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General Ability (25%) : Verbal, AnalyAcal, Numerical

Specialized Area (75%) :

Fire Suppression (30%)


 AcAve principle of burning characterized by the heat and light of combusAon
 Is a rapid, self-sustaining oxidaAon process accompanied by the evoluAon of heat and light of
varying intensity.
 Is a chemical reacAon. It is the rapid oxidaAon of a fuel producing heat and light.
 It is an oxidaAon taking place with a rate rapid enough to produce heat and light.
 Is a chemical process caused by the combinaAon of one or more substances with oxygen.
 In order to start this chemical process, normally an iniAal source of heat is required. During this
process, fuel and oxygen are consumed and as a result heat, light, smoke and toxic gases are

For combusAon to occur, four components are necessary:
 Oxygen (oxidizing agent)
 Fuel
 Heat
 Self-sustained chemical reacAon

 Fires involving ordinary combusAbles such as: wood, paper, cloth, plasAcs and rubber.
 It can be exAnguished with water, water- based agents or foam, and mulA-purpose dry
 Water is usually used by the \re dept.
 Fires involving ^ammable and combusAble liquids, gases and greases such as: gasoline,
oils, alcohol, propane and cooking oils.
 Common exAnguishing agents are carbon dioxide (CO2), regular and mulA-purpose dry
chemical and foam.

 Fires involving energized electrical equipment, which eliminates the use of water-based
agents to put them out.
 The recommended method of \ghAng these \res is to turn-o_ or disconnect electrical
power and then use an appropriate exAnguisher depending on the remaining fuel source.
 ExAnguishing agents includes carbon dioxide (CO2), regular and mulA-purpose dry

 Fires involving combusAble metals and alloys such as: magnesium, sodium, lithium, and
 Great case must be used when a`empAng to exAnguish in these types of fuels.
 ExAnguishing agents for this class of \re are called dry powders and should not be
confused with dry chemical.

 Fires involving high voltage electrical installaAon and bulk LPG.
 This class of \re needs special \re \ghAng operaAon by trained personnel.

 Is a new classi\caAon of \re as of 1998 and involves \res in combusAble cooking fuels such
as vegetable or animal oils and fats.
 Its fuels are similar to Class B fuels but involves high temperature cooking oils and
therefore have special characterisAcs.
 Class K agents are usually wet chemicals.


 does not involve deleberate human act to ignite or spread \re into an area where the \re
should not be

 caused without direct human intervenAon

 one deliberately set under circumstances in which the person knows the \re should not be

 cause not be proven, classi\caAon undetermined

Pre-Fire Planning
Fire\ghAng Techniques and Procedures


The objecAve of the pre \re planning is to !ght the !re before it occurs. It involves collecAng
informaAon and using informaAon to plan ahead of Ame how \re will be fought if they
occurs in various parts of the building.

During inspec2on informa2on should be obtained on the following;

 The size and construcAon of the building
 The life hazard Fire and smoke travel
 The contents of the building
 On site \re protecAon
 VenAlaAon problems
 Building access
 Hazardous materials
 Hazards to \re\ghters
 UAlity controls
 Salvage
 Hose requirements
 Water supply

Es2mate of exis2ng condi2ons (Personnel, equipment, water supply, life hazard, Ame of day,
weather, type of occupancy, what is burning and the size of the \re.)

The size-up commences long before the alarm sounds and conAnues throughout the
duraAon of the emergency. For pracAcal purposes it can be divided into 3 parts - the PRE-

Pre-alarm size-up \rst manifest itself when any informaAon on the \re building or
its exposure that could a_ect operaAons on the \re ground is iniAally gathered.
This might have taken place on a previous response to the occupancy, however it
generally occurs during an inspec2on of the building which is made prior to the !re.

Knowing the locaAon of the emergency will provide knowledge as to the number
and types of companies that can be expected.
If the address is in a residenAal area, at least 2 engines companies and a truck
companies will be received on the \rst alarm.
 iniAal info about the locaAon
 type of occupancy
 Ame of day
 weather


Fire ground size-up can be divided into two disAnct phases
Preliminary size-up is the immediate esAmate of the situaAon made by ojcer in
charge of the \re upon arrival. It form a basis for iniAal deployment of personnel and
equipment and for the calling of addiAonal help.
Con2nuous size-up is the conAnuous and comprehensive esAmate of the situaAon
as \re\ghAng operaAons proceeds. Things can change rapidly at a \re, explosion, and
backdrak or ^ashover can quickly change what appeared to a controlled situaAon into a

No greater service can be given by any \re department than the saving of a human life.
When \re or other emergency occurs, it is the duty of the \re department to be equipped
to render quick and ejcient service.
In order to meet this responsibility, !re!ghters must keep rescue equipment in !rst-class
condi2on and be thoroughly trained in the proper use and limita2ons of that equipment.

Rescue Principles, PracAces and Equipment

As applied to \re \ghAng, rescue is the removal of humans from places involved in
\re or other disaster. The factor of life saving or “life hazard” decides the \rst or immediate
operaAng procedure at a \re or other emergency. Rescue is the \rst consideraAon to be
taken on arrival at a \re. Therefore, each ojcer and \re \ghter should thoroughly
understand the principles governing rescue.
A careful search should be made when there is any chance of anyone having failed
to escape from the involved building.
It must be remembered that it only takes a small amount of heated air, smoke or
gases to render a person unconscious.
In such places of public assembly as schools, churches, hospitals, dormitories,
theaters, factories and stores, the actual \re is not the only factor causing a serious rescue

Panic, rather than \re, has been the major cause of death in places of public
assembly. A false shout of \re, the discovery of smoke, some incident such as an explosion,
collapse of part of the building or any other unexpected event can cause the necessary
spark of excitement which can cause panic.
The best method of panic preven2on is for the assembled people to be trained to
perform a well disciplined emergency exit drill.
This is the reason that systemaAc emergency exit drills should be conducted. Where
it is not possible or pracAcal to train occupants in emergency exit drills, the only safeguard
against panic is for the building to have adequate exits which conform with the standard.

Every \re the \re\ghter encounters present as an exposure hazard. Exposures used in the
\re service, means any building or material that is likely to become involve either directly or
in directly with exis2ng !re.
There are two types of exposure hazard, INTERIOR and EXTERIOR.
The study of exposure covers the works that necessary to prevent the extension of \re to
the other parts of the involved building or other building or property.

Ways on which heat may be transmi`ed:


The covering of exposures as it applies to \re service consists completely
surrounding the !re with streams so that the !re will be checked at each possible avenue of
A quick survey by an ojcer or department member usually determines at just what
joint e_orts to combat the \re have to be exerted.
If available, one of the most e_ecAve means of covering exposures is by the use of
a “deck gun”.
It can be placed at such point as to reach either the \re building or the exposed
building and, due to easy manipulaAon of its stream even under high pressure, it can be
quickly switched from side to side as necessity demands.
Other methods of covering exposures within the building or adjoining building
consist of closing doors, trap doors, and other openings by which the \re may communicate
from one building to another or from one part of a building to another.
It is very necessary to see that all wall openings of adjoining buildings are properly
protected by \re doors.

As applied to the \rst service, con\nement is that ac2on which is necessary to contain the
!re in the smallest possible area.
Modern air-condiAoning systems have introduced a new problem in con\ning \res. Non-
standard systems may have ducts lined with combusAble material and are not provided
with interior automaAc \re shu`ers.
Such non-standard systems may spread smoke and ^ames through the enAre building.
The ojcer
in charge, upon arrival of the department, should note the direc2on and velocity of the
wind and then determine which is the most likely direc2on the !re might extend and take
immediate ac2on to halt the progress of the !re in that direc2on.
must be taken to prevent high tension wires and electrical equipment from catching \re,
falling and/or endangering life and property.

planned, methodical, and systemaAc removal of pressure, heat, smoke, gases and in some
cases, even ^ame from an enclosed area through predetermined paths.
One way is
by quick exAnguishment of the \re for the heat generated can be transmi`ed to expose
combusAble material, causing the \re to spread.
The success a`ained however, is dependent upon how far the \re progress, the rapidity of
the burning, the natural barriers to prevent spread, the ability of the department and
available equipment for quick exAnguishment.

One way is by quick exAnguishment of the \re for the heat generated can be transmi`ed to
expose combusAble material, causing the \re to spread.
The success a`ained however, is dependent upon how far the \re progress, the rapidity of
the burning, the natural barriers to prevent spread, the ability of the department and
available equipment for quick exAnguishment.

It is the process of applying techniques that minimize damage to contents and structure
during and aker \re suppression.

Two (2) Bene\ts:

1. There would be a considerable reducAon in the \re loss.
2. The public relaAons of the department would be enhance.

Salvage Company OperaAons:

 spreading covers
 bagging
 diverAng and removing water

Overhaul is the !nal task performed by !re!ghter at the !re scene.
Although the primary objec2ve of overhaul is to ensure that the !re is out, it generally
includes doing whatever is necessary to leave the premises in as safe and secure as


Assis2ng the !re inves2gator is a skill that should be second to all !re!ghters. The gathering
of informaAon from the Ame of dispatch throughout the incident should become
automaAc. Every li`le detail should be noted and passed along to the invesAgator.
Fire invesAgators are just another part of the team that is a`empAng to make this strategy
for the owner as tolerable as possible. Determining the cause and origin of the incident is
every !re!ghter’s duty and, like all of the other things we do to control an incident, a very
important factor.
Fire\ghters always want to assist and not hinder an invesAgaAon or criminal prosecuAon.
Fire!ghters have an obliga2on to make sure that the building is secured aJer they have
completed all of their opera2ons.

Tools and Equipment and Apparatus

Fire Apparatus - Any \re department emergency vehicles that parAcipate in \re suppression or other
emergency situaAon
Hose - A \re hose is a high-pressure hose used to carry water or other \re retardant (such as foam) to a \re
to exAnguish it.
Nozzle - A nozzle is a device designed to control the direcAon or characterisAcs of a ^uid ^ow (especially to
increase velocity) as it exits (or enters) an enclosed chamber or pipe.
Forcible Entry Devices - Devices used to gain entry to secured areas and buildings at \res and other
 Striking tools
 Prying tools
 Pushing/Pulling tools
 Cuong tools
 Through-the-lock

Striking Tools - Used to deliver impact to other tools in order to drive it into place
Can also be used to deliver impact directly to and break the door or lock to be forced
 Sledgehammer
 Maul
 Ball hammer
 Punches
 Pick head axe
 Flat head axe
 Ba`ering ram
Prying Tools - Used to spread apart a door from ts jamb, move objects, or expose a locking device
 Crow bar
 Flat bar
 Pry bar
 Halligan tool
 Claw tool
 Pry axe
 Hydraulic door opener
Pushing/Pulling Tools - Used to open up walls and ceilings, to vent windows, and to pull up roof boards or
other building materials
 Pike pole
 PlasAc hook
 Clemens hook
 Drywall hook
 San Francisco hook
 Roofman's hook
Cuong tools - Used to cut away materials and expose the locking device or cut through a door or wall to
accomplish forcible entry
 Rotary saw
 VenAlaAon saw
 Chain saw
 ReciprocaAng saw
 Carpenter's handsaw
 Keyhole saw
 Hacksaw
 Coping saw
 Through-the-lock
The “K-tool”is designed to pull out lock cylinders and expose the mechanism in order to open the lock with
the various key tools
 K-tool
 A-tool
 Bam-bam tool
 Hammer headed pick
 Locking pliers and chain
 Hockey puck lock breaker
 Duck-billed lock breaker
Head ProtecAon (HELMET) - Prevents the head from impact and puncture injuries as well as from scalding
Eye ProtecAon - Protects the wearer's eyes from ^ying solid parAcles or liquids
Hearing ProtecAon - Limits noise-induced damage to the \re \ghter's ears when loud situaAons cannot be
ProtecAve hoods - Provides protecAon of the \re \ghter's neck, ears and face but not covered by healmet
or coat from exposure to extreme heat
ProtecAve Coats and Trousers - Used to protect the upper and lower extremiAes against cuts, abrasions, and
burn injuries resulAng from radiant heat and provide limited protecAon against corrosive liquids
Feet ProtecAon - Protect the feet from burn injuries and puncture wounds (Safety shoes and boots)
Hand ProtecAon - Protects the hands from cuts, abrasions, wounds, and burn injuries
Must have enough dexterity (handiness) for proper \t to the wearer
Personal Alert Safety System - Provides life-safety protecAon by emiong a loud shriek if the \re\ghter
should collapse or remain moAonless for approximately 30 seconds (PAD-Personal Alert Device)
Personal Escape Safety Kit/System - Provides life-safety protecAon for the \re\ghter for fast, reliable means
of egress from a burning mulA storey structure
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) - Protects the face and lungs from toxic smoke and gases, and
other products of combusAon
Portable Fire ExAnguisher - Is a device within its chemical, ^uids, and gases for exAnguishing and used for
small area of \re
OperaAng the Fire ExAnguisher
P – Pull the pin
A – Aim to the base of \re
S – Squeeze the operaAng lever
S – Sway side to side

Fire Safety and PrevenAon (20%)

Fire Code of the Philippines

Republic Act No. 9514

(Approved by PGMA on December 19, 2008)
 "Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008".

De\niAon of Terms
Abatement - Any act that would remove or neutralize a \re hazard.
Administrator - Any person who acts as agent of the owner and manages the use of a building for him.
BlasAng Agent - Any material or mixture consisAng of a fuel and oxidizer used to set o_ explosives.
Cellulose Nitrate or Nitro Cellulose - A highly combusAble and explosive compound produced by the
reacAon of nitric acid with a cellulose material.
Cellulose Nitrate PlasAc (Pyroxylin) - Any plasAc substance, materials or compound having cellulose nitrate
(nitro cellulose) as base.
CombusAble, Flammable or In^ammable - DescripAve of materials that are easily set on \re.
CombusAble Fiber - Any readily ignitable and free burning \ber such as co`on, oakum, rags, waste cloth,
waste paper, kapok, hay, straw, Spanish moss, excelsior and other similar materials commonly used in
CombusAble Liquid - Any liquid having a ^ash point at or above 37.8_C (100_F).
Corrosive Liquid - Any liquid which causes \re when in contact with organic ma`er or with certain
Curtain Board - A verAcal panel of non-combusAble or \re resisAve materials a`ached to and extending
below the bo`om chord of the roof trusses, to divide the underside of the roof into separate compartments
so that heat and smoke will be directed upwards to a roof vent.
Cryogenic - DescripAve of any material which by its nature or as a result of its reacAon with other elements
produces a rapid drop in temperature of the immediate surroundings.
Damper - A normally open device installed inside an air duct system which automaAcally closes to restrict
the passage of smoke or \re.
DisAllaAon - The process of \rst raising the temperature in separate the more volaAle from the less volaAle
parts and then cooling and condensing the resulAng vapor so as to produce a nearly puri\ed substance.
Duct System - A conAnuous passageway for the transmission of air.
Dust - A \nely powdered substance which, when mixed with air in the proper proporAon and ignited will
cause an explosion.
Electrical Arc - An extremely hot luminous bridge formed by passage of an electric current across a space
between two conductors or terminals due to the incandescence of the conducAng vapor.
Ember - A hot piece or lump that remains aker a material has parAally burned, and is sAll oxidizing without
the manifestaAon of ^ames.
Finishes - Materials used as \nal coaAng of a surface for ornamental or protecAve purposes.
Fire - The acAve principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light of combusAon.
Fire Trap - A building unsafe in case of \re because it will burn easily or because it lacks adequate exits or
\re escapes.
Fire Alarm - Any visual or audible signal produced by a device or system to warn the occupants of the
building or \re \ghAng elements of the presence or danger of \re to enable them to undertake immediate
acAon to save life and property and to suppress the \re.
Fire Door - A \re resisAve door prescribed for openings in \re separaAon walls or parAAons.
Fire Hazard - Any condiAon or act which increases or may cause an increase in the probability of the
occurrence of \re, or which may obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere with \re \ghAng operaAons and the
safeguarding of life and property.
Fire Lane - The porAon of a roadway or publicway that should be kept opened and unobstructed at all Ames
for the expedient operaAon of \re \ghAng units.
Fire ProtecAve and Fire Safety Device - Any device intended for the protecAon of buildings or persons to
include but not limited to built-in protecAon system such as sprinklers and other automaAc exAnguishing
system, detectors for heat, smoke and combusAon products and other warning system components,
personal protecAve equipment such as \re blankets, helmets, \re suits, gloves and other garments that may
be put on or worn by persons to protect themselves during \re.
Fire Safety ConstrucAons - Refers to design and installaAon of walls, barriers, doors, windows, vents, means
of egress, etc. integral to and incorporated into a building or structure in order to minimize danger to life
from \re, smoke, fumes or panic before the building is evacuated. These features are also designed to
achieve, among others, safe and rapid evacuaAon of people through means of egress sealed from smoke or
\re, the con\nement of \re or smoke in the room or ^oor of origin and delay their spread to other parts of
the building by means of smoke sealed and \re resistant doors, walls and ^oors. It shall also mean to
include the treatment of buildings components or contents with ^ame
retardant chemicals.
Flash Point - The minimum temperature at which any material gives o_ vapor in sujcient concentraAon to
form an ignitable mixture with air.
Forcing - A process where a piece of metal is heated prior to changing its shape or dimensions.
Fulminate - A kind of stable explosive compound which explodes by percussion.
Hazardous OperaAon/ Process - Any act of manufacturing, fabricaAon, conversion, etc., that uses or
produces materials which are likely to cause \res or explosions.
Horizontal Exit - Passageway from one building to another or through or around a wall in approximately the
same ^oor level.
Hose Box - A box or cabinet where \re hoses, valves and other equipment are stored and arranged for \re
Hose Reel - A cylindrical device turning on an axis around which a \re hose is wound and connected.
Hypergolic Fuel - A rocket or liquid propellant which consist of combinaAons of fuels and oxidizers which
ignite spontaneously on contact with each other.
Industrial Baking and Drying - The industrial process of subjecAng materials to heat for the
purpose of removing solvents or moisture from the same, and/or to fuse certain chemical salts to form a
uniform glazing the surface of materials being treated.
Jumper - A piece of metal or an electrical conductor used to bypass a safety device in an electrical system.
Occupancy - The purpose for which a building or porAon thereof is used or intended to be used.
Occupant - Any person actually occupying and using a building or porAons thereof by virtue of a lease
contract with the owner or administrator or by permission or su_erance of the la`er.
Organic Peroxide - A strong oxidizing organic compound which releases oxygen readily. It causes \re when in
contact with combusAble materials especially under condiAons of high temperature.
Overloading - The use of one or more electrical appliances or devices which draw or consume electrical
current beyond the designed capacity of the exisAng electrical system.
Owner - The person who holds the legal right of possession or Atle to a building or real property.
Oxidizing Material - A material that readily yields oxygen in quanAAes sujcient to sAmulate or support
Pressurized Or Forced Drak Burning Equipment - Type or burner where the fuel is subjected to pressure
prior to discharge into the combusAon chamber and/or which includes fans or other provisions for the
introducAon of air at above normal atmosphere pressure into the same combusAon chamber.
Public Assembly Building - Any building or structure where \ky (50) or more people
congregate, gather, or assemble for any purpose.
Public Way - Any street, alley or other strip of land unobstructed from the ground to the sky, deeded,
dedicated or otherwise permanently appropriated for public use.
Pyrophoric - DescripAve of any substance that ignites spontaneously when exposed to air.
Re\ning - A process where impuriAes and/or deleterious materials are removed from a mixture in order to
produce a pure element of compound. It shall also refer to parAal disAllaAon and electrolysis.
Self-Closing Doors - AutomaAc closing doors that are designed to con\ne smoke and heat and delay the
spread of \re.
SmelAng - MelAng or fusing of metallic ores or compounds so as to separate impuriAes from pure metals.
Sprinkler System - An integrated network of hydraulically designed piping installed in a building, structure or
area with outlets arranged in a systemaAc pa`ern which automaAcally discharges water when acAvated by
heat or combusAon products from a \re.
Standpipe System - A system of verAcal pipes in a building to which \re hoses can be a`ached on each ^oor,
including a system by which water is made available to the outlets as needed.
VesAbule - A passage hall or antechamber between the outer doors and the interior parts of a house or
VerAcal Shak - An enclosed verAcal space of passage that extends from ^oor to ^oor, as well as from the
base to the top of the building.

Responsibility for the Enforcement of this Code.

a. Issue implemenAng rules and regulaAons, and prescribe standards, schedules of fees/\re service charges
and administraAve penalAes therefore as provided in the perAnent provisions of this Code;

b. Reorganize the BFP as may be necessary and appropriate;

c. Support and assist \re volunteers, pracAAoners and \re volunteer organizaAons in the country who shall
undergo mandatory \re suppression, inspecAon, rescue, emergency medical services and related
emergency response trainings and competency evaluaAons to be conducted by the BFP. In the case of the
Fire pracAAones, they shall undergo mandatory conAnuous professional educaAon and competency
evaluaAon of their experAse, knowledge and skills in the area of \re science, engineering and technology to
be conducted by the BFP; The BFP may enter into external party agreements for the conduct of training,
educaAon and evaluaAon of \re volunteers, pracAAoners and \re volunteer organizaAons, which shall be
under the full control and supervision of the BFP: Provided, however, That during \re\ghAng operaAons,
\re volunteer organizaAons shall be under the direct operaAonal control of the \re ground commanders of
the BFP;

d. Enter into long term agreement, either through public biddings or negoAaAons in accordance with the
provisions of Republic Act No. 9184, otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act of 2003,
for the acquisiAon of \re prevenAon, \re protecAon and \re \ghAng invesAgaAon, rescue, paramedics,
hazardous material handling equipment, supplies, materials and related technical services necessary for the
\re services;

e. Enter into Memoranda of Agreement with other departments, bureaus, agencies, ojces and
corporaAons of the government, as well as private insAtuAons, in order to de\ne areas of cooperaAon and
coordinaAon and delineate responsibility on \re prevenAon educaAon, \re safety, \re prevenAon, \re
suppression and other ma`ers of common concern;

f. Call on the police, other law enforcement agencies, and local government assistance to render necessary
assistance in the enforcement of this Code;

g. Designate a \re safety inspector through his/her duly authorized representaAve, who shall conduct an
inspecAon of every building or structure within his area of responsibility at least once a year and every Ame
the owner, administrator or occupant shall renew his/her business permit or permit to operate; No
occupancy permit, business or permit to operate shall be issued without securing a Fire Safety InspecAon
CerA\caAon (FSIC) from the Chief, BFP, or his/her duly authorized representaAve;

h. Inspect at reasonable Ame, any building, structure, installaAon or premises for dangerous or hazardous
condiAons or materials as set forth in this Code, provided that in case of single family dwelling, an
inspecAon must be upon the consent of the occupant or upon lawful order from the proper court. The
Chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized representaAve shall order the owner/occupant to remove hazardous
materials and/or stop hazardous operaAon/process in accordance with the standards set by this Code or its
implemenAng rules or regulaAons or other perAnent laws;

i. Where condiAons exist and are deemed hazardous to life and property, to order the
owner/occupant of any building or structure to summarily abate such hazardous condiAons;

j. Require the building owner/occupant to submit plans and speci\caAons, and other perAnent documents
of said building to ensure compliance with applicable codes and standards; and

k. Issue a wri`en noAce to the owner and/or contractor to stop work on porAon of any work due to
absence, or in violaAon of approved plans and speci\caAons, permit and/or clearance or cerA\caAon as
approved by the Chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized representaAve. The noAce shall state the nature of
the violaAon and no work shall be conAnued on that porAon unAl the violaAon has been corrected.

SecAon 7. InspecAons, Safety Measures, Fire Safety, ConstrucAons, and ProtecAve and/or
Warning Systems. - As may be de\ned and provided in the Rules and RegulaAons, owners, administrators or
occupants of buildings, structures and their premises or faciliAes and other responsible persons shall be
required to comply with the following, as may be appropriate:

a. InspecAon Requirement - A \re safety inspecAon shall be conducted by the Chief, BFP or his duly
authorized representaAve as prerequisite to the grants of permits and/or licenses by local governments and
other government agencies concerned, for the:

1. Use or occupancy of buildings, structures, faciliAes or their premises including the installaAon or \re
protecAon and \re safety equipment, and electrical system in any building structure or facility; and

2. Storage, handling and/or use of explosives or of combusAble, ^ammable, toxic andother hazardous

b. Safety Measures for Hazardous Materials - Fire safety measures shall be required for the manufacture,
storage, handling and/or use of hazardous materials involving:
(1) cellulose nitrate plasAc of any kind;
(2) combusAble \bers;
(3) cellular materials such as foam, rubber, sponge rubber and plasAc foam;
(4) ^ammable and combusAble liquids or gases of any classi\caAon;
(5) ^ammable paints, varnishes, stains and organic coaAngs;
(6) high-piled or widely spread combusAble stock;
(7) metallic magnesium in any form;
(8) corrosive liquids, oxidizing materials, organic peroxide, nitromethane, ammonium
nitrate, or any amount of highly toxic, pyrophoric, hypergolic, or cryogenic materials
or poisonous gases as well as material compounds which when exposed to heat or
^ame become a \re conductor, or generate excessive smoke or toxic gases;
(9) blasAng agents, explosives and special industrial explosive materials, blasAng caps,
black powder, liquid nitro-glycerine, dynamite, nitro cellulose, fulminates of any kind,
and plasAc explosives containing ammonium salt or chlorate;
(10) \reworks materials of any kind or form;
(11) matches in commercial quanAAes;
(12) hot ashes, live coals and embers;
(13) mineral, vegetable or animal oils and other derivaAves/by products;
(14) combusAble waste materials for recycling or resale;
(15) explosive dusts and vapors; and
(16) agriculture, forest, marine or mineral products which may undergo spontaneous
(17) any other substance with potenAal to cause harm to persons, property or the
environment because of one or more of the following: a) The chemical
properAes of the substance; b) The physical properAes of the substance; c) The
biological properAes of the substance. Without limiAng the de\niAon of
hazardous material, all dangerous goods, combusAble liquids and chemicals are
hazardous materials.

c. Safety Measures for Hazardous OperaAon/Processes - Fire Safety measures shall be

required for the following hazardous operaAon/processes:
(1) welding or soldering;
(2) industrial baking and drying;
(3) waste disposal;
(4) pressurized/forced-drak burning equipment;
(5) smelAng and forging;
(6) moAon picture projecAon using electrical arc lamps;
(7) re\ning, disAllaAon and solvent extracAon; and
(8) such other operaAons or processes as may hereaker be prescribed in the Rules and

d. Provision on Fire Safety ConstrucAon, ProtecAve and Warning System - Owners,

occupants or administrator or buildings, structures and their premises or faciliAes, except
such other buildings or structures as may be exempted in the rules and regulaAons to be
promulgated under SecAon 5 hereof, shall incorporate and provide therein \re safety
construcAon, protecAve and warning system, and shall develop and implement \re safety
programs, to wit:
(1) Fire protecAon features such as sprinkler systems, hose boxes, hose reels or standpipe systems and
other \re \ghAng equipment;
(2) Fire Alarm systems;
(3) Fire walls to separate adjoining buildings, or warehouses and storage areas from other occupancies in
the same building;
(4) Provisions for con\ning the \re at its source such as \re resisAve ^oors and walls extending up to the
next ^oor slab or roof, curtain boards and other \re containing or stopping components;
(5) TerminaAon of all exits in an area a_ording safe passage to a public way or safe dispersal area;
(6) Stairway, verAcal shaks, horizontal exits and other means of egress sealed from smoke and heat;
(7) A \re exit plan for each ^oor of the building showing the routes from each other room to appropriate
exits, displayed prominently on the door of such room;
(8) Self-closing \re resisAve doors leading to corridors;
(9) Fire dampers in centralized aircondiAoning ducts;
(10) Roof vents for use by \re \ghters; and
(11) Properly marked and lighted exits with provision for emergency lights to adequately illuminate exit
ways in case of power failure.

