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Department of Electrical Engineering

Electrical Power Systems Lab Manual

Prepared by:
Eng: Zeyad Othman Alababneh


The electrical power systems laboratory
designed to directly apply theory learned in lectures to devices that will
be studied in the laboratory. The Lab focuses on all aspects of electrical
power systems: power generation, transmission and distribution lines,
protection systems, electric power management systems and a wide
range of electrical measurement systems. Research projects carried out
in this laboratory include generation, transmission and distribution of
electrical energy and all facilities that guarantee the safe supply of
electrical energy. In addition to the monitoring, control and supervision
systems that are studied and followed in this laboratory.

The laboratory course is intended to provide practical understanding of
power system operation, control and protection. The main goal is to
enable students to apply and test theoretical knowledge they mastered in
previous years of studies. The laboratory course enables them to develop
practical skills in various fields of power engineering

The Laboratory covers all phases for the:  Electrical power generation;
 Electrical power distribution, transformers and high voltage lines . Use
of the power (Load);  Power factor correction, with synchronous
condenser (typical of the power factor correction performed in power
plants or distribution power plants), power factor correction with
(typical of power factor correction carried out in the customer); 
Measurement instruments typical of this field;  Protection devices
specific of this field. All protection and control devices of the electrical
machines are exactly equal to those installed in the industrial units. So,
the sequences of control maneuvers in the control stations are exactly
equal to those necessary in the industrial units.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding
1. Understand the behavior and the performance of synchronous
generators under various operating conditions.
2. Understand how a transmission line behaves under different
operating conditions.
3. Understand the operation of a transmission line with insulated and
compensated neutral conductor in condition of ground fault.
4. Understand the various methods to improve the system power factor.
5. Understand the operation of overall power system from generation to
6. Understand the operation of a power system with management

Intellectual/Cognitive Skills
1. Be able to perform experiments which are necessary to determine the
performance and the behavior characteristics of the power system
2. Be able to understand the concept the generators

. Subject Specialization and Practical Skills

1. Identify and formulate engineering problems to solve problems in the
field of electrical power engineering;
2. 2. Specify and evaluate manufacturing of components and equipment
related to electrical power and machines.
General and Transferable Skills
1. Work in a group and evaluate the results to prepare the report.
2. Find information independently
1- Glover, J. D., Sarma, M. S., & Overbye, T. (2012). Power system analysis &
design, SI version. Cengage Learning.
2- 2- Saadat, H. (1999). Power system analysis (Vol. 2). McGraw-hill.
3- 3- Horowitz, S. H., & Phadke, A. G. (2014). Power system relaying. John
Wiley & Sons
Chapter 1

Synchronous Generator Experiments

 Synchronous Generator Operating Alone

 Parallel operation of two Synchronous Generators
 Parallel operation of a Synchronous Generator with
Infinite Bus
Experiment (1) Synchronous Generator Operating Alone
1. To master the exact procedures required for generator’s starting and stop and
their exact sequence.
2. To understand how terminal voltage and frequency varies with the load in a
synchronous generator operating alone.
3. To measure the voltage regulation of a synchronous generator under different
4. To learn how to use manual and automatic techniques to compensate the
voltage of a synchronous generator loaded with various loads.

Theory and Concepts

: The Alternator (Three-Phase Synchronous Generator) is mainly a machine
absorbing mechanical power from a