Syllabus Functional Management - EVEN 2021-2022 - FINAL

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Even SEMESTER (2021/2022)

No. Name E-mail
1 Dr. Tengku Ezni Balqiah (Coordinator) [email protected]
2 Putri Mega Desiana, MM [email protected]
3 Mona Ridho Sidjabat, MBA [email protected]
4 Ratih Dyah Kusumastuti, Ph.D [email protected]

Subject Code ECMM801101

Subject Title Functional Management
Credit Value 3 Credits
Year/Semester 2021-2022/II
Subject Type Compulsory
Pre-requisite/ None
Role and Purposes Roles:
This course is an introduction to the four functional management aspects,
namely marketing, human resources, finance and operations management. It
will start with the discussion of the business and economic systems, and will
be followed by discussions of the basic principles of the four functional
management aspects.
On the completion, participants in this course are expected to be able to;
develop an understanding of how business works; gain a basic understanding
of principles in marketing management, human resource management,
finance, and operations management; and analyze a business case using an
integrated view of the four functional management aspects.
Subject Learning Program Objectives:
Outcomes 1. MM-FEBUI graduates should demonstrate integrity, ethical behavior, and
respect for diversity.
2. MM-FEBUI graduates should demonstrate concerns towards the society.
3. MM-FEBUI graduates should demonstrate effective leadership qualities.
4. MM-FEBUI graduates should have effective communication skill within
global setting.
5. MM-FEBUI graduates should be able to conduct applied business research.
6. MM-FEBUI graduates should exhibit entrepreneurial spirit.
7. MM-FEBUI should demonstrate creativity and innovative thinking.
8. MM-FEBUI graduates should be able to formulate business models using
contemporary approaches.

Learning Goal (LG) and Learning Objective (LO):

1. LG1: Ethics & Social Responsibility - Students have awareness, are aware of
ethics and social responsibility
LO1: to be sensitive to ethical and social issues in management decisions
T1 : Distinguish between ethical and unethical behavior

2. LG3: Oral Communication Skills – Students are able to demonstrate oral

communication skills
LO3: Students are able to present their business ideas properly (TLA)
T1 : Introduction
T2 : Content
T3 : Organization of Presentation
T4 : Visual Aid
T5 : Pace
T6 : Audience Engagement

3. LG5: Critical Thinking – Students are able to demonstrate that they are
critical thinkers.
LO5: Students are able to argue and draw conclusion on an issue based on
supportive evidence in business cases (TLA)
T1 : Deliver Key Ideas/ Points
T2 : Comparison, Evaluation and Analysis

4. LG7: Integrated Knowledge in Business and Management Function –

Students are competent in integrating various knowledge in business and
management functions
LO7: Understand the linkage between various concepts and applications across
different functional area in business and management (ASM)
T1 : analyze business problems by using an integrated approach of the four
functional management aspects
T2: Apply the concepts of marketing, human resource management,
finance, and operations management
Subject Synopsis/ Week# Topics Sub Topic Reading Materials
Indicative Syllabus
1 Course Overview a. What is Business? EG, NMM (related
Introduction to b. Economic System chapters)
Business c. Business Environment
d. Business Management
e. Ethics in Business

These topics concern about

LG1, T1
2. MARKETING a. Market and consumer SOL Ch. 1 & 6
MANAGEMENT (1) – definition
MARKET OPPORTUNITY b. Consumer vs business
AND CONSUMER buying behavior
ANALYSIS c. Product vs Service
d. Traditional and Digital
e. Segmenting, Targeting, and
3. MARKETING a. Product decision MJ, Ch. 7, 8, 10
MANAGEMENT (2) – b. Pricing decision
DECISION Case 1 presentation Case (to be
LG3 will be experienced in
case study presentation
4. MARKETING a. Distribution channel MJ, Ch. 11, 12
MANAGEMENT (3) – decision & 13
MARKETING MIX b. Integrated promotion
DECISION decision

Case 2 presentation
Case (to be
LG3 will be experienced in announced)
case study presentation
5. HUMAN RESOURCE a. Introduction to HRM GD, Ch. 1,3,4&5
MANAGEMENT (1) - b. Strategic HRM
6. HUMAN RESOURCE HR Acquisition & GD,
MANAGEMENT (2) - Development Ch. 6,7 & 8

Case 3 presentation Case (to be

LG3 will be experienced in
case study presentation
7. HUMAN RESOURCE HR Development & GD
MANAGEMENT (3) - Compensation Ch. 9,10,11 & 12.