SecAon 8. Prohibited Acts. - The following are declared as prohibited act and omission.
(a) ObstrucAng or blocking the exit ways or across to buildings clearly marked for \re safety purposes, such
as but not limited to aisles in interior rooms, any part of stairways,
hallways, corridors, vesAbules, balconies or bridges leading to a stairway or exit of any
kind, or toleraAng or allowing said violaAons;
(b) ConstrucAng gates, entrances and walkways to buildings components and yards which
obstruct the orderly and easy passage of \re \ghAng vehicles and equipment;
(c) PrevenAon, interference or obstrucAon of any operaAon of the Fire Service, or of duly
organized and authorized \re brigades;
(d) ObstrucAng designated \re lanes or access to \re hydrants;
(e) Overcrowding or admission of persons beyond the authorized capacity in movie houses, theaters,
coliseums, auditoriums or other public assembly buildings, except in other assembly areas on the ground
^oor with open sides or open doors sujcient to provide safe exits;
(f) Locking \re exits during period when people are inside the building;
(g) PrevenAon or obstrucAon of the automaAc closure of \re doors or smoke parAAons or
(h) Use of \re protecAve of \re \ghAng equipment of the \re service other than for \re \ghAng except in
other emergencies where their use are jusA\ed;
(i) Giving false or malicious \re alarms;
(j) Smoking in prohibited areas as may be determined by \re service, or throwing of cigars,
cigare`es, burning objects in places which may start or cause \re;
(k) Abandoning or leaving a building or structure by the occupant or owner without appropriate safety
(l) Removing. destroying, tampering or obliteraAng any authorized mark, seal, sign or tag
posted or required by the \re service for \re safety in any building, structure or processing
equipment; and
(m) Use of jumpers or tampering with electrical wiring or overloading the electrical system
beyond its designated capacity or such other pracAces that would tend to undermine the
\re safety features of the electrical system.

SecAon 9. ViolaAon, PenalAes and Abatement of Fire Hazard. - Fire hazards shall be abated immediately. The
Chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized representaAve, upon the report that a violaAon of this Code or other
perAnent laws, rules and regulaAons is being commi`ed, shall issue noAce/order to comply to the owner,
administrator, occupant or other person responsible for the condiAon of the building or structure, indicaAng
among other things, the period within which compliance shall be e_ected, which shall be within ten (10) to
\keen (15) days aker the receipt of the noAce/order, depending on the reasonableness to adequately
comply with the same. If, aker the lapse of the aforesaid period, the owner, administrator, occupant or
other responsible person failed to comply, the Chief, BFP or his/her authorized representaAve shall put up a
sign in front of the building or structure that it is \re hazard. Speci\cally, the noAce shall bear the words
THIS BUILDING/STRUCTURE IS A FIRE HAZARD", which shall remain posted unAl such Ame that the owner,
administrator, occupant or other person responsible for the condiAon of the building, structure and their
premises or faciliAes abate the same, but such period shall not exceed \keen (15) days from the lapse of
the iniAal period given in the noAce/order to comply. Finally, with the failure of the owner, administrator,
occupant or other person responsible for the condiAon of the building, structure and their premises or
faciliAes to comply within the period speci\ed above, the Chief, BFP may issue order for such abatement. If
the owner, administrator or occupant of buildings, structure and their premises or faciliAes does not abate
the same within the period \xed in said order, the building, structure, premises or faciliAes shall be ordered
closed by the Chief, BFP or
his/her duly authorized representaAve notwithstanding any permit clearance or cerA\cate earlier issued by
the local authoriAes.

Any building or structure assessed and declared by the chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized representaAve
as a \retrap on account of the gravity or palpability of the violaAon or is causing clear and present imminent
\re danger to adjoining establishments and habitaAons shall be declared a public nuisance, as de\ned in
the Civil Code of the Philippines in a noAce to be issued to the owner, administrator, occupant or other
person responsible for the condiAon of the building, structure and their premises or faciliAes. If the
assessed value of the nuisance or the amount to be spent in abaAng the same is not more than One
hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00), the owner, administrator or occupant thereof shall abate the
hazard within \keen (15) days, or if the assessed value is more than One hundred thousand pesos
(P100,000.00), within thirty (30) days from receipt of the order declaring said building or structure a public
nuisance; otherwise, the Chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized representaAve shall forthwith cause its
summary abatement. failure to comply within \ve (5) days from the receipt of the noAce shall cause the
Chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized representaAve to put up a sign in front of the building or structure, at
or near the entrance of such premises, noAfying the public that such building or structure is a "FIRETRAP",
which shall remain unAl the owner, administrator, occupant or other person responsible for the condiAon of
the building, structure and their premises or faciliAes abate the same within the speci\ed period.

Summary abatement as used herein shall mean all correcAve measures undertaken to abate hazards which
shall include, but not limited to remodeling, repairing, strengthening, reconstrucAng, removal and
demoliAon, either parAal or total, of the building or structure. The expenses incurred by the government for
such summary abatement shall be borne by the owner, administrator or occupant. These expenses shall
consAtute a prior lien upon such property.

SecAon 10. Enforcement of The Lien. - If the owner, administrator or occupant fails to reimburse the
government of the expenses incurred in the summary abatement within ninety (90) days from the
compleAon of such abatement, the building or structure shall be sold at public aucAon in accordance with
exisAng laws and rules. No property subject of lien under SecAon 9 hereof, may be sold at a price lower
than the abatement expenses incurred by the government. The property shall be forfeited in favor of the
government if the highest bid is not at least equal to the abatement expenses.

SecAon 11. PenalAes. –

1. Against the private individual:
a) AdministraAve \ne - Any person who violates any provision of the Fire Code or any
of the rules and regulaAons promulgated under this Act shall be penalized by an
administraAve \ne of not exceeding Fiky thousand (P50,000.00) pesos or in the
proper case, by stoppage of operaAons or by closure of such buildings, structures
and their premises or faciliAes which do not comply with the requirements or by
both such administraAve \ne and closure/stoppage of operaAon to be imposed by
the Chief, BFP. Provided, That the payment of the \ne, stoppage of operaAons
and/or closure of such buildings, structures, and their premises or faciliAes shall
not absolve the violator from correcAng the de\ciency or abaAng the \re hazard.
The decision of the Chief, BFP, under this subsecAon, may be appealed to the
Secretary of the Interior and Local Government. Unless ordered by the Secretary
of the Interior and Local Government the appeal shall not stay the execuAon of the
order of the Chief, BFP. The decision of the Secretary of the Interior and Local
Government shall be \nal and executory.

(b) PuniAve - In case of willful failure to correct the de\ciency or abate the \re hazard
as provided in the preceding subsecAon, the violator shall, upon convicAon, be
punished by imprisonment of not less than six (6) months nor more than six (6)
years, or by a \ne of not more than One hundred thousand (P100,000.00) pesos
or both such \ne and imprisonment; Provided, however, that in case of a
corporaAon, \rm, partnership or associaAon, the \ne and/or imprisonment shall be
imposed upon its ojcials responsible for such violaAon, and in case the guilty
party is an alien, in addiAon to the penalAes herein prescribed, he shall
immediately be deported; Provided, \nally, that were the violaAon is a`ended by
injury, loss of life and/or damage to property, the violator shall be proceeded
against under the applicable provisions of the Revised Penal Code.
Any person who, without authority, maliciously removes the sign that a building or
structure is a \re hazard/\retrap placed by the authorized person in this Code shall
be liable for imprisonment for thirty (30) days or a \ne not exceeding One hundred
thousand pesos (P100,000.00) or both in the discreAon of the court.
Any person, who disobeys the lawful order of the \re ground commander during a
\re\ghAng operaAon shall be penalized with imprisonment of one (1) day to thirty
(30) days and a \ne of \ve thousand pesos (P5,000.00).

2. Against the public ojcer/employee

a) AdministraAve - The following acts or omissions shall render the public
ojcer/employee in charge of the enforcement of this Code, its implemenAng
rules and regulaAon and other perAnent laws, administraAvely liable, and shall
be punished by reprimand, suspension or removal in the discreAon of the
disciplining authority, depending on the gravity of the o_ense and without
prejudice to the provisions of other applicable laws:

(1) UnjusA\ed failure of the public ojcer/employee to conduct inspecAon

of buildings or structures at least once a year;

(2) Deliberate failure to put up a sign in front of the building or structure

within his/her area of responsibility found to be violaAng this Code, its
implemenAng rules and regulaAons and other perAnent laws, that the
same is a "FIRE HAZARD" or a "FIRETRAP";

(3) Endorsing to the Chief, BFP or his/her duly authorized representaAve

for the cerA\caAon, or submiong a report that the building or structure
complies with the standards set by this Code, its implemenAng rules
or regulaAons or other perAnent laws when the same is contrary to

(4) Issuance or renewal of occupancy or business permit without the \re

safety inspecAon cerA\cate issued by the Chief, BFP or his/her duly
authorized representaAve;

(5) Failure to cancel the occupancy or business permit aker the owner,
administrator, occupant or other person responsible for the condiAon
of the building, structure and other premises failed to comply with the
noAce/order for compliance with the standards set by this Code, its
implemenAng rules and regulaAons and other perAnent laws, within
the speci\ed period;

(6) Failure to abate a public nuisance within \keen (15) days aker the
owner, administrator, occupant or other responsible person failed to
abate the same within the period contained in the noAce to abate;

(7) Abusing his/her authority in the performance of his/her duty through

acts of corrupAon and other unethical pracAces; or

(8) Other willful impropriety or gross negligence in the performance of

his/her duty as provided in this act or its implemenAng rules and

b) PuniAve - In the case of willful violaAon involving the abovemenAoned acts or

omissions enumerated under SecAon 11 subparagraph 2(A) the public
ojcer/employees shall, upon convicAon, be punished by imprisonment of not
less than six (6) months nor more than six (6) years or by a \ne of not more
than One hundred thousand (P100,000.00) or both such \ne and
imprisonment: Provided, That where the violaAon is a`ended by injury, loss of
life and/or property, the violator shall be proceeded against under the
applicable provisions of the Revised Penal Code.

SecAon 12. AppropriaAon and Sources of Income. -

(a) To support the manpower, infrastructure and equipment needs of the \re service of the
BFP, such amount as may be necessary to a`ain the objecAves of the Fire Code shall be
appropriated and included in the annual appropriaAon of the BFP.

(b) To parAally provide for the funding of the \re service the following taxes and fees which
shall accrue to the General Fund of the NaAonal Government, are hereby imposed:
(1) Fees to be charged for the issuance of cerA\cates, permits and licenses as
provided for in SecAon 7 (a) hereof;
(2) One-tenth of one per centum (0.1%) of the veri\ed esAmated value of buildings or
structures to be erected, from the owner thereof, but not to exceed \ky thousand
(P50,000.00) pesos, one half to be paid prior to the issuance of the building
permit, and the balance, aker \nal inspecAon and prior to the issuance of the use
and occupancy permit;
(3) One-hundredth of one per centum (0.10%) of the assessed value of buildings or
structures annually payable upon payment of the real estate tax, except on
structures used as single family dwellings;
(4) Two per centum (2%) of all premiums, excluding re-insurance premiums for the
sale of \re, earthquake and explosion hazard insurance collected by companies,
persons or agents licensed to sell such insurances in the Philippines;
(5) Two per centum (2%) of gross sales of companies, persons or agents selling \re
\ghAng equipment, appliances or devices, including hazard detecAon and warning
systems; and
(6) Two per centum (2%) of the service fees received from \re, earthquake, and
explosion hazard reinsurance surveys and post loss service of insurance
adjustment companies doing business in the Philippines directly through agents.

SecAon 13. CollecAon of Taxes, Fees and Fines. - All taxes, fees and \nes provided in this Code, shall be
collected by the BFP. Provided, That twenty percent (20%) of such collecAon shall be set aside and retained
for use by the city or municipal government concerned, which shall appropriate the same exclusive for the
use of the operaAon and maintenance of its local \re staAon, including the construcAon and repair of \re
staAon: Provided, further, That the remaining eighty (80%) shall be remi`ed to the NaAonal Treasury under
a trust fund assigned for the modernizaAon of the BFP.

"Sec. 13-A. Assessment of Fire Code Taxes, Fees and Fines. - The assessment of \re code taxes, fees and
\nes is vested upon the BFP. The BFP shall, subject to the approval of the DILG, prescribe the procedural
rules for such purpose.

Sec. 13-B. CollecAon and Assessment of Local Taxes, Fees and Fines. - The collecAon and assessment of
taxes, fees and \nes as prescribed in the Local Government Code, except those contained in this Code, shall
be funcAon of the concerned local government units.

Sec. 13-C. Use of Income Generated from the Enforcement of the Fire Code. - The Chief, BFP is authorized,
subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior and Local Government, to use the income generated
under the Fire Code for procurement of \re protecAon and \re \ghAng invesAgaAon, rescue, paramedics,
supplies and materials, and related technical services necessary for the \re service and the improvement of
facilites of the Bureau of Fire ProtecAon and abatement of \re hazards.

The BFP shall determine the opAmal number of equipment, including, but not limited to, \re trucks and \re
hydrants, required by every local government unit for the proper delivery of \re protecAon services in its
In the procurement of \re \ghAng and invesAgaAon supplies and materials, the Bureau of Product
Standards of the Department of Trade and Industry shall evaluate, determine and cerAfy if the supply to
procured conforms to the product standards \xed by the BFP. For this purpose, the BFP shall submit to the
Bureau of Product Standards a detailed set of product standards that must be complied with in the
procurement of \re \ghAng and invesAgaAon supplies and materials within six (6) months from the
e_ecAvity of this act.

Sec. 13-D. Monitoring the ImplementaAon of the Fire Code and the Amount of the Fees Collected. - The
Chief, BFP shall, within six (6) month from the e_ecAvity of this Code, submit to the Secretary of the Interior
and Local Government for his/her approval, a management tool or mechanism that would ensure e_ecAve
monitoring of the enforcement of the Fire Code to include the amount of Fire Code fees collected.

IRR of RA 9514

A. Fines
1. Fines up to thirty thousand pesos (PhP 30,000.00) shall be imposed by
the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdicAon.
2. Fines exceeding thirty thousand pesos but not more than forty
thousand pesos (PhP 40,000.00) shall be imposed by the
Provincial/District Fire Marshal having jurisdicAon.
3. Fines exceeding forty thousand pesos up to \ky thousand pesos (PhP
50,000.00) shall be imposed by the Regional Director having
B. Stoppage of OperaBon/Closure of Buildings
This penalty shall be imposed by the Regional Director upon the
recommendaAon of the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdicAon
thru channel. The implementaAon of this order may be delegated to the
Provincial/District Fire Marshal having jurisdicAon.
C. DeclaraBon of Public Nuisance
The declaraAon of a building, structure or facility as a public nuisance
pursuant to SecAon 9 of RA 9514 shall be made by the Chief, BFP upon the
recommendaAon of the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdicAon
thru channel.


A. The hazard of contents of any building or structure shall be classi\ed as
1. Low Hazard
Those of such low combusAbility that no self-propagaAng \re therein
can occur and that consequently, the only probable danger requiring
the use of emergency exits will be from panic, fumes or smoke or \re
from some external source.
2. Moderate Hazard
Those which are liable to burn with moderate rapidity or to give o_ a
considerable volume of smoke but from which neither poisonous
fumes nor explosions are to be expected in the event of \re.
3. High Hazard
Those which are liable to burn with extreme rapidity or from which
poisonous gases or explosions are to be expected in the event of \re.

ClassiScaBon of Occupancy
1. Assembly
2. EducaAonal
3. Health Care
4. DetenAon & CorrecAonal
5. ResidenAal
6. MercanAle
7. Business
8. Industrial
9. Storage
10. Mixed Occupancies
11. Miscellaneous

Fire Marshals – has descreAon on the classi\caAons of buildings

3 or less storeys bldg – heat resistance = 1hr
4 or more storeys bldg – heat resistance = 2hr
Means of Egress – a conAnous and unobstructed path of travel (either horizontal or verAcal) from the
remotest part of the bldg leading to a public way
3 DisAnct Parts of Means of Egress
1. Exit Access – should not be more than 46m; leads to an exit; 61m if w/ sprinklers/emergency lights
2. Exit – separated from all other spaces of bldg/structure by construcAon/equipment that provides a
protected path of travel to the exit discharge
3. Exit Discharge

Drills – inculcaAng safest & fastest way to evacuate a bldg during emergency situaAons
Exit sign – illuminated
Exit door – self-closing
Exit discharge – between the terminaAon of an exit and a public way
High-rise bldg – 15m and above; 1storey = 3m/4-5m
FDAS – Fire DetecAon & Alarm System
Sound Alarm – not less than 85 decibels
Strobe Lights – blinkers
Dry Standpipe – ori\ce 1 ½; connect hose from \retruck to connect to sprinklers
Wet Standpipe – inlet w/ 4inches ori\ce; has water; mandatory to bldg w/ occupant load of >/= 1000;
4storey & above; school, hospital, detenAon & correcAonal



(m) (m2)

Low 2-A 15 200

Moderate 3-A 12 100

High 4-A 10 75


(m) (m2)

Low 5-B 10 200

Moderate 10-B 10 100

High 40-B 10 75

Fire Safety Related Codes, NFPA Laws and other BFP issuances (Building Code, Electrical Code)

Fire Safety Related Codes:

1. Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2010-017 – Guidelines in the Approval of AlternaAve And/Or
Remedial Fire Safety Measures
2. MC No. 2010-67 – Repeal of MC 2005-143, dated Dec. 15, 2005, and Titled, “Fire and Life Safety
Assessment Report”
3. MC no. 2011-05 – Intensifying Fire Safety Enforcement in the BFP and InsAtuAonalizing Standard
Processes in the Conduct of InspecAon and De\ning AccountabiliAes of Concerned BFP Personnel in
the InspecAon and Issuance of Fire Safety InspecAon CerA\cate
4. MC No. 2011-06 – Supplemental Guidelines for the E_ecAve Transitory Compliance from the Old
Fire Code (PD 1185) to the New Fire Code of 2008 (RA 9514) Amending Sec of the
ImplemenAng Rules and RegulaAons of RA 9514
5. MC No. 2009-010 – Submission of Accomplishment Report for Fire PrevenAon AcAviAes
6. MC No. 2009-011 – CreaAon of the Fire Code ImplementaAon AcAon Group (FCIAG)
7. MC No. 2009-016 – Training Module for Fire Volunteers, Members of Fire Brigade and Fire Safety
8. MC No. 2009-017 – Guidelines on the Issuance of CerA\cate of Competency for Fire Volunteers,
Members of Fire Brigades, Fire Safety PracAAoners and OrganizaAons Dealing with Fire Safety
9. MC No. 2009-018 – Guidelines in the ProducAon, Control and DistribuAon of Standard Fire
PrevenAon Forms
10. MC No. 2011-007 – Guidelines in the PrinAng and ProducAon of BFP Warning Signs
11. MC No. 2011-009 – Supplemental Guidelines in the PrinAng of Standard Fire PrevenAon Forms and
PosAng of BFP Advocacy Campaign Against Personnel Directly or Indirectly ParAcipaAng in the
Selling and/or Posing as Agent of Fire
12. MC No. 2012-06 – CollecAon of Fire Code Revenues
13. MC No. 2011-73 – ImplemenAng Details of Sec. of the IRR of RA 9514
14. MC No. SOP-2012-001 – SOP in the PreparaAon and Issuance of Inspecton Order, Aker InspecAon
Report and Level of Authority of City/Municipal Fire StaAon, Provincial/District Ojces and Regional
Headquarters in the Conduct of Fire Safety InspecAon
15. MC No. 2009-188 – Guidelines for the Assessment, CollecAon, Deposit, Remi`ance and UAlizaAon
of the Fire Code Revenues

BFP Issuances
1. Fire Safety InspecAon Clearance
2. Fire Safety EvaluaAon Clearance
3. Fire Safety InspecAon CerA\cate
4. CerA\cate of Competency
5. Fire Safety InstallaAon CerA\cate

Electrical Engineering – A \eld that is concerned with the generaAon, distribuAon, and use of electrical

Electronics Engineering – A related branch of the \eld of electricity devoted to the processing,
communicaAon, and storage of informaAon by electronic means.


Includes all revisions and addiAons adopted by the Code Commi`ee indorsed by the InsAtute of Electrical
Engineers and approved by the Board of Electrical Engineering Professional RegulaAons Commission. It
supersedes all previous ediAons dated 1962, 1969, 1980, 1985, and 1992.

ObjecBve: The Philippine Electrical Code have been formulated and developed to safeguard persons and
property from hazards arising from the use of electricity.
Authority: ResoluAon #57 (Board of Electrical Engineering, PRC) – AdopAon of the Revised Philippine
Electrical Code, 2000Ed as part of the rules and regulaAons governing the pracAce of electrical engineering
as a referral code

This code is intended for mandatory applicaAon by government bodies exercising legal jurisdicAon over
electrical installaAon.

These government bodies will have the responsibility of implemenAng the provisions of this code in
deciding on the approval of equipment and materials and for granAng the special permission contemplated
in this code, where it is assured that equivalent objecAves can be achieved by establishing and maintaining
e_ecAve safety.

This Code covers electric conductors, cables, and equipment installed within or on, to or from:

1. Private and public buildings;

2. Electric generaAng plants;

3. Industrial plants;

4. Transformer staAons;

5. Permanent and temporary sub-staAons;

6. Air\elds;

7. Railways switchyards;

8. Yards, carnival, parking and other lots;

9. Quarries and mines;

10. Watercraks;

11. Dockyards;

12. Trailers;

13. Mobile homes;

14. O_shore faciliAes; and

15. Other premises requiring electrical installaAons, except aircrak, motor vehicles and railway rolling

1. Accessible (as applied to wiring methods) – Capable of being removed or exposed without damaging the
building structure or \nish or not permanently closed in by the structure or \nish of the building.

2. Accessible (as applied to equipment) – Admiong close approach, not guarded by locked doors, elevaAon
or other e_ecAve means.

3. Accessible, readily – Capable of being reached quickly for operaAon, renewal or inspecAon, without
requiring those to whom ready access is requisite to climb over or remove obstacles or to resort to portable

4. Ampacity – The current in amperes that a conductor can carry conAnuously under the condiAons of use
without exceeding its temperature raAng.

5. Amperage – Strength of an electrical current.

6. Appliances – UAlizaAon equipment, generally other than industrial, normally built in standardized sizes or
types, which are installed or connected as a unit to perform one or more funcAons.

7. Circuit – The enAre course traversed by an electrical current.

8. Branch Circuit - The circuit conductors between the \nal overcurrent device protecAng the circuit and
the outlet/s.

9. Circuit Breaker – A device designed to open and close a current by non-automaAc means and to open the
circuit automaAcally on a predetermined overcurrent without damage to itself when properly applied
within its raAng.

10. Closed Circuit – Current is not interrupted and the ^ow of electricity is conAnuous.

11. Open Circuit – When the circuit is interrupted and the current will stop ^owing.

12. Current – Movement or ^ow of electricity passing through a conductor.

13. Alterna2ng Current - Current which periodically reverses its direcAon.

14. Direct Current – Current ^owing conAnuously from one direcAon.

15. Electric sign – A \xed, staAonary or portable electrical illuminated uAlizaAon equipment with words or
symbols designed to convey informaAon or a`ract a`enAon.

16. Emergency light – All lights in theaters or any other building used for public assembly which is kept
lighted conAnuously while the building is being used to provide safe exit or entry.

17. Exposed – As applied to live parts, capable of being inadvertently touched or approach nearer than a
safe place or distance by a person.

18. Jumper – A short length of conductor used for connecAon between terminals or around a break in a

19. Junc2on box – A box with a cover which serves the purpose of joining di_erent run of wires or cables
and is provided with sujcient space for connecAon or branching of enclosed conductors.

20. Outlet – A point on the wiring system at which current is taken to supply uAlizaAon equipment.

21. Over current – Any current in excess of the rated current of an equipment or ampacity of a conductor.

22. Overload - OperaAon of an equipment in excess of normal full load raAng, or of a conductor in excess
of greater ampacity.

23. Service drop – The overhead service conductors from the last pole or other aerial support to and
including the splices, if any, connecAng the service entrance conductors at the building or other structure.

24. Voltage drop – The di_erence between the magnitude of the sending end voltage and the receiving end

1. Mandatory Rules – Mandatory rules of this Code are those that idenAfy acAons that are speci\cally
required or prohibited and are characterized by the use of the terms shall and shall not.

2. Permissive Rules – Those that idenAfy acAons that are allowed but not required, and are normally used
to describe opAons or alternaAve methods and are characterized by the use of the terms shall be permiYed
or shall not be required.

3. Explanatory Materials – Explanatory materials, such as references to other standards, references to

related secAons of this Code, or informaAon related to referral Code rule, are included in this Code in the
form of !ne print notes (FPN). Fine print notes are informaAonal only and are not enforceable as
requirements of this Code.


It is the intent of this Code that factory-installed internal wiring or the construcAon of equipment need not
be inspected at the Ame of installaAon of the equipment, except to detect alteraAons or damage, if the
equipment has been tested by a quali\ed tesAng laboratory that is recognized as having faciliAes described
above and that requires suitability for installaAon in accordance with this Code.

1. Future Expansion and Convenience – Plans and speci\caAons that provide ample space in raceways,
spare raceways, and addiAonal spaces will allow for future increases in the use of electricity. DistribuAon
centers located in readily accessible locaAons will provide convenience and safety for operaAon.

2. Number of Circuits in Enclosures – It is provided in this Code that the number of wires and circuits
con\ned in a single enclosure will minimize the damaging e_ects from short circuit or ground fault in the


Before starAng any installaAon work, alteraAon, repair, or extension on any electrical system, the owner,
leaser, operator, occupant, or electrical pracAAoner shall obtain an Electrical Permit for buildings, trailers,
mobile houses or other premises from the Ojce of the Local Building Ojcial and for watercraks from the
MariAme Industry Authority (MARINA).


1. ApplicaAon \led in due form, with following informaAon contained:

Box 1 – Duly quali\ed Electrical PracAAoner.

Box 2 – Professional Electrical Engineer who signed and sealed electrical plans and speci\caAons.

Box 3 – Duly registered Electrical Contractor with specialty in electrical works.

Box 4 – Electrical PracAAoner in charge of installaAon.

Box 5 – Owner/ Authorized Representa2ve.

2. Five (5) sets of complete electrical plans and speci\caAons signed and sealed by Professional Electrical


The applicaAon, upon receipt, shall be checked immediately by the Local Building Ojcial or his
representaAve for compliance of requirements. If complied, the electrical permit shall be issued upon
payment of the corresponding fees.

If the project is extensive and require more Ame for checking and computaAons of fees, the issuance of an
electrical permit need not be issued immediately. The delay shall be longer than \ve (5) working days aker
which the applicaAon, together with the accompanying plans shall be considered as complying with all the
requirements and the electrical permit shall issued immediately thereaker, upon payment of fees.


A copy of the electrical permit shall be posted in a conspicuous locaAon on the job site and shall not be
removed unAl \nal inspecAon and approval of the work shall have been made.

ApplicaAon for InspecAon – An applicaAon for inspecAon shall be \led with the government authority
concerned before preliminary or \nal inspecAon is done.

CerA\cate of InspecAon – No electrical installaAon, alteraAon and/or addiAon shall be connected or

reconnected to any power supply or any other source of electrical energy without a CerA\cate of Final
InspecAon/CompleAon obtained from the government authority concerned.

Temporary Installa2on – For temporary electrical installaAon, the same procedure stated shall be followed.
At the end of the period covered by the cerA\cate of inspecAon, the temporary installaAon shall be
removed. Extended use of the temporary installaAon shall require a new approved electrical permit.

Reconnec2on of Disconnected Service – Where service has been cut o_ for more than one (1) year, a new
cerA\cate of \nal electrical inspecAon shall be required before reconnecAon.

Installa2on Without Permit – InstallaAon of not more than two (2) addiAonal general purpose branch
circuit for lighAng and receptacle/convenience outlets may be done without electrical permit and cerA\cate
of \nal inspecAon/compleAon.

Special Permission – Electrical equipment and wiring not speci\cally covered or menAoned in the various
arAcles of this Code shall require special permission and approval of the enforcing government authority
concerned prior to installaAon.


Plan Requirements:

1. LocaAon and site plans

2. Legend and symbols.

3. General notes and or speci\caAons.

4. Electrical layout.

5. Schedule of loads.

6. Design analysis.

7. One-line Diagram.
Exposed Conductors:

1. Means of support and type of insulator.

2. Spacing and clearances.

Private pole installa2on


All poles located on public roads shall be covered by Approved Pole LocaAon plan from the Highway District
City/Municipal Engineer.

