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Computer studies

Form four work

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Table of contents
1. Introduction to networking and data

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2. Application areas of information and
communication technology (ICT)
3. Impact of information and communication
technology (ICT) on society
4. Career opportunities in information and
communication technology (ICT)
Introduction to networking and data

Chapter 1

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Computer network
 It’s a collection of computers linked together

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using transmission media for the purpose of
communication and resource sharing.

Data communication
 Refers to the process of transmitting data

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signals from one point to another through the

Terms used in data communication 1

 Bandwidth – it’s the maximum amount of data

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that a transmission medium can carry at any
one time.
 Base band signal – it’s a digital generated and
applied to the transmission medium directly
without modulation.
 Broadband transmission – refers to sending
analog signal over transmission
medium using a particular frequency. 6
Terms used in data communication 2

 Multiplexing – it’s a

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process of sending
multiple data signal
over the same medium
while demultiplexing is
the process of
separating the
multiplexed signals at
the receiving end.

Modes of data communication
 Simplex transmission – refers to communication in

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only one direction e.g. radio transmission.
 Half duplex – refers to communication in both
directions but one direction at a time e.g. police
walkie talkie.
 Full duplex – in this transmission communication
occurs in both directions simultaneously e.g.
computers connected in network.

Types of computer network
 Local Area Network (LAN) – this is formed whenever
computers are connected together in a small geographical area

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e.g. floors, building, school etc within a radius of 10m up to
 Wide Area Network (WAN) – this covers unlimited geographical
area e.g. across states, entire country or entire world. They are
expensive to build and have low data rates and higher speed (over
100Mbps or higher).
 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) – this network covers a
metropolitan are like a town or city within a radius of between 5
and 50km. They are data rates of 100Mbps and above and are
more expensive than LANS.
 Computer Networking – refers to a collection of independent
entities that are arranged in such a manner as
to exchange data, information or resources. 9
Purpose of networking 1
 Resource sharing –

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different computers
are connected to each
other hence a user at
one site may be able to
use the resource
available at another
site e.g.
printers, programs etc.

Purpose of networking 2
 Remote communication – this involves transmission of data
signals between two communication devices located at

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different geographical location. Through remote
communication, people can be able to share ideas and pass
messages over the network.
 Cost effectiveness – reduction of resources in networking lead
to reduction in costs. Example instead of purchasing many
computers resources, one buys one which can be shared hence
reducing the costs.
 Distributed processing – if a particular process can be sub-
divided into several sub-process then each sub- process can
be processed at different sites co-currently hence speeding
up the entire process.
 Reliability – if one site fails in a computer network, the
remaining site can potentially continue operating. 11
Limitation of networking
 Cost – it’s expensive to acquire networking equipments, train network
administrators and users and maintenance of network. The cost are high.

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 Data security – data and information held on a network is prone to more
illegal access, danger of data theft and also tapping by unauthorised
people during transmission.
 Network failure – there is a danger of failure which may paralyze the
operational of an organisation besides damaging files and programs.
 Moral and cultural effects – large networks like Internet have chat rooms
and messaging services that may enable underage children to meet peers
and adults on the net some of whom have bad intentions. Access to
pornographic and other negative materials is also a problem.
 Over-reliance on networks – most organisations have done away with
manual operations. This means that all business process and society
depend on computer networks. The disadvantage of over- reliance is that
if the network fails then many systems will stop

operating. 12
Elements of networking
 Data communication media – a data communication is a
channel through which data is transmitted between computers

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and other devices. Data communication media are categorised
into two:
 Communication with cables (bounded media)
 Two wire open lines cables

 Twisted pair cable

 Coaxial cable

 Fibre optic cables

 Wireless communication (unbounded media)

 Microwave

 Satellite

 Radio transmission

 Infrared transmission 13
Two wire open line cables
 Are made up of two

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parallel copper wires
separated by a plastic
insulator as shown
figure right. They are
used in
network to transmit
voice signal.

Twisted pair cable
 This consists of two insulated copper wires

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twisted in a spiral pattern to minimize
electromagnetic interference. It’s the cheapest
media used for both analogue and digital
signals. Mainly used in telephone system.
There are two types of twisted pair
 Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
 Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)

Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
 They do not have a

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shield the prevents
interference hence
they are susceptible
to noise and signal

Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)
 They have a braid

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wrapped around the
wires to shield or
protect them from

Category of twist pair cables
 Twisted pair cables are

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categorised into five
groups according to the
type of data transmitted
and maximum rate of
transmission, as shown
in table right.

Advantages and disadvantages of twisted pair cable

 Advantages

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 Easy to install
 Very cheap

 Disadvantages
 Has low data transmission rates.
 It’s sensitive to electromagnetic interference.
 Suffers high attenuation.
Coaxial cable
 This cable has a central copper core which may be

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solid or stranded wires surrounded by an insulator.
The insulator is then surrounded by a hollow mesh
conductor covered by a shield to prevent
electromagnetic interference. The diameter of the
centre core or conductor determines the attenuation
rate. There are two types of coaxial cables:
 Thin coaxial cable (thinnet) which has one dialectric
 Thick coaxial cable (thicket) has two dialectric insulator
around the core and is thicker than thinnet.
Samples of coaxial cables

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Advantages and disadvantages of coaxial cables


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 They are immune to external electrical
interference because of insulation.
 High data transmission rate.
 Has capability of carrying more signals.
 They are very stable even under high loads.

 Lack of security due to illegal taps.
 They are relatively expensive to buy.
 It’s bulky therefore difficult to work with i.e. install.
Fibre optic cables
 These are made of glass fibres and

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transmit information in light form. The
cable is made up of:
 The core – the central part of the cable which is
made of transparent plastic or glass.
 Cladding – it’s a single protective layer
surrounding the core, and has some light
bending characteristic inside it.
 Buffer – it surrounds the cladding and its
function it to strengthen the cable.
 Jacket – outer covering of the cable. 23
Types of fibre optic cables 1
 Single mode fibre – it

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has a very narrow
centre core. The light
in the cable therefore
take only one path
through it making it to
have a low attenuation

Types of fibre optic cables 2
 Multimode fibre – it has a

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thicker core and allows
several light rays to be fed
in the cable have a high
attenuation rate and they
are mainly used for shorter
distance transmission. The
light is bent back into the
core hence propagates
along the length of the
cable as shown in figure
below. 25
Fibre based network transmits data

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Advantages and disadvantages of fibre optical cable


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 Has high bandwidth hence high carrying capacity.
 It’s immune to electromagnetic interference.
 Covers large distances because of low attenuation.
 Very secured because they are un-tappable.

 Very expensive
 Installation is difficult.
 It’s complex to configure
 Broken cable is difficult and expensive to repair
Wireless communication (unbounded media)

 This communication transmit data from

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one point to another without physical
connections. Example of wireless
transmission includes:

 Microwave
 Satellite
 Radio transmission
 Infrared transmission
The electromagnetic spectrum
 Figure right is a

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representation of an
spectrum. All these
waves travel at the
speed of light. For our
concern here, we will
only deal with
microwaves radiowaves
infrared waves. 29
 In microwave

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transmission signals
travel in a straight line
and therefore the
transmitter and receiver
must be in a direct line
of sight of each other.

Advantages and disadvantages of microwave


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 They operate at a high speed.
 It’s less prone to transmission errors unlike
twisted wire pair.
 Are capable of operating in digital or analog data.

 Signal is affected by atmospheric conductor like
 Additional number of repeaters are added after
every few kilometres.
 In this transmission microwave radio signal is transmitted
from antennae from the ground to a satellite on the orbit

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around the earth. The microwave radio signal is beamed to the
satellite on a specific frequency called uplink freq1uency
where it is received, amplified and then rebroadcasted on a
different frequency called downlink. The satellite transmit
the signal to many earth stations to form a point to multipoint
transmissions. Very small aperture (VSAT) is a new
technology used in microwave transmission. It’s a very small
satellite dish used both in data, radio and TV communication.
This technology enables direct access to satellite
communication instead of having to ft through the sate owned
or licensed
satellite gateways. 32
Satellite transmission system

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Advantages and disadvantages of satellite


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 The cost is not dependant on distance.
 Has the second highest bandwidth after optical
 Earth station can be installed on a customer
property than layering extensive cables.

 Any station can receive the signals.
 It’s expensive to install ground stations.
 Heavy rains or bad weather will increase loss of
signals 34
VSAT technology
 The new trends in microwave
transmission have seen the use of

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very small aperture terminal
(VSAT) technology. This refers
to a very small satellite dish used
both in data, radio and TV
communication. Many businesses
are adopting this new technology
because it enables direct access to
satellite communication instead
of having to go through the state
owned satellite gateway. Figure
right shows VSAT technology as
set up to enable two laptops in
geographically disparate locations
to communicate.