Case 4 presentation Case (to be

LG3 will be experienced in
case study presentation

Mid semester exam

8. FINANCIAL a. Main Decision in RWJ, Ch. 1, 5, & 6

MANAGEMENT (1) – Corporate Finance
INTRODUCTION TO b. Accounting and Finance
c. Maximizing Firm value
d. Time Value of Money
9. FINANCIAL Investment Criterion RWJ, Ch. 9
INVESTMENT Case 5 presentation Case (to be
ANALYSIS announced)
LG3 will be experienced in
case study presentation
10. FINANCIAL Cash Flow Projection RWJ, Ch. 10
INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Case 6 presentation Case (to be
LG3 will be experienced in
case study presentation

11 OPERATIONS a. OM Definition, HR, Ch. 1 & 2

MANAGEMENT (1) – Manufacturing vs. Services
INTRODUCTION TO OM b. Transformation Process &
& OPERATIONS Value added, Productivity
STRATEGY IN GLOBAL c. Operations Strategy in a
ENVIRONMENT Global Environment

12 OPERATIONS a. Design for Goods and HR, Ch. 5, 7 & 9

MANAGEMENT (2) - Services
DESIGNING b. Capacity Planning Case (to be
OPERATIONS c. Layout Planning announced)

Case 7 presentation

LG3 will be experienced in

case study presentation
13 OPERATIONS a. Supply Chain HR, Ch. 11, 12, 14 &
MANAGEMENT (3) - Management 16
MANAGING & b. Inventory (EOQ, MRP &
IMPROVING ERP) Case (to be
OPERATIONS c. Lean Six sigma announced)

Case 8 presentation

LG3 will be experienced in

case study presentation

Final semester exam

Teaching/Learning This course uses the following teaching-learning method:

Methodology 1. Participant Centered Learning (PCL): Participants should actively share
their ideas or opinions in the class discussion.
2. Participants will present the analysis of case in group. A class has 4
groups, each group should present the case twice, before and after mid-
term exam.
3. The group that must present the case (will assigned in session 1) should
search 2 or 3 cases (e.g. from Harvard Business Review) that are related
to sub topics that will be discussed in class, and send them to the lecturer
to be reviewed.
4. The lecturer will then choose 1 case to be discussed in class. The group
must disseminate the selected case to all students, at least one week
before presentation.
5. Each group develop case analysis in ppt format, submit the presentation
material to the lecturer before class, and only the assigned group will
present the material in class, other group must active in discussion
session. The case analysis consists of:
a. Background.
b. Problem identification.
c. Analysis (related to the topics discussed)
d. Conclusion & recommendation
e. Lesson learnt.

6. At the final session, each group will present their analysis of the
comprehensive case (real case) for the final project and the report (word
format) and presentation material (ppt format) to the lecturer one day
before the presentation.
a. The analysis should cover four functional management aspects of a
real company (real case) related to topic in syllabus.
b. Outline report consists of:
• Company profile
• Problem identification, analysis & recommendation of each
• Lesson learnt
• Reference.
c. Data collection from primary data will get bonus point.
d. The total number of pages between 20-30 pages (excluded statement
of authorship, table of contents, reference, attachment).
e. A4 paper size, Arial 12 font, space 1.5.
f. Attach list question, photo with key person (online meeting screen-

Individually, each student must read textbooks and other materials provided,
and participate actively in teaching and learning in the form of:
1. Asking questions in accordance with the topic.
2. Preparing to answer questions.
3. Discussing issues related to the topic.