Poles and transformer supports shall be located not more than 500 mm. inside from the road right-of-way
or property line, and shall not obstruct the sidewalk, pedestrian path and/or the road drainage canal or
structure, exisAng or proposed.

Primary lines shall have a minimum verAcal clearance of 10 M. from the crown of the pavement when
crossing the highway and 7.5 M. from the top of the shoulder or sidewalk when installed along the side of
the highway or street in a highly urbanized areas.

Secondary, neutral and service lines shall have a minimum verAcal clearance of 7.5 M. from the crown of
the road pavement when crossing the highway and from the top of the shoulder or sidewalk when installed
along the side of the highway or street in highly urbanized areas.

Clearances of SupporAng Structures such as Poles, Towers, and others and their guys and braces measured
from the nearest part of the objects concerned:

1. From Sre hydrants, not less than 5 M.

2. From Street Corners, where Sre hydrants are located, poles and towers shall not be set so far from
the corners as to make necessary the use of the ^ying taps which are inaccessible from the poles.

3. From curbs, not less than 150 mm. measured from the curb away from the roadway.

4. Guy wires and other structures shall in no way be installed as to obstruct pedestrian and/or
vehicular trajc.


Where buildings exceed 15 M. in height, overhead lines shall be arranged where pracAcable so that a clear
space or zone at least 2 M. wide will be lek, either adjacent to the building or beginning not over 2.5 M.
from the building to facilitate the raising of ladders when necessary for !re !gh2ng.
Clearances Over Roof: Conductors shall have a clearance of not less than 2.5 M. from the highest point of
roofs over which they pass with the following excepAons:

1. Where the voltage between the conductors does not exceed 300 volts and the roof has a slope of
not less than 100 mm. in 300 mm., the clearance may not be less than 1 M.

2. Service drop conductors of 300 volts or less which do not pass over, other than a maximum of 1.2
M. of the overhang porAon of the roof for the purpose of terminaAng at a through-the-roof service raceway
or approved support may be maintained at a minimum of 500 mm. from any porAon of the roof over which
they pass.

Clearance from the Ground: Conductors shall have a clearance of not less than 3 M. from the ground or
from any pla}orm or projecAon from which they might be reached.

Clearance from Building Openings: Conductors shall have a horizontal clearance of not less than 1 M. from
windows, doors, porches, Sre escapes, or similar locaAons and shall be run at least 500 mm. above the top
level of a window or opening.

Service Drop of communicaAon lines, when crossing a street, shall have a clearance of not less than 5.5 M.
from the crown of the street or sidewalk over which it passes.

Service drop of communicaAon lines shall have a minimum clearance of 3.0 M. above ground at its point
of a`achment to the building or pedestal.

The provisions of this SecAon shall apply to the installaAon, operaAon and maintenance of circuits, systems
and equipment intended to supply illuminaAon and power in the event of failure of the normal supply or in
the event of accident to elements of a system and property where such systems or circuits are required by
the Fire Code or by any government agency having jurisdicAon.

Emergency systems are generally installed in places of assembly where arA\cial illuminaAon is required,
such as buildings subject to occupancy by large numbers of persons, hotels, theaters, sports arenas,
hospitals and similar insAtuAons. Emergency systems provide power for such funcAons as refrigeraAon,
operaAon of mechanical breathing apparatus, venAlaAon essenAal to human life, illuminaAon and power for
hospital rooms, Sre alarm systems, Sre pumps, industrial processes where current interrupAon would
produce serious hazards, and other similar funcAons.

The Board of Electrical Engineers, Professional RegulaAons Commission, shall render the \nal decision in
the interpretaAon of any porAon of the Philippine Electrical Code in case of a controversy.



1. Title

PHILIPPINES (P.D. 1096) referred to as the IRR

2. DeclaraAon of Policy

2.1 To safeguard life, health, property, and public welfare and to provide a framework of minimum
standards and requirements to regulate and control the locaAon of buildings, site, design, quality of
material, construcAon, use and maintenance.

3. Scope and ApplicaAon

3.1 Shall cover architectural, civil/structural, electrical, mechanical, sanitary, plumbing, electronics and
interior design. Shall apply to design, locaAon, siAng, construcAon, alteraAon, repair, conversion, use,
occupancy, maintenance, moving, demoliAon of and addiAon to public and private building and structures
except tradiAonal indigenous family dwellings and economic and socialized housing projects.

3.2 ExisAng buildings without building permits/cerA\cates of occupancy may be issued same provided they
conform to these rules and regulaAons


1. Responsibility for AdministraAon and Enforcement “ Secretary of Department of Public Works and

2. Professional and Technical Assistance “ created the NaAonal Building Code Development Council (NBCDC)
with the Board of Consultants (BOC) “ undertake research and development of building systems to develop
suitable guidelines, standards, upgrade exisAng IRR and other codes.

3. Fees
1. Bases of assessment
1. Character of occupancy or use of building
2. Cost of construcAon “ 10,000/sq.m (A,B,C,D,E,G,H,I), 8,000 (F), 6,000 (J)
3. Floor area
4. Height

4. AdministraAve SancAons

4.1 AdministraAve sancAons for non-compliance of the Code:

4.1.1 Non-issuance, suspension or revocaAon of permits

4.1.2 Non-issuance, suspension or revocaAons of cerA\cates of occupancy

4.1.3 Issuance of Work Stoppage Order or NoAce.

4.1.4 Issuance of Order for DisconAnuance of Use or Occupancy of Buildings or parts thereof

5. Abatement and/or demoliAon of dangerous/ruinous buildings

6. ImposiAons of administraAve \nes, surcharges and penalAes

5. Grounds for the Non-issuance, Suspension, RevocaAon of Permit

1. Non-compliance of plans and speci\caAons with the Code
2. Incorrect or inaccurate data or informaAon found in the applicaAon
3. Non-compliance with terms and condiAons of permit
4. Failure to commence work within one year
5. Abandonment of work for 120 calendar days
6. Unauthorized change in the submi`ed plans and speci\caAons and in the type of
7. Failure to engage an architect/civil engineer to undertake full Ame supervision or failure to
keep a logbook of the progress of construcAon
8. Failure to submit the original design plans stamped by the BO or the as-built plans prior to
renovaAon, alteraAon, conversion or any change a_ecAng structural stability, architectural
presentability and type of construcAon

6. Grounds for Non-issuance or revocaAon of CerA\cates of Occupancy:

1. Non-compliance with terms and condiAons of permits
2. Incorrect or inaccurate data or informaAon supplied and incomplete requirements
in the applicaAon
3. Failure to submit the logbook, duly notarized CerA\cate of CompleAon, as-built
plans and speci\caAons, and building inspecAon sheets

7. Issuance of Work Stoppage Order or NoAce:

1. Non-compliance with the terms and condiAons of permits
2. Unauthorized change, modi\caAon or alteraAon in the approved plans and
speci\caAons or in the type of construcAon

3. Failure to engage the services of an architect/civil engineer to supervise

4. ErecAng, construcAng, altering, moving, converAng or demolishing without permit
5. AlteraAon, addiAon, repair in buildings constructed before the adopAon of this
code without permit
6. Unauthorized change during construcAon from the approved plans and

8. Issuance of Order for DisconAnuance of Use or Occupancy “ annual inspecAon

1. Dangerous or Ruinous Building
2. Occupancy of building without a CerA\cate of Occupancy
3. Change in the exisAng use or occupancy classi\caAon without CerA\cate of Change
of Occupancy
4. Errors found in the applicaAon for CerA\cate of Occupancy, As-built plan, Notarized
CerA\cate of CompleAon and Logbook
5. Maintaining hazardous, dangerous and excessive occupancy loading beyond the
designed capacity of the building

9. Non-conforming Use or Occupancy

1. The use of non-conforming buildings legally authorized under the Code maybe
2. However, non-conforming buildings cannot be enlarged, increased or extended to
occupy a greater area of land than that already occupied.

10. Abatement/DemoliAon of Dangerous/Ruinous Building

1. The BO shall order the repair, vacaAon or demoliAon of dangerous or ruinous
building. CondiAons or defects of dangerous or ruinous buildings:
1. Structural Hazards
2. Fire Hazard
3. Hazardous Electrical Wiring
4. Hazardous Mechanical InstallaAon
5. Inadequate SanitaAon/Plumbing and Health FaciliAes
6. Improper Occupancy and Architectural Eyesore
7. Improper/Unauthorized LocaAon
8. Illegal ConstrucAon


1. Building Permits

1.1 No person, \rm or corporaAon shall construct, alter, repair, convert, use, occupy, move, demolish and
add any building without a building permit.
2. Ancillary Permits

2.1.1 Architectural Permit

2.1.2 Civil/Structural Permit

2.1.3 Electrical Permit

2.1.4 Mechanical Permit

2.1.5 Sanitary Permit

2.1.6 Plumbing Permit

2.1.7 Electronics Permit

2.1.8 Interior Design Permit

2.1.9 Other Permits for other professional disciplines

3. Building/Structure Accessory Permits “ accessory parts with very special funcAons indicated or implied in
the plans and speci\caAons

3.1 Bank and records vaults

3.2 Swimming pools

3.3 Firewalls separate from the building

3.4 Towers

3.5 Silos

3.6 Smokestacks
3.7 Chimneys

3.8 Commercial/industrial \xed ovens

3.9 Industrial kilns/furnaces

3.10 Water/Waste water treatment tanks, sepAc vault

3.11 Concrete and steel tank

3.12 Booths, kiosks and stages

3.13 Tombs, mausoleums and niches

3.14 Others

4 Accessory Permits - acAviAes

4.1 Ground preparaAon and excavaAon permit

4.2 Encroachment of foundaAon to public area permit

4.3 Fencing permit for fence exceeding 1.80 m high

4.4 Sidewalk construcAon permit

4.5 Temporary sidewalk enclosure and occupancy permit

4.6 ErecAon of sca_olding permit

4.7 ErecAng, repair, removal of sign permit

4.8 Repairs permit

4.9 Raising Permit

4.10 DemoliAon permit

4.11 Moving permit

4.12 Other

5. ExempAon from Building Permits

A building permit shall not be required for the following minor construcAons:
Minor ConstrucAons
Sheds, outhouses, greenhouses, childrens playhouses, aviaries, poultry houses and the like not exceeding
six sq.m. completely detached from any building
AddiAon of open terraces or paAos directly on the ground not exceeding twenty sq.m. for private use
InstallaAon of window grilles
Garden pools, aquarium \sh not exceeding \ve hundred mm in depth and for private use
Garden masonry wall not exceeding 1.20 m in height, footpaths, residenAal garden walks and driveways

2. Repair works
1. Repair works not a_ecAng structural members
2. Repair of non-load bearing parAAon walls
3. Repair of any interior porAon of a house not involving addiAon or alteraAon
4. Repair/replacement of doors and windows
5. Repair/replacement of ^ooring
6. Repair of perimeter fence and walls
7. Repair/replacement of plumbing \xtures, \ongs or pipings for single
detached dwellings and duplexes
8. Repair/replacement of defecAve and deteriorated wires, wiring devices,
\xtures and safety devices provided that no alteraAons on the electrical
service entrance and the main safety switch or circuit breaker and without
addiAonal circuits to exisAng installaAons for single detached dwellings

6. Requirements

◦ In case the applicant is the registered owner of the lot:

▪ CerA\ed true copy of OCT/TCT, on \le with the Registry of Deeds
▪ Tax DeclaraAon
▪ Current Real Property Tax Receipt
◦ In case the applicant is not the registered owner of the lot in addiAon to the above:
▪ Duly notarized copy of the Contract of Lease or Sale
▪ Duly notarized copy of the Deed of Absolute Sale

3. Five sets of survey plans, design plans, speci\caAons signed and sealed by:
1. Architect, in case of architectural documents
2. Civil Engineer, in case of civil/structural documents
3. Professional Electrical Engineer, in case of electrical documents
4. Professional Mechanical Engineer, in case of mechanical documents
5. Sanitary Engineer, in case of sanitary documents
6. Master Plumber, in case of plumbing documents
7. Electronics Engineer, in case of electronics documents
8. Environmental Planner who is also an architect or civil engineer in case of
developmental/environmental documents
9. Interior Designer, in case of interior design documents
10. GeodeAc Engineer, in case of lot survey documents

7. Issuance of Building Permit

7.1 When saAs\ed that the plans and speci\caAons conforms to the requirements of the Code and its IRR,
the BO shall within \keen days from payment of the required fees, issue the Building Permit.

2. Non-issuance, Suspension or RevocaAon of Building Permit

1. Errors found in the plans and speci\caAons
2. Incorrect or inaccurate data or informaAon supplied
3. Non-compliance with the perAnent provisions of the Code and its IRR

3. Terms and CondiAons of Permits

1. Submi`ed plans and speci\caAons shall not be changed, modi\ed or altered
without the approval of the BO.

4. Validity of a Building Permit

1. A building permit shall become null and void if the work is not commenced within
one year and if suspended or abandoned for 120 days.

8. Processing of ApplicaAon for CerA\cate of Occupancy

1. The owner shall submit to the BO

1. A duly notarized CerA\cate of CompleAon together with the logbook, as-built plans
and speci\caAons and the Building InspecAon Sheet all signed by the contractor
and the architect/engineer who undertook the full Ame supervision.
2. As-built plans and speci\caAons signed and sealed by the design professionals,
supervisor and contractor.
3. Changes, alteraAons and amendatory permit.


1.1 Type I “ wood construcAon

2. Type II “ wood construcAon with protecAve \re-resistant materials and one-hour

\re resisAve all throughout

3. Type III “ masonry and wood construcAon and one-hour \re resisAve all throughout
4. Type IV “ steel, iron, concrete, or masonry construcAon and walls, ceiling and permanent
parAAons shall be of incombusAble \re-resisAve construcAon
5. Type V “ four hour \re-resisAve throughout


 De\niAon “ Fire zones are areas within which only certain types of buildings are
permi`ed to be constructed based on their use or occupancy, type of construcAon and
resistance to \re.
 Buildings located in more than one \re zone “ a building located partly in one \re zone
and partly in another shall be considered to be in the more highly restricAve \re zone,
when more than one third of its total ^oor area is located in such zone.


 De\niAons
◦ Fire-resisAve raAng “ the degree to which a material can withstand \re as determined
by generally recognized and accepted test methods.
◦ Fire-ResisAve Time Period RaAng “ the length of Ame a material can withstand being
burned which may be one hour, two hours, three hours, four hours

2. Fire-ResisAve RegulaAons
1. Aoc access opening shall be provided at the ceiling of a ^oor of a building with combusAble
roof construcAon “ 600 mm sq.



Division A-1 residenAal buildings for exclusive use of single family occupants

 Indigenous family dwelling units

 single-detached units
 school or company sta_ housing
 church rectories
 single family dwellings
 churches or similar places of worship
 community faciliAes and social centers
 parks, playgrounds, pocket parks, parkways, promenades and playlots
 clubhouses and recreaAonal uses such as golf courses, tennis courts operated by the
government or private individuals as membership organizaAons for the bene\t of their
members, families and guests.

Division A-2 residenAal buildings for the exclusive use of non-leasing occupants not exceeding 10 persons

 single-a`ached or duplex or townhouse, each privately owned

 school dormitories (on-campus)
 convents and monasteries
 military or pocket barracks
 all uses in Division A-1
 pre-schools, elementary and high schools with not more than 16 classrooms
 outpaAent clinics, family planning clinics, lying-in clinics, diagnosAc clinics, medical and
clinical laboratories
 branch library and museum
 steam/dry cleaning outlets
 party needs and accessories


Division B-1

1. all uses in Divisions A-1 and A-2

2. Leased single detached dwelling unit, co`age with more than one independent unit and duplexes
3. boarding and lodging houses
4. mulAple housing units for lease or for sale
5. townhouses, each privately owned
6. boarding houses
7. accessories, rowhouses, townhouses, tenements and apartments
8. mulAple privately-owned condominium
9. hotels, motels, inns, pension houses and apartels
10. private or o_-campus dormitories
11. elementary schools and highschools not more than 20 classrooms


Division C-I

 amusement halls and parlors

 massage and sauna parlors
 health studios and reducing salons
 billiard halls, pool rooms, bowling alleys and golf club
 dancing schools, disco parks, dance and amusement hall
 gymnasia, pelota courts and sports complex

Division C-2

 educaAonal insAtuAons like schools, colleges, universiAes, vocaAonal, seminaries, convents,

including school auditoriums, gymnasia, reviewing stands, li`le theaters, concert halls, opera
 seminar/workshop faciliAes
 training centers/faciliAes
 libraries, museums, exhibiAon halls and art galleries
 civic centers, clubhouses, lodges, community centers
 churches, mosque, temples, shrines, chapels and similar places of worship
 civic or government centers
 other types of government buildings


Division D-I ( insAtuAonal where personal liberAes of inmates are restrained or quarters of those rendering
public assistance and maintaining peace and order)

1. mental hospitals, sanitaria and mental asylums

2. police and \re staAons, guard houses
3. jails, prisons, reformatories and correcAonal insAtuAons
4. rehabilitaAon centers
5. leprosaria and quaranAne staAon

Division D-2 (insAtuAonal buildings for health care)

 hospitals, sanitaria and homes for the aged

 nurseries for children of kindergarten age or non-ambulatory paAents accommodaAng
more than 5 persons

Division D-3 (insAtuAonal for ambulatory paAents or children over kindergarten age)

5. nursing homes for ambulatory paAents

6. school and home for children over kindergarten age
7. orphanages

Division E-I (business and mercanAle where no work is done except change of parts and maintenance
requiring no open ^ames, welding or use of highly ^ammable liquids)

 all uses in Division B-1

 gasoline \lling and staAon
 storage garage and boat storage
 commercial garage and parking buildings, display for cars, tractors, etc.
 bus and railways depots and terminals and ojces
 port faciliAes
 airports and heliport faciliAes
 all other types of transportaAon complexes
 all other types of large complexes for public services
 pawnshops, money shops, photo and portrait studios, shoeshine/repair stands, retail drugstores,
tailoring and dress shops
 bakeshops and bakery goods stores
 construcAon supplies and building materials such as electrical and electronic stores, plumbing
supply stores

Division E-2 (business and mercanAle in nature)

 wholesale and retail stores

 shopping centers, malls and supermarkets
 wet and dry markets
 restaurants, drinking and dining establishments with less than one hundred occupancies
 day and night clubs, bars, cocktails

Division E-3 (business and mercanAle where no repair work is done except exchange of parts and
maintenance requiring no open ^ames, welding or use of highly ^ammable liquid)

 aircrak hangars
 commercial parking lots and garages
 department stores, shopping malls



Division F-1 (Light industrial)


Division G-1 (Medium Industrial which shall include storage and handling of hazardous and highly
^ammable materials)

Division G-2 (Medium Industrial buildings for storage and handling of ^ammable materials)

Division G-3 (Medium Industrial buildings for wood working acAviAes, paper cardboard manufacturers,
texAle and garment factories)

Division G-4 (Medium Industrial, for repair garages and engine manufacture)

Division G-5 (Medium Industrial for aircrak faciliAes)


Division H-1 (RecreaAonal, which are assembly buildings with stage and having an occupant load of less
than 1,000.

 Theaters and auditoriums

 concert hall and opera houses
 convenAon halls
 li`le theater, audio-visual room

Division H-2 (RecreaAonal which are assembly buildings with stage and having an occupant load of 300 or

 dance halls, cabarets, ballrooms

 skaAng rinks
 cock\ghAng areas

Division H-3 (RecreaAonal which are assembly buildings with stage and having an occupant load of less than

 dance halls, ballrooms

 skaAng rinks


Division J-1 agricultural structures

3. sheds
4. barns
5. poultry houses
6. piggeries
7. hatcheries
8. stables
9. greenhouses
10. granaries

Division J-2 Accessory

 private garages, carports

 towers and silos, smokestacks and chimneys
 swimming pools including shower and locker room
 stages, pla}orms and similar structures
 pelota, tennis or basketball courts
 tombs, mausoleums, niches
 fence over 1.80 m high
 steel or concrete tanks
 aviaries and aquariums and zoo structures
 banks and record vaults

3. Occupant loads

1. DeterminaAon of occupant load “ the occupant load shall be determined by dividing the
^oor area assigned to that use by the unit area per occupant set forth in Table VIII.3.1 or in
the Architectural Code of the Philippines whichever required more exits.
2. The occupant load of any area having \xed seats shall be determined by the number of
\xed seats installed.

4. Parking Slot, Parking Area and Loading/Unloading Space Requirements “ refer to a`ached Table VII.5.1

◦ In compuAng for parking slots, a fracAon of 50% and above shall be considered as one car
parking slot.
◦ In areas where adequate public parking lots/mulA-^oor parking garages are available within 200
m of the proposed building, only 30% of parking requirement need to be provided within their

5. Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)

1. General. The Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) of any proposed building
shall only be as allowed under this Rule
2. TGFA LimitaAon “ In Table Vii.6.1. the percentages indicated in the 3 rd through 8th columns
are the percentages of the Total Lot Area (TLA) that may be used to determine the
Allowable Maximum TGFA while the mulAplier numbers 3, 5, 12, 18 and 30 represent the
number of storeys.
3. The Allowable Maximum TGFA should not exceed the Allowable Maximum Volume of
Building (AMVB). If exceeded, the Allowable Maximum TGFA must be adjusted since the
AMVB must always prevail.

6. Allowed Height of Buildings/Structures

1. General. The maximum height and number of storeys of proposed building shall be
dependent upon the character of use or occupancy, on the type of construcAon, on end-
user populaAon density, light and venAlaAon, width of road right-of-way, building bulk, o_-
street cum o_-site parking requirements and local land use plan and zoning regulaAons.
2. The Building Height Limit (BHL) shall only be as allowed under this Rule or under the duly
approved city zoning ordinance, whichever is more restricAve (refer to Table VII.7.1)


1. De\niAons
1. Maximum Allowable PERCENTAGE OF SITE OCCUPANCY (PSO) “ Maximum Allowable
Building Footprint (AMBF) divided by Total Lot Area (TLA). Percentage of the maximum
allowable enclosed ^oor area of any building at the ground ^oor in relaAon to the
TLA. (Table VIII.4.1)
2. Maximum Allowable IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA (ISA) “ percentage of the maximum
allowable ^oor area of any paved, Aled or hardscaped surface at the ground ^oor in relaAon
to the TLA.
3. Maximum Allowable ConstrucAon Area (MACA) “ the combined total of the Maximum
Allowable PSO and the Maximum Allowable ISA.
4. Maximum Allowable Unpaved Surface Area (USA) “ porAon of the lot that shall remain
unpaved and reserved for sokscaping/planAng
5. Total Open Space Within Lot (TOSL) “ the total open space required for each type of use.

2. General Provisions
1. Every building shall be designed, constructed and equipped to provide adequate light and
2. All buildings shall face a street or public alley or a private street which has been duly
3. No building shall be altered nor arranged so as to reduce the size of any room or the
relaAve area of windows to less than that provided for buildings, or to create an addiAonal
room unless it conforms to the requirements of this Rule.
4. No building shall be enlarged so that the dimensions of the required court or yard would be
less than what is prescribed for such building lot.

3. Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO)

1. Maximum site occupancy shall be governed by use, type of construcAon and height of the
building and the use, area, nature and locaAon of the site and subject to local zoning

4. Minimum Requirements for Total Open Spaces within Lot (TOSL)

◦ Group A buildings or ResidenAal 1 (R-!) uses shall follow the minimum yard standards in
Table VIII.6.1 to comply with the TOSL.
5. Sizes and dimensions of courts and yards
1. Minimum horizontal dimension of courts and yards shall be not less than two m. all inner
courts shall be connected to a street or yard, either by a passageway with a minimum width
of 1.20 m or by a door through a room or rooms.
2. Abutments on the side and rear property lines may be allowed provided that the following
requirements are \rst complied with:
1. Open space as prescribed in Tables VIII.5.1 and VIII.6.1
2. Window opening as prescribed in SecAon 10
3. Firewall with a minimum of two hours \re-resisAve raAng constructed with a
minimum height clearance of 0.40 m above the roof. Fig. VIII.6.1
4. The required open space shall be located totally or distributed anywhere within the
lot in such a manner as to provide maximum light and venAlaAon into the building
(Fig. VIII.6.2 to VIII.6.5).
5. Every court shall have a width of not less than 2 m for one or two storey buildings,
however this may be reduced to 1.50 m in case of quadruplexes, rowhouses with
adjacent courts with an area of not less than 3.00 sq.m. provided that the
separaAon fence shall not be higher than 2.00 m. irregularly-shaped lots may be
exempted from having a minimum width of not less than what is required in Table
VIII.5.2 and as shown in Figures VIII.6.6, VIII.6.7, VIII.6.8 and VIII.6.9.
6. For buildings of more than two storeys in height, the minimum width of the rear or
side court shall be increased at the rate of 300 mm for each addiAonal storey up to
the fourteenth storey. For buildings exceeding 14 storeys in height, the required
width of the court shall be computed on the basis of 14 storeys.

6. Ceiling Heights
1. Habitable rooms provided with arA\cial venAlaAon shall have ceiling heights not less than
2.40m. For buildings of more than 1 storey, the minimum ceiling height of the \rst storey
shall be 2.70 m, for the second storey, 2.40 m. and for the succeeding storeys, 2.10
m. Above-stated rooms with natural venAlaAon shall have ceiling heights of not less than
2. Mezzanine ^oors shall have a clear ceiling height of not less than 1.80 m above and below

7. Sizes and Dimension of Rooms

1. Minimum sizes of rooms and their least horizontal dimensions shall be as follows:
1. Rooms for human habitaAon “ 6.00 sq.m. with a least dimension of 2.00 m.
2. Kitchen “ 3.00 sq. m. with a least dimension of 1.50 m.
3. Bath and Toilet “ 1.20 sq. m. with a least dimension of 900mm.

8. Window Openings
1. Rooms intended for any use not provided with arA\cial venAlaAon shall be provided with a
window with a total free area equal to at least 10% of the ^oor area of the room but not
less than 1.00 sq.m. Toilet and bath rooms and laundry rooms shall be provided with
window with an area not less than 1/20 of the ^oor area but not less than 240 Such
windows shall open directly to a court, yard, public street or alley or open watercourse.
2. Eaves, canopies, awnings over required windows shall not be less than 750 mm from the
side and rear property lines.
3. There shall absolutely be no openings on/at/within/through all types of abutments
(\rewalls) erected along property lines except for permi`ed vent wells (3.00 m x 1.50 m).
9. Roads Right-of-Way (RROW) Access Streets

9.1 No building shall be constructed unless it adjoins or has direct access to public space, yard or
street/road on at least 1 of its sides. All buildings shall face a public street, alley or a road.


 All buildings shall be provided with adequate and potable water supply, plumbing installaAon and
suitable wastewater treatment or disposal system, storm water drainage, pest and vermin control,
noise abatement device and other measures for protecAon and promoAon of health of persons
occupying the premises and others living nearby.


 FooAngs and foundaAons may be permi`ed to project into alleys or streets

provided the same shall not obstruct any exisAng uAliAes/services such as power,
water, sewer, gas, communicaAon, and drainage lines
 The horizontal clearance between the outermost edge of marquee and the curb
line shall be not less than 300 mm while the verAcal clearance shall be not less than
3.00 m.


 No person shall use or occupy a street, alley or public sidewalk for the performance of work
covered by a building permit except in accordance with the provisions of this Rule.


 All buildings shall be placed in or upon private property or duly designated public land and shall be
securely constructed in conformance with the requirements of this Code.