Radio communication
 Radio waves travel just like
surface water waves, i.e. they are

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omnidirectional. This means
that they start from a central
point and spread outwards in all
directions. As they travel
outwards, their energy spreads
outwards over the covered area.
The waves are radiated into the
atmosphere by a radio frequency
antenna at constant velocity.
Radio waves are not visible to
the human eye. Figure right
shows a typical radio waves link
between two separate
geographical locations.

Radio transmission
 Data can be transmitted over radio
waves communication. The radio

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waves can be High Frequency (HF),
Very High Frequency (VHF) or
Ultra-High Frequency (UHF). The
high frequency radio waves signal
is transmitted by directing it to
ionosphere of the earth. The
ionosphere will reflect it back to the
earth’s surface and the receiver will
pick the signal. Very high frequency
radio waves are
transmitted along the earth’s
surface. Ultra high frequency radio
waves use the line of sight principle
thus there should be no barrier
between the sending and

receiving devices. 37
Blue tooth technology
 This is a new transmission

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technology that enable
people to use hand held
communication devices like
mobile phones and personal
digital assistant to access
the Internet. It enhance
communication of personal
communication devices
through wireless

Infrared transmission
 Communication through this medium is

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achieved by having infrared transmitters and
receivers. The transmitter and receiver of
infrared signals must be within a line of sight
in the same room.

Advantages and disadvantages of
wireless communication

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 They can cover larger geographical area easily.
 They are flexible in operation unlike the bounded

 Initial cost is very high.
 Relatively difficult to establish or configure.
Communication media 1
 Modem – It’s a device used to

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connect computer to a
telephone line. It changes the
digital signal to analog form
and then analog back to
digital signal.
 Hub – it’s a component that
connects computers on a
network and is able to relay
signals from one computer to
another on the same network.

Communication media 2
 Repeater – it receives a

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signal from one segment of
a network, cleans it to
remove any distortion,
boosts it and then sends it
to another segment.
 Routers – its interconnects
different networks and
directs the transfer of data
packets from source to

Communication media 3
 Bridge – it’s a network

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device that selectively
determines the appropriate
network segment for
which a message is meant
for delivery through
address filtering.
 Gateway – it’s a device
that can be configured to
provide access to wide area
network or Internet.

Communication media 4
 Network Interface Card – it’s
a circuit board that fits inside

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an expansion slot of a
workstation and creates a
physical link between the
computer and the
transmission media.
 Switches – unlike the hub,
the switch forwards a packet
of data directly to the
address mode without
broadcasting. It transmits the
packet using a point to
point transmission. 44
Wireless communication devices 1

 Access points (AP) –

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mainly used for
wireless devices such
as personal digital
assistants, laptops and
computers with
wireless links. These
devices need to have
antennas in order to
detect signals in the
surrounding. 45
Wireless communication devices 2
 Personal Computer Memory

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Card International
Association Cards – the
PCMCIA is an add on card
inserted into a device such
as personal digital assistants
or a laptop in order to
enable wireless
communication between the
devices and a wired network

Network software
 This refers to programmes that generally

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manage a network. They include:

 Network operating system

 Protocols

Network operating system
 It’s function involves

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 Making sharing of resources possible.
 Transmitting data around network.
 Respond to requests from application
programs running on the networks.
 Enables nodes on the network to communicate
with each other more efficiently.
 Implementing network security features.
 Supporting services.
Examples of network operating systems

 Windows NT/2000/2003

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 Unix

 Linux

 Novell Netware
 Network protocols are rules and technical

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procedures that govern communication
between different computers. Data
transmission process is broken into discrete
systematic steps. At each step, a certain
action takes place and it has its own rules and

How protocols work
 The data transmission process over the
network has to be broken down into

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discrete systematic steps. At each step, a
certain action takes place. Each step has
its own rules and procedures as defined
by the network protocols. The work of
these protocols must be co-ordinate so
that there are no conflicts or incomplete
operations. This co- ordination is
achieved through protocol layering.
Network protocols are designed after the
open system interconnection (OSI)
model. The open systems
interconnection model is not a protocol
as such but is meant to help designers to
come up with high quality layered
protocol it has seven layers, each
performing distinct functions as shown
in ta5b1 le
Examples of protocols
 Transmission Control Protocol / Internet

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Protocol (TCP/IP) – TCP is responsible for
delivery of sequenced data over network. The
IP handles the address scheme i.e. it does
packet forwarding and routing.

 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) – allows the

user to connect to remote system, to sent
and receives files from that system. 52
Network topologies
 This refers to the way in which computers

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and other devices have been arranged or how
data is passed from one computer to another
in the network.
 Logical topology – this involves the way data
passes from one device to the next don the
 Physical topology – refers to the physical layout
or arrangement of components on the
network. 53
Examples of logical topologies
 Ethernet topology – in this topology, all

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computers listen to the networks media and
can only send data when none of the others is
 Token ring topology – in this topology the
token (data packed) goes around the network
and only the computer whose address is on the
data held in the token will take up the token to
read the data then release the token.
Example of physical topology 1
 Star topology – in this

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topology, all devices are
connected to a central hub.
communicates across the
network by passing data
through the hub. When the
hub receives data from a
transmitting computer, it
broadcasts the message to
all the other workstations
on the
network. 55
Advantages and disadvantages of star topology


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 Easy to configure.
 It’s easily expanded.
 If one workstation fail it does not affect the others.
 Allows centralization of key networking resources e.g.
 If the central hub fails, the entire network will be down.
 Requires more cables to install hence more expensive.
 Installing this type of network topology is time
Example of physical topology 2
 Ring topology – in this

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topology all the
components are
connected to a single
cable forming a ring.
The data flows in only
one direction and the
signal is actively
retransmitted by each
node to its neighbour if
its not addressed to
it. 57
Advantages and disadvantages of ring topology


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 It’s simple to install.
 Data transmission is very fast.
 Use a short length cable hence cheap.
 If one site fails it affects all the other nodes.
 Troubleshooting can be difficult.
 Modification may be difficult because adding or
removing a device can disrupt the entire network.
Example of physical topology 3
 Mesh topology – this

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topology uses separate
cables to connect each
device to every other
devices on the network
providing a straight
communication path.

Advantage and disadvantages of mesh topology


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 Easy to troubleshoot.

 Costly to provide the redundant cables.
 Difficult to install and maintain.

Example of physical topology 4
 Tree/Hierarchical topology
– all the nodes are

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connected in form of a tree
with nodes as leaves and
links as branches. The
transmission medium is a
branching cable with no
closed loops. The branches
in turn can have more sub-
branches. Branches are
connected to each other by

of devices called hubs. 61

Advantage and disadvantages of
tree/hierarchical topology

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 If the workstation below the main workstation
fails, the network does not fail.

 If the top node fails the network fails
because it control all other nodes.
 Installation is expensive and complex.
Example of physical topology 5
 Bus topology – all devices

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are connected to a central
cable called the bus or
backbone. Transmission
and reception of a message
is done by all the nodes.
However, only one node
can carry out a
transmission at any one

time. 63
Advantages and disadvantages of bus topology


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 It’s easy to install.
 It’s less expensive.
 If one mode fails, others are not affected.

 The failure of the cable will bring the whole
network to a stand still.
 Only one node can transmit message at a time.
 Difficult to troubleshoot.
Review questions 1
1. List four network systems that are not computer-based networks.
2. Define the term computer network.

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3. Define the term communication.
4. Differentiate between a baseband and broadband signal.
5. State four advantages of networking.
6. Give two disadvantages of networking.
7. Differentiate between a network server and a workstation.
8. Explain the concept of distributed processing in networking.
9. Why is a network more reliable than stand alone computers?
10. Explain the three most common types of computer networks in use today.
11. Differentiate between remote client and remote host.
12. Explain the term bandwidth.
13. What is a “resource” in networking?
14. Differentiate between half duplex and full duplex transmission.
Answer of review questions 1-1
1. Road networks, telephone networks, nervous system and railway

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2. A computer network can be defined as a collection of computers
connected together using transmission media for the purpose of
communication and resource sharing.
3. Data communication is the process of transmitting data from one
location to another through a transmission media.
4. Baseband refers to a digital signal that is generated and applied to the
transmission medium directly without modulation while broadband
transmission refers to a process where analog signal is sent over the
transmission medium using a particular frequency.
5. Advantages of networking
A) Sharing of resources
B) Efficient communication
C) The running cost is low
D) Reliable and error free
Answer of review questions 1-2
6. Disadvantages of networking
A) High initial installation cost

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B) Security threats
C) Moral and cultural effects
7. A network server is a computer dedicated to servicing
requests from other computers on the Internet while a
workstation is a computer connected to a network on
which users do their work.
8. Distributed processing is a configuration in which
terminals with processing power are located in a wide
geographical area.
9. If one of the computers breaks down information can still be
accessed from the server using another computer on the
Answer of review questions 1-3
10. Common types of computer networks

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A) Local Area Network (LAN)
B) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
C) Wide Area Network (WAN)
11. The computer mailing a remote request is called a remote
client while the computer that is being accessed is called a
remote host.
12. Bandwidth is the maximum amount of data that a
transmission medium can carry at any one time.
13. A resource is anything that can be shared on a network.
14. Half duplex refers to communication in both directions but
one at a time while full duplex transmission refers to
communication in both directions simultaneously.
Review questions 2-1
1. Define the term transmission media.

