Pedestal Design Calculation
Pedestal Design Calculation
Pedestal Design Calculation
Definitions Of Terms:
All forces in units 'kN' and 'm'
All reinforcement details like area, spacing in 'mm'
Neutral axis angle for resultant design moment is with respect to local major axis.
Ratio to account for reduction of stiffness of columns
1 βdns =
due to sustained axial loads
Moment magnification factor for frames not braced
2 δns =
against sidesway
First-order relative deflection between the top and
3 Δo =
bottom of the story due to Vu in 'kN'
4 ∑Pu = Total factored vertical load in 'kN'. (Clause
5 δu = Design displacement in 'mm'
Modification factor reflecting the reduced mechanical
6 λ =
properties Of concrete
Coefficient defining the relative contribution Of concrete
7 ac =
strength To nominal wall shear strength
Cross-sectional area of a structural member measured to
8 Ach =
the outside edges of transverse reinforcement in 'sqmm'
Gross area of concrete section bounded by web thickness
9 Acv = And length of section in the direction Of shear force
considered in 'sqmm'
Effective cross-sectional area within a joint In a plane
10 Aj = parallel To plane Of reinforcement generating shear In
the joint in 'sqmm'
Area Of non-prestressed longitudinal tension
11 As =
reinforcement in 'sqmm'
Minimum area Of shear reinforcement within spacing 's'
12 Avmin =
in 'sqmm'
13 B = Width of column/ wall in 'mm'
14 beff = Effective Width of column/ wall in 'mm'
Cross-sectional dimension of member core measured to
15 bc1 and dc1 = the outside edges of the transverse reinforcement
composing area Ash in 'mm'
Distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis
16 c =
in 'mm'
17 Cc = Clear cover to longitudinal reinforcement in 'mm'
Factor relating actual moment diagram to an equivalent
18 Cm =
uniform moment diagram
19 D = Depth / diameter of column in 'mm'
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78 Vuy = Factored shear at section along D in 'kN' (From Analysis)
Shear induced due to column flexural capacity along
79 Vuy1 =
depth, 'kN'
Shear due to enhanced earthquake factor along depth,
80 Vuy2 =
81 y = Neutral axis depth.
It is a Neutral Axis angle corresponding to load angle to
82 β =
find out MCap
Center to center spacing of transverse reinforcement
83 So =
within the length lo in 'mm'
Length, measured from joint face along axis of member,
84 lo = over which special transverse reinforcement must be
provided in 'mm'
Effective area of column / wall considered for shear
85 Aeff =
check in 'sqmm'
86 Ag = Gross area of concrete section in 'sqmm'
Maximum nominal shear strength provided by concrete
87 Vc max =
in 'kN'
Probable flexural strength of member with or without
axial load determined using properties of the member at
88 Mpr = joint faces assuming a tensile stress in the longitudinal
bars of atleast 1.25fy and strength reduction factor Φ of
0.9 in 'kNm'
Height of entire structural wall above the critical section
89 hwcs =
for flexural and axial load in 'mm'
Overstrength factor equal to the ratio of Mpr / Mu at the
90 Ωv =
wall critical section
91 ωv = Factor accounting for dynamic shear amplification
92 Ve = Enhanced Shear force including factors Ωv & ωv in 'kN'
Code References:
ACI 318M - 19
Sr.No Element Clause / table
Minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement
1 : 18.7.4
for column
Maximum area of longitudinal reinforcement
2 : 18.7.4
for column
Minimum longitudinal and transverse
3 :
reinforcement for wall
4 Minimum diameter of transverse ties : 25.7.2
5 Minimum spacing of transverse ties : 25.7.2
Maximum spacing of longitudinal and
6 :
transverse reinforcement for wall
7 Applicability of boundary element : 18.10.6
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General Data
Column No. : C1,C4,C5,C8
Level : -1 m To 0.3 m
Frame Type = Non-Ductile
Response Modification Coefficient = 4.5
Design Code = ACI 318M - 19
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C28 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (Main) = Fy400 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (Shear) = Fy400 N/sqmm
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Along B
Q = 0.002
0.002< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame (Braced)
A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))
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Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
fyt = 400 N/sqmm
Along D
Av/s min-1 = 0.062 x Sqrt(f'c) x B x 1000 / fyt
= 369.08 sqmm/m
Av/s min-2 0.35 x B x 1000 / fyt
= 393.75 sqmm/m
Av/s min = Max ( Av/s min-1, Av/s min-2)
= 393.75 sqmm/m
Along B
Av/s min-1 = 0.062 x Sqrt(f'c) x D x 1000 / fyt
= 451.1 sqmm/m
Av/s min-2 0.35 x B x 1000 / fyt
= 481.25 sqmm/m
Av/s min = Max ( Av/s min-1, Av/s min-2)
= 481.25 sqmm/m
Maximum Longitudinal Diameter = Dia Of Rebar
Rebar Number of bundled bar, D1 = 20
Diameter of bundled bar, D1 = 20 mm
Bundled Rebar = No
Minimum diameter of link >= 9.5 mm
Provided Link Rebar Number = 10
Provided Diameter of link = 10 mm
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Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Rebar
10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 200 --- --- 200 ---
General Data
Column No. : C2,C3,C6,C7
Level : -1 m To 0.3 m
Frame Type = Non-Ductile
Response Modification Coefficient = 4.5
Design Code = ACI 318M - 19
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C28 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (Main) = Fy400 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (Shear) = Fy400 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel - Flexural Design = Fy400 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel - Shear Design = Fy400 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 500 mm
Column D = 600 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 1300 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 1300 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 4
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Along B
Q = 0.002
0.002< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame (Braced)
A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))
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Vu / Φ Vn 0.04 0
Requirement for Biaxial Check Check is not Applicable
Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
fyt = 400 N/sqmm
Along D
Av/s min-1 = 0.062 x Sqrt(f'c) x B x 1000 / fyt
= 410.09 sqmm/m
Av/s min-2 0.35 x B x 1000 / fyt
= 437.5 sqmm/m
Av/s min = Max ( Av/s min-1, Av/s min-2)
= 437.5 sqmm/m
Along B
Av/s min-1 = 0.062 x Sqrt(f'c) x D x 1000 / fyt
= 492.11 sqmm/m
Av/s min-2 0.35 x B x 1000 / fyt
= 525 sqmm/m
Av/s min = Max ( Av/s min-1, Av/s min-2)
= 525 sqmm/m
Maximum Longitudinal Diameter = Dia Of Rebar
Rebar Number of bundled bar, D1 = 20
Diameter of bundled bar, D1 = 20 mm
Bundled Rebar = No
Minimum diameter of link >= 9.5 mm
Provided Link Rebar Number = 10
Provided Diameter of link = 10 mm
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