BFP CiAzens Charter, SOP/MC’s on Fire Safety InspecAon

Fire InvesAgaAon (15%)

The Law on Arson in the Philippines (RPC)
WHEREAS, \ndings of the police and intelligence agencies of the government reveal that \res and other
crimes involving destrucAon in Metro Manila and other urban centers in the country are being perpetrated
by criminal syndicates, some of which have foreign connecAons;
WHEREAS, the current law on arson su_ers from certain inadequacies that impede the successful
enforcement and prosecuAon of arsonists;
WHEREAS, it is imperaAve that the high incidence of \res and other crimes involving destrucAon be
prevented to protect the naAonal economy and preserve the social, economic and poliAcal stability of the
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in
me by the ConsAtuAon, do hereby order and decree as part of the law of the land, the following:
SecBon 1. Arson. Any person who burns or sets \re to the property of another shall be punished by Prision
The same penalty shall be imposed when a person sets \re to his own property under circumstances which
expose to danger the life or property of another.
SecBon 2. Destruc2ve Arson. The penalty of Reclusion Temporal in its maximum period to Reclusion
Perpetua shall be imposed if the property burned is any of the following:
1. Any ammuniAon factory and other establishment where explosives, in^ammable or combusAble
materials are stored.
2. Any archive, museum, whether public or private, or any edi\ce devoted to culture, educaAon or
social services.
3. Any church or place of worship or other building where people usually assemble.
4. Any train, airplane or any aircrak, vessel or watercrak, or conveyance for transportaAon of
persons or property
4. Any building where evidence is kept for use in any legislaAve, judicial, administraAve or other
ojcial proceedings.
5. Any hospital, hotel, dormitory, lodging house, housing tenement, shopping center, public or
private market, theater or movie house or any similar place or building.
6. Any building, whether used as a dwelling or not, situated in a populated or congested area.
SecBon 3. Other Cases of Arson. The penalty of Reclusion Temporal to Reclusion Perpetua shall be imposed
if the property burned is any of the following:
1. Any building used as ojces of the government or any of its agencies;
2. Any inhabited house or dwelling;
3. Any industrial establishment, shipyard, oil well or mine shak, pla}orm or tunnel;
4. Any plantaAon, farm, pastureland, growing crop, grain \eld, orchard, bamboo grove or forest;
4. Any rice mill, sugar mill, cane mill or mill central; and
5. Any railway or bus staAon, airport, wharf or warehouse.
SecBon 4. Special Aggrava2ng Circumstances in Arson. The penalty in any case of arson shall be imposed in
its maximum period;
1. If commi`ed with intent to gain;
2. If commi`ed for the bene\t of another;
3. If the o_ender is moAvated by spite or hatred towards the owner or occupant of the property
4. If commi`ed by a syndicate.
The o_ense is commi`ed by a syndicate if its is planned or carried out by a group of three (3) or more
SecBon 5. Where Death Results from Arson. If by reason of or on the occasion of the arson death results,
the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua to death shall be imposed.
SecBon 6. Prima Facie evidence of Arson. Any of the following circumstances shall consAtute prima facie
evidence of arson:
1. If the \re started simultaneously in more than one part of the building or establishment.
2. If substanAal amount of ^ammable substances or materials are stored within the building note
necessary in the business of the o_ender nor for household us.
3. If gasoline, kerosene, petroleum or other ^ammable or combusAble substances or materials
soaked therewith or containers thereof, or any mechanical, electrical, chemical, or electronic
contrivance designed to start a \re, or ashes or traces of any of the foregoing are found in the ruins
or premises of the burned building or property.
4. If the building or property is insured for substanAally more than its actual value at the Ame of the
issuance of the policy.
4. If during the lifeAme of the corresponding \re insurance policy more than two \res have occurred
in the same or other premises owned or under the control of the o_ender and/or insured.
5. If shortly before the \re, a substanAal porAon of the e_ects insured and stored in a building or
property had been withdrawn from the premises except in the ordinary course of business.
6. If a demand for money or other valuable consideraAon was made before the \re in exchange for
the desistance of the o_ender or for the safety of the person or property of the vicAm.
SecBon 7. Conspiracy to commit Arson. Conspiracy to commit arson shall be punished by Prision Mayor in
its minimum period.
SecBon 8. Con!sca2on of Object of Arson. The building which is the object of arson including the land on
which it is situated shall be con\scated and escheated to the State, unless the owner thereof can prove that
he has no parAcipaAon in nor knowledge of such arson despite the exercise of due diligence on his part.
SecBon 9. Repealing Clause. The provisions of ArAcles 320 to 326-B of the Revised Penal Code and all laws,
execuAve orders, rules and regulaAons, or parts thereof, inconsistent with the provisions of this Decree are
hereby repealed or amended accordingly.
SecBon 10. Eeec2vity. This Decree shall take e_ect immediately upon publicaAon thereof at least once in a
newspaper of general circulaAon.
Done in the City of Manila, this 7th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-

ConsAtuAonal Rights of the Accused

1. The right to free access to the courts and adequate legal assistance.

2. The right to be informed of his right to remain silent and to have counsel when under invesAgaAon for
the commission of an o_ense.

3. The right against the use of torture, force, violence, threat, inAmidaAon, or any other means which
viAates the free will.

4. The right against being held in secret, incommunicado, or similar forms of solitary detenAon;

5. The right to bail and against excessive bail.

6. The right to due process of law.

7. The right to presumpAon of innocence.

8. The right to be heard by himself and counsel.

9. The right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusaAon against him.

10. The right to have speedy, imparAal, and public trial.

11. The right to meet the witnesses face to face.

12. The right to have compulsory process to secure the a`endance of witnesses and the producAon of
evidence in his behalf.

13. The right against self-incriminaAon.

14. The right against detenAon by reason of poliAcal beliefs and aspiraAons.

15. The right against excessive \nes.

16. The right against cruel, degrading or inhuman punishment.

17. The right against in^icAon of the death penalty except for heinous crimes.

18. The right against double jeopardy.

19. The right against ex post facto law and bill of a`ainder.

Prima Facie Evidence of Arson

Prima Facie evidence of Arson. Any of the following circumstances shall consAtute prima facie evidence of
1. If the \re started simultaneously in more than one part of the building or establishment.
2. If substanAal amount of ^ammable substances or materials are stored within the building note
necessary in the business of the o_ender nor for household us.
3. If gasoline, kerosene, petroleum or other ^ammable or combusAble substances or materials
soaked therewith or containers thereof, or any mechanical, electrical, chemical, or electronic
contrivance designed to start a \re, or ashes or traces of any of the foregoing are found in the ruins
or premises of the burned building or property.
4. If the building or property is insured for substanAally more than its actual value at the Ame of the
issuance of the policy.
4. If during the lifeAme of the corresponding \re insurance policy more than two \res have occurred
in the same or other premises owned or under the control of the o_ender and/or insured.
5. If shortly before the \re, a substanAal porAon of the e_ects insured and stored in a building or
property had been withdrawn from the premises except in the ordinary course of business.
6. If a demand for money or other valuable consideraAon was made before the \re in exchange for
the desistance of the o_ender or for the safety of the person or property of the vicAm.

Rules of Court

Procedure and Techniques

IdenA\caAon, PreservaAon and Handling of Evidence
Other Related Procedure and Techniques

SOP’s on Fire and Arson InvesBgaBon

Rm 618, 145 Union Square Condominium, 15th Avenue, Cubao, Quezon City
Tel. No. 911-7085 Tel Fax: (02)911-7060
As mandated by the provisions of SecAon 50, Rule VIII, ImplemenAng Rules and RegulaAons of
Republic Act 6975, otherwise known as the Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of
1990, sApulates among others that the Bureau of Fire ProtecAon shall have the power to invesAgate all
causes of \re and if necessary, \le the proper complaint with the City or Provincial Prosecutor’s Ojce
which has jurisdicAon over the case. The tasks and responsibility of the \re arson invesAgators are not
only limited in conducAng exhausAve invesAgaAons and \ling of complaints to the prosecutor’s ojce
but also includes the appearance and giving of tesAmonies before the court of law during legal
The criminal o_ense of Arson is punishable under the Revised Penal Code parAcularly ArAcles
320 to 326-B as amended by PresidenAal Decree 1613, 1744 and SecAon 10 of Republic Act 7659
(Heinous Crime Law). As provided by law it is the prosecuAon who has burden of proof and the quantum
of evidence is proof beyond reasonable doubt. Once proven, the maximum highest penalty for its
commission is life imprisonment under the present rule since the aboliAon of the death penalty law.
Arson is a classic heinous crime that requires skillful, scienA\c and systemaAc invesAgaAon procedure
thus, the respecAve chiefs of the invesAgaAon and intelligence ojces of the BFP are joined closely
supervise the conduct of the invesAgaAon in order to a`ain e_ecAve and plausible results.
This BFP Standard OperaAng Procedure Nr. IID 2008 – 01 shall be known as: OPERATIONAL
A. To have a uniform and systemaAc procedures in the conduct of \re and arson invesAgaAon
from the BFP NaAonal Headquarters down to the lowest invesAgaAon and intelligence units, to
include the prompt submission of \re invesAgaAon reports.
B. To have a clear and explicable guidelines in conducAng \re and arson invesAgaAon and the \ling
of the necessary complaint documents before the ojce of the City/Provincial Prosecutor.
C. To ensure the quality and value of the invesAgaAon being conducted by all BFP \re and arson
invesAgators and to expedite the invesAgaAon process and disposiAon of \re and arson cases.
During the occurrence of a \re incident, the following iniAal acAons should be assumed by the
\re arson invesAgator.
SecBon 1. – Upon the noA\caAon of a \re call or \re incident, the duty Fire Arson InvesAgator
(FAI) who has jurisdicAon over the locaAon of the \re incident shall mandatory to immediately respond
at the soonest possible Ame. The conduct of iniAal inquiry through interview and elicitaAon from all
available witnesses at the \re scene must be done instantaneously.
SecBon 2. – As soon as the area of origin or the focal point of the \re is ascertained, the FAI shall
make necessary coordinaAon with BFP \re\ghAng personnel to include the volunteer \re brigades to
exert diligent and careful e_orts in the conduct of \re suppression operaAon in the idenA\ed AREA OF
ORIGIN to preserve the EVIDENTIAL VALUE and the focal point of the \re that might be destroyed due to
excessive ^ooding in the area.
SecBon 3. – The \re scene should be well protected and secured. CoordinaAon with the local
police units or barangay personnel should be done in order to secure the \re scene from looters and
other persons who has intenAon of entering the burned premises, so as to avoid contaminaAon of the
\re area.
SecBon 4. – In the event that the FAI discovered SUSPECTED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS /
suspected illegal or regulated chemicals, during the conduct of invesAgaAon of the burned premises, the
circumstances shall be immediately reported to proper ojce ( e.g: BFP Hazardous Materials Ojce, or
other law enforcement agency).
SecBon 5. – Once the Fire Ground Commander (FGC) declared “FIRE OUT” the FAI shall take
cognizance the responsibiliAes of PROTECTING and SECURING the whole \re scene by sealing / closing
the perimeter with barricade tape (Fire Lines). PosAng of uniformed BFP personnel for security purposes
may also be carry out as deemed necessary.
The following are the mandatory duAes of the Fire Arson InvesAgators conducAng thorough
invesAgaAon on the \re scene:
SecBon 1. – Shall perform systemaAc scienA\c examinaAons and visual reconstrucAon of the
\re scene. This is also to include the COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION AND PROPER RECORDING of the \re
area by the use of photography, diagrammaAc sketch and notes. The diagrammaAc sketch should clearly
and other important details.
SecBon 2. – Conduct interview to all witnesses. The interview should be done in QUESTION AND
ANSWER FORM and shall be done under oath preferably by a person of authority whenever available, or
be administered by the concerned BFP ojcer with the rank of INSPECTOR and above. The authority of a
BFP ojcer to administer oath is pursuant to the provisions of Chapter III, SecAon 50 of R.A. 6975. All
witnesses to be conducted with a formal interview shall be FORMALLY INVITED to the \re staAon /
invesAgaAon ojce concerned in a form of INVITATION LETTER. (Please see aYached Invita2on LeYer for
reference – Annex A)
SecBon 3. – Conduct THOROUGH ANALYSIS of the \re scene in order to idenAfy the IGNITION
SOURCE, iniAal materials ignited and other factors which bring them together to produce a \re.
ExaminaAon of FIRE SPREAD and FIRE PATTERN which includes thermal e_ects on materials such as
charring, oxidaAon, consumpAon of combusAbles, smoke and soot deposits, distorAon, melAng e_ect,
color change, changes of material structure and structural collapse, must be conducted.
SecBon 4. – IdenAfy, recognize and collect physical evidence found at the \re scene that have
PROBATIVE VALUE on \re cause determinaAon. Pieces of evidence to be collected shall be
photographed \rst and shall be collected in the presence of witnesses independent to the invesAgaAng
body. PROPER DOCUMENTATION, SEALING and PACKAGING of evidence recovered prior to submission
to Arson Laboratory SecAon (ALS) – BFP NaAonal Headquarters for laboratory examinaAon shall be
The FAI shall strictly follow the instrucAons pertaining to evidence collecAon and handling as
(Memorandum Circular Nr. 2006-01 is hereto aYached for reference – Annex B)
SecBon 5. – On the \rst phase of the invesAgaAon, the FAI shall prepare the LISTING OF
DOCUMENTS needed to be accomplished / submi`ed by the \re vicAm/s, building occupant/s and other
parAes a_ected by \re. The required documents are as follows: (Please see aYached standard leYer for
these requirements for the !re vic2ms – Annex C)
A. Aidavit of Loss pertaining to Fire Damage (itemized and duly notarized)
B. Sworn statement of loss submijed to insurance adjusters / companies
C. Latest complete inventory of stocks prior to the Sre incident
D. Complete inventory of salvaged items aler the Sre incident
E. Complete copies of insurance policies to include co-insurances
F. Income Tax Return (ITR) for the last three (3) years
G. Financial statements for the last three (3) years
H. Balance sheets for the last three (3) years
I. Mayor’s permit and Business License
J. Occupancy permit
K. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) registraBon
L. SecuriBes and Exchange Commission (SEC) registraBon
M. Latest Fire Safety InspecBon CerBScate (FSIC)
N. Complete list of employees
O. Approved Floor, Building and Electrical Plans
P. Copy of lease contract agreement
Q. Land Btle / tax declaraBon
SecBon 5.1 – The above listed documents to be secured to the \re vicAm will vary based on the
TYPE OF UCCUPANCY or the INVOLVED STRUCTURE gu`ed by \re. Any other documents that may be
irrelevant based on type of occupancy may not be required. In addiAon, the FAI are also AUTHORIZE TO
REQUIRE any other perAnent documents, materials and items to the \re vicAms as determined by the
FAI concerned, that will give support to the conduct of invesAgaAon.
SecBon 6 – The FAI must inform all concerned persons, occupants and managements of the
burned premises that the \re scene is RESTRICTED TO ENTRY to any person unAl the invesAgaAon being
conducted by the BFP at the burned premises is COMPLETED and / or TERMINATED.
Any REMOVAL, RETRIEVAL of items stored at the scene of the \re, DEMOLITION,
RECONSTRUCTION and REHABILITATION of the \re scene is only allowed upon securing approval to the
invesAgaAng body through submission of a formal wri`en request by the \re vicAm.
The said formal wri`en request should contain speci\c purpose. It should be addressed to the
INVESTIGATOR handling the case. The concerned Chief of the InvesAgaAon and Intelligence Ojce,
together with his proper recommendaAon, shall endorse the subject le`er request of the \re vicAm to
the concerned BFP HEAD OF OFFICE, who shall then issue the PROPERTY RECOVERY AND CLEARING
PERMIT (PRCP), to the requesAng party. (Please see aYached standard PRCP format for reference –
Annex D)
In such case that the \re incident is suspected to be INTENTIONAL in nature, issuance of PRCP is
temporarily RESTRICTED, unAl proven otherwise. If the \re incident is found to be intenAonal in nature
and case was already \led in the court of law, it will be the discreAon of the court handling the case
whether to issue appropriate document in the clearing or demoliAon of the burned premises.
SecBon 7. – In such event that death results from a \re incident (FATAL FIRES), the concerned
FAI shall immediately sought the assistance of the Philippine NaAonal Police – Scene Of the Crime
OperaAon (PNP – SOCO), or any other legal / recognized group for liking and autopsy of the cadaver /
body found at the \re / crime scene.
SecBon 8. – All conduct of follow-up invesAgaAon to the \re incident should be covered with
appropriate Le`er / Mission Order signed by the respecAve BFP Head of Ojce. (Please see aYached
standard form of Mission Order for reference – Annex E)
SecBon 9. – All FAI are also directed and mandated to perform any other task as deemed
essenAal to the development of case build-up and the exhausAve invesAgaAon being conducted.
A. Spot InvesBgaBon Report (SIR) – Shall be made and accomplished by the FAI concerned
during the actual response to a \re incident. The SIR should contain basic informaAon about the \re
incident. (Please see aYached standard SIR format for reference – Annex F)
All SIR must be submi`ed IMMEDIATELY (within 24 hours) to respecAve Fire Marshals with copy
furnished the OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION, thru fax message at the ojce of the
Number: (02) 911-7223, for immediate informaAon and recording purposes.
The copy (original copy / photo copy) of the SIR of all \re incident transpired within the
respecAve Area Of Responsibility (AOR) shall be consolidate and be submi`ed thru proper CHANNEL.
consolidate SIR to the ojce of the IID – BFP NaAonal Headquarters in BI-MONTHLY basis (every 15th and
30th day of the month) thru mail courier, for recording and proper disposiAon.
B. Progress InvesBgaBon Report (PIR) – Shall be made and accomplished by the FAI concerned
aker the conduct of follow-up invesAgaAon was made. The PIR or any succeeding PIRs (2nd PIR) shall be
accomplished within 7 to 15 days. (Please see aYached standard PIR format for reference –Annex G)
The copy (original copy / photo copy) of the PIR of all \re incident transpired within the
respecAve (AOR) shall be consolidate and be submi`ed thru proper CHANNEL. The respecAve OFFICE OF
THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR FOR FIRE PROTECTION shall then submit the consolidate PIR to the ojce of
the IID – BFP NaAonal Headquarters in BI-MONTHLY basis (every 15th and 30th day of the month) thru
mail courier, for recording and proper disposiAon.
C. Final InvesBgaBon Report (FIR) – Shall be made and accomplished by the FAI concerned upon
the compleAon of the exhausAve invesAgaAon. All completed FIR should be signed by the concerned FAI
and its respecAve Chief of the InvesAgaAon and Intelligence Ojce. (Please see aYached standard FIR
format for reference – Annex H)
The FIR should be submi`ed the soonest Ame the case was resolved by the invesAgaAng ojce
handling the case. The maximum allowable Ame for the invesAgaAng body to submit the FIR shall be 30
to 45 DAYS commencing from the \rst day of invesAgaAon. On the given period, the FAI shall already
come up with a proper RESOLUTION or RECOMMENDATION about the case being invesAgated.
For the lower invesAgaAng units, the FIR shall be accomplished in \ve (5) complete copies for
distribuAon to:
1. Ojce of the Chief, BFP thru the ojce of the InvesAgaAon and Intelligence Division, BFP
NaAonal Headquarters;
2. Ojce of the Regional Director for Fire ProtecAon;
3. Ojce of the District / Provincial Fire Marshal;
4. Ojce of the City / Municipal Fire Marshals.
The last copy (ORIGINAL or DOCUMENT ORIGINAL) shall remain in the possession of the FAI
concerned for his own personal copy and for future veri\caAon.
No UNDETERMINED cause should be re^ected in any FIR.
D. Fire Incident InvesBgaBon Report (FIIR) – This kind of invesAgaAon report can only be made in
such circumstances that the invesAgaAon report cannot be completed for some reasons
independent to the will of the FAI. (Please see aYached standard FIIR format for reference –
Annex I)
FIIR can only be accomplished in \re cases with UNDETERMINED cause and this kind of case
should be considered as ON_PENDING INVESTIGATION, subject to REOPENING in circumstances that
relevant evidence and / or a witness shall surface in the future.
The copy (original copy / photo copy) of the FIIR of all \re incident transpired within the
respecAve AOR should also be consolidated and be submi`ed thru proper CHANNEL to the higher
headquarters in BI-MONTHLY basis (every 15th and 30th day of the Month) thru mail courier, for
recording and proper disposiAon.
Since \re incidents entails damages to property, the level of authority in conducAng \re and
arson invesAgaAon and compleAon of FIR will be based on the degree or the amount and value of the
total (aggregated) damages incurred in a certain \re incident. These levels of authority are as follows:
A. Municipal Fire Marshal – Municipal Limit, LEVEL 1 – The municipal level, through its
MUNICIPAL INVESTIGATION AND INTELLIGENCE UNIT (MIIU) shall have the full responsibility and
power to invesAgate \re incidents with a total amount of damage not exceeding to Twenty Million
Pesos (Php 20,000,000.00).
B. City Fire Marshal – City Limit, LEVEL 2 – The city level, through its CITY INVESTIGATION
AND INTELLIGENCE SECTION (CIIS) shall have the full responsibility and power to invesAgate \re
incidents with a total amount of damage not exceeding to Thirty Million Pesos (Php 30,000,000.00).
C. District Fire Marshal – District Limit, LEVEL 3 – The district level, through its DISTRICT
INVESTIGATION AND INTELLIGENCE BRANCH (DIIB) shall have the full responsibility and power to
invesAgate \re incidents with a total damages amounAng to above Thirty Million Pesos (Php
30,000,000.00), but not exceeding to Forty Million Pesos (Php 40,000,000.00). DIIB operaAves can
assume the conduct of invesAgaAon on \re incidents with damages amounAng to more than 20 Million
Pesos in Municipal Levels only within their respecAve jurisdicAons.
D. Provincial Fire Marshal – Provincial Limit, LEVEL 3 – The provincial level, through its
power to invesAgate \re incidents with a total damages amounAng to above Thirty Million Pesos (Php
30,000,000.00), but not exceeding to Forty Million Pesos (Php 40,000,000.00). PIIB operaAves can
assume the conduct of invesAgaAon on \re incidents with damages amounAng to more than 20 Million
Pesos in Municipal Levels only within their respecAve jurisdicAons.
E. Regional Director for Fire ProtecBon – Regional Limit, LEVEL 4 – The regional director
for \re protecAon level, through its REGIONAL INVESTIGATION AND INTELLIGENCE BRANCH (RIIB) shall
have the full responsibility and power to invesAgate \re incidents with a total damages amounAng to
above Forty Million Pesos (Php 40,000,000.00), but not exceeding to Sixty Million Pesos (Php
F. Chief, Bureau of Fire ProtecBon – NaAonal, LEVEL 5 – The Chief, Bureau of Fire
ProtecAon, through the ojce of the INVESTIGATION AND INTELLIGENCE DIVISION – BFP NaBonal
Headquarters (IID) shall have the full responsibility and power to invesAgate \re incidents with a total
damages amounAng to above Sixty Million Pesos (Php 60,000,000.00).
SecBon 1. – In determinaAon of the total damages incurred in a certain \re incident, the copy of
the AFFIDAVIT OF LOSS (duly notarized and itemized) from the \re vicAm shall prevail. The amount of
damages to be determined with regards to the Level of Authority to Conduct InvesAgaAon shall be the
TOTAL AGGREGATED DAMAGES or the TOTAL SUM OF DAMAGES of all \re vicAms of the subject \re
SecBon 2. – The \re damage esAmate made by the invesAgaAng team / FAI shall not be the full
basis for determinaAon of jurisdicAonal level of invesAgaAon. Be it noted that Aggregate Damages refers
to the total damage of the whole area burned, which will be used to determine the Level of Authority to
Conduct InvesAgaAon. In such circumstances that the damage to property is apparently high or
evidently beyond the level of authority of the present invesAgaAng units, the case shall be turned-over
to higher invesAgaAng unit.
SecBon 3. – In circumstances that the property gu`ed by \re is currently insured in any
insurance company, all copy of the duly accomplished SWORN STATEMENT OF LOSS submi`ed to the
INSURANCE ADJUSTERS by the \re vicAm must also FORM PART and be ATTACHED together with the
AFFIDAVIT OF LOSS submi`ed by the \re vicAm to the BFP invesAgaAng body.
SecBon 4. – In connecAon with the Level of Authority to Conduct InvesAgaAon, the concerned
ojce handling the invesAgaAon of the \re incident shall issue FIRE CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE (FCC) to the
\re vicAm in lieu of the Final InvesAgaAon Report (FIR), for purposes of insurance claims and for other
lawful applicaAons. FCC can only be issued to \re incidents which is ACCIDENTAL in nature. (Please see
aYached two forms of FCC, for insurance and non-insurance purpose – Annex J)
In such case that any BUILDING PREMISES WITH MULTIPLE OCCUPANCIES were gu`ed by \re,
the FCC should only be issued to the concerned party where the FIRE ORIGINATED. Other occupants
AFFECTED by the \re incident shall be issued with FIRE INCIDENT CERTIFICATION (FIC) for their record
purposes and other legal use upon request. (Please see aYached two forms of FCC, for insurance and
non-insurance purpose – Annex K)
SecBon 5. – Issuance of the copy of the FIR to any concerned party can only be allowed in
circumstances that RELEVANT LEGAL ISSUES and or QUESTIONABLE MATTERS may arise. The request for
FIR should be made in wriAng by the requesAng party and should be addressed to respecAve Chiefs of
BFP Ojces / Fire Marshals who handled the conduct of invesAgaAon on the \re incident for their
appropriate acAon.
SecBon 6. – All wri`en request for a copy of the FIR should COPY FURNISHED the Chief, Bureau
of Fire ProtecAon with a`enAon to the ojce of the IID – BFP NaAonal Headquarters, for documentary
Once a \re incident could be determined by the invesAgaAng body to be beyond their Level of
Authority to Conduct InvesAgaAon, the Conduct of InvesAgaAon, the conduct of invesAgaAon should be
immediately turned-over to the proper ojce concerned in a form of ENDORSEMENT, together with the
SIR and or PIR, to include all perAnent documents / a`achments. (Please see aYached standard
Endorsement form for reference – Annex L)
Any other recognized invesAgaAng body of the government cannot INTERCEDE in the conduct of
\re and arson invesAgaAon without formal communicaAon to the concerned ojce handling the
invesAgaAon. The intercession of any invesAgaAng body of the government should have LEGAL
AUTHORITY in order to be allowed to conduct LATERAL INVESTIGATION in the invesAgaAon being
conducted by the BFP. In case that a CONTROVERSY INVOLVED and / or CONCERNING TO CONFLICTING
ISSUES arises in the conduct of invesAgaAon, subject \re incident case shall be turned over to the NEXT
LEVEL OF INVESTIGATING BODY for appropriate acAon and disposiAon. However, lower invesAgaAng
units are fully encouraged to resolve \re cases that fall within their respecAve Level of Authority.
In case that a \re incident resulted to a GREAT NUMBERS OF FATALITY / MULTIPLE DEATHS
(death of 10 persons and above), or any other issues concerning to the death of the \re vicAms, the
invesAgaAon of the subject \re incident upon the approval of the Chief BFP, should be turned over to
the ojce of the IID – BFP NaAonal Headquarters for appropriate acAon.
Any other \re incidents shall be immediately turned over to the higher headquarters for
invesAgaAon and compleAon of the Final InvesAgaAon Report upon the wri`en order and direcAon of
the Chief, Bureau of Fire ProtecAon.
If a prima facie evidence of arson is established or the case is suspected to be INTENTIONAL in
nature, the FAI concerned with the guidance of their respecAve City / Municipal Fire Marshal, should
IMMEDIATELY \le the appropriate charge to the prosecutors ojce who has jurisdicAon over the case
and the same must also be reported to the IID, BFP NaAonal Headquarters for further appropriate
disposiAon and guidance. (Please see aYached Complaint Sheet for reference – Annex M)
Whenever death results in any \re incident idenA\ed to be INTENTIONAL in nature, the MOTIVE
for the commission of arson must immediately established in order to ascertain whether a crime of
MURDER quali\es. Murder cases commi`ed thru the burning of one’s property may be referred to the
Philippine NaAonal Police for proper disposiAon. However, the FAI should sAll pursue the \ling of the
arson case.
The FAI can immediately e_ect arrest on any suspect/s once such person is / are POSITIVELY
IDENTIFIED by a complaint or witnesses to be the one who perpetrated the commission of the crime
during the course of actual invesAgaAon, most speci\cally during the event of the actual \re incident,
and in accordance with the law.
The following rights of the arrested suspect shall be observed by the FAI during CUSTODIAL
INVESTIGATION as embodied under the provisions of R.A. 7438. The suspect shall be apprised of his
consAtuAonal rights in accordance to SecAon 12, ArAcle III, 1987 ConsAtuAon, to wit:
a. Any person under inves2ga2on for the commission of an oeense shall have the right to
be informed of his right to remain silent;
b. To have competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice;
c. If the person cannot aeord to the services of counsel, he must be provided with one;
d. These rights cannot be waived except in wri2ng and in the presence of a counsel.
All suspects, once arrested / invited by the FAI and determined to have the probability to
commit the crime must immediately be INQUEST to the city / municipal prosecutor before the lapse of
thirty six (36) hours or the legal regulated period.
The following are the special / supplemental guidelines for FAI in conducAng arson invesAgaAon
and \ling of complaint procedures:
- Arson is established by proving the corpus delic2, usually in the form of CIRCUMSTANCIAL
EVIDENCE such as the criminal agency, meaning the substance used, like gasoline, kerosene, or other
combusAble materials which caused the \re. It can also be in the form of electrical wires, mechanical,
chemical or electronic contrivance designed to start a \re; or ashes or traces of such objects which are
found in the ruins of the burned premises.
- If the crime of ARSON was employed by the o_ender as a means to kill the o_ended party, the
crime commi`ed is MURDER. The burning of the property as the MEANS to kill the vicAm is what is
contemplated by the word “!re” under ArAcle 248 of the Revised Penal Code which quali\es the crime
- When the burning of the property was done by the o_ender only to cause damage but the
ARSON resulted to the DEATH of the person, the crime commi`ed is sAll ARSON because the death of
the vicAm is a mere CONSEQUENCE and not the INTENTION of the o_ender.
- There is no special complex crime of ARSON WITH HOMICIDE. What ma`ers in resolving cases
involving arson is the CRIMINAL INTENT of the o_ender.
- When the burning of one’s property results from reckless imprudence and it leads to serious
physical injuries and / or damage to property of another, the penalty to be imposed shall not be for the
crime of arson under P.D. 1613 but rather, the penalty shall be based on ArAcle 365 of the Revised Penal
Code as a felony commi`ed by means of culpa – imprudence and negligence. (e.g. Reckless Imprudence
Resulted to Damage to Property / Reckless Imprudence Resulted to Serious Physical Injuries)
SecBon 1. – The respecAve Regional Directors for Fire ProtecAon / District and Provincial Fire
Marshals / City and Municipal Fire Marshals shall supervise the proper implementaAon of this Standard
OperaAng Procedure to ensure that their subordinates will comply and respond e_ecAvely to the
requirements as sApulated in this Standard OperaAng Procedure.
SecBon 2. – City / Municipal Fire Marshals shall seek assistance from their respecAve District /
Provincial / Regional InvesAgaAon and Intelligence Ojces or at the ojce of the InvesAgaAon and
Intelligence Division – BFP NaAonal Headquarters, if deemed needed.
SecBon 3. – As the highest \re and arson invesAgaAng agency of the Bureau of Fire ProtecAon,
the Ojce of the InvesAgaAon and Intelligence Division – BFP NaAonal Headquarters shall have the
authority to monitor, evaluate, conduct of arbitrary veri\caAon to the \re cases and invesAgaAon
procedures conducted by the lower invesAgaAng units of the BFP. The aforemenAoned ojce may also
be sought to provide technical knowledge, assistance, suggesAons and recommendaAons to lower
invesAgaAng units of the BFP.
All publicaAons, memoranda and SOPs in which by any form or part found to be inconsistent
with this new Standard OperaAng Procedures are hereby rescinded.
All BFP personnel found violaAng any provision of this Standard OperaAng Procedure shall be
subjected to administraAve acAon for neglect of duty / any other related charges (criminal), and if found
guilty, shall be immediately relieved from post.
AdministraAve sancAons shall be governed by the R.A. 6713, otherwise known as The Code of
Ethics and Professional Standards for Government Employees, other perAnent Civil Service Laws, Ojce
Rules, RegulaAons and Policies, without prejudice of \ling criminal charges if evidence so warrants.
If for any reason, any part of this Standard OperaAng Procedure is declared as contrary to law,
the remainder hereof not a_ected shall conAnue to remain in force and e_ect.
SIGNED, this 18th day of September 2008 at the Bureau of Fire ProtecAon NaAonal
Headquarters, Union Square Condominium, Nr. 145, 15th Avenue, Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines.