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2. Differentiate between a router and a gateway.
3. Why is a switch preferred to a hub on the network?
4. Compare and contrast a brouter and a router.
5. Describe an electromagnetic spectrum?
6. Describe at least five devices used in data
7. What is the function of a repeater on a network?
8. Give one disadvantage of a hub on a network.
9. Give one application area of infrared transmission. 69
Answer of review questions 2-1-1
1. A transmission medium is a pathway used for carrying data
and information from one station to another.

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2. A router is a device used to interconnect different networks
and direct the transfer of data packets from source to
destination. On the other hand a gateway is any device that
can be configured to provide access to WAN or Internet.
This means that a gateway may not necessarily be a router.
3. Unlike a hub, a switch directs a packet directly to the
addressed node without broadcasting.
4. A router connects logical networks while a brouter has both
functionalities of a router and a bridge.

Answer of review questions 2-1-2
5. Electromagnetic spectrum is a diagrammatic
representation of carious electromagnetic wave

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frequencies. It consists of radiowaves, microwaves,
infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet rays, X-rays,
Gamma rays and cosmic rays.
6. Network Interface Card (NIC’s), modems, hubs,
bridges, repeaters, routers, switches and brouters.
7. A repeater receives a weak signal on the network, cleans it
and amplifies it for transmission over the next portion of
the network. Signals become weak due to attenuation.
8. A hub may cause broadcast problems.

9. Communication in wireless devices. 71

Review questions 2-2
10. Explain the importance of a gateway on a network.
State two advantages of satellite communication.

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12. Give two advantages of fibre optic media.
13. Define the term pitch as used in twisted pair cabling.
14. Give two advantages of coaxial cables.
15. Differentiate between single mode and multimode fibre.
16. Describe the VSAT technology.
17. Explain the concept of a geostationary satellite.
18. Explain the importance of the wire braid in coaxial
19. Explain the line of sight principle in wireless
Answer of review questions 2-2-1
10. Gateway provide access to the wide area networks and Internet.
11. Advantages of satellite communication:

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A) Covers a wide area.
B) As opposed to earth-to-earth microwaves, it overcomes line of sight problem.
12. Advantages of fibre optic media:
A) Allows faster communication.
B) Transmits data over longer distances compared to other cables.
C) It is immune to interference and eavesdropping.
D) Supports high bandwidth.
13. Pitch refers to the twists per foot of each pair of the UTP cable.
14. Advantages of coaxial cables:
A) Supports higher bandwidth compared to twisted pair cables.
B) It’s installation is relatively simple.
C) It can carry voice, data and videos on the network.
D) It is more resistant to radio and electromagnetic interference than twisted pair
Answer of review questions 2-2-2
15. Single mode fibre has a very narrow centre core
compared of multimode.

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16. VSAT refers to a very small satellite dish used both for data
and radio communication. It enables direct access to
satellite transmission instead of having to go through the
state owned satellite gateway.
17. Geostationary satellite’s speed in its orbit is relatively
equal to the rotation of the earth hence, an observer
on earth will see as if the satellite is stationary in space.
18. The braid protects the carrier wire from radio
frequency interference and electromagnetic
19. In line of sight principle, a signal is directed through a
focused beam from the transmitter station to receiver
station without obstructions in between them. 74
Review questions 3
1. List two types of network software.

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2. Give three examples of protocols used in networking.
3. Outline the seven Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
reference model layers.
4. Define the term network topology.
5. Distinguish between logical and physical network
6. Explain the importance logical and physical network
7. List four examples of network operating system.
8. Outline the functions of network operating system.
Answer of review questions 3-1
1. Types of network software
A) Network operating systems.

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B) Network protocols.
2. Examples of protocols used in networking:
A) Transmission control protocol / Internet protocol (TCP/IP). It is the main
internetworking protocol that has enabled the setting up of the Internet.
B) OSPF – it stands for Open Shortest Path First. This protocol is used by routers
to forward the packages on the network through the path that is not only
shortest but has least load.
C) NetBEUI – a local area network protocol and is limited to Microsoft and IBM
D) IPX/SPX – is an internetworking protocol like TCP/IP. It also routes
packets. However, duplication of network addresses is the main.
3. OSI model layers – application layer, presentation layer, session layer,
transport layer, network layer, data link layer, physical layer.
4. Network topology refers to the layout of the computers, printers, and other
equipment connected on the network. 76
Answer of review questions 3-2
5. Logical topology also called signal topology deals with the way that data
passes from one device to the next on the network. Physical topology on

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the other hand refers to the physical layout or arrangement on the
6. Does the actual sending of data on the transmission medium in
binary form.
7. Microsoft Windows NT/2000/2003, UNIX, Novell Netware, Linux.
8. Functions of network operating systems:
A) Provides access to network resources e.g. printers and folders.
B) Enables nodes on the network to communicate with each other.
C) Supports inter-process communication i.e. enables the various
processes on the network to communicate with one another.
D) Responds to requests from application programs running on the
E) Supporting network services like network card drivers and
Revision questions
1. Determine the type of a network characterised by:
a. Connection between computers, printers and other resources using UTP

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b. Over 180 stand alones in an office building.
c. Over 254 computers connected to share resources in a city.
2. Explain the function of a NIC in networking.
3. The computer that is dedicated to serving requests from other computers in a
network is called a ( ) while the computer that
sends requests is called ( ).
4. Distinguish between thinnet and thicknet coaxial cables.
5. Distinguish between radio and microwave transmission.
6. The layer that surrounds the core of a fibre optic cable is called
( ).
7. Describe any three types of physical network topologies used in LAN.
8. The device that connects workstations and the server to a central point is
called a ( ). 78
9. Define the term protocol.
Answer of revision questions 1
1. A). Unshielded twisted pair cabling – LAN.

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B). Stand alones – None.
C). Over 254 computers in a city – MAN.
2. Network interface card creates a physical link between
the computer and the transmission media.
3. Server, Client.
4. A thicknet is thicker than the thinnet and has two
insulators around the core.
5. Microwave transmission is point-to-point while in radio
transmission the signals are Omni directional
i.e. they originate from a central point and then
spread outward. 79
Answer of revision questions 2
6. Cladding.

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7. Types of physical network topologies used in
A) Star topology.
B) Bus topology.
C) Ring topology.
D) Mesh topology.
E) Tree topology.
8. Hub.
9. A protocol is a special set of rules that enable
computers on a network to communicate.
Practical exercise
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Form four

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Setting up a peer-to-peer local area network

 This practical activity is a step by step guide on how to set up a

simple local area network. The following are some of the

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requirements you need.
1. Hardware requirements.
2. Tools
3. Installing a network card
4. Installing the drivers manually
5. Adding protocols
6. Identifying your computer in a workgroup
7. Configuring transport control protocol/Internet protocol
8. Media preparation and connection
9. Connecting the computers to hub/switch
Hardware requirements
1. A computer running on any version of

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Microsoft Windows especially Windows
9x/2000/ME/windows XP.
2. Network interface card. Some computers
may have it already installed onboard so that
you do not have to purchase one.
3. A hub or a switch.
4. Transmission media preferably
unshielded twisted pair category 5.
5. RJ45 connectors. 83
Installing a network card
 The network interface card acts as the

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physical interface or connection between the
computer and a properly terminated
transmission cable. As mentioned earlier,
come motherboards come with on-board
network interface cards hence you may
not need to plug in a separate add-on card.

Steps of physically install an add-on card 1

1. Disconnect the computer from

the power source.

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2. Open te system unit and
identify an empty expansion
slot on the motherboard.
3. Insert the card as shown in figure
right and screw it into place.
Some little force may be needed
to push the card into place
squarely. Make sure that all the
conductor points of the card sink
into the expansion slot. Avoid
touching the golden conductor
points and chip on
the card with your bare han85ds.
Steps of physically install an add-on card 2

4. Replace the casing then connect the computer to the power supply
and boot it up. If you are using Microsoft Windows 9x and above,

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the computer will detect the new hardware because of the plug and
play feature found in the operating system. It may install the
protocols and device software needed for the proper operation of the
network interface card automatically. If there is a problem of the
card being detected, you may have to configure the card manually
using a disk that comes with the card.

NB: some cards are slotted into Industry Standard Architecture (ISA)
slots while others for Peripheral Components Interconnect (PCI)
slots. Make sure you install in the right slot

and then screw into place. 86

Installing the drivers manually 1
1. Click “Start”, “Settings” then
“Control Panel”. In the “Control

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Panel” window double click the
“Network/Network Connection”
icon. A dialog box such as the one
shown in figure right will be
displayed. (In some Windows
versions you may have to double
click the “Network and Dial-up
Connection” icon found in the
“Control Panel” then double click
the “Local Area Connection” icon.)
2. Click the “Configure” button.
3. Click “Adapter/drivers” and then
click “Add”. Follow the on screen
instructions screen.
Adding protocols
1. Make sure the “Network” dialog box is

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2. Click “Add” then “protocols”.
3. Click “Microsoft”, select “TCP/IP” and
“NetBEUI” from the network protocols list
then “OK”.
4. Click “Apply”.