Minimum 80% of Total Lecture:
1. Only a maximum of 3 (three) times of absent without explanation are
2. Students who come 15 minutes after the class begins are considered as
not present.
Assessment Percentage
Method in of LG7
Alignment with T1 T2
Intended Learning
Outcomes Participation First Half 10 %
Case Analysis
Presentation– First Half
100% (parallel 50% (exclude parallel
Mid Semester Exam 20%
question) question)
Participation Second Half 10 %
Case Analysis
Presentation – Second 10 %
Final Semester Exam 20 % 50%
Final Project and

Total 100 %
The specific learning methods used in this subject are:
Details of learning 1. Lecturing
methods 2. Class Discussion
3. Presentation.
4. Mid-Exam. LG7 (T1) and LG7 (T2) will be assessed in Mid-Term
It will be stated in the document that each question will refer to the
related trait.
5. Final-Exam. LG7 (T2), will be assessed also in Final Examination. It will be
stated in the document that each question will refer to related trait.
Student Study Class Contacts:
Effort Expected Lecturing (13 sessions @ 1.5 hours) 19.5 Hours
Presentation and Discussion (13 sessions @ 1 hour, 1 session 15.5 Hours
@2.5 hour)
Other student study effort:
Preparation for project/assignment/tests 28 Hours
Reading List and Required Readings:
1. Ebert, Ronald J., Griffin, Ricky J. (2021). Business Essential. 12nd Ed., New
Jersey: Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle. (EG)
2. Nickels, William G., McHugh, James M., McHugh, Susan M. (2019).
Understanding Business. 12nded., New York: McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
3. Ross, Stephen A., Westerfield, Randolph W., Jordan, Bradford D. (2019).
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. 12nd ed.. New York: McGraw-Hill
Companies Inc. (RWJ)
4. Heizer, Jay., Render, Barry. (2017). Operations Management, 12thed.,
New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle. (HR)
5. Solomon, M.R. Marshall & G.W. Stuart, E.W. (2018), Marketing: Real
People Real Choices. 9th edition. New Jersey: Pearson. (SOL)
6. Marshall, Greg W. & Johnston, Mark W. (2015). Marketing Management:
2th ed. New York : McGraw-Hill. (MJ)
7. Dessler, Garry. (2017). Human Resource Management. 15thed., Pearson.

Plagiarism Plagiarism is defined as inserting words/sentences/ideas belonging to other

author/s in part or in whole without referring to the sources. Students must
indicate the source of any words/sentences from other author/s in his/her
Plagiarism also refers to the copying in part or in whole other student’s
assignment, or copying from books, journals, web, magazines, news papers,
Plagiarism includes also the act of auto-plagiarism defined as the use of one’s
own words/sentences/ideas taken from other assignment/paper that have
been submitted for grading in other or the same course without any
reference to its/their source(s).
In accordance to the disciplinary rules and code of ethics for students as
indicated on the Guidebook of FEBUI, students are prohibited to conduct
plagiarism, and will be sanctioned/ punished accordingly.
The sanctions/ punishment are as follows:
• First time offense, the minimum sanction is a Zero (0) grade for the
assignment or maximum an E
• Second time offense, the grade for the course will be an E.
• Third time offense, the student will be expelled from Department of
Management, FEBUI.

Statement of It is mandatory that a Statement of Authorship must be included and posted

Authorship on the front page of the assigned paper.

Statement of Authorship

I/We.........................the undersigned declare to the best of my/our ability

that the paper/assignment herewith is an authentic writing carried out by
myself/ourselves. No other authors or work of other authors have been used
without any reference to its sources.

This paper/assignment has never been presented or used as paper’

assignment for other courses except if I/we clearly stated otherwise.

I/We fully understand that this assignment can be reproduced and/or

communicated for the purpose of detecting plagiarism.

Name :
Student’s ID Number :
Signature :
Course :
Paper/Assignment Title :
Date :
Lecturer :

(signed by all and every single student if its a group assignment)

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