AdministraAve Ma`ers (10%)

RA 6975 and its IRR
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law FoundaAon
REPUBLIC ACT No. 6975 December 13, 1990
SecBon 1. Title of the Act. ? This Act shall be known as the "Department of the Interior and
Local Government Act of 1990."
SecBon 2. Declara2on of Policy. ? It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State to promote
peace and order, ensure public safety and further strengthen local government capability aimed
towards the e_ecAve delivery of the basic services to the ciAzenry through the establishment of a
highly ejcient and competent police force that is naAonal in scope and civilian in character.
Towards this end, the State shall bolster a system of coordinaAon and cooperaAon among the
ciAzenry, local execuAves and the integrated law enforcement and public safety agencies
created under this Act.
The police force shall be organized, trained and equipped primarily for the performance of police
funcAons. Its naAonal scope and civilian character shall be paramount. No element of the police
force shall be military nor shall any posiAon thereof be occupied by acAve members of the
Armed Forces of the Philippines.
SecBon 3. Promulga2on of Comprehensive Policies by Congress. ? Subject to the limitaAons
provided in the ConsAtuAon, the President shall recommend to Congress the promulgaAon of
policies on public order and safety to protect the ciAzenry from all forms of lawlessness,
criminality and other threats to peace and order.
SecBon 4. The Department of the Interior and Local Government. ? To carry out the policies and
purposes of this Act, the Department of Local Government is hereby reorganized into the
Department of the Interior and Local Government, hereinaker referred to as the Department, in
accordance with the provisions of this Act.
SecBon 5. Powers and Func2ons of the Department. ? In furtherance of the objecAves of this
Act, the Department shall conAnue to exercise the powers and funcAons of the Department of
Local Government in addiAon to the powers and funcAons as herein provided.
SecBon 6. Organiza2on. ? The Department shall consist of the Department Proper, the exisAng
bureaus and ojces of the Department of Local Government, the NaAonal Police Commission,
the Philippine Public Safety College, and the following bureaus: the Philippine NaAonal Police,
the Bureau of Fire ProtecAon, and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology.
SecBon 7. Department Proper. ? The Department Proper shall consist of the exisAng sta_
services as provided for under ExecuAve Order No. 262 and the following ojces:
(a) Ojce of the Secretary. ? The ojce of the Secretary shall consist of the Secretary and
his immediate sta_; and
(b) Ojce of the Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries. ? The Secretary shall be
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assisted by two (2) Undersecretaries, one (1) for local government and the other for peace
and order, at least one (1) of whom must belong to the career execuAve service, and three
(3) career Assistant Secretaries.
SecBon 8. Head of Department. ? The head of the Department. ? The head of the Department,
hereinaker referred to as the Secretary, shall also be the ex-ojcio Chairman of the NaAonal
Police Commission and shall be appointed by the President subject to con\rmaAon of the
Commission on Appointments. No reAred or resigned military ojcer or police ojcial may be
appointed as Secretary within one (1) year from the date of his reArement or resignaAon.
SecBon 9. General Powers, Term of Oice and Compensa2on of the Secretary. ? The authority
and responsibility for the exercise of the Department's powers and funcAons shall be vested in
the Secretary, who shall hold ojce at the pleasure of the President and shall receive the
compensaAon, allowances and other emoluments to which heads of departments are enAtled.
SecBon 10. Speci!c Powers and Func2ons of the Secretary. ? In addiAon to his powers and
funcAons as provided in ExecuAve Order No. 262, the Secretary as Department head shall have
the following powers and funcAons:
(a) Prepare and submit periodic reports, including a Quarterly AnA-Crime OperaAons
Report and such other reports as the President and Congress may require;
(b) Act as Chairman and Presiding Ojcer of the NaAonal Police Commission; and
(c) Delegate authority to exercise any substanAve or administraAve funcAon to the
members of the NaAonal Police Commission or other ojcers of rank within the
SecBon 11. Regional Oices. ? The Department shall establish, operate and maintain a regional
ojce in each of the administraAve regions of the country to implement the policies and programs
of the Department. Each regional ojce shall be headed by a regional director to be assisted by
two (2) assistant regional directors: one (1) for jail management and penology and another for
\re protecAon in addiAon to the present assistant regional directors of the Department of Local
SecBon 12. Rela2onship of the Department with the Department of Na2onal Defense. ? During
a period of twenty-four (24) months from the e_ecAvity of this Act, the Armed Forces of the
Philippines (AFP) shall conAnue its present role of preserving the internal and external security
of the State: Provided, That said period may be extended by the President, if he \nds it
jusA\able, for another period not exceeding twenty-four (24) months, aker which, the
Department shall automaAcally take over from the AFP the primary role of preserving internal
security, leaving to the AFP its primary role of preserving external security. However, even aker
the Department has assumed primary responsibility on ma`ers a_ecAng internal security,
including the suppression of insurgency, and there are serious threats to naAonal security and
public order, such as where insurgents have gained considerable foothold in the community
thereby necessitaAng the employment of bigger tacAcal forces and the uAlizaAon of higher
caliber armaments and be`er armored vehicles, the President may, upon recommendaAon of
the peace and order council, call upon the Armed Forces of the Philippines to assume the
primary role and the Philippine NaAonal Police (PNP) to play the supporAve role in the area
In Ames of naAonal emergency, all elements of the PNP, the Bureau of Fire ProtecAon, and the
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology shall, upon direcAon of the President, assist the
Armed Forces of the Philippines in meeAng the naAonal emergency.
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The complementary relaAonship between the Department of the Interior and Local Government
and the Department of NaAonal Defense in any of the preceding eventualiAes shall be jointly
prescribed by their respecAve Secretaries in a memorandum of agreement that shall thereaker
be published and implemented.
SecBon 13. Crea2on and Composi2on. ? A NaAonal Police Commission, hereinaker referred to
as the Commission, is hereby created for the purpose of e_ecAvely discharging the funcAons
prescribed in the ConsAtuAon and provided in this Act. The Commission shall be a collegial body
within the Department. It shall be composed of a Chairman and four (4) regular commissioners,
one (1) of whom shall be designated as Vice-Chairman by the President. The Secretary of the
Department shall be the ex-ojcio Chairman of the Commission, while the Vice-Chairman shall
act as the execuAve ojcer of the Commission.
SecBon 14. Powers and Func2ons of the Commission. ? The Commission shall exercise the
following powers and funcAons:
(a) Exercise administraAve control over the Philippine NaAonal Police;
(b) Advise the President on all ma`ers involving police funcAons and administraAon;
(c) Foster and develop policies and promulgate rules and regulaAons, standards and
procedures to improve police services based on sound professional concepts and
(d) Examine and audit, and thereaker establish the standards for such purposes on a
conAnuing basis, the performance, acAviAes, and faciliAes of all police agencies
throughout the country;
(e) Prepare a police manual prescribing rules and regulaAons for ejcient organizaAon,
administraAon, and operaAon, including recruitment, selecAon, promoAon and reArement;
(f) Establish a system of uniform crime reporAng;
(g) Conduct surveys and compile staAsAcal data for the proper evaluaAon of the ejciency
and e_ecAveness of all police units in the country;
(h) Render to the President and to Congress an annual report on its acAviAes and
accomplishments during the thirty (30) days aker the end of the calendar year, which shall
include an appraisal of the condiAons obtaining in the organizaAon and administraAon of
police agencies in the municipaliAes, ciAes and provinces throughout the country, and
recommendaAons for appropriate remedial legislaAon;
(i) Approve or modify plans and programs on educaAon and training, logisAcal
requirements, communicaAons, records, informaAon systems, crime laboratory, crime
prevenAon and crime reporAng;
(j) Ajrm, reverse or modify, through the NaAonal Appellate Board, personnel disciplinary
acAons involving demoAon or dismissal from the service imposed upon members of the
Philippine NaAonal Police by the Chief of the Philippine NaAonal Police;
(k) Exercise appellate jurisdicAon through the regional appellate boards over
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administraAve cases against policemen and over decisions on claims for police bene\ts;
(l) Recommend to the President, through the Secretary, within sixty (60) days before the
commencement of each calendar year, a crime prevenAon;
(m) Prescribe minimum standards for arms, equipment, and uniforms and, aker
consultaAon with the Philippine Heraldy Commission, for insignia of ranks, awards and
medals of honor;
(n) Issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum in ma`ers pertaining to the discharge of
its own powers and duAes, and designate who among its personnel can issue such
processes and administer oaths in connecAon therewith; and
(o) Perform such other funcAons necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act and as
the President may direct.
SecBon 15. Quali!ca2ons. ? No person shall be appointed regular member of the Commission
(a) He is at least thirty-\ve (35) years of age;
(b) A member of the Philippine Bar or a holder of a master's degree in public
administraAon, business administraAon, management, sociology, criminology, law
enforcement, naAonal security administraAon, defense studies, and other related
discipline; and
(c) Has had experience in law enforcement work for at least \ve (5) years .
SecBon 16. Term of Oice. ? The four (4) regular and full-Ame Commissioners shall be
appointed by the President upon the recommendaAon of the Secretary. Of the \rst four (4)
commissioners to be appointed, two (2) commissioners shall serve for six (6) years and the two
(2) other commissioners for four (4) years. All subsequent appointments shall be for a period of
six (6) years each, without reappointment or extension.
SecBon 17. Temporary or Permanent Incapacity of the Chairman. ? In case of absence due to
temporary or permanent incapacity of the Chairman, the President shall designate an AcAng
Chairman. In case of death or permanent incapacity or disquali\caAon of the Chairman, the
AcAng Chairman shall also act as such unAl a new Chairman shall have been appointed and
SecBon 18. Removal from Oice. ? The members of the Commission may be removed from
ojce for cause. All vacancies in the Commission, except through expiraAon of term, shall be
\lled up for the unexpired term only: Provided, That any person who shall be appointed in this
case shall be eligible for regular appointment for another full term.
SecBon 19. Prohibi2ons. ? The Chairman and members of the Commission shall not engage in
the pracAce of any profession, or intervene, directly or indirectly, in the management and control
of any private enterprise. They shall not, directly or indirectly, have any \nancial or material
interest in any transacAon requiring the approval of their ojce.
SecBon 20. Organiza2onal Structure. ? The Commission shall consist of the following units:
(a) Commission Proper. ? This is composed of the ojces of the Chairman and the four (4)
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(b) Sta_ Services. ? The sta_ services of the Commission shall be as follows:
(1) The planning and Research Service, which shall provide technical services to
the Commission in areas of overall policy formulaAon, strategic and operaAonal
planning, management systems or procedures, evaluaAon and monitoring of the
Commission's programs, projects and internal operaAons; and shall conduct
thorough research and analysis on social and economic condiAons a_ecAng peace
and order in the country;
(2) The Legal A_airs Service, which shall provide the Commission with ejcient and
e_ecAve service as legal counsel of the Commission; drak or study contracts
a_ecAng the Commission and submit appropriate recommendaAons pertaining
thereto; and render legal opinions arising from the administraAon and operaAon of
the Philippine NaAonal Police and the Commission;
(3) The Crime PrevenAon and CoordinaAon Service, which shall undertake
criminological researches and studies; formulate a naAonal crime prevenAon plan;
develop a crime prevenAon and informaAon program and provide editorial direcAon
for all criminology research and crime prevenAon publicaAons;
(4) The AdministraAve Service, which shall provide the Commission with assistance
on budgetary and \nancial ma`ers; provide the necessary services relaAng to
records, correspondence, supplies, property and equipment, security and general
services, and the maintenance and uAlizaAon of faciliAes; and provide services
relaAng to manpower, career planning and development, personnel transacAons
and employee welfare;
(5) The InspecAon and Monitoring Service, which shall conduct conAnuous
inspecAon and management audit of personnel, faciliAes and operaAons at all levels
of command of the PNP and shall monitor the implementaAon of the Commission's
programs and projects relaAve to law enforcement; and
(6) The InstallaAons and LogisAcs Service, which shall review the Commission's
plans and programs and formulate policies and procedures regarding acquisiAon,
inventory, control, distribuAon, maintenance and disposal of supplies and shall
oversee the implementaAon of programs on transportaAon faciliAes and installaAons
and the procurement and maintenance of supplies and equipment.
(c) Disciplinary Appellate Boards. ? The Commission shall establish a formal
administraAve disciplinary appellate machinery consisAng of the NaAonal Appellate Board
and the regional appellate boards.
The NaAonal Appellate Board shall decide cases on appeal from decisions rendered by the PNP
chief, while the regional appellate boards shall decide cases on appeal from decisions rendered
by ojcers other than the PNP chief, the mayor, and the People Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
created hereunder.
SecBon 21. Regional Oices. ? The Commission shall establish, operate and maintain regional
ojces headed by regional directors who shall implement the policies and programs of the
Commission in their respecAve regions. For administraAve purposes, the regional ojces of the
Commission shall be a`ached to the general ojces of the Department.
Subject to the standards that shall be prescribed by the Commission, the regional ojces shall
likewise perform the funcAons of adjudicaAon of bene\t claims.
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SecBon 22. Quali!ca2ons of Regional Directors. ? No person shall be appointed regional
director unless:
(a) He is at least thirty (30) years of age;
(b) A holder of a baccalaureate degree and appropriate civil service eligibility; and
(c) Has at least \ve (5) years experience in the \eld of law enforcement, criminology or
police administraAon.
SecBon 23. Composi2on. ? Subject to the limitaAons provided for in this Act, the Philippine
NaAonal Police, hereinaker referred to as the PNP, is hereby established, iniAally consisAng of
the members of the police forces who were integrated into the Integrated NaAonal Police (INP)
pursuant to PresidenAal Decree No. 765, and the ojcers and enlisted personnel of the
Philippine Constabulary (PC). For purposes of this Act, the ojcers and enlisted personnel of the
PC shall include those assigned with the NarcoAcs Command (NARCOM) or the Criminal
InvesAgaAon Service (CIS); and those of the technical services of the AFP assigned with the PC
and the civilian operaAves of the CIS. The regular operaAves of the abolished NAPOLCOM
InspecAon, InvesAgaAon and Intelligence Branch may also be absorbed by the PNP. In addiAon,
a PC ojcer or enlisted personnel may transfer to any of the branches or services of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines in accordance with the provisions of SecAon 85 of this Act.
In order to be quali\ed for transfer to the PNP units in Metropolitan Manila and in highly
urbanized ciAes, an individual must have completed not less than second year collegiate work or
its equivalent in training of seventy-two (72) collegiate units.
Anyone who has any pending administraAve or criminal case or has been adjudged liable or
convicted of any crime pending appeal shall be allowed to join the PNP provisionally without
prejudice to \nal judgment by a body of competent jurisdicAon.
The permanent civilian employees of the present PC, INP, NarcoAcs Command, CIS, and the
technical services of the AFP assigned with the PC, including NAPOLCOM hearing ojcers
holding regular items as such, shall be absorbed by the Department as employees thereof,
subject to exisAng laws and regulaAons.
SecBon 24. Powers and Func2ons. ? The PNP shall have the following powers and funcAons:
(a) Enforce all laws and ordinances relaAve to the protecAon of lives and properAes;
(b) Maintain peace and order and take all necessary steps to ensure public safety;
(c) InvesAgate and prevent crimes, e_ect the arrest of criminal o_enders, bring o_enders
to jusAce and assist in their prosecuAon;
(d) Exercise the general powers to make arrest, search and seizure in accordance with
the ConsAtuAon and perAnent laws;
(e) Detain an arrested person for a period not beyond what is prescribed by law, informing
the person so detained of all his rights under the ConsAtuAon;
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(f) Issue licenses for the possession of \rearms and explosives in accordance with law;
(g) Supervise and control the training and operaAons of security agencies and issue
licenses to operate security agencies, and to security guards and private detecAves, for
the pracAce of their professions; and
(h) Perform such other duAes and exercise all other funcAons as may be provided by law.
In addiAon, the PNP shall absorb the ojce of the NaAonal AcAon Commi`ee on AnA-Hijacking
(NACAH) of the Department of NaAonal Defense, all the funcAons of the present Philippine Air
Force Security Command (PAFSECOM), as well as the police funcAons of the Coast Guard. In
order to perform its powers and funcAons ejciently and e_ecAvely, the PNP shall be provided
with adequate land, sea, and air capabiliAes and all necessary material means of resources.
SecBon 25. Organiza2on. ? The PNP shall be headed by a Chief who shall be assisted by two
(2) deputy chief, one (1) for operaAons and one (1) for administraAon, both of whom shall be
appointed by the President upon recommendaAon of the Commission from among the most
senior and quali\ed ojcers in the service: Provided, however, That in no case shall any ojcer
who has reAred or is reArable within six (6) months from his compulsory reArement age be
appointed as Chief of the PNP. The PNP shall be composed of a naAonal ojce, regional ojces,
provincial ojces, district ojces, city or municipal staAons.
At the naAonal level, the PNP shall maintain its ojce in Metropolitan Manila which shall house
the directorial sta_, service sta_ and special support units.
At the regional level, the PNP shall have regional ojces, including that of the NaAonal Capital
Region, which may be divided into two (2) separate regions without prejudice to the perAnent
provisions of the Organic Act for the Autonomous Regions of the Cordilleras and Muslim
Mindanao relaAve to the creaAon of a regional police force in the area of autonomy. Each of
these regional ojces shall be headed by a regional director for peace and order.
At the provincial level, there shall be a PNP ojce, each headed by a provincial director. In the
case of large provinces, police districts may be established by the Commission to be headed by
a district director.
At the city or municipal level, there shall be a PNP staAon, each headed by a chief of police.
The Chief of the PNP shall, within sixty (60) days from the e_ecAvity of this Act and in
accordance with the broad guidelines set forth herein, recommend the organizaAonal structure
and stajng pa`ern of the PNP to the Commission.
SecBon 26. Powers, Func2ons and term of Oice of the PNP Chief . ? The command and
direcAon of the PNP shall be vested in the Chief of the PNP who shall have the power to direct
and control tacAcal as well as strategic movements, deployment, placement, uAlizaAon of the
PNP or any of its units and personnel, including its equipment, faciliAes and other resources.
Such command and direcAon of the Chief of the PNP may be delegated to subordinate ojcials
with the respect to the units under their respecAve commands, in accordance with the rules and
regulaAon prescribed by the Commission. The Chief of the PNP shall also have the power to
issue detailed implemenAng policies and instrucAons regarding personnel, funds, properAes,
records, correspondence and such other ma`ers as may be necessary to e_ecAvity carry out the
funcAons, powers and duAes of the Bureau. The Chief of the PNP shall be appointed by the
President from among the senior ojcers down to the rank of chief superintendent, subject to
con\rmaAon by the Commission on Appointments: Provided, That the Chief of the PNP shall
serve a term of ojce not to exceed four (4) years: Provided, further, That in Ames of war or
other naAonal emergency declared by Congress, the President may extend such term of ojce.
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SecBon 27. Manning Levels. ? On the average naAonwide, the manning levels of the PNP shall
be approximately in accordance with a police-to-populaAon raAo of one (1) policeman for every
\ve hundred (500) persons. The actual strength by ciAes and municipaliAes shall depend on the
state of peace and order, populaAon density and actual demands of the service in the parAcular
area: Provided, That the minimum police-to-populaAon raAo shall not be less than one (1)
policeman for every one thousand (1,000) persons: Provided, further, That urban areas shall
have a higher minimum police-to-populaAon raAo as may be prescribed by regulaAons.
SecBon 28. Rank Classi!ca2on. ? For purposes of ejcient administraAon, supervision and
control, the rank classi\caAon of the members of the PNP shall be as follows:
Director General
Deputy Director General
Chief Superintendent
Senior Superintendent
Chief Inspector
Senior Inspector
Senior Police Ojcer IV
Senior Police Ojcer III
Senior Police Ojcer II
Senior Police Ojcer I
Police Ojcer III
Police Ojcer II
Police Ojcer I
SecBon 29. Key Posi2ons. ? The head of the PNP with the rank director general shall have the
posiAon Atle of Chief of the PNP. The second in command of the PNP with the rank of deputy
director general shall be the Deputy Chief of the PNP for AdministraAon. The third in command
with the rank also of deputy director general shall be the Deputy Chief of the PNP for
At the naAonal ojce, the head of the directorial sta_ with the rank of deputy director general
shall be known as Chief of the Directorial Sta_ of the PNP.
The heads of the various sta_ divisions in the directorial sta_ shall have the rank of director with
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the posiAon Atle of Director of the Directorial Sta_ of their respecAve funcAonal divisions. The
head of the Inspectorate Division with the rank of chief superintendent shall assume the posiAon
Atle of Inspector General. The heads of the administraAve and operaAonal support divisions shall
have the rank of chief superintendent.
The head of the NCR with the rank of director shall assume the posiAon Atle of NCR Director.
The heads of the regional ojces with the rank of chief superintendent shall assume the posiAon
Atle of Regional Director.
The heads of the NCR district ojces with the rank of chief superintendent shall have the
posiAon Atle of District Director.
The heads of provincial ojces with the rank of senior superintendent shall be known as
Provincial Director.
The heads of the district ojces with the rank of superintendent shall have the posiAon Atle of
District Director.
The heads of the municipality or city ojces with the rank of chief inspector shall be known as
Chief of Police.
SecBon 30. General Quali!ca2ons for Appointment. ? No person shall be appointed as ojcer or
member of the PNP unless he possesses the following minimum quali\caAons:
(a) A ciAzen of the Philippines;
(b) A person of good moral conduct;
(c) Of sound mind and body;
(d) Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree for appointment as ojcer and must have
\nished at least second year college or the equivalent of seventy-two (72) collegiate units
for appointment as non-ojcer or an equivalent training or experience for those already in
the service upon the e_ecAvity of this Act.
(e) Must be eligible in accordance with the standards set by the Commission;
(f) Must not have been dishonorably discharged from military employment or dismissed for
cause from any civilian posiAon in the Government;
(g) Must not have been convicted be \nal judgment of an o_ense or crime involving moral
(h) Must be at least one meter and sixty-two cenAmeters (1.62 m.) in height for male and
one meter and \ky-seven cenAmeters (1.57 m.) for female;
(i) Must weight not more or less than \ve kilograms (5 kg.) of the standard weight
corresponding to his or her height, age, and sex; and
(j) For a new applicant, must not be less than twenty-one (21) nor more than thirty (30)
years of age.
SecBon 31. Appointment of PNP Oicers and Members. ? The appointment of the ojcers and
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members of the PNP shall be e_ected in the following manner:
(a) Police Ojcer I to Senior Police Ojcer IV . ? Appointed by the PNP regional director
for regional personnel or by the Chief of the PNP for the naAonal headquarters personnel
and a`ested by the Civil Service Commission.
(b) Inspector to Superintendent. ? Appointed by the Chief of the PNP, as recommended
by their immediate superiors, a`ested by the Civil Service Commission;
(c) Senior Superintendent to Deputy Director General. ? Appointed by the President upon
recommendaAon of the chief of the PNP, with proper endorsement by the Chairman of the
Civil Service Commission and subject to con\rmaAon by the Commission on
Appointments; and
(d) Director General. ? Appointed by the President from among the senior ojcers down to
the rank of chief superintendent in the service, subject to con\rmaAon by the Commission
on Appointments: Provided, That the Chief of the PNP shall serve a tour of duty not to
exceed four (4) years: Provided, further, That, in Ames of war or other naAonal emergency
declared by Congress, the President may extend such tour of duty.
SecBon 32. Examina2ons for Policemen. ? The Civil Service Commission shall administer the
qualifying entrance examinaAons for policemen on the basis of the standards set by the
SecBon 33. Lateral Entry of Oicers into the PNP. ? In general, all original appointments of
commissioned ojcers in the PNP shall commence with the rank of inspector, to include all those
with highly technical quali\caAons applying for the PNP technical services, such as denAst,
optometrists, nurses, engineers, and graduates of forensic sciences. Doctors of medicine,
members of the Bar, and chaplains shall be appointed to the rank of senior inspector in their
parAcular technical service. Graduates of the Philippine NaAonal Police Academy (PNPA) shall
be automaAcally appointed to the iniAal rank of inspector. Licensed criminologists may be
appointed to the rank of inspector to \ll up any vacancy aker promoAons from the ranks are
SecBon 34. Quali!ca2ons of Chief of City and Municipal Police Sta2ons. ? No person may be
appointed chief of a city police staAon unless he holds a bachelor's degree from a recognized
insAtuAon of learning or has served in the Philippine Constabulary or in the police department of
any city or municipality with the rank of captain or its equivalent therein for at least three (3)
No person may be appointed chief of a municipal police staAon unless he holds a bachelor's
degree from a recognized insAtuAon of learning or has served as ojcer in the Philippine
Constabulary or in the police department of any city or municipality for at least two (2) years with
the rank lieutenant or its equivalent: Provided, That a member of the Bar with at least \ve (5)
years experience in acAve law pracAce and who possesses the general quali\caAons under
SecAon 30 of this Act shall be quali\ed for appointment as chief of a city or municipal police
staAon: Provided, further, That the chief of police shall be appointed in accordance with the
provisions of SecAon 51, paragraph b), subparagraph (4) (i) of this Act.
SecBon 35. Support Units. ? The PNP shall be supported by administraAve and operaAonal
support units. The administraAve support units shall consist of the Crime Laboratory, LogisAc
Unit, CommunicaAons Unit, Computer Center, Finance Center and Civil Security Unit. The
operaAonal support units shall be composed of the MariAme Police Unit, Police Intelligence Unit,
Police Security Unit, Criminal InvesAgaAon Unit, Special AcAon Force, NarcoAcs units, AviaAon
Security Unit, Trajc Management Unit, the Medical and Dental Centers and the Civil RelaAons
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Unit. To enhance police operaAonal ejciency and e_ecAveness, the Chief of the PNP may
consAtute such other support units as may be necessary subject to the approval of the
Commission: Provided, That no support unit headed by a chief superintendent or a higher rank
can be created unless provided by law.
(a) AdministraAve Support Units. ? (1) Crime Laboratory. There shall be established a
central Crime Laboratory to be headed by a Director with the rank of chief superintendent,
which shall provides scienA\c and technical invesAgaAve aid and support to the PNP and
other government invesAgaAve agencies.
It shall also provide crime laboratory examinaAon, evaluaAon and idenA\caAon of physical
evidences involved in crimes with primary emphasis on their medical, chemical, biological
and physical nature.
There shall be likewise be established regional and city crime laboratories as may be
necessary in all regions and ciAes of the country.
(2) LogisAc Unit. ? Headed by a Director with the rank of chief superintendent, the
LogisAcs Unit shall be responsible for the procurement, distribuAons and
management of all the logisAcal requirements of the PNP including \rearms and
(3) CommunicaAons Unit. ? Headed by a Director with the rank of chief
superintendent, the CommunicaAons Unit shall be responsible for establishing an
e_ecAve police communicaAons network.
(4) Computer Center. ? Headed by a Director with the rank of chief superintendent,
the Computer Center shall be responsible for the design, implementaAon and
maintenance of a database system for the PNP.
(5) Finance Center. ? Headed by a Director with the rank of chief superintendent,
the Finance Center shall be responsible for providing \nance services to the PNP.
(6) Civil Security Unit. ? Headed by a Director with the rank of chief superintendent,
the Civil Security Unit shall provide administraAve services and general supervision
over organizaAon, business operaAon and acAviAes of all organized private
detecAves, watchmen, security guard agencies and company guard houses.
The unit shall likewise supervise the licensing and registraAon of \rearms and explosives.
The approval applicaAons for licenses to operate private security agencies, as well as the
issuance of licenses to security guards and the licensing of \rearms and explosives, shall
be decentralized to the PNP regional ojces.
(b) OperaAonal Support Units. ? (1) MariAme Police Unit. Headed by a Director with the
rank of chief superintendent, the MariAme Police Unit shall perform all police funcAons
over Philippine territorial waters and rivers.
(2) Police Intelligence Unit. ? Headed by a Director with the rank of chief
superintendent, the Police Intelligence Unit shall serve as the intelligence and
counterintelligence operaAng unit of the PNP.
(3) Police Security Unit. ? Headed by a Director with the rank of chief
superintendent, Police Security Unit shall provide security for government ojcials,
visiAng dignitaries and private individuals authorized to be given protecAon.
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(4) Criminal InvesAgaAon Unit. ? Headed by a Director with the rank of chief
superintendent, the Criminal InvesAgaAon Unit shall undertake the monitoring,
invesAgaAon and prosecuAon of all crimes involving economic sabotage, and other
crimes of such magnitude and extent as to indicate their commission by highly
placed or professional criminal syndicates and organizaAons.
This unit shall likewise invesAgate all major cases involving violaAons of the
Revised Penal Code and operate against organized crime groups, unless the
President assigns the case exclusively to the NaAonal Bureau of InvesAgaAon
(5) Special AcAon Force. ? Headed by a Director with the rank of chief
superintendent, the Special AcAon Force shall funcAon as a mobile strike force or
reacAon unit to augment regional, provincial, municipal and city police forces for
civil disturbance control, counterinsurgency, hostage-taking rescue operaAons, and
other special operaAons.
(6) NarcoAcs Unit. ? Headed by a Director with the rank of chief superintendent, the
NarcoAcs Unit shall enforce all laws relaAve to the protecAon of the ciAzenry against
dangerous and other prohibited drugs and substances.
(7) AviaAon Security Unit. ? Headed by a Director with the rank of chief
superintendent, the AviaAon Security Unit, in coordinaAon with airport authoriAes,
shall secure all the country's airports against o_ensive and terrorisAc acts that
threaten civil aviaAon, exercise operaAonal control and supervision over all
agencies involved in airport security operaAon, and enforce all laws and regulaAons
relaAve to air travel protecAon and safety.
(8) Trajc Management Unit. ? Headed by a Director with the rank of chief
superintendent, the Trajc Management Unit shall enforce trajc laws and
(9) Medical and Dental Centers. ? Headed by a Director with the rank of chief
superintendent, the Medical and Dental Centers shall be responsible for providing
medical and dental services for the PNP.
(10) Civil RelaAons Units. ? Headed with a Director with the rank of chief
superintendent, the Civil RelaAons Unit shall implement plans and programs that
will promote community and ciAzens' parAcipaAon in the maintenance of peace and
order and public safety.
SecBon 36. Status of Members of the Philippine Na2onal Police. ? The members of the PNP
shall be considered employees of the NaAonal Government and shall draw their salaries
therefrom: Provided, That PNP members assigned in Metropolitan Manila, chartered ciAes and
\rst class municipaliAes may be paid in addiAonal monthly allowance by the local government
unit concerned.
SecBon 37. Performance Evalua2on System. ? There shall be established a performance
evaluaAon system which shall be administered in accordance with the rules, regulaAons and
standards, and a code of conduct promulgated by the Commission for members of the PNP.
Such performance evaluaAon system be administered in such a way as to foster the
improvement of individual ejciency and behavioral discipline as well as the promoAon of
organizaAonal e_ecAveness and respect for the consAtuAonal and human rights of ciAzens,
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democraAc principles and ideals and the supremacy of civilian authority over the military.
The raAng system as contemplated herein shall be based on standards prescribed by the
Commission and shall consider results of annual physical, psychological and neuropsychiatric
examinaAons conducted on the PNP ojcer or member concerned.
SecBon 38. Promo2ons. ? (a) A member of the PNP shall not be eligible for promoAon to a
higher posiAon or rank unless he has successfully passed the corresponding promoAonal
examinaAon given by the Commission, or the Bar or corresponding board examinaAons for
technical services and other professions, and has saAsfactorily completed an appropriate and
accredited course in the PNP or equivalent training insAtuAons. In addiAon, no member of the
PNP shall eligible for promoAon unless he has been cleared by the People's Law Enforcement
Board (PLEB) of complaints pro_ered against him, if any.
(b) Special promoAon may be extended to any member of the PNP for acts of
conspicuous courage and gallantry at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty,
or selected as such in a naAonwide search conducted by the PNP or any accredited civic
SecBon 39. Compulsory Re2rement. ? Compulsory reArement, for ojcer and non-ojcer, shall
be upon the a`ainment of age \ky-six (56): Provided, That, in case of any ojcer with the rank of
chief superintendent, director or deputy director general, the Commission may allow his retenAon
in the service for an unextendible period of one (1) year.
SecBon 40. Op2onal Re2rement. ? Upon accumulaAon of at least twenty (20) years of
saAsfactory acAve service, an ojcer or non-ojcer, at his own request and with the approval of
the Commission, shall be reAred from the service and enAtled to receive bene\ts provided by
SecBon 41. (a) Ci2zen's Complaints. ? Any complaint by an individual person against any
member of the PNP shall be brought before the following:
(1) Chiefs of police, where the o_ense is punishable by withholding of privileges,
restricAon to speci\ed limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combinaAon
thereof for a period not exceeding \keen (15) days;
(2) Mayors of ciAes or municipaliAes, where the o_ense is punishable by
withholding of privileges, restricAon to speci\ed limits, suspension or forfeiture of
salary, or any combinaAon thereof, for a period of not less than sixteen (16) days
but not exceeding thirty (30) days;
(3) People's Law Enforcement Board, as created under SecAon 43 hereof, where
the o_ense is punishable by withholding of privileges, restricAon to speci\ed limits,
suspension of forfeiture of salary, or any combinaAon thereof, for a period
exceeding thirty (30) days; or by dismissal.
The Commission shall provide in its implemenAng rules and regulaAons a scale of
penalAes to be imposed upon any member of the PNP under this secAon.
(b) Internal Discipline. ? In dealing with minor o_enses involving internal discipline found
to have been commi`ed by any regular member of their respecAve commands, the duly
designated supervisors and equivalent ojcers of the PNP shall, aker due noAce and
summary hearing, exercise disciplinary powers as follows:
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(1) Chiefs of police or equivalent supervisors may summarily impose the
administraAve punishment of admoniAon or reprimand; restricAon to speci\ed limits;
withholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or suspension; or any of the
combinaAon of the foregoing: Provided; That, in all cases, the total period shall not
exceed \keen (15) days;
(2) Provincial directors or equivalent supervisors may summarily impose the
administraAve punishment of admoniAon or reprimand; restricAon to speci\ed limits;
withholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or suspension; or any combinaAon of
the foregoing: Provided, That, in all cases, the total period shall not exceed thirty
(30) days;
(3) Police regional directors or equivalent supervisors shall have the power to
impose upon any member the disciplinary punishment of dismissal from the
service. He may also impose the administraAve punishment of admoniAon or
reprimand; restricAon to speci\ed limits; withholding of privileges; suspension or
forfeiture of salary; demoAon; or any combinaAon of the foregoing: Provided, That,
in all cases, the total period shall not exceed sixty (60) days;
(4) The Chief of the PNP shall have the power to impose the disciplinary
punishment of dismissal from the service; suspension or forfeiture of salary; or any