Identifying your computer in a workgroup

 A workgroup is a collection of computers that are

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on the same network. To specify your computer
and the name of the workgroup:
1. If you are using Windows 9x, click the “Identification: tab
from the :Network dialog box. If you are using Windows
Me, 2000 or XP. Identification (computer Name) tab is
located in system properties dialog box. Right click “My
computer”, click “Properties” then click the computer
name tab.
2. Type your computer name and the workgroup name. the
computer name you give must be unique.
Configuring TCP/IP 1
 In order to communicate with other

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computers, you need to install and
configure a protocol. In our case let us
use TCP/IP. To configure TCP/IP,
1. Select the TCP/IP Ethernet adapter from the list
titled. the following network components are
installed / This connection uses the following
2. Click the “Properties” button then the
“Specify and IP address” option. 90
Configuring TCP/IP 2
3. Type in the IP

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address such as
Each computer should
have unique IP address.
Figure right shows a
TCP/IP properties
dialog box in Microsoft
Windows XP.

Configuring TCP/IP 3
4. Specify the subnet mask. Subnet masks are values that

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allow the router to distinguish the network ID from host
ID portions of the IP address. If the IP address is
examined by the subnet mask and found to be identical,
the message is destined to a host on the same network
otherwise it is routed to another network. Typically,
subnet masks use the format
255.x.x.x. In our case let us use a subnet mask such as
5. Click “Apply” then “OK”. The computer will prompt you
to restart in order for the changes to be effected.
6. Restart the computer.
Media preparation and connection
 In this practical exercise, we
are going to use twisted pair

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cabling technique because it
has become almost the
default method. This type of
media uses a connector
known as RJ45 to terminate
the cable. Figure right
shows illustration of RJ45
port and RJ45 terminated
cable. RJ45t is attached to a
UTP cable using crimping

Steps of attach an RJ45 connector to a UTP cable 1

1. Cut a piece of cable of

suitable length

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approximately 3 metres.
2. Strip off approximately a
dimension centimetres of
the cable sheath on both
ends to expose the inner
3. Untwist the pairs.
4. Using the wiring diagram
shown in figure right,
place the wires in the
correct order and trim the
edges to make them
even. 94
Steps of attach an RJ45 connector to a UTP cable 2

5. Insert the wires into the RJ45

connector, plug it in their

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correct order and then push it
into the crimping tool.
6. Squeeze the handles of the tool to
make sure the wires are pierced
and held tightly in the connector.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 at the
other end of the cable. Your
cable should now be terminated
on both ends and should be like
the one shown in figure right.
8. You can then test the media
for continuity and correct
termination using the cable

tester. 95
Connecting the computers to the hub/switch
 It is now time to connect the computers together through the hub. To
connect the computer do the following:

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1. Connect one end of the cable to the RJ45 port of the network card
and the other end to one port in the hub. If the hub is powered, a
LED will indicate the connection. Repeat all this process for all
other computers that you wish to connect on the network.
2. To see if the networking is successful, right click the Network
Neighbourhood / My Network Places on the desktop. If all the
connected computers in the same workgroup can “see” one
another then you have succeeded setting up a peer-to- peer
3. If not, you may decide to test the connection using the PING
command to test connection. For example if you have two
computers with the IP addresses and

Steps of test the connection between the two

1. From the “Start” menu of

the computer with IP

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choose the “Run” menu and
type the command [PING].
2. Click “OK”
 A connection failure will
be displayed on the
screen as shown in figure
right above while a
successful network is
shown on figure right
Sharing network resources
 If you have successfully installed the network, you
can then start enjoying the benefits of networking

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by enabling resource sharing. For example if you
are using Windows XP, you can share resources by
enabling sharing and security as follows:
1. Open “Windows Explorer”
2. From the explorer window, right click the drive folder or
file you wish others on the network then select sharing
and security.
3. Click the “Sharing” tab then enable “share this folder”.
4. Type in the share name and set other options as

5. Click 98
Chapter 2

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Application areas of information and
communication technology (ICT)
Njabini Boys high school
Form four work

Reservation systems
 This are distributed networked systems that

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are used mainly to make bookings in areas
such as:

 Hotels booking

 Airline booking

Hotels booking
 Booking and reservation of rooms in hotel are

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made from remote terminal connected to a
centralized computer database. A customer
makes enquiries via the remote terminal
connected to the central computer.

Airline booking
 Major airline have centralized databases. This

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means that all flights and passengers records
are stored in a computer system in one
location. Travel agents from all over the world
can access each data via communication lines.
In that way, agents book in client where tickets
have not been bought.

Retail system
 Point of sale system – an

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Electronic Point Of Sale
(EPOS) is a computer terminal
in retail stores to input and
output data at the point where
sales are transacted e.g.
supermarket checkout
 Stock control – a computerized
stock control is used to track
what is in stock and what needs
Banking system 1
 Processing customer transactions – computers are used
in banks to carry out financial transactions such as

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recording, deposits, withdrawals and calculating
interests on loans and savings.
 Electronic funds transfer – involves movement of
money using information and communication
technology e.g. when paying goods using credit card,
payment is transferred electronically from the
customers account to recipient account.
 Cheque processing – the use of Magnetic Ink Character
Reader (MICR) details of the cheque are automatically
entered into a computer for cheque
processing. 104
Banking systems 2
 Cash dispensers

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(ATM) – they allow
customers to do their
banking at any hour of
the day or night seven
days a week.

Educational systems 1
 Computer Aided Learning (CAL) – this presents educational
materials the way a teacher does in a classroom. In this program

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there are clear graphical presentations such as video clips and
voice for demonstration or for explaining concepts.
 E-learning – lessons and lectures are presented from central
site and presentation is transmitted to remote conference
terminals. Learners can also access learning materials on the
 Computer based simulation – refers to the science of representing
the behaviour of a real life situation by using computerized
models. This programs creates real situation which replaces very
dangerous and expensive experiments in science. Mainly used in
areas where practical skills have to be learnt like training pilots,
engineers etc.
Educational systems 2
 Computer Aided

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Instructions (CAI) – refers
to the use of a computer to
learn, drill and practice
particular educational
principles. The learner is
presented with explanation
of the concept. The
computer then presents
questions from which the
learner is to select correct
Industrial systems 1
 Modelling – computer modelling is the creation of

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electronic representations of objects or ideas.
Computer model shows what something might look
like when the real thing would be too difficult or too
expensive to create and visualize.

 Process control – refers to the use of a computer

system to control an ongoing physical process
especially in manufacturing e.g. regulating
temperature, fluid flow etc.
Industrial systems 2
 Industrial simulation – this

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allows some activities that
would otherwise be
expensive and dangerous in
real life situation to be put
under test e.g. a plane crash
test simulation with the use
of a virtual model on the
computer screen that
represents the real situation
or object.

Industrial systems 3
 Computer Aided Design (CAD)
/ Computer Aided

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Manufacturer – this involves
use of a system that allows
products that have been
designed using design
application software, to be
transmitted into a automated
manufacturing system for the
product to be manufactured as
per the computer model
e.g. a motor vehicle engines
designed using CAD then
feeding it to an automated
machine which engineers the
required specifications. 110
Transport system
 Air traffic control – airports and airstrips have been computerized.
Computers are used to monitor air traffic movement, take off and

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handling of crafts. The human control errors and mistakes have been
eliminated due to computerized systems. Computers are used for air
reservations and also to direct aircrafts to follow the shortest path
between two locations.
 Shipping control – computers are used to load and offload an also in
docking of ships. Records are also handled with much ease at the
ports with use of computers also are used to control and guide the
paths taken by spaceships and water vessels.
 Automobile traffic control – computers are used to control both human
an motor vehicle traffic using a computerized lighting system. These
lights are controlled using a computer system or a clock switch.
Computerized traffic light systems have sensor pads laid underneath the
road which detect the pattern of the traffic flow. The collected data is
sent to a computer system
which detects and analyses the traffic flow. 111
Scientific Research systems 1
 Weather forecasting – modern
weather forecasting have been

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automated using computerized
systems, hence weather
predictions are more accurate and
reliable. The data collected from
rainfall air, pressure, humidity,
temperature, clouds etc are
analysed with the help of
computer to predict the weather
patterns. Also computers are used
in Geographical Information
System (GIS) and the
geographical data in graphical
form by positioning and
superimposing it on the wo11r2ld
Scientific Research systems 2
 Medical research – the health care industry uses computer based
information systems for data processing operations such as patient

