | Reference Flyer | 032024 | EMEA | EN


As the inventors of flexible foam for equipment insulation and a leading provider of engineered foams, Armacell
develops innovative and safe thermal, acoustic and mechanical solutions that create sustainable value for its
customers. Armacell’s products significantly contribute to global energy efficiency making a difference around the
world every day. With 3,300 employees and 25 production plants in 19 countries, the company operates two main
businesses, Advanced Insulation and Engineered Foams. Armacell focuses on insulation materials for technical
equipment, high-performance foams for acoustic and lightweight applications, recycled PET products, next-
generation aerogel technology and passive fire protection systems.

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