combinaAon thereof for a period not exceeding one hundred eighty (180) days.
(c) Exclusive JurisdicAon. ? A complaint or a charge \led against a PNP member shall be
heard and decided exclusively by the disciplining authority who has acquired original
jurisdicAon over the case and notwithstanding the existence of concurrent jurisdicAon as
regards the o_ense: Provided, That o_enses which carry higher penalAes referred to a
disciplining authority shall be referred to the appropriate authority which has jurisdicAon
over the o_ense.
For purposes of this Act, a "minor o_ense" shall refer to an act or omission not involving moral
turpitude, but a_ecAng the internal discipline of the PNP, and shall include, but not limited to:
(1) Simple misconduct or negligence;
(2) InsubordinaAon;
(3) Frequent absences or tardiness;
(4) Habitual drunkenness; and
(5) Gambling prohibited by law.
SecBon 42. Summary Dismissal Powers of the PNP Chief and Regional Directors. ? The Chief
of the PNP and regional directors, aker due noAce and summary hearings, may immediately
remove or dismiss any respondent PNP member in any of the following cases:
(a) When the charge is serious and the evidence of guilt is strong;
(b) When the respondent is a recidivist or has been repeatedly charged and there are
reasonable grounds to believe that he is guilty of the charges; and
(c) When the respondent is guilty of conduct unbecoming of a police ojcer.
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SecBon 43. People's Law Enforcement Board (PLEB). ? (a) CreaAon and FuncAons. ? Within
thirty (30) days from the issuance of the implemenAng rules and regulaAons by the Commission,
there shall be created by the sangguniang panlungsod/bayan in every city and municipality such
number of People's Law Enforcement Boards (PLEBs) as may be necessary: Provided, That
there shall be at least one (1) PLEB for every municipality and for each of the legislaAve districts
in a city. The PLEB shall have jurisdicAon to hear and decide ciAzen's complaints or cases \led
before it against erring ojcers and members of the PNP. There shall be at least one (1) PLEB
for every \ve hundred (500) city or municipal police personnel.
(b) ComposiAon and Term of Ojce. ? The PLEB shall be composed of the following:
(1) Any member of the sangguniang panlungsod/bayan chosen by his respecAve
(2) Any barangay captain of the city or municipality concerned chosen by the
associaAon of barangay captains; and
(3) Three (3) other members who shall be chosen by the peace and order council
from among the respected members of the community known for their probity and
integrity, one (1) of whom must be a member of the Bar or, in the absence thereof,
a college graduate, or the principal of the central elementary school in the locality.
The Chairman of the PLEB shall be elected from among its members. The term of ojce
of the members of the PLEB shall be for a period of two (2) years from assumpAon of
ojce. Such member shall hold ojce unAl his successor shall have been chosen and
(c) CompensaAon ? Membership in the PLEB is a civic duty. However, PLEB members
may be paid per diem as may be determined by the city or municipal council from city or
municipal funds.
(d) Procedure ? (1) The PLEB, by a majority vote of all its members and its Chairman
shall determine whether or not the respondent ojcer or member of the PNP is guilty of
the charge upon which the complaint is based.
(2) Each case shall be decided within sixty (60) days from the Ame the case has
been \led with the PLEB.
(3) The procedures in the PLEB shall be summary in nature, conducted in
accordance with due process, but without strict regard to technical rules of
(4) The Commission shall issue the necessary implemenAng guidelines and
procedures to be adopted by the PLEB, including graduated penalAes which may
be imposed by the PLEB.
(5) The Commission may assign the present NAPOLCOM hearing ojcers to act as
legal consultants of the PLEBs and provide, whenever necessary, legal services,
assistance and advise to the PLEBs in hearing and deciding cases against ojcers
and members of the PNP, especially those involving dijcult quesAons of law:
Provided, That these lawyers may also be assigned to invesAgate claims for death
and disability bene\ts of PNP members or their heirs.
(e) Decisions ? The decision of the PLEB shall become \nal and executory: Provided,
That a decision involving demoAon or dismissal from the service may be appealed by
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either party with the regional appellate board within ten (10) days from receipt of the copy
of the decision.
SecBon 44. Disciplinary Appellate Boards. ? The formal administraAve disciplinary machinery for
the PNP shall be the NaAonal Appellate Board and the regional appellate boards.
The NaAonal Appellate Board shall consist of four (4) divisions, each division composed of a
Commissioner as Chairman and two (2) other members. The Board shall consider appeals from
decisions of the Chief of the PNP.
The NaAonal Appellate Board may conduct its hearings or sessions in Metropolitan Manila or
any part of the country as it may deem necessary.
There shall be at least one (1) regional appellate board per administraAve region in the country
to be composed of a senior ojcer of the regional Commission as Chairman and one (1)
representaAve each from the PNP, and the regional peace and order council as members. It
shall consider appeals from decisions of the regional directors, other ojcials, mayors, and the
PLEBs: Provided, That the Commission may create addiAonal regional appellate boards as the
need arises.
SecBon 45. Finality of Disciplinary Ac2on. ? The disciplinary acAon imposed upon a member of
the PNP shall be \nal and executory: Provided, That a disciplinary acAon imposed by the
regional director or by the PLEB involving demoAon or dismissal from the service may be
appealed to the regional appellate board within ten (10) days from receipt of the copy of the
noAce of decision: Provided, further, That the disciplinary acAon imposed by the Chief of the
PNP involving demoAon or dismissal may be appealed to the NaAonal Appellate Board within ten
(10) days from receipt thereof: Provided, furthermore, That the regional or NaAonal Appellate
Board, as the case may be, shall decide the appeal within sixty (60) days from receipt of the
noAce of appeal: Provided, \nally, That failure of the regional appellate board to act on the
appeal within said period shall render the decision \nal and executory without prejudice,
however, to the \ling of an appeal by either party with the Secretary.
SecBon 46. Jurisdic2on in Criminal Cases. ? Any provision of law to the contrary
notwithstanding, criminal cases involving PNP members shall within the exclusive jurisdicAon of
the regular courts: Provided, That the courts-marAal appointed pursuant to PresidenAal Decree
No. 1850 shall conAnue to try PC-INP members who have already been arraigned, to include
appropriate acAons thereon by the reviewing authoriAes pursuant to Commonwealth Act No.
408, otherwise known as the ArAcles of War, as amended, and ExecuAve Order No. 178,
otherwise known as the Manual for Courts-MarAal: Provided, further, That criminal cases against
PC-INP members who may have not yet been arraigned upon the e_ecAvity of this Act shall be
transferred to the proper city or provincial prosecutor or municipal trial court judge.
SecBon 47. Preven2ve Suspension Pending Criminal Case. ? Upon the \ling of a complaint or
informaAon sujcient in form and substance against a member of the PNP for grave felonies
where the penalty imposed by law is six (6) years and one (1) day or more, the court shall
immediately suspend the accused from ojce unAl the case is terminated. Such case shall be
subject to conAnuous trial and shall be terminated within ninety (90) days from arraignment of
the accused.
SecBon 48. En2tlement to Reinstatement and Salary. ? A member of the PNP who may have
been suspended from ojce in accordance with the provisions of this Act or who shall have been
terminated or separated from ojce shall, upon acqui`al from the charges against him, be
enAtled to reinstatement and to prompt payment of salary, allowances and other bene\ts
withheld from him by reason of such suspension or terminaAon.
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SecBon 49. Legal Assistance. ? The Secretary of the Department of JusAce, the Chairman of
the Commission or the Chief of the PNP may authorize lawyers of their respecAve agencies to
provide legal assistance to any member of the PNP who is facing before the prosecutor's ojce,
the court or any competent body, a charge or charges arising from any incident which is related
to the performance of his ojcial duty: Provided, That government lawyers so authorized shall
have the power to administer oaths. The Secretary of JusAce, the Chairman of the Commission,
and the Chief of the PNP shall jointly promulgate rules and regulaAons to implement the
provisions of this secAon.
SecBon 50. Power to Administer Oaths. ? Ojcials of the Commission who are appointed by the
President, as well as ojcers of the PNP from rank of inspector to senior superintendent, shall
have the power to administer oaths on ma`ers which are connected with the performance of
their ojcial duAes.
SecBon 51. Powers of Local Government Oicials Over the PNP Units or Forces. ? Governors
and mayors shall be depuAzed as representaAves of the Commission in their respecAve
territorial jurisdicAon. As such, the local execuAves shall discharge the following funcAons:
(a) Provincial Governor ? (1) Power to Choose the Provincial Director. ? The provincial
governor shall choose the provincial director from a list of three (3) eligible recommended
by the PNP regional director.
(2) Overseeing the Provincial Public Safety Plan ImplementaAon. ? The governor,
as chairman of the provincial peace and order council, shall oversee the
implementaAon of the provincial public safety plan, which is prepared taking into
consideraAon the integrated community safety plans, as provided under paragraph
(b) (2) of this secAon.
(b) City and Municipal Mayors ? (1) OperaAonal Supervision and Control. The city and
municipal mayors shall exercise operaAonal supervision and control over PNP units in
their respecAve jurisdicAon except during the thirty (30) day period immediately preceding
and the thirty (30) days following any naAonal, local and barangay elecAons. During the
said period, the local police forces shall be under the supervision and control of the
Commission on ElecAons.
The term "operaAonal supervision and control" shall mean the power to direct,
superintend, oversee and inspect the police units and forces.
It shall include the power to employ and deploy units or elements of the PNP,
through the staAon commander, to ensure public safety and e_ecAve maintenance
of peace and order within the locality. For this purpose, the term "employ" and
"deploy" shall mean as follows:
"Employ" refers to uAlizaAon of units or elements of the PNP for purposes of
protecAon of lives and properAes, enforcement of laws, maintenance of peace and
order, prevenAon of crimes, arrest of criminal o_enders and bringing the o_enders
to jusAce, and ensuring public safety, parAcularly in the suppression of disorders,
riots, lawless violence, rebellious sediAous conspiracy, insurgency, subversion or
other related acAviAes.
"Deploy" shall mean the orderly organized physical movement of elements or units
of the PNP within the province, city or municipality for purposes of employment as
herein de\ned.
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(2) Integrated Community Safety Plans. ? The municipal/city mayor shall, in
coordinaAon with the local peace and order council of which he is the chairman
pursuant to ExecuAve Order No. 309, as amended, develop and establish an
integrated area/community public safety plan embracing prioriAes of acAon and
program thrusts for implementaAon by the local PNP staAons.
It shall, likewise, be the duty of the city or municipal mayor to sponsor periodic
seminars for members of the PNP assigned or detailed in his city or municipality in
order to update them regarding local ordinances and legislaAons.
(3) AdministraAve Disciplinary Powers. ? In the areas of discipline, city and
municipal mayors shall have the powers to impose, aker due noAce and summary
hearings, disciplinary penalAes for minor o_enses commi`ed by members of the
PNP assigned to their respecAve jurisdicAons, as provided in SecAon 41 of this Act.
(4) Other Powers. ? In addiAon to the aforemenAoned powers, city and municipal
mayors shall have the following authority over the PNP units in their respecAve
(i) Authority to choose the chief of police from a list of \ve (5) eligibles
recommended by the provincial police director, preferably from the same
province, city or municipality.
(ii) Authority to recommend the transfer, reassignment or detail of PNP
members outside of their respecAve city or town residences; and
(iii) Authority to recommend, from a list of eligibles previously screened by
the peace and order council, the appointment of new members of the PNP to
be assigned to their respecAve ciAes or municipaliAes without which no such
appointment shall be a`ested.
SecBon 52. Suspension of Opera2onal Supervision and Control. ? The President may, upon
consultaAon with the provincial governor and congressman concerned, suspend the power of
operaAonal supervision and control of any local execuAve over police units assigned or staAoned
in his jurisdicAon for any of the following grounds:
(a) Frequent unauthorized absences;
(b) Abuse of authority;
(c) Providing material support to criminal elements; or
(d) Engaging in acts inimical to naAonal security or which negate the e_ecAveness of the
peace and order campaign.
Upon good cause shown, the President may, motu propio or upon the recommendaAon of the
NaAonal Police Commission, restore such power withdrawn from any local execuAve.
SecBon 53. Composi2on. ? The Bureau of Fire ProtecAon, hereinaker referred to as the Fire
Bureau, is hereby created iniAally consisAng of the exisAng ojcers and uniformed members of
the \re service of the Integrated NaAonal Police as consAtuted under PresidenAal Decree No.
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SecBon 54. Powers and Func2ons. ? The Fire Bureau shall be responsible for the prevenAon
and suppression of all destrucAve \res on buildings, houses and other structures, forest, land
transportaAon vehicles and equipment, ships or vessels docked at piers or wharves or anchored
in major seaports, petroleum industry installaAons, plane crashes and other similar incidents, as
well as the enforcement of the Fire Code and other related laws.
The Fire Bureau shall have the power to invesAgate all causes of \res and, if necessary, \le the
proper complaints with the city or provincial prosecutor who has jurisdicAon over the case.
SecBon 55. Organiza2on. ? The Fire Bureau shall be headed by a chief who shall be assisted
by a deputy chief. It shall be composed of provincial ojces, district ojces and city or municipal
At the provincial level, there shall be an ojce of the provincial \re marshall which shall
implement the policies, plans and programs of the Department; and monitor, evaluate and
coordinate the operaAons and acAviAes of the \re service operaAng units at the city and
municipal levels. In the case of large provinces, district ojces may be established, to be headed
by a district \re marshall.
At the city or municipal level, there shall be a \re staAon, each headed by a city or municipal \re
marshall: Provided, That, in the case of large ciAes and municipaliAes, a district ojce with
subordinate \re staAons headed by a district \re marshall may be organized as necessary.
The Fire Chief shall recommended to the Secretary the organizaAonal structure and stajng
pa`ern, as well as the disciplinary machinery for ojcers and men of the Bureau, in accordance
with the guidelines set forth herein and as provided in SecAon 85 of this Act.
The local government units at the city and municipal levels shall be responsible for the \re
protecAon and various emergency services such as rescue and evacuaAon of injured people at
\re-related incidents and, in general, all \re prevenAon and suppression measures to secure the
safety of life and property of the ciAzenry.
SecBon 56. Establishment of Fire Sta2on. ? There shall be established at least one (1) \re
staAon with adequate personnel, \re\ghAng faciliAes and equipment in every provincial capital,
city and municipality subject to the standards, rules and regulaAons as may be promulgated by
the Department. The local government unit shall, however, provide the necessary and or site of
the staAon.
SecBon 57. Quali!ca2on Standards. ? The quali\caAon standards of the members of the Fire
Bureau shall be as prescribed by the Department based on the requirement of the service.
SecBon 58. Rank Classi!ca2on. ? For purposes of ejcient administraAon, supervision and
control, the rank classi\caAon of the members of the Fire Bureau shall be as follows:
Chief Superintendent
Senior Superintendent
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Chief Inspector
Senior Inspector
Senior Fire Ojcer IV
Senior Fire Ojcer III
Senior Fire Ojcer II
Senior Fire Ojcer I
Fire Ojcer III
Fire Ojcer II
Fire Ojcer I
SecBon 59. Key Posi2ons. ? The head of the Fire Bureau with the rank of director shall have the
posiAon Atle of Chief of the Fire Bureau. He shall be assisted by a deputy chief with the rank of
chief superintendent.
The assistant heads of the Department's regional ojces with the rank of senior superintendent
shall assume the posiAon Atle of Assistant Regional Director for Fire ProtecAon as provided in
SecAon 11 of this Act; the heads of the NCR district ojces with the rank of senior
superintendent shall have the posiAon Atle of District Fire Marshall; the heads of the provincial
ojces with the rank of superintendent shall be known as Provincial Fire Marshall; the heads of
the district ojces with the rank of chief inspector shall have the posiAon Atle of District Fire
Marshall; and the heads of the municipal or city staAons with the rank of senior inspector shall be
known as Chief of Municipal/City Fire StaAon.
SecBon 60. Composi2on. ? The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, hereinaker referred
to as the Jail Bureau, is hereby created iniAally consisAng of ojcers and uniformed members of
the Jail Management and Penology Service as consAtuted under PresidenAal Decree No. 765.
SecBon 61. Powers and Func2ons. ? The Jail Bureau shall exercise supervision and control
over all city and municipal jails. The provincial jails shall be supervised and controlled by the
provincial government within its jurisdicAon, whose expenses shall be subsidized by the NaAonal
Government for not more than three (3) years aker the e_ecAvity of this Act.
SecBon 62. Organiza2on. ? The Jail Bureau shall be headed by a Chief who shall be assisted
by a deputy chief.
The jail Bureau shall composed of city and municipal jails, each headed by a city or municipal jail
warden: Provided, That, in the case of large ciAes and municipaliAes, a district jail with
subordinate jails headed by a district jail warden may be established as necessary.
The Chief of the Jail Bureau shall recommended to the Secretary the organizaAonal structure
and stajng pa`ern of the Bureau as well as the disciplinary machinery for ojcers and men of
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the Bureau in accordance with the guidelines set forth herein and as prescribed in SecAon 85 of
this Act.
SecBon 63. Establishment of District, City or Municipal Jail. ? There shall be established and
maintained in every district, city and municipality a secured, clean adequately equipped and
sanitary jail for the custody and safekeeping of city and municipal prisoners, any fugiAve from
jusAce, or person detained awaiAng invesAgaAon or trial and/or transfer to the naAonal
penitenAary, and/or violent mentally ill person who endangers himself or the safety of others,
duly cerA\ed as such by the proper medical or health ojcer, pending the transfer to a medical
The municipal or city jail service shall preferably be headed by a graduate of a four (4) year
course in psychology, psychiatry, sociology, nursing, social work or criminology who shall assist
in the immediate rehabilitaAon of individuals or detenAon of prisoners. Great care must be
exercised so that the human rights of this prisoners are respected and protected, and their
spiritual and physical well-being are properly and promptly a`ended to.
SecBon 64. Rank Classi!ca2on. ? For purpose of ejcient administraAon, supervision and
control, the rank classi\caAon of the members of the Jail Bureau shall be as follows:
Chief Superintendent
Senior Superintendent
Chief Inspector
Senior Inspector
Senior Jail Ojcer IV
Senior Jail Ojcer III
Senior Jail Ojcer II
Senior Jail Ojcer I
Jail Ojcer III
Jail Ojcer II
Jail Ojcer I
SecBon 65. Key Posi2ons. ? The head of the Jail Bureau with the rank of director shall have the
posiAon Atle of Chief of Jail Bureau. He shall be assisted by a deputy chief with the rank of chief
The assistant heads of the Department's regional ojces with the rank of senior superintendent
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shall assume the posiAon Atle of Assistant Regional Director of Jail Management and Penology
as provided by SecAon 12 of this Act; the heads of district ojces with the rank of chief inspector
shall have the posiAon Atle of District Jail Warden; and the heads of the city or municipal staAons
with the rank of senior inspector shall be known as City/Municipal Jail Warden.
SecBon 66. Crea2on of the Philippine Public Safety College. ? There is hereby created the
Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC), which shall be the premier educaAonal insAtuAon for
the training, human resource development and conAnuing educaAon of all personnel of the PNP,
Fire and Jail Bureaus.
Said College shall be under the direct supervision of a Board of Trustees composed of the
Secretary and the three (3) bureau heads.
SecBon 67. Composi2on, Powers and Func2ons. ? The College shall consist of the present
Philippine NaAonal Police Academy (PNPA) established pursuant to SecAon 13 of PresidenAal
Decree No. 1184, the Fire Service Training Center, the Philippine NaAonal Training Center
(PNTC), the NaAonal Police College, and other special training centers as may be created by the
Department, whose funcAons shall be as follows:
(a) Formulate and implement training programs for the personnel of the Department;
(b) Establish and maintain adequate physical training faciliAes;
(c) Develop and implement research and development to support educaAonal training
(d) Conduct an assessment of the training needs of all its clientele; and
(e) Perform such other related funcAons as may be prescribed by the Secretary.
SecBon 68. Organiza2on. ? The structure and stajng pa`ern of the College shall be prescribed
by the Secretary.
SecBon 69. Incen2ves and Awards. ? There shall be established an incenAves and awards
system which shall be administered by a board under such rules, regulaAons and standards as
may be promulgated by the Department: Provided, That equivalent awards shall be given by the
Department for every award duly given by respectable civic organizaAons in a naAonwide
selecAon for outstanding achievement and/or performance of any member.
SecBon 70. Health and Welfare. ? It shall be the concern of the Department to provide
leadership and assistance in developing health and welfare programs for its personnel.
The heads of all bureaus and other ojces created under this Act shall take all proper steps
towards the creaAon of an atmosphere conducive to a good supervisor-subordinate relaAonship
and the improvement of personnel morale.
SecBon 71. Longevity Pay and Allowances. ? Uniformed personnel of the Department shall be
enAtled to a longevity pay of ten percent (10%) of their basic monthly salaries for every \ve (5)
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years of service, which shall be reckoned from the date of the personnel's original appointment
in the AFP, or appointment in the police, \re jail or other allied services to the integraAon of the
PC and the INP: Provided, That the totality of such longevity pay shall not exceed \ky percent
(50%) of the basic pay. They shall also conAnue to enjoy the subsistence allowance, quarters
allowance, clothing allowance cost of living allowance, hazard pay, and all other allowances as
provided by exisAng laws.
SecBon 72. Ac2ve Service. ? For purposes of this Act, acAve service of the uniformed personnel
shall refer to services rendered as an ojcer and non-ojcer, cadet, trainee or drakee in the
PNP, Fire or Jail Force or in the municipal police prior to the integraAon of the PC-INP or in the
AFP, and services rendered as a civilian ojcial or employee in the Philippine Government prior
to the date of separaAon or reArement from the PNP, Fire or Jail Force: Provided, That, for
purposes of reArement he shall have rendered at least ten (10) years of acAve service as ojcer
or non-ojcer in the AFP, and /or in the INP and/or in the PNP, Fire or Jail Force: Provided,
further, That services rendered as cadet, probaAonary ojcer, trainee or drakee in the AFP or as
cadet or trainee in the INP and PNP shall be credited for purposes of longevity pay: Provided,
\nally, That, for cadet services, the maximum number of service to be credited shall not exceed
the duraAon of the pre-commissionship course speci\ed in the curriculum.
SecBon 73. Permanent Physical Disability. ? An ojcer or non-ojcer who, having accumulated
at least twenty (20) years of acAve service, incurs total permanent physical disability in line of
duty shall be compulsorily reAred: Provided, That, if he has accumulated less than twenty (20)
years of acAve service, he shall be separated from the service and be enAtled to a separaAon
pay equivalent to one and one-fourth (11/4) months base pay for every year of service, or a
fracAon thereof, and longevity pay of the permanent grade he holds.
SecBon 74. Re2rement in the Next Higher Grade. ? Uniformed personnel covered under this Act
shall, for purposes of reArement pay, be reAred in one (1) grade higher than the permanent
grade last held: Provided, That they have served for at least one (1) year of acAve service in the
permanent grade.
SecBon 75. Re2rement Bene!ts. ? Monthly reArement pay shall be \ky percent (50%) of the
base pay and longevity pay of the reAred grade in case of twenty (20) years of acAve service,
increasing by two and one-half percent (2.5%) for every year of acAve service rendered beyond
twenty (20) years to a maximum of ninety percent (90%) for thirty-six (36) years of acAve service
and over.
SecBon 76. Death and Disability Bene!ts. ? A uniformed personnel and/or his heirs shall be
enAtled to all bene\ts relaAve to the death or permanent incapacity of said personnel, as
provided for under this Act, and/or other exisAng laws.
SecBon 77. Exemp2on from AYachment and Taxes. ? All bene\ts granted by this Act, including
bene\ts received from the Government Service Insurance System, shall not be subject to
a`achment, levy, execuAon or any tax of whatever nature.
SecBon 78. Uniformed Personnel Missing in Ac2on. ? Any uniformed personnel who while in the
performance of duty or by reason of his being an ojcer or member of the PNP, Fire or Jail
Force, is ojcially con\rmed missing in acAon, kidnapped or captured by lawless elements shall,
while so absent, be enAtled to receive or to have credited to his account the same pay and
allowances to which such ojcer or uniformed member was enAtled at the Ame of the incident:
Provided, That the compulsory reArement of a person missing in acAon shall be processed to
allow the members of the next of kin to enjoy the reArement bene\ts: Provided, further, That
should the Chief of the PNP, Fire or Jail Force, as the same may be, upon the recommendaAon
of the proper authority and/or immediate supervisor, subsequently determine that the ojcer or
uniformed member concerned have been absent from duty without authority, such member or
his heirs shall reimburse the PNP, Fire or Jail Force all such amount and allowances received by
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him in accordance with this secAon and the following secAon.
SecBon 79. Payment of Salary and Allowances to the Heirs of Uniformed Personnel. ? In case
any uniformed personnel has been ojcially con\rmed as missing in acAon under any of the
circumstances provided in the preceding secAon, the Chief of the PNP, Fire or Jail Force, as the
case may be, shall direct payment of the absent uniformed personnel's monthly salary and
allowances and other emoluments perAnent thereto his/her heirs for their support for a maximum
period of one (1) year from the date of commencement of absent or when last heard from as
those kidnapped or captured by lawless elements.
SecBon 80. Finding of Death and Termina2on of Payment of Salary and Allowances. ? Upon the
terminaAon of the one (1) year period as speci\ed in the preceding secAon, the missing
uniformed personnel shall be automaAcally terminated. In the event said personnel shall
thereaker be found to have been alive and is not enAtled to the bene\ts paid under the
preceding secAons of this Act, said bene\ts shall be reimbursed to the State within six (6)
months from the discovery of the fact or his reappearance. However, if his conAnued
disappearance was fraudulent or made in bad faith he shall, together with his co-conspirators,
be prosecuted according to law.
SecBon 81. Complaints and Grievances. ? Uniformed personnel shall have the right to present
complaints and grievances to their superiors or commanders and have them heard and
adjudicated as expediAously as possible in the best interest of the service, with due regard to
due process in every case. Such complaints or grievances shall be resolved at the lowest
possible level in the unit of command and the respondent shall have the right to appeal from an
adverse decision to higher authoriAes.
SecBon 82. Prohibi2ons; Penal2es. ? As professional police, \re and jail ojcers and members
responsible for the maintenance of peace and order and public safety, the members and ojcers
of the PNP, Fire or Jail Force are hereby prohibited from engaging in strikes, rallies,
demonstraAons and other similar concerted acAviAes, or performing other acts prejudicial to
good order and police discipline.
Any PNP, \re or Jail Force member found guilty by \nal judgment of violaAng the provisions of
the preceding paragraph shall be dismissed from the service without prejudice to whatever
criminal or civil liability he may have incurred in relaAon to such violaAons.
SecBon 83. Secretary of the Department of Local Government on Holdover Capacity. ? The
incumbent Secretary of the Department of Local Government shall perform the funcAons of the
Secretary of the Interior and Local Government on holdover capacity unAl such Ame when a new
Secretary shall have been appointed by the President and con\rmed by the Commission on
SecBon 84. Special Oversight CommiYee. ? A special Over-sight Commi`ee is hereby created,
composed of the Secretary as Chairman, the Secretary of Budget and Management as Cochairman,
the Secretary of NaAonal defense, the incumbent PC-INP Director General, the
incumbent Chairman of the Civil Service Commission, the respecAve Chairmen of the
Commi`ee on Local Government and the Commi`ee on NaAonal Defense and Security in the
Senate, and the respecAve Chairmen of the Commi`ee on Public Order and Security and the
Commi`ee on NaAonal Defense in the House of RepresentaAves, as members, which shall plan
and oversee the expediAous implementaAon of the transfer, merger and/or absorpAon into the
Department of the personnel, property, appropriaAons and installaAons of involved agencies.
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SecBon 85. Phases of Implementa2on. ? The implementaAon of this Act shall be undertaken in
three (3) phases, to wit:
Phase I ? Exercise of opAon by the uniformed members of the Philippine Constabulary,
the PC elements assigned with the NarcoAcs Command, CIS, and the personnel of the
technical services of the AFP assigned with the PC to include the regular CIS
invesAgaAng agents and the operaAves and agents of the NAPOLCOM InspecAon,
InvesAgaAon and Intelligence Branch, and the personnel of the absorbed NaAonal AcAon
Commi`ee on AnA-Hijacking (NACAH) of the Department of NaAonal Defense to be
completed within six (6) months from the date of the e_ecAvity of this Act. At the end of
this phase, all personnel from the INP, PC; AFP Technical Services, NACAH and
NAPOLCOM InspecAon, InvesAgaAon and Intelligence Branch shall have been covered by
ojcial orders assigning them to the PNP, Fire and Jail Forces by their respecAve units.
Phase II ? Approval of the table of organizaAon and equipment of all bureaus and ojces
created under this Act, preparaAon and \lling up of their stalling pa`ern, transfer of assets
to the Department and organizaAon of the Commission, to be completed within twelve (12)
months from the e_ecAvity date hereof. At the end of this phase, all personnel to be
absorbed by the Department shall have been issued appointment papers, and the
organized Commission and the PNP shall be fully operaAonal.
The PC ojcers and enlisted personnel who have not opted to join the PNP shall be
reassigned to the Army, Navy or Air Force, or shall be allowed to reAre under exisAng AFP
rules and regulaAons. Any PC-INP ojcer or enlisted personnel may, within the twelvemonth
period from the e_ecAvity of this Act, reAre and be paid reArement bene\ts
corresponding to a posiAon two (2) ranks higher than his present grade, subject to the
condiAons that at the Ame he applies for reArement, he has rendered at least twenty (20)
years of service and sAll has, at most, twenty-four (24) months of service remaining before
the compulsory reArement age as provided by exisAng law for his ojce.
Phase III ? Adjustment of ranks and establishment of one (1) lineal roster of ojcers and
another for non-ojcers, and the raAonalizaAon of compensaAon and reArement systems;
taking into consideraAon the exisAng compensaAon schemes and reArement and
separaAon bene\t systems of the di_erent components of the PNP, to ensure that no
member of the PNP shall su_er any diminuAon in basic longevity and incenAve pays,
allowances and reArement bene\ts due there before the creaAons of the PNP, to be
completed within eighteen (18) months from the e_ecAvity of this Act. To accomplish the
task of Phase III, the Commission shall create a Board of ojcers composed of the
following: NAPOLCOM Commissioner as Chairman and one (1) representaAve each for
the PC, Budget and Management.
Upon the e_ecAvity of this Act, the Secretary shall exercise administraAve supervision as
well as operaAonal control over the transferred, merged and/or absorbed AFP and INP
units. The incumbent Director General of the PC-INP shall conAnue to act as Director
General of the PNP unAl such Ame as he shall have been replaced by the President.
SecBon 86. Assump2on by the PNP of Police Func2ons. ? The PNP shall absorb the funcAons
of the PC, the INP and the NarcoAcs Command upon the e_ecAvity of this Act.
All funcAons of the PAFSECOM and the police funcAons of the Coast Guard shall be taken over
by the PNP when it acquires the capability to perform such funcAons aker the transiAon period of
eighteen (18) months. The personnel of the PAFSECOM or the Coast Guard shall, within the
transiAon period, have the opAon to join the PNP or remain with the PAFSECOM or the Coast
Guard, as the case may be.
SecBon 87. Absorp2on by the Department of the Na2onal Ac2on CommiYee on An2-Hijacking. ?
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The Department shall absorb the NaAonal AcAon Commi`ee on AnA-Hijacking under the
Department of NaAonal Defense, and the transfer of assets, personnel and accountabiliAes of
this ojce to the Department shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
SecBon 88. Transfer, Merger, and Absorp2on of Oices and Personnel. ? All properAes,
equipment, \nances of the transferred and absorbed agencies, including their respecAve
accountabiliAes, are hereby transferred to the Department.
The transfer, merger and/or absorpAon of any government ojce/unit concerned shall include the
funcAons, appropriaAons, funds, records, equipment, faciliAes, choses in acAon, rights, other
assets, and liabiliAes, if any, of the transferred Ojce/unit as well as the personnel thereof, who
shall; unless removed for cause and aker due process; in a holdover capacity, conAnue to
perform their respecAve duAes and responsibiliAes and receive their corresponding salaries and
bene\ts. Those personnel of the transferred, merged, and/or absorbed ojce/unit whose
posiAons are not included in the new posiAon structure and stajng pa`ern approved by the
Department or who are not reappointed shall be given preference to join the Department or any
of the ojces thereunder or shall be allowed to reAre under exisAng laws, rules and regulaAons.
Otherwise, they shall be deemed separated and paid gratuity equivalent to one and one-fourth
(11/4) months basic salary for every year of service or a fracAon thereof.
The personnel of the exisAng Department of Local Government shall, unless removed for cause
and aker due process, conAnue to perform their duAes and responsibiliAes and shall receive
their corresponding salaries and bene\ts.
The heads of the various bureaus and ojces created under this Act shall, within six (6) months
from the e_ecAvity of this Act, recommended the organizaAonal structure and stajng pa`ern of
their bureaus, and ojces for approval by the Secretary.
SecBon 89. Compulsory Re2rement for INP Members. ? Any provision hereof to the contrary
notwithstanding and within the transiAon period of four (4) years following the e_ecAvity of this
Act, the following members of the INP shall be considered compulsorily reAred:
(a) Those who shall a`ain the age of sixty (60) on the \rst year of the e_ecAvity of this Act.
(b) Those who shall a`ain the age of \ky-nine (59) on the second year of the e_ecAvity of
this Act; and
(c) Those who shall a`ain the age of \ky-eight (58) on the third year of the e_ecAvity of
this Act.
(d) Those who shall a`ain the age of \ky-seven (57) on the fourth year of the e_ecAvity of
this Act.
SecBon 90. Status of Present NAPOLCOM, PC-INP. ? Upon the e_ecAvity of this Act, the
present NaAonal Police Commission, and the Philippine Constabulary-Integrated NaAonal Police
shall cease to exist. The Philippine Constabulary, which is the nucleus of the integrated
Philippine Constabulary-Integrated NaAonal Police, shall cease to be a major service of the
Armed Forces of the Philippines. The Integrated NaAonal Police, which is the civilian component
of the Philippine Constabulary-Integrated NaAonal Police, shall cease to be the naAonal police
force and in lieu thereof, a new police force shall be established and consAtuted pursuant to this
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SecBon 91. Applica2on of Civil Service Laws. ? The Civil Service Law and its implemenAng
rules and regulaAons shall apply to all personnel of the Department.
SecBon 92. Funding. ? For purpose of organizing and consAtuAng the Department, and for
carrying out the provisions of this Act, the appropriaAons of the abolished, transferred or
reconsAtuted ojces for the current \scal year shall be transferred to the Department. Thereaker,
such as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act shall be included in the annual
General AppropriaAons Act.
SecBon 93. Implemen2ng Rules and Regula2ons. ? Within ninety (90) days from his
appointment, the Secretary shall promulgate rules and regulaAons necessary to ensure the
e_ecAve implementaAon of this Act.
SecBon 94. Separability Clause. ? If any porAon or provision of this Act is declared
unconsAtuAonal, the same shall not e_ect the validity and e_ecAvity of the other provisions not
a_ected thereby.
SecBon 95. Repealing Clause. ? All laws, decrees, execuAve orders, rules and regulaAons, and
other issuances or parts thereof which are inconsistent with this Act hereby repealed, amended
or modi\ed accordingly.
The provisions of ExecuAve Order No. 262 shall remain valid insofar as they are not inconsistent
with the provisions of this Act.
SecBon 96. Eeec2vity. ? This Act shall take e_ect aker \keen (15) days following its publicaAon
in two (2) naAonal newspapers of general circulaAon.
Approved: December 13, 1990
The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law FoundaAon
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RA 9263 and its IRR