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billing, accounting, inventory control, calculation of health care
statistics etc. they are also used in scheduling lab times and
operating room times, automating nurses stations, monitoring
intensive care patients, providing preliminary diagnose etc.
Computers are also used to control devices that help to care for
the handicapped such as deaf, blind etc. expert systems are also
used to assist physicians in making diagnoses because they can
remember more facts that human doctors can. Computerization of
laboratory tests, such as the types of blood and the testing of
sugar levels leads to faster and

more accurate reporting of test results. 113

Scientific Research systems 3
 Military and space – many nations today have developed
strong military bases which have international

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coordinates. This is managed by computerized radar and
other complex communication machine. The jet fighters
are computerized, control centres are also connected to
create swiftness and efficiency in all operations. Space
exploration is another area where scientists have applied
the use of computers. The spacecrafts and rockets are
computers. The spacecrafts and rockets are computerized
which explore space and planets which are controlled
from manufacturing

bases by qualified computer experts. 114

Entertainment systems
 Music and video – in music industry, computers are

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used in recording, synthesizing, editing and adding
special effects to music. In video industry, computers
are used to produce highly simulated and animated
movies, generate scenes and actors.
 Games – three dimensional multimedia games are
now possible on personal computers. There are
computer games that simulate sports e.g. driving,
war combat etc. such games gives the player
maximum pleasure in a virtual

environment on the screen. 115

Library systems
 Inventory control – computers are used to manage stock which
includes checking for books currently in shelves and those on high

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demand that need adding and also those that have become obsolete
can be retired to archives.
 Cataloguing – computerised catalogues have replaced manual card
catalogue which enhance service delivery and efficiency. The
electronic catalogue is updated constantly when new reference
materials are acquired.
 Lending system – computerised library system manages the issuance
and return of borrowed reading materials. Books, magazines, reports
etc are given unique identification numbers or codes. Members
details are recorded once a book is borrowed and updated when the
book is returned to reflect new
status. 116
Marketing system
 Electronic commerce (E-learning) – e-commerce involves the
carrying of day to day transactions of an enterprise electronically

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through the Internet. The transactions involves sales, promotions etc.
companies and organisations have logged websites for online
transactions. The online buying website tracks the whole session as
the customer chooses various items and calculates the total bill.
Payment is then made through a cheque, credit card or electronic
fund transfer.
 Electronic presentation – marketing agents can create exiting
presentations concerning the procedures of business and present
them to audience using presentation software.
 Advertising – it’s possible to create advert materials and video clip
using simulation, presentation and animation software and then have
them displayed on billboards, broadcasted over television or place
them in Internet.
Communication systems
 Effective and efficient data communication is

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achieved by use of high speed electronic devices
such as computers, cell phones, radios and
television. Some of the communication systems
 Facsimile (fax)
 Radio communication
 Television sets
 Voice messaging
 Video conferencing
 Telecommuting
 Internet 118
Facsimile (Fax)
 This is a telecommunication
device used to send documents

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via telephone lines. A
document is placed in the
machine, scanned and
converted into analog form
then transmitted over the
telephone line. The receiving
fax machine converts the
analog data into the original
softcopy and prints a hardcopy.
Sending fax over the Internet, a
special modem called fax
modem is attached to sending
receiving computers. 119
Radio communication
 Computer used in broadcasting stations to:

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 Record and manage radio programmers.
 Automate running of selected programmes.
 Create slides, simulate objects and sound
effects to prepare adverts.
 Download information from Internet to prepare
programmes like international news.

Television sets
 Data and information is transmitted via a TV channel
same way. It is used to broadcast conversional TV

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programmes. The most common types of data transmitted
via TV include:
 Teletext – this refers to a computerized service whereby news
and other information are provided on TV screens to
subscribers. TV is configured using a special adapter. The
subscriber can browse for information using a remote controlled
 Videotext (view data) – this is an interactive computer information
service that can transmit text and graphics. Computers and phones
are used for two way communication to order goods and services.
A subscriber can interact with the service provider databases and
the information is
displayed on home TV screen. 121
Voice messaging and telecommuting
 Voice messaging – this is a combination of a
telephone and a computer to create a computerized

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system that allows a message to be sent in human
voice without the receiver needing to be present at
the same time to receive the message.
 Telecommuting – this is a term used to refer to a
situation whereby a person uses a computer and a
communication channel to establish a link with a
remote office computer. With a personal computer
connected to a company’s computer, an office
employee can communicate with the office.

Video conferencing
 This refers to the use of

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computers, a digital
video camera, audio
capturing equipments
and communication
networks to enable
people in different
locations to see and talk
to one another.

 This Internet transmits huge amounts of information in

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form of words, images and sounds. Some of the services
available on the Internet are:
 World Wide Web (www) – www refers to a collection of web
pages, which may be made up of text, images, animations,
sounds and video held on web servers. One can access
information using a computer or other devices like mobile
 E-mail – once you subscribe for Internet services through a
service provider, you can send or receive e-mails to or from
anyone connected to Internet using a computer or a WAP
enabled cellular phone. 124
Law enforcement systems
 Immediate and accurate
information is very crucial in

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crime detection, biometrics
analysis using computers is used
in this area which involves the
study, measurement and analysis
of human biological
characteristics. The biometric
devices attached to computer are
used to identify people by
recognizing one or more specific
attributes such as finger, lips,
facial features e.g.

iris etc. 125

Virtual reality (artificial reality)
 This refers to a condition in which a person

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becomes psychologically immersed in an
artificial environment generated by a
computer system. The following interactive
sensory equipments are used to achieve
virtual reality effect.
 Head mounted display (HMD) headgear
 Gloves
 Virtual reality software
 Body suit
Head mounted display headgear
 A headgear is made up of two
tiny display screens and sound

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systems that channel images and
sound from the source to the eyes
and ears thus presenting a stereo
three dimensional sound effect in
the virtual world. The wearer of
the headgear is able to look
around in the virtual environment.
A boom is an alternative to the
often- uncomfortable headgear.
Screen, optical and sound systems
are housed n a box (figure right
below). The user looks into the
box through the two screens to
see the virtual

world. 127
Gloves and body suit
 They are worn on the hands

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to allow the user navigate
through the virtual world
and interact with virtual
objects. The gloves have
sensors that collect data
about the movement of the
hands and relay the data
into the system. They give
the wearer a sense of touch
in the virtual world.

Virtual reality software and body suit

 Virtual reality software –this software gives the

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wearer of the sensory devices an interactive virtual
sensory experience that makes him/her feel as if
he/she is in a world.

 Body suit – this is made of conductor wires wound

in a rubber suit. Te wires sense the body movement
and relay the data into the virtual reality system
which in turn adjusts the position of the user in
virtual reality world.
Application of virtual reality
 Virtual reality is used to represent any three

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dimensional object or ideas that are either real or
abstract. Real objects include buildings, landscapes,
spacecrafts, human anatomy crime scene
reconstruction etc. for example a client can be
allowed to virtually move through a house to build,
pull drawers, touch objects etc. all in a computer
generated environment. Other applications include:
entertainment, training
military, simulation, education, design evaluation,
medicine, aircrafts, assembly of sequences etc.130
Review questions 1-1
1. Explain at least five areas where computers

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2. State the advantages of using electronic point-of sale
terminals as opposed to manual entry at a
supermarket checkout counter.
3. Discuss how a computer is used in
A) Reservation systems.
B) Banking.
C) Law enforcement.
4. Explain how computers have made it possible for
most organisations or institutions to have a
paperless office. 131
Answer of review questions 1-1-1
1. A). Financial systems: E). Communication systems:
A) Payroll systems
A) Facsimile

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B) Accounting systems
B) Radio – internet radio
C) Banking systems
C) Television – video
B). Retail systems:
A) Stock control
D) Telecommunication
B) Electronic point of sale
terminals E) Internet
C). Computers in reservation F) E-mail
systems: F). Computers in industry.
D). Educational systems: 2. A). Fast entry of data.
A) Computer aided instruction
B). Less errors at point of
B) Computer aided learning
C) Computer simulation
C). Good stock management
D) Electronic learning
Answer of review questions 1-1-2
3. A). Reservation systems:
A) Keep record of reservations.

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B) On-line reservation system (remote services).
C) Paperless transactions – paying via credit cards.
D) Easy to check for vacant positions.
B). Banking:
A) 24 hours banking facilities like automated teller machines (ATM).
B) Immediate transfer of funds (electronic transfer) across
geographic locations.
C) Records keeping and accounting.
D) Efficiency enhanced.
C). Law enforcement:
A) Finger print record keeping.
B) Biometric analysis.
4. Electronic transactions
Review questions 1-2
5. Identify at least two areas where expert systems are used.
Differentiate between

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A) Computer aided instruction and computer aided
B) Computer aided design and computer aided
C) Simulation and virtual reality.
7. Explain the role of robots in a motor vehicle
assembling plant.
8. Explain the term virtual reality giving examples of
devices used.
9. Discuss the devices required in order conduct a video

conference. 134
Answer of review questions 1-2-1
5. A). In medical institutions for diagnosis of diseases.
B). In mining companies for prospecting minerals.

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6. A). Computer aided instructions involves drilling students
on techniques and content while computer aided learning
presents content and asks questions to the learner later.
B). Computer aided design enables the user to design
products while computer aided manufacturing involves
controlling the manufacturing process using computers.
C). Simulation is creation of computer models on the
screen based on mathematical expressions. Virtual reality
is generation of 3 dimensional virtual models of real world
7. Robots carry out tasks that would have otherwise been

repetitive, hazardous and boring to human beings. 135

Answer of review questions 1-2-2
8. Virtual reality is a kind of computer simulation that
constructs models of real world environments. The

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computer user can interact with the environment by
wearing special components namely:
A) The headgear/boom.
B) The glove.
C) The body suit.
9. A). A computer.
B). A digital video camera attached to a computer.
C). A network software for video conferencing.
D). A microphone.
Field work report
 Visit one in the information and communication

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technology (ICT) application areas discussed in this
chapter and write a detailed report of about five
pages on the use of computers in the area. The
report should include the following:
 Titlepage
 Table of contents
 Introduction
 A detailed description of information and communication
technology implementation in the area of field work study

 Conclusion 137
Revision questions
1. Differentiate between an electronic point of sale and

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a cash register.
2. Explain how computers are used in accounting
3. Define the following terms:
4. Differentiate between computer aided design and
computer aided manufacture.
5. Explain why computer have become important
library management tools.
6. List some of the interactive sensory devices
used in virtual reality. 138
Answer of revision questions 1
1. EPOS is connected to a computerised system hence utilizes
computer’s intelligence and processing power. A cash register

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simply records cash transactions.
2. A). Generating payroll reports.
B). Generating ledger, balance sheets and accounts payable.
C). Balancing books.
D). Capturing daily transactions.
3. A). Biometric analysis: a computer system that can recognise
features of human body parts like fingerprints, iris colour, facial
features etc.
B). Telex: sending/receiving of text via television.
C). Videotex: sending/receiving of video via television.
D). Telecommuting: working from home via a computer
network instead of commuting to work. 139
Answer of review questions 2
4. CAD involves designing models using

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computers. CAM involves controlling
manufacturing processes using
5. A). Keeping book records and stock
B). Tracking overdue books.
6. Headgear, glove and body suit.
Chapter 3

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Impact of information and communication
technology (ICT) on society

 An impact is a positive or negative effect.

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Information and communication technology
sector, like any other sector has its positive
and negative effects at different levels in

Issues resulting from the use of ICT

 A number of issues have risen as a result of

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use of ICT. These issues include:

 Effects on employment
 Automated production
 Issues of workers health
 Environment issues
 Cultural effects
Effects on employment
 The computer based information systems

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have altered the job market. Incorporation of
computers has changed the way work has
traditionally been done. Also it has its effect
in employment through job creation, job
replacement and job displacement.

Job creation
 ICT has introduced new employment

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opportunities that never existed before. The
use of computers in banks, industries,
communication, reservation system etc has
created new jobs titles such as computer
operators, programmers, network
administrators, software engineers, system
analysts, web administrators etc.

Job replacement
 Job replacement – this is a situation whereby

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certain jobs disappears in an organisation but
reappears in another form requiring more and
high skilled manpower
e.g. copy typist using typewriters are still needed
in organisations but now use computer word
processor instead of typewriter.

Job displacement
 Job displacement – this is the process of

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replacing man power with computerized
machines, their own or with the help of a few
skilled and highly trained people. In most
cases, the eliminated jobs are those involving
monotonous and unskilled labour
e.g. factory jobs can be displaced by machine
like robots.

Automated production
 This involves computerization of production process in industries i.e. the
use of computer aided production which does not require high manpower.

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Pros of using automated production are:
 It reduces the costs of production because of the efficiency of
 It leads to improved quality of services and better range of products.
 Has helped in reduction of accidents in sectors like mining and
chemical production where much work is potentially hazardous.
 Efficient utilization of resources e.g. raw materials, personnel
equipments hence less operating expenses are incurred.
Cons of automated production
 It may lead to unemployment in some areas that are labour intensive.

 High initial cost of setting up an automated system. 148

Example of automated production
 Automated production may

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lead to unemployment in
some areas that are labour
intensive. For example,
what would have been done
by thirty people may be
done one person using a
machine. Figure right shows
a robot used in the
manufacture of pianos and

Issues of workers health
 The use of ICT and computers has some

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effect on our health. Some of the negative
effects include:
 Repetitive strain injuries
 Electromagnetic emissions
 Eye strain and headache
 Stress
 Isolation
 Radiation and visual display unit
 Computer chip toxin 150
Repetitive strain injuries
 Repetitive strain injuries – these are injuries

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resulting from wrist, hand, arm and muscle
strain, neck strain due to forced repetitive
movement e.g. when entering data using
keyboard. This can be avoided by sitting in a
relaxed position and changing typing

Electromagnetic emissions
 Electromagnetic emissions – these are

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waves of electrical and magnetic energy that
are emitted by current carrying conductors.
Computer users are advised to use low
emission devices in order to avoid exposing
themselves to excess emissions.

Eye strain and headache
 Eye strain and headache – since computer

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users have their eyes at close range with the
monitor, there is danger of developing the
Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). The
syndrome is characterised by eye strain,
headache etc. the solution to this problem is to
use monitors with good resolution and fitted
with antiglare screen that filters excess light,
specific changes in screen brightness.
 Stress – mental stress is another compliant. Many

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people who work at computer feel that they are
expected to produce more and do it faster because
computer s themselves are fast. Also those been
monitored by computers frequently feel additional

 Isolation – people can conduct business and

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communication without ever coming face to
face. Computer operators can work an entire
shift, taking their instructions from a computer
screen, sending and receiving memos to each
other electronically without engaging in
personal conversation. These people feel
isolated from other workers.

Radiation and visual display unit
 Radiation and visual display unit – there

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have been reports that VDU emit radiations
that causes, birth defects, blindness, cancer,
miscarriages, sterility etc.

Computer chip toxin
 Computer chip toxin – workers in computer

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chip manufacturing industries are exposed
to toxic chemicals that may pose health
hazards similar to those feared from VDU

 The science of designing the workplace for the

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comfort and safety of the worker. This is the
study of how living and working conditions
can be adapted to the information technology.
The need for better working environment has
resulted to designing of special furniture to
prevent backaches, special monitors to prevent
eyestrain etc.

Environmental issues 1
 Energy consumption and
radiation – initially

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computers consumed a lot
of energy hence generated a
lot of heat and emitting
electromagnetic radiation.
In recent years the
Environment Protection
Agency (EPA) launched
energy star policy to
encourage minimal use of
power of electronic

devices. 159
Environmental issues 2
 Environmental pollution – it has contributed to

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environmental pollution e.g. garbage dumps of
dead computer parts, printers, monitors etc are
disposed in landfills hence causing
environment pollution Nickie-Cadmium
laptops batteries contain cadmium and when
buried in landfills can leak into underground
water tables and catchments areas.

Cultural effects
 Moral effects – it has changed the way we talk,

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affected our primary, human rights and integrity.
Internet users are exposed to so many things
e.g. watching pornographic materials, chatting online,
sending dirty messages online etc that affect morals
negatively. People also use computers as a tool to
accomplish their vices e.g. forging documents such as
certificates, passports etc.
 Computer crimes – this is the use of computers

software for illegal purpose. 161

Types of computer crimes 1
 Data manipulation – refers to altering the

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data that enter or exit a computer e.g.
changing data on a certificate.
 Time bomb – this is coding a computer
program to destroy itself after it has been run
a certain number of times.
 Computer virus – a program entered into a
computer with aim of destroying or altering
data and spreading the distraction to other
computers. 162
Types of computer crimes 2
 Trap door – creating of a special password that

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gives its creator a sole access to the system.
 Data stealing – is using a computer to steal
information that has been gathered for
someone else legitimate purpose.
 Eavesdropping – tapping without
authorization into communication lines over
which computer data and messages

are sent. 163

Types of computer crimes 3
 Industrial espionage – using a computer to

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steal designs, marketing plans or other trade
secrets from one company and sell them to
another company.
 Piracy – this is making unauthorized copies
of copyrighted computer software.
 Fraud – this is the use of computers to
cheat other people with the intention of
gaining, money or information. 164
Types of computer crimes 4
 Sabotage – this is illegal destruction of

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data and information with the aim of
causing great loss to organisation.