Republic of the Philippines
Congress of the Philippines
Metro Manila
Twellh Congress
Third Regular Session

Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-eight day of July, two thousand three.
Republic Act No. 9263 March 10, 2004
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa2ves of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
SECTION 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Bureau of Fire ProtecAon and Bureau of Jail Management
and Penology ProfessionalizaAon Act of 2004."
SEC 2. Declara>on of Policy and Principles. – It is declared policy of the state to maintain peace and order,
protect life, liberty and property, and promote the general welfare essenAal for the enjoyment by all the
people of the blessings of democracy (ArAcle II, SecAon 5 of the Philippine ConsAtuAon) Moreover it
recognizes the responsibility of the state to strengthen government capability aimed towards the
strengthening of the delivery of basic services to the ciAzenry though the insAtuAonalizaAon of highly
ejcient and competent \re and jail services.
It is provided for under Republic Act No. 6975, other wise known as the "Department of the Interior and
Local Government Act 1990", that the task of \re protecAon, and jail management and penology shall be
the responsibility of the Bureau of Fire ProtecAon (BFP) and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
(BJMP), respecAvely.
Moreover, SecAon 3 of the Republic Act No. 8551, otherwise known as the "Philippine NaAonal Police
Reform and ReorganizaAon Act of 1998", provides that in Ames of naAonal emergency, BFP and the BJMP
along with the Philippine NaAonal Police (PNP) shall, upon the direcAon of the President, assist the Armed
Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in meeAng the naAonal emergency, in addiAon to the performance of their
inherent funcAons as mandated by law.
It is therefore recognized that the uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP, as member of the
uniformed service of the government under the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG),
are required the same amount of sacri\ce, service and dedicaAon like their counterparts in the4 PNP and
the AFP to carry out their respecAve duAes to the extent of risking their lives and limbs.
Towards this end, the State shall provide for the ProfessionalizaAon and restructuring of the BFP and the
BJMP by upgrading the level of quali\caAons of their uniformed personnel and standardizing their base pay,
reArement and other bene\ts, making it at par with those of the PNP and the AFP.
SEC. 3. Organiza>on and Key Posi>ons of the BFP and the BJMP. – The BFP and the BJMP shall be
respecAvely headed by a Chief who shall be assisted by two (2) deputy chiefs, one (1) for administraAon and
one (1) for operaAons, all of whom shall be appointed by the President upon recommendaAon of the
Secretary of the DILG from among the quali\ed ojcers with at least the rank of senior superintendent in
the service: Provided, that in no case shall any ojcer who has reAred or is reArable within six (6) months
from his/her compulsory reArement age be appointed as Chief of the Fire Bureau or Chief of the Jail Bureau,
as the case may be, Provided, further, that the Chief of the Fire Bureau and Chief of the Jail Bureau shall
serve a tour of duty not to exceed four (4) years: Provided, however, that in Ames of war or other naAonal
emergency declared by Congress, the President may extend such tour of duty.
The Heads of the BFP and the BJMP with the rank of director shall have the posiAon Atle of Chief of the Fire
Bureau and the Chief of the Jail Bureau, respecAvely. The second ojcers in command of the BFP and the
BJMP with the rank of chief superintendent shall have the posiAon Atle of Deputy Chief for AdministraAon
of the Jail Bureau, respecAvely. The third ojcer in command of the BFP and the BJMP with the rank of chief
superintendent shall have the posiAon Atle of Deputy Chief for OperaAon of Fire Bureau and Deputy Chief
for OperaAon of the Jail Bureau, respecAvely. The fourth ojcers in command of the BFP and the BJMP with
the rank of chief superintendent shall have the respecAve posiAon Atle of Chief of Directorial Sta_ of the
Fire Bureau and Chief of Directorial Sta_ of the Jail Bureau, who shall be assisted by the directors of the
directorates in the respecAve naAonal headquarters ojce with at least the rank of senior superintendent.
The BFP and the shall establish, operate and maintain their respecAve regional ojces in each of the
administraAve regions of the country which shall be respecAvely headed by a Regional Director for Fire
ProtecAon and a Regional Director of Jail Management and Penology with the rank of senior
superintendent. He/She shall be respecAvely assisted by the following ojcers with the rank of
superintendent: Assistant Regional Director for AdministraAon, Assistant Regional Director for OperaAons,
and Regional Chief of Directorial Sta_.
SEC. 4. Professionaliza>on and Upgrading of QualiJca>on Standards in the Appointment of Uniformed
Personnel to the BFP and the BJMP. – No person shall be appointed as uniformed personnel of the BFP and
the BJMP unless he/she possesses the following minimum quali\caAons:
a) A ciAzen of the Republic of the Philippines;
b) A person of good moral character;
c) Must have passed the psychiatric/psychological, drug and physical test for the purpose of
determining his/her physical and mental health;
d) Must possess a baccalaureate degree from recognized insAtuAon of learning;
e) Must possess the appropriate civil service eligibility;
f) Must not have been dishonorably discharged of dismissal for cause from previous employment;
g) Must not have been convicted by \nal judgement of an o_ense or crime involving moral
h) Must be at least one meter and sixty-two cenAmeters (1.62 m.) in height for male, and one meter
and \ky-seven cenAmeters (1.57 m.) for female: Provided, That a waiver for height and age
requirement \s shall be automaAcally granted to applicants belonging to the cultural communiAes;
i) Must weight not more or less than \ve kilograms (5 kgs.) from the standard weight corresponding
to his/her height, age and sex;
Provided, That a new applicants must be less than twenty one (21) nor more than thirty (30 years of age:
except for this parAcular provision, the above–enumerated quali\caAons shall be conAnuing in character
and an absence of any one of them at any given Ame shall be ground for separaAon or reArement from the
service: Provided,further, That the uniformed personnel who are already in the service upon the e_ecAvity
of this Act shall be given \ve (5) years to obtain the minimum educaAonal quali\caAon and one (1) year to
saAsfy the weight requirement.
Aker the lapse of the Ame of period for the saAsfacAon of a speci\c requirement, current uniformed
personnel of the BFP and the BJMP who will fail to saAsfy any of the requirements enumerated under this
SecAon shall be separated from the service if they are below \ky (50) years of age and have served in the
government for less than twenty (20) years, or reAred if they are age \ky (50) and above and have served in
the government for at least twenty (20) years without prejudice in either case to the payment of bene\ts
they may be enAtled to under exisAng laws.
SEC. 5. Appointment of Uniformed Personnel to the BFP and the BJMP. – The appointment of the BFP and
the BJMP shall be e_ected in the following manners:
a) Fire/Jail Oicer I to Senior Fire/Jail Oicer IV. – Appointed by the respecAve Regional Director for
Fire ProtecAon and Regional Director for Jail Management and Penology for the regional ojce
uniformed personnel or by the respecAve Chief of the Fire Bureau and Chief of the Jail Bureau for
the naAonal headquarters ojce uniformed personnel, and a`ested by the Civil Service Commission
b) "Fire/Jail Inspector to Fire/Jail Superintendent. – Appointed by the respecAve Chief of the Fire
Bureau and Chief of the Jail Bureau, as recommended by their immediate superiors, and a`ested by
the CSC;
c) Fire/Jail Senior Superintendent. – Appointed by the Secretary of the DILG upon recommendaAon
of the respecAve Chief of the Fire Bureau and Chief of the Jail Bureau, with the proper a`estaAon of
the CSC; and
d) Fire/ Jail Chief Superintendent. To Fire/Jail Director.- Appointed by the President upon
recommendaAon of the Secretary of the DILG, with the proper endorsement by the Chairman of the
SEC. 6. Lateral Entry of OMcer into the BFP and the BJMP. – In general, all original appointments of ojcers
in the Fire Bureau and Jail Bureau shall commence the rank of \re/jail inspector wherein applicants for
lateral entry into the BFP shall include all those with highly specialized and technical quali\caAons such as,
but not limited to, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, chemical engineers, chemist,
architects, criminologists, cerA\ed public accountants, nurses, physical therapists, and denAsts, while
applicants for lateral entry into the BJMP shall include all those with highly specialized and technical
quali\caAons such as, but not limited to, social workers, psychologists, teachers, nurses, denAsts and
engineers. Doctor of Medicine, members of the Philippine Bar and chaplains shall be appointed to the rank
of \re/jail senior inspector in their parAcular technical service. Graduate of the Philippine NaAonal Police
Academy (PNPA) shall be automaAcally appointed to the iniAal rank of \re/jail inspector.
SEC. 7. Professionaliza>on and Upgrading of QualiJca>on Standards in the Designa>on of Uniformed
Personnel of the BFP and the BJMP to Key Posi>ons. -
a) No person shall be designated to the following key posiAons of the BFP and the BJMP unless
he/she has met the quali\caAons provided therein:
1) Municipal Fire Marshal. – Should have the rank of senior inspector, who must have
\nished at least second year Bachelor of Laws or earned at least twelve (12) units in a
master's degree program in public administraAon, management, engineering, public safety,
criminology or other related discipline from recognized insAtuAon of learning, and must
have saAsfactory passed the necessary training of career courses for such posiAon as may
be established by the Fire Bureau;
2) City Fire Marshal. - Should the rank of chief of senior inspector, who must have \nished
at least second year Bachelor of Laws or earned at least twenty four (24) units in a master's
degree program in public administraAon, management, engineering, public safety,
criminology or other related disciplines from recognized insAtuAon of learning, and must
have saAsfactory passed the necessary training or career courses for such posiAon as may
be established by the Fire Bureau;
3) District Fire Marshal, Provincial Fire Marshal, Assistant Regional Director for
Administra2on, Assistant Regional Director for Opera2ons and Regional Chief of Directorial
Stae. – Should have the rank of superintendent, who must be a graduate of Bachelor of
Laws or a holder of a mater's degree in public administraAon, management, engineering,
public safety, criminology or other related disciplines from recognized insAtuAon of
learning, and must have saAsfactory passed the necessary training or career courses for
such posiAon as may be established by the Fire Bureau;
4) District Fire Marshal for the Na2onal Capital Region, Regional Director for Fire Protec2on
and Director of the Directorate of the Na2onal Headquarters Oice. – Should have at least
the rank of senior superintendent, who must be a graduate of Bachelor of Laws or a holder
of master's degree in public administraAon, management, engineering, public safety,
criminology or other related disciplines from a recognized insAtuAon of learning, and must
have saAsfactory passed the necessary training or career course for such posiAon as may be
established by the Fire Bureau;
5) Deputy Chief for Administra2on of the Fire Bureau, Deputy Chief for Opera2ons of the
Fire Bureau and Chief Directorial Stae of the Fire Bureau.- Should have the rank of
superintendent, who must be a member of the Philippine Bar or a holder of a master's
degree in public administraAon, management, engineering, public safety, criminology or
other related disciplines from recognized insAtuAon of learning, and must have saAsfactory
passed the necessary training or career courses for such as may be established by the Fire
Bureau; and
6) Chief of the Fire Bureau. – Should have the rank of director, who must be a member of
the Philippine Bar or a holder of a master's degree in public administraAon, management,
engineering, public safety, criminology or other related discipline from a recognized
insAtuAon of learning, and must saAsfactory passed the necessary training or career courses
for such posiAon as may be established by the Fire Bureau.
b) No person shall be designated to the following key posiAons of the BJMP unless he/she has met
the quali\caAon provided therein:
1) Municipal Jail Warden. – Should have the rank of chief inspector, who have \nished at
least second year Bachelor of Laws or earned at least twelve (12) units in a master' degree
program in management, public administraAon, public safety, criminology, penology,
sociology, naAonal security administraAon, defense studies, or other related disciplines from
a recognized insAtuAon of learning, and must have saAsfactory passed the necessary
training or career courses for such posiAon as may be established by the Jail Bureau;
2) City Jail Warden. – Should have the rank of chief inspector, who must have \nished at
least second year Bachelor of Laws or earned at least twenty four (24) units in master's
degree program in management, public administraAon, public safety, criminology, penology,
sociology, naAonal security administraAon, defense studies or related disciplines from a
recognized insAtuAon of learning and must saAsfactory passed the necessary training or
career courses for such posiAon as may be established by the Jail Bureau: Provided, That in
city jails with a populaAon of one thousand (1,000) or more inmates, the city jail warden
shall the rank and quali\caAon of a district jail warden;
3) District Jail Warden, Provincial Jail Administrator, Assistant Regional Director for
Administra2on, Assistant Regional Director for Opera2ons and Regional Chief of Directorial
Stae. – Should have the rank of senior superintendent, who must be a graduate of Bachelor
of Laws or a holder of a master's degree in management, public administraAon, public
safety, criminology, penology, sociology, naAonal security administraAon, defense studies or
other related discipline from a recognized insAtuAon of learning, and must saAsfactory
passed the necessary training or career courses for such posiAon as may be established by
the Jail bureau;
4) Regional Director for Jail Management and Penology and Director of the Directorate of
the Na2onal Headquarters Oice. – Should have the rank of senior superintendent, who
must be a graduate of Bachelor of Laws or a holder of a master's degree in management,
public administraAon, public safety, criminology, penology, sociology, naAonal security
administraAon, defense studies or other related discipline from a recognized insAtuAon of
learning, and must saAsfactory passed the necessary training or career courses for such
posiAon as may be established by the Jail bureau;
5) Deputy Chief for AdministraAon of the Jail Bureau, Deputy Chief for OperaAons of the Jail
Bureau and Chief of Directorial Sta_ of the Jail Bureau. – Should have the rank of senior
superintendent, who must be a member of the Philippine Bar or a holder of a master's
degree in management, public administraAon, public safety, criminology, penology,
sociology, naAonal security administraAon, defense studies or other related discipline from
a recognized insAtuAon of learning, and must saAsfactory passed the necessary training or
career courses for such posiAon as may be established by the Jail bureau; and
6) Chief of the Jail Bureau. – Should have the rank of director, who must be a member of the
Philippine Bar or a holder of a master's degree in management, public administraAon,
public safety, criminology, penology, sociology, naAonal security administraAon, defense
studies or other related discipline from a recognized insAtuAon of learning, and must
saAsfactory passed the necessary training or career courses for such posiAon as may be
established by the Jail bureau.
Any uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP who is currently occupying such posiAon but lacks any of
the quali\caAons menAoned therein shall be given three(3) years upon the e_ecAvity of this Act to comply
with the requirements, otherwise he/she shall be relieved from the posiAon.
SEC. 8. Professionaliza>on and QualiJca>ons Upgrading Program. – The DILG shall design and establish a
professionalizaAon and quali\caAons upgrading program for uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP
in coordinaAon with the CSC and the Commission on Higher EducaAon (CHED) though an o_-campus
educaAon program or other similar programs within ninety (90) days from the e_ecAvity of this Act.
SEC. 9. ANri>on System for the Uniformed Personnel of the BFP and the BJMP. - There shall be established
a system of a`riAon for the uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP within one (1) year from the
e_ecAvty of this Act to be submi`ed by said bureaus to the DILG for approval. Such a`riAon system shall
include, but is not limited to, the provision of the following principles:
a) AYri2on by Demo2on in Posi2on or Rank. – Any uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP
who is relieved and assigned to a posiAon lower than that is established for his/her grade in the
respecAve stajng pa`ern of the Fire Bureau and the Jail Bureau, and who shall not be assigned to a
posiAon commensurate to his/her grade within two (2) years aker such demoAon in posiAon shall
be separated or reAred from the service;
b) AYri2on by Non-Promo2on. – Any uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP who has not
been promoted for a conAnuous period of ten (10) years shall be separated or reAred from the
service, except for those who are occupying a third-level posiAon;
c) AYri2on by Other Means. – Any uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP with at least \ve
(5) years of accumulated acAve service shall be separated from the service based on any of the
following factors:
1) Inejciency based on poor performance during the last two (2) successive semestral
raAngs period;
2) Inejciency based on poor performance for three (3) cumulaAve semestral raAng period;
3) Physical and/or mental incapacity to perform his/her duAes and funcAons; or
4) Failure to complete the required career courses and/or appropriate civil service eligibility
for his/her posiAon except for jusA\able; and
d) Separa2on or Re2rement from the Fire Bureau and the Jail Bureau under this Sec2on. – Any
personnel who is dismissed from the BFP and the BJMP pursuant to the above-enumerated
principles in this SecAon shall be separated if he/she has rendered less than twenty (20) years of
service, and be reAred if he/she has rendered at least twenty (20) years of service unless the
concerned personnel is disquali\ed by law to receive such bene\ts.
SEC. 10. Promo>on System for the Uniformed Personnel of the BFP and BJMP. – Within six (6) months aker
the e_ecAvity of this Act, the DILG shall establish a system of promoAon for the uniformed personnel of the
BFP and the BJMP though the following principles:
a) Ra2onalized Promo2on System. – The system of promoAon shall be based on merits and on the
availability of vacant ranks in the BFP and the BJMP stajng pa`ern. Such system shall be gender-
fair so as to ensure that women personnel of the Fire Bureau and the Jail Bureau shall enjoy equal
opportunity for promoAon as to men;
b) Requirement for Promo2on. -
1) Any personnel of the BFP and the BJMP shall not eligible for promoAon to a higher rank
unless he/she has met the minimum quali\caAon standards or the appropriate civil service
eligibility set by the CSC, and has the saAsfactorily passed the required
psychiatric/psychological, drug and physical test;
2) Any personnel of the BFP and the BJMP who has exhibited act of conspicuous courage
and gallantry at the risk his/her life above and beyond the call of duty, or selected as such in
a naAonwide search conducted by any accredited civic organizaAon, shall be promoted to
the next higher rank,Provided, That these shall be validated by the DILG and the CSC based
on established criteria.
SEC. 11. Performance Evalua>on System. - There shall be established a performance evaluaAon system
which shall be administered with accordance with the rules, regulaAons and standards, and a code of
conduct for the uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP to be promulgated by the Fire Bureau and
the Jail Bureau through the DILG. Such performance evaluaAon system shall be administered in such a way
as to foster the improvement of the individual ejciency and behavioral discipline as well as the promoAon
of organizaAonal e_ecAveness and commitment to service.
The raAng system as contemplated herein shall be based on standard prescribed by the Fire Bureau and the
Jail Bureau through the DILG and shall be consider the result of the annual psychiatric/psychological and
physical test conducted on the uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP.
SEC. 12. Standardiza>on of the Base Pay, Re>rement and other BeneJts of the Uniformed Personnel of
the BFP and the BJMP. – In order to enhance the general welfare, commitment to service and
professionalism of the uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP, they shall receive the minimum
starAng salary equivalent to the salary grade level of the corresponding rank classi\caAon of their
counterparts in the PNP, as provided under SecAon 36 of Republic Act No. 8551, and in the AFP, as provided
under SecAon 2 of Republic Act No. 9166.
The rate of the base pay of the uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP shall be adjusted in
accordance with the following salary grade schedule:

Fire/Jail Director 28

Fire/Jail Chief Superintendent 27

Fire/Jail Senior Superintendent 26

Fire/Jail Superintendent 25

Fire/Jail Chief Inspector 24

Fire/Jail Senior Inspector 23

Fire/ Jail Inspector 22

Senior Fire/Jail Ojcer IV 19

Senior Fire/Jail Ojcer III 18

Senior Fire/Jail Ojcer II 17

Senior Fire/Jail Ojcer I 16

Fire/ Jail Ojcer III 14

Fire/Jail Ojcer II 12

Fire/Jail Ojcer I 10

Provided, That all bene\ts currently receive by the uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP under
exisAng laws shall conAnue to be received by them: Provided, Further, That their reArement pay shall be
subject to adjustment/s based on the prevailing scale of base pay of the uniformed personnel in the acAve
SEC. 13. Implementa>on. – The implementaAon of this Act shall be undertaken in staggered phases, but
not to exceed three (3) years, taking into consideraAon the \nancial posiAon of the naAonal
government: Provided, That any parAal implementaAon shall be uniform and proporAonate for all ranks.
SEC. 14. Implementa>on Rules and Regula>ons. – The DILG in coordinaAon with the BFP and the BJMP, the
CSC, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), and the Department of Finance (DOF) shall,
within ninety (90) days from the e_ecAvity of this Act, promulgate the rules and regulaAons necessary to
implement the provision of this Act.
SEC. 15. Annual Report. – The BFP and the BJMP through the DILG and the DBM shall jointly submit to the
President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of RepresentaAves an annual report on the
implementaAon of this Act. This report shall include informaAon on the applicaAon of the budget for the
salary and other bene\ts provided under this Act. The DBM, in consultaAon with the BFP and the BJMP
though the DILG, shall periodically review and adjust every \ve (5) years the rates of base pay, taking into
consideraAon labor producAvity, consumer price index, oil price and other similar economic indicators as
may be determined by the NaAonal Economic and Development authority (NEDA).
SEC. 16. Separability Clause.- If any porAon or provision of this Act is declared unconsAtuAonal, the same
shall not a_ect the validity and e_ecAvity of the other provisions not a_ected thereby.
SEC. 17. Repealing Clause. – All laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulaAons, and other issuances, or parts
thereof, which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, are hereby deemed repealed, amended or
modi\ed accordingly.
SEC. 18. ESec>vity. – This Act shall take e_ect \keen (15) days aker its complete publicaAon in the Ojcial
Gaze`e or in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulaAon, whichever comes earlier.

President of the Senate Speaker of the House of

This Act which is a consolation of Senate Bill No. 2373 and House Bill No. 6557 was finally passed
by the Senate and the House of Representatives on January 29, 2004 and February 2, 2004,
Secretary of Senate Secretary General
House of RepresenaAves

Approved: March 10, 2004

President of the Philippines

RA 9592 and its IRR


Pursuant to SecAon 3 of Republic Act No. 9592 which took e_ect on May 27, 2009, the Department
of the Interior and Local Government, in coordinaAon with the Bureau of Fire ProtecAon, the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology, the Civil Service Commission and the Commission on Higher EducaAon (CHED),
hereby adopts and promulgates the following implemenAng rules and regulaAons:





 IniAal Appointment – No person shall be appointed as

uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP unless he/she possesses the following minimum

 A ciAzen of the Republic of the Philippines;

 A person of good moral character;

 Must have passed the psychiatric/psychological, drug and physical tests for the purpose of
determining his/her physical and mental health;

 Must possess a baccalaureate degree from a recognized insAtuAon of learning;

 Must possess the appropriate civil service eligibility;

 Must not have been dishonorably discharged or dismissed for cause from previous employment;

 Must not have been convicted by \nal judgment of an o_ense or crime involving moral turpitude;

 Must not be less than twenty-one (21) nor more than thirty (30) years of age;

 Must be at least one meter and sixty-two cenAmeters (1.62 m.) in height for male, and one meter
and \ky-seven cenAmeters (1.57 m.) for female; Provided, that a waiver for height and age
requirements shall be automaAcally granted to applicants belonging to the cultural communiAes;
 Must weigh not more or less than \ve kilograms (5 kgs.) from the standard weight corresponding to
his/her height, age and sex.

The above-enumerated quali\caAons shall be conAnuing in character, except for paragraph

8, and an absence of any one of them at any given Ame shall be a ground for separaAon or
reArement from the service.

B. Incumbent Uniformed Personnel – All incumbent uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP
shall conAnuously possess the quali\caAons under SecAon 1 paragraph A of this IRR, subject to the

 Uniformed personnel who are already in the service prior to the e_ecAvity of
Republic Act No. 9263 shall be given another \ve (5) years to obtain the minimum
educaAonal quali\caAon and appropriate civil service eligibility to be reckoned from
May 27, 2009, the date of the e_ecAvity of Republic Act No. 9592;

 Incumbent uniformed personnel who have acquired NAPOLCOM eligibility prior to

the e_ecAvity of Republic Act No. 9263 shall be considered to have complied with the
appropriate civil service eligibility;

 BFP and BJMP uniformed personnel who do not meet the minimum educaAonal
quali\caAon and eligibility requirement, but have rendered more than \keen (15) years
of service at the Ame of the e_ecAvity of Republic Act No. 9592 shall no longer be
required to comply with the aforemenAoned educaAonal and eligibility requirements.
However, they shall not be quali\ed for promoAon to the next higher rank via regular
promoAon unless they have complied with the educaAonal and eligibility requirements.
Nevertheless, they shall be exempted from SecAon 14, Rule VII and SecAon 14, Rule XVI
of the IRR of RA 9263 or the a`riAon provision of the law if not promoted within a
period of ten (10) consecuAve years;

 Similarly, incumbent BFP and BJMP uniformed personnel with \rst level civil service
eligibility prior to Republic Act No. 9263, shall be appointed in permanent status,
provided they met the other requirements of the rank;

 Aker the lapse of the \ve-year reglementary period given to those who have served
the BFP or the BJMP for \keen (15) years or less upon the e_ecAvity of Republic Act
No. 9592, current BFP and BJMP uniformed personnel who sAll fail to saAsfy any of the
aforemenAoned requirements shall be separated from the service if they are below \ky
(50) years of age and have served in the government for less than twenty (20) years, or
reAred if they are from age \ky (50) and above and have served in the government for
at least twenty (20) years without prejudice in either case to the payment of bene\ts
they may be enAtled to under exisAng laws; Provided, that personnel who have served
the government for at least twenty (20) years but whose age is less than \ky (50) may
avail of opAonal reArement.

8. Waiver for height and age, requirement shall be
automaAcally granted by the Chief, BFP and the Chief, BJMP to applicants belonging to the cultural
communiAes; Provided, that applicants who belong to cultural communiAes must submit proof of
their membership in a parAcular cultural minority as cerA\ed by the NaAonal Commission on
Indigenous People (NCIP) or the Ojce of Muslim A_airs (OMA).

9. In all other cases, as may be determined and upon

recommendaAon of the BFP Personnel SelecAon Board in the Regions or the NaAonal
Headquarters, waiver of age and height requirement may be granted by the Chief, BFP to applicants
who possess any of the following:

Outstanding scholasAc accomplishments, such as being honor graduates, consistent
academic scholars, board/bar topnotchers and the like;

Possession of special skills in \re suppression, \re prevenAon, knowledge and skill in
operaAon of heavy equipment, such as aerial ladder, squirt, lighAng tower truck, rescue
tender and other apparatus and equipment, rescue and emergency medical services;

Holder of professional driver’s license with 2 and 3 restricAon code;

Mechanic with TESDA mechanic trade test cerA\cate with experAse in pump operaAon,
auto diesel engine and auto electrical troubleshooAng; or

Other skills that will sustain the tradiAons/other demands of the uniformed service.

Waiver for age and height requirements may only be granted by the Chief, BJMP upon the
recommendaAon of the NaAonal or the Regional Recruitment and SelecAon Board (NRSB/RRSB).
The recipient of a waiver in the BJMP shall possess any redeeming quali\caAon, professional
competence or skill like:

 Outstanding scholasAc accomplishments, such as being honor graduates, consistent

academic scholars, board/bar topnotchers and the like;

 Possessing a technical skill needed by the BJMP as may be idenA\ed by the NRSB/RRSB;

 Possessing experience of value to the BJMP as may be idenA\ed by the NRSB/RRSB; or

 Possessing an educaAonal quali\caAon higher than or in addiAon to, the requisite

educaAonal or academic requirement.

Provided, that waiver under SecAon 2 paragraph B hereof may be granted only when the number of
quali\ed applicants falls below the minimum quota, except in cases where an applicant with waiver
possesses superior quali\caAons.

10. Waiver of age requirement under SecAon 2 paragraph

B hereof may be granted provided that the applicant shall not be over thirty-\ve (35) years of age.
For purposes of this paragraph, one is considered to be not over thirty-\ve (35) years old if he/she
has not yet reached his or her thirty-sixth (36 th) birthday on the date of the e_ecAvity of his/ her
appointment; Provided, that in case an applicant was previously with the government service, the
age di_erence when the number of years in the government is subtracted from his/ her actual age
at the Ame of appointment must not exceed forty (40) years; Provided, \nally, that his/her previous
separaAon from the government service was not for cause;

11. Waiver of height requirement under SecAon 2

paragraph B hereof may be granted only to a male applicant who is at least 1 meter and 57
cenAmeters (1.57m) and to a female applicant who is at least 1 meter and 52 cenAmeters (1.52m);

12. The height and age requirements shall only be waived

subject to the condiAon that the applicant meets and possesses all other quali\caAon standards.




SECTION 3. RATIONALIZED PROMOTION SYSTEM – The DILG through the recommendaAon of the BFP and
the BJMP shall establish a system of promoAon for uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP which
shall be based on merit and \tness in consonance with the Civil Service Law and Rules and on the
availability of vacant ranks in the BFP and the BJMP stajng pa`ern. Such system shall be gender-fair and
shall ensure that all members of the Fire Bureau and the Jail Bureau shall enjoy equal opportunity for

SECTION 4. MODES OF PROMOTION – The two (2) modes of promoAon in the BFP and the BJMP are as

A. Regular PromoAon – Any uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP who has met the
minimum quali\caAons for a rank which shall include educaAon, experience, training, and
appropriate civil service eligibility, and has saAsfactorily passed the required
psychiatric/psychological, drug and physical tests shall be eligible for promoAon to the next higher
rank. For purposes of the eligibility requirement, BFP and BJMP personnel who have obtained
NAPOLCOM eligibility prior to the e_ecAvity of Republic Act No. 9263, hereunder classi\ed, shall be
considered to have complied with the appropriate civil service eligibility requirement.
 Holders of the following NAPOLCOM eligibiliAes may apply for promoAon:


 Patrolman (CC)/(MN)
 Patrolman Entrance (CC)/(MN)
 Patrolwoman (CC)/(MN)
 INP Entrance
 Patrolman First Class (CC)/(MN)
 Police Corporal (CC)/(MN)
 Police Ojcer
 Police Ojcer II
 Police Ojcer III
 PNP Entrance
 Senior Police Ojcer I
 Senior Police Ojcer II
 Senior Police Ojcer III
 Police Sergeant (CC)/(MN)
 Police Ojcer Third Class (PO 3rd Class)
 Fire Ojcer Third Class (FO 3rd Class)
 Senior Police Ojcer IV
 Senior Police Ojcer


 Police Lieutenant (CC)/(MN)

 Police Inspector (taken April 28, 1991 and November 24, 1991)


 Police Captain (CC)/(MN)

 Police Ojcer Second Class (PO 2nd Class)
 Fire Ojcer Second Class (FO 2nd Class)
 Police Senior Inspector


 Police Major (CC)/(MN)

 Police Chief Inspector
 Police Inspector (taken April 26, 1992 to April 03, 2004)

 Police Lt/Colonel (CC)/(MN)

 Police Colonel (CC)/(MN)
 Police Superintendent (taken on April 28, 1991 & November 24, 1991)


 Deputy Chief of Police (CC)/(MN)

 Chief of Police (CC)/(MN)


 Police Ojcer First Class (PO 1st Class)

 Fire Ojcer First Class (FO 1st Class)
 Police Superintendent (taken on April 26, 1992 to April 3, 2004)

B. Special PromoAon

 Meritorious PromoAon - Any uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP who has
exhibited acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry at the risk of his/her life above and
beyond the call of duty shall be promoted to the next higher rank;

 Special PromoAon based on awards - BFP and BJMP personnel selected for an award in a
naAonwide search conducted by any accredited civic organizaAon shall be promoted to the
next higher rank;

 On-the-spot promoAon - a special promoAon granted instantaneously at or near the scene

of an incident or occurrence or at any place immediately thereaker to any BFP or BJMP
uniformed personnel who has exhibited acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry at the
risk of his or her life above and beyond the call of duty conferred by an appoinAng authority
such as Regional Director of the BFP and the BJMP or Chief, BFP and Chief, BJMP as the case
may be, DILG Undersecretary for Public Safety, DILG Secretary or the President of the
Republic of the Philippines according to his/her sound judgment or discreAon which require
no further evaluaAon by the PromoAons Board;

 Posthumous PromoAon –any BFP or BJMP uniformed personnel who die in line of duty but
eligible for opAonal reArement should be given rank promoAon.
All modes of special promoAon shall be validated by the DILG and the CSC based on
respecAve BFP and BJMP established criteria as mandated by exisAng law.

Considering the peculiar nature of special promoAon, quali\caAon standards (QS) for
various ranks as approved by the CSC shall not apply. In lieu thereof, speci\c guidelines for special
promoAon shall be prepared by the BFP and the BJMP in close coordinaAon with the DILG and the
CSC. The guidelines may be amended to conform to the exisAng condiAons and/or when such
amendment will serve greater public interest.



SECTION 5. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE – If for any reason, any provision hereof is declared to be
unconsAtuAonal or invalid, the other secAons or provision hereof which are not a_ected thereby shall
conAnue to be in full force and e_ect.

SECTION 6. REPEALING CLAUSE – All laws, decrees, memorandum circulars, resoluAons, orders and other
issuances or parts thereof which are inconsistent with Republic Act No. 9592 and with these ImplemenAng
Rules and RegulaAons are hereby repealed, amended or modi\ed accordingly.

SECTION 7. IMPLEMENTING DETAILS – The Department of the Interior and Local Government aker
consultaAon with the BFP and the BJMP in coordinaAon with the Civil Service Commission and Commission
on Higher EducaAon may amend this ImplemenAng Rules and RegulaAons or issue such addiAonal rules and
regulaAons as may be necessary to carry into e_ect the intenAon of the law or further clarify any part

SECTION 8. EFFECTIVITY – These ImplemenAng Rules and RegulaAons shall take e_ect upon its publicaAon
in two (2) newspapers of general circulaAon.

Done this _____ day of ________________________at Quezon City, Philippines.


AcAng Secretary
Department of the Interior and Local Government


Chairman Chairman
Civil Service Commission Commission on Higher EducaAon

CSC Rules and RegulaAons and Quali\caAon Standards

BFP Memo Circulars and SOP’s on AdministraAve Ma`ers

1. CSC ResoluAon No. 041366 – Quali\caAon Standards for uniformed Personel PosiAons in the BFP
2. Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2006-006 – BFP Guidelines and Standard Procedures in the
Recruitment, SelecAon and Appointment of Fire Ojcer 1 (FO1)
3. MC No. 2003-01 – Prescribing the Classi\caAon of the New General Ojce Aore (GOA) Uniform and
AddiAonal Bush Jacket for Ojcers
4. MC No. 2007-005 – Prescribing a Standard Procedure for the Recruitment/PromoAon of First And
Second Level PosiAons of Non-Uniformed Personnel (NUP) in the BFP
5. BFP SOP No. 2007-01 – BFP Recruit OrientaAon Program
6. RA 9263 – ProfessionalizaAon Act
7. CSC ResoluAon No. 061386 – Quali\caAon Standard for InformaAon Ojcer as a Lateral Entry in the
8. MC No.___ - Amendment of the Quota AllocaAon of MC No. 2006-002 dated 17 Aug 2006 (Lateral
Entry PromoAon to the Rank of Inspector for informaAon Ojcers
9. CSC ResoluAon No. 041312 – Quali\caAon Standards for Lateral Entry PosiAons in the BFP
10. MC No. 2007-002 – Prescribing a Standard Procedure for the PromoAon of Uniformed Personnel for
Second Level PosiAons with the Rank of Inspector to Superintendent in the BFP
11. MC No. 2007-003 – Prescribing a Standard Procedure for the PromoAon of Uniformed Personnel
for Second Level PosiAons with the Rank of Fire Ojcer 1 (FO1) to Senior Fire Ojcer 4 (SFO4) in the
12. MC No. 2007-012 – Prescribing a Standard Procedure for the Lateral Entry Appointment in the BFP
for Outside Applicants
13. MC No. 2007-011 – Prescribing a Standard Procedure for the Lateral Entry Appointment in the BFP
for Organic Personnel
14. CSC ResoluAon No. 070629 – Revised Policies on Change of Status Appoinment from Temporary to
15. MC No. 2003-04 – Standard OperaAng Procedures in Mandatory Training
16. MC No. 2001-08 – Rules and RegulaAons Governing the BFP Scholarship Program
17. Fiscal DirecAves No. 2001-03 – Guidelines in the Payment of Scholarship Grant
18. MC No. 2007-15 – Reimbursement of the HospitalizaAon Expenses of the BFP Uniformed Personnel
in AcAve Service
19. PDC ResoluAon No. 2002-04 – A ResoluAon Amending the Policy Gidelines Governing the GranAng
of Study Leave to All Personnel of the BFP
20. MC No. 2006-005 – Uniformed Rules on AdministarAve Cases in the BFP
21. MC No. 2003-10 – Revised Guidelines ImplemenAng Sec 2, Rule XII of CSC MC No. 40, s. 1998, as
amended ImplemenAng Book V of E.O. 292
22. MC No. ___ - BFP Guidelines ImplemenAng Mandatory Drug TesAng of BFP Personnel in compliance
to Sec. 36, RA 9165 (The Comprehensive Dangerous Act of 2002) and other provisions thereof
23. RA 9485 – AnA-Red Tape Act of 2007
24. BFP ResoluAon No. 2001-01 – A ResoluAon Establishing a ReArement and SeparaAon Bene\t System
for the Uniformed Personnel of the BFP
25. MC No. 2002-002 – Policy Guidelines in the Processing of Personnel Bene\t Claims for Compulsory
ReArement of BFP
26. RA 6963 – An Act GranAng SFA (Special Financial Assistance) and Bene\ts to the Family or
Bene\ciary of Any Polce or Military or Fireman Killed or Permanently Incapacitated while in the
Performance of Duty or by Reason of His Ojce or PosiAon and for Other Purposes
27. Standard OperaAng Procedures (SOP) No. 2001-04 – Estab lishing the BFP Death & Disability Board
(DDB) and Prescribing Policies and Procedures in the Processing and Payment of Bene\ts Claim
28. MC No. 2007-004 – Prescribing Criteria and Standard Procedure in the SelecAon and Placement of
Key Ojcers in the BFP
29. MC No. 2003-03 – Policy Guidelines in Determining Authorized Lending InsAtuAon and Authorized
Salary DeducAons in Consonance with GAA Y2002, secAon 36
30. DILG Circular No. 2006-12 – Supplemental DelegaAon of Authority
31. DILG Circular No. 2006-01 – Reitering and SupplemenAng Circular No. 99-18 dated 01 June 1999
EnAtled, Comprehensive DelegaAon of Authority
32. CSC MC No. 15 – Revised Omnibus Rules and Appointments and Other Personnel AcAons
33. CSC MC No. 40 – Addiional Provisions and Amendments to CSC MC No. 40, s. 1998

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