 Logic bomb – it’s a program that is executed

when a certain set of condition is made e.g. a
fired employee can load a logic bomb to a
computer to destroy when
his records are updated on database. 165
Evolution of computer systems
 Future trends in ICT will be characterised by:

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 Rapid evolution in computer hardware and

 Artificial intelligence

 Expanded information superhighway

Rapid evolution in computer hardware and software 1

 Computers will be more intelligent, computers will be

able to learn in their environment, understand human

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voice, respond etc.
 Software will be more versatile and easier to use.
 Technology will result to cheaper and more powerful
computers which will have faster processor.
 Industries will become more automated.
 More application software will be available because of
high speed, large available memory for programs.
 Education will have to fear itself to training students to
computer assisted services rather than teaching them
Rapid evolution in computer hardware and software 2

 Technology will result to

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small size computers.
 Operating system that will
handle real time data
analysis and object oriented
will be developed.
 Will have improved user
interfaces that offers users
easier and more intuitive
access to information

Artificial intelligence
 This is the ability of computers to think and

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reason like human being e.g. learning,
reasoning, communicating. Seeing and
hearing. To accomplish this technology a more
computer speed, more powerful and more
memory to accomplish this program
application areas of artificial intelligence.

Application area of artificial intelligence

 Expert systems

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 Natural language processing
 Voice recognition
 Voice synthesis
 Computer vision
 Neural networks
 Robotics

Expert systems
 This is software that store the knowledge of human
experts and is then used as consultant in a particular field

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e.g. to help doctors diagnose patients.

Examples of expert system

 Mycin – used to diagnose blood and meningitis
 Prospector – used in predicting mineral deposits in
certain geographical sites.
 Delta – used to help people repair diesel electric
 Xcon 171
Components of expert systems
 User interface – this displays screen that

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enables the user interact with the system.
 Knowledge base – this is the expert systems
database of knowledge about a particular subject.
It contains relevant facts, beliefs, assumptions
and produces for solving a particular problem.
 Inference engine – is a software that applies the rules
from a knowledge base in the data provided by the
user to draw conclusion.

Natural language processing
 Natural language processing – this is the

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ability of a computer to understand human
language and translate it to instructions upon
which the computer can understand. The
problem of natural language is that they may
be ambiguous and interpreted differently by
different people.

Voice synthesis
 Voice synthesis – these are machines that are

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able to create human voice or talk e.g. a
computerized bank teller giving you your
account balance in human like voice.

Voice recognition
 This is a system that will allow voice input. The user

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inputs data by speaking into a microphone. A few
systems can’t satisfactory perform this task because of:
 Words with similar sound e.g. here, hear.
 Different people pronounce same words differently.
 One word has multiple meanings.
 Computers that can recognise and read properly human voice will
make information systems and other computerized applications
accessible to people who can’t enter data in the

normal way i.e. blind, handicapped etc. 175

Computer vision and neural networks
 Computer vision – scientists hope to develop computers that
will process and interpret lights waves just as the human brain

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does, such a system would use scanning devices to sense and
interpret objects, graphics and text character shapes. It will
allow a computer to see as human do, read and interpret text
in almost any format.

 Neural networks – this is use of electronic devices and

software to emulate the neurological structure of the human
being. The idea is to try and emulate the cognitive learning
process of the human brain and how it recognises patterns.
Artificial neural networks work similar manner by perceiving
stimuli and hence decide
whether to pass it on to the system or not. 176
 A robot is a computer controlled
device that emulates human

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being in carrying out tasks that
would otherwise be dangerous
and difficult. Robots are mainly
used for simple repetitious tasks
on industries also in dangerous
jobs. Researchers are coming up
with robots that will incorporate
perception systems i.e. a robot
that will sense, feel shapes of
objects, listen to ultrasound,

smell etc. 177

Expanded information superhighway

 This involves the integration of cables and

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wireless technologies for the purpose of data
and information transmission. Fibre optic
cables are used to carry millions and millions
of data items per second.

Review questions 1
1. Explain at least three effects of

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introduction of ICT in workplaces.
2. List three advantages and two
disadvantages of automated production.
3. Describe some of the effects of ICT on
human health.
4. Why is there concern on the disposal of
Nickel-cadmium batteries?
Answer of review questions 1
1. A). Job replacement: workers without IT skills are
replaced by computerised machines and people who have

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the skills to operate the machines.
B). Job displacement: employees moved to another
department where IT skills are not needed.
C). Job creation: new jobs are created.
2. A). Advantages of automated production.
A) Efficiency, increase in production.
B) Productivity increases in work place.
C) Cost effectiveness.
D) Improved communication.
B). Disadvantages of automated production
A) Unemployment.
B) Data and information insecurity.
C) Over reliance on ICT may cause a disaster if systems go down18.0
Answer of review questions 2
3. A). Repetitive strain injuries.

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B). Exposure to radiation.
C). Eye strain and headaches.
D). Pollution of environment due to
dumping of ICT related components like
4. Nickel-cadmium battery contents are not
biodegradable hence may seep down to the
underground water table causing
poisoning. 181
Revision questions
1. Explain the effects of ICT on employment.
2. Explain how the use of ICT may affect health and the environment.

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3. Explain the role of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
4. Define the term flaming.
5. Why should a parent be concerned when a child requests oftenly to be given
some money to go and browse Internet in a cyber cafe?
6. ( ) is an electronic device designed to emulate the human nervous
7. Explain the four main areas of artificial intelligence.
8. Give a reason why success in natural language processing is important.
9. Define the term robot.
10. Describe the features and capabilities of an intelligent robot
11. Briefly explain the possible features of microcomputer and information
technology in a few years to come.
12. Briefly explain the concept “information superhighway”, its services and
potential growth. 182
Answer of revision questions 1
1. Effect on employment – job creation, replacement and displacement.
2. Effect of ICT on:

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A) Health – repetitive strain injury, eye strain, headaches and
electromagnetic emissions.
B) Environment – energy consumption, pollution etc.
3. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched the energy star
policy to encourage minimal use of power by electronic devices.
4. Flaming refers to the use of derogatory, obscene or dirty language.
5. Because the child might have discovered some dirty sites e.g. on
pornographic materials that are likely to affect the child morally.
6. Artificial neural networks.
7. Main area of artificial intelligence.
A) Expert systems.
B) Natural language processing.
C) Artificial neural networks.
D) Robots. 183
Answer of revision questions 2
8. This will make data processing task faster.
A robot is an automated device used to perform tasks that are

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difficult and dangerous to a human being.
10. An intelligent robot has artificial senses that emulate the five
common senses of a human being. (this is an open question that
seeks to test whether students have any vision of ICT in future).
11. Sublimation of ICT into a totally intelligence driven capacity with
devices that can emulate or simulate human communication, speech,
reasoning, learning and performance.
12. Information superhighway mainly deals with communication of data
and information on a large scale based on cable networks and more
sophisticated wireless communication. It is aimed at making
communication more efficient and reliable.

Chapter 4

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Career opportunities in information and
communication technology (ICT)

 ICT has created new  Software engineer
job titles. Some of the  Computer engineer

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computer career  Web designers
opportunities include:  Computer operator
 Computer technician
 System analysts  Duties processing
 Chief manager
programmer/program  Information system
ming manager manager
 Computer  Computer trainer
 Network administrator
 Database
administrator (DBA)  Computer typesetters
 Librarian

System analysts
 This is a person who is responsible for analysing a
company’s needs or problems then design and develop a

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computer based information system.

Qualities of a good system analysts

 Should have good problem solving skills and creativity.
 Should have good communication skills.
 Must have business knowledge.
 Trained as analyst.
 Have general knowledge of the firm including its goals,
 Should have knowledge of data processing methods and
current hardware and familiarity with available
programming language. 188
Duties of a system analyst
 Gather, record and analyze facts of the systems.

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 Design new system and recommend changes to
existing systems.
 Prepare instructions manuals.
 Co-ordinates training for users of new system.
 Work with programmers to construct and test the
 Prepares system specifications.
 Co-ordinates the implementation of new or
modified system. 188
Chief programmer/programming manager

 He reports to data processing manager what has been

reported by programming group, junior and senior

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 Managing the programmers.
 Liaising with chief system analyst.
 Review and control program documentation.
 Reviews programs performance.
 Ensures that all programme are well tested
before put into use.
 Reviewing all the system specifications before
handover to programmers. 189
Computer programmers
 These are people whose work entails coding i.e.
formulating instructions for the computer to solve

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given problems.
Qualities of programmers
 Good command of programming language in use.
 Knowledge of general programming
methodology and relationship between
programs and hardware.
 Creativity for developing new problems solving
 Patience and persistence.

Duties of programmers
 Coding computer program using appropriate

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programming language.
 Testing of programs for logical errors, syntax
errors and semantic errors.
 Debugging of programs.
 Documenting programs i.e. program manuals.
 Designing and implementing programs.
 Maintaining and reviewing existing computer
Database administrator
 This is a person responsible for the design and
implementation of the database.

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 Responsible for the design and control of
organisation database.
 Controls and monitors database usage through
assignment of user passwords.
 Keeping the database up-to-date by adding new
records, modifying or deleting unnecessary records.
 He establishes the appropriate content and
format of data records.
Software engineer
 This is a person who is killed in software

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development and technical operation of
computer hardware.
 Developing system and application
 Developing user and technical
documentation for the new software.
 Maintaining and updating the software to
meet day-to-day requirements. 193
Computer engineer
 These are specialized personnel whose duties are

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to assemble the computer systems.

 Design and develop computer components e.g.
motherboard, storage devices etc.
 Design and develop engineering and manufacturing
computer controlled devices such as robots.
 Re-engineer computer components to enhance

its functionality and efficiency. 194

Web designers
 Web designers design website using

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various software tools. These webs
contains pages where individuals and
organisation can advertise themselves
when promoting the products.

Web administrators
 He administrate the web organisation, websites by

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making sure the website is updated periodically to
give the right information.
 Developing and testing websites.
 Monitoring the access and use of Internet
connection by enforcing security measures.
 Downloading information needed by an
organisation from Internet website.
 Maintaining, updating and modifying information
on the website. 196
Computer operator
 This is a person who interfaces the user demands to
the computer hardware by use of set of special

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instructions known as commands.
 Entering data into the computer for processing.
 Keeping up-to-date records of all information
processing activities.
 Responsible for the general equipment layout
within the computer room.
 Activating the computer to obey programs through use
of commands.
 Mounting the storage media e.g. disk to their driv1e97s.
Computer technician
 These are member of the technical staff whose job

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is service and repair computers.

 Troubleshooting computer hardware and
software related problems.
 Ensuring that all computer related accessories such
as printers, storage media etc are in good condition.
 Assembling and upgrading computers and their

components. 198
Data processing manager
 This is the person in the data processing
department within the organisation. His major

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duty is to ensure that the organisation’s needs are
Duties and responsibilities
 In charge of data and information flow within the
 Responsible in data collection and preparation.
 Purchase of hardware and other facilities and
their management.
 Software development and maintenance.
 Assessment and evaluation of staff performanc1e99.
Information system manager
 This person controls, plans, staffs, schedules and

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monitors all the activities of the ICT department
in the organisation.
 Making sure that all tasks in the IT department are
done correctly and on time.
 Preparing budgets for the departments.
 Keeping the department inventory records up-to-
 Managing the human resource within the
department. 200
Computer trainers
 These are specialized personnel in the field of
computing, well conversant with various

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disciplines and computer related issues, which they
can execute with ease for those who are first
venturing into this field.
 Training people on how to use a computer and
various application programs.
 Developing training reference materials.
 Guide learners on how to acquire knowledge
through carrying out research.
 Preparing learners for ICAT examinations.
Network administrator
 This is a specialist who oversees the smooth

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running of network systems in an organisation.

 Set-up a computer network.
 Maintain and enforce security measures on
 Monitor the use of network resources.
 Maintain and troubleshoot network rekated
problems. 202
Computer typesetters
 Graphic designers and typesetters are

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required in order to design graphical
objects and profession publications e.g.
books, newspapers, magazines.

 He is responsible for keeping the files in various

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storage devices. He is responsible for the physical
security of storage media.
 Ensures that there are enough physical files
available for use.
 Maintains the external files labels.
 Ensures duplicates files are kept.
 Ensures access of files is restricted to
authorised persons. 204
Further educational opportunities in ICT

 There are other areas in computing where one

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would further his or her educational ambitions.
These areas include institutions such as
colleges, university, polytechnics, institutions

ICT courses offered in tertiary institutions

 University

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 Public university
 Private university

 Polytechnics

 Colleges

 This is considered as the highest institution

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in formal education. There are two
categories of universities.

 Public university – they are established by the

state through the award of a charter and are run by
a state appointed management team.
 Private university – they are self sponsored
institutions set up by individuals, churches or
any other organisation. 207
Examples of university that offer ICT courses

 Public university  Private university

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 Jomo Kenyatta  Daystar university
University of  Catholic university
Agriculture And Nazareth
Technology (JKUAT)
 Kabarak university
 Kenyatta university
 AUSI university
 Nairobi university
 Maseno university
 University are authorised to
 Moi university
offer approved diploma,
 Egerton university undergraduate and post
graduate programmers.
ICT related degree programmes
 Bachelor of computer science.

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 Bachelor of information technology.
 Bachelor of science in computer engineer.
 Bachelor of computer networking.
 Bachelor of software engineering.
 Bachelor of business and information
 Bachelor of science in information technology.
 Bachelor of computer programming. 209
ICT related masters programs
 Master in computer science.

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 Masters in information technology.

 Masters in hardware engineering.

 Masters in science computer engineer.

 They are institutions of higher learning that

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mostly offer diploma and certificate courses in
technical fields like ICT.

Examples of polytechnics that offer ICT

 Mombasa polytechnic.
 Kenya polytechnic.
 Eldoret polytechnic.
ICT courses offered in polytechnic
 The courses can be diploma or certificate in the
following lines.

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 Computer repair and assembly.
 Computer operator.
 Management information system.
 Computer programming.
 Computer networking.
 Computer software engineer.
 Computer studies.
 Information technology.
 Computer science.
 Computer hardware engineer.
 Web administrator. 212
Qualifications gained on study on sitting for an exam

 Diploma in computer studies, computer

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science, information technology etc.

 Higher diploma in computer studies,

information technology etc.

 Certificate in computer studies, information

technology etc.
 This is middle level that offer diploma,

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certificates and craft courses in ICT and
other fields.

NB: qualifications are same as the ones for


Examples of colleges
 Rift valley of science and technology.

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 Kaiboi technical training institute.
 Thika institute of science and technology.
 Kiambu institute of science and technology.
 Coast institute of science and technology.
 Kirinyaga technical training institute.
 Nairobi technical training institute.
 Nyeri technical training institute.
 Kenya technical training institute.
 Kenya science teachers college.
 Machakos technical training institute. 215
Examinations bodies for higher diploma,
diploma and certificates

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 Information Technology Standards Association (ITSA)

 Institute of Management Information Systems (IMIS)

 Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC)

Factors to consider before joining a
college to pursue ICT course

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 Whether if offers ICT courses recognised
both locally and internationally.

 The cost of training with such institution.

Review questions
1. Explain the role of the following ICT specialists:

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A) Database administrator.
B) Software engineer.
C) System analyst.
D) Computer technician.
E) Information systems manager.
2. Differentiate between a system analyst and a
3. Outline the roles of a network administrator.
4. Differentiate between a software engineer and a
computer engineer.
5. List three types of job opportunities that are available in
the field of computer hardware. 218
Answer of review questions 1
1. A). Database administrator – designs, develops, updates
and maintains information system database.

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B). Software engineer – develops and updates software.
C). System analyst – analyses, designs and develops
information systems.
D). Computer technician – troubleshoot computer
hardware and software problems.
E). Information system manager – managing ICT
 A system analyst is mostly responsible for analysing the
weaknesses of the existing system and designing an
alternative system while a programmer mainly writes
computer programs based on the system requirements21.9
Answer of review questions 2
3. A). Setting up a computer network.

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B). Securing the network against unauthorised access.
C). Managing the network to enhance performance and
D). Monitoring use of network resources.
4. Software engineer develops software/programs as per
requirements. Computer engineer designs computer
hardware and improves on existing ones.
5. Job opportunities in computer hardware:
A) Computer engineer
B) Computer repair and maintenance
C) Computer assembling
Revision questions
1. Give at least six examples of public and accredited private
universities that offer computer related courses in Kenya.

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2. Identify at least three ICT related courses offered at
1. University level
2. Polytechnic level
3. College level
3. Define the term accreditation as used in education.
4. Identify ICT courses you would enrol in at the postgraduate
university level.
5. Identify three national polytechnics that offer ICT courses in
6. Identify at least three colleges that offer computer science as a
subject at diploma level.
7. State and explain some of the factors you would consider
before enrolling for an ICT course in a college. 221
Answer of revision questions 1
1. A). Moi university B). Polytechnic level
B). Nairobi university i. Diploma in information

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C). Kenyatta university technology.
D). Jomo Kenyatta university ii. Diploma in computer
of agriculture and technology hardware maintenance.
E). Catholic university iii. Diploma in computer
F). Daystar university programming.
G). Baraton university C). College level
2. A). University level: i. Diploma in information
i. Bsc. Computer science
ii. Certificate in
ii. Bsc. Information information technology
iii. Diploma in education
iii. Msc. Information systems (computer science). 222
Answer of revision questions 2
3. Accreditation is the process of recognising an institution as being able
to offer degrees and diplomas.

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4. A). Msc. information system /Ph.D
B). Msc. Information technology /Ph.D
5. National polytechnics in Kenya are Kenya polytechnic, Mombasa and
Eldoret Polytechnics.
6. Colleges that offer compute science as a teaching subject at diploma level
are Kenya Science, Kagumo Teachers College, Kenya technical Teachers
College etc. (The list is not exhaustive).
7. Factors to consider when enrolling for ICT course in a college:
A) Cost
B) Job opportunities
C) Whether the examinations offered are recognised etc.
D) The organisation offering the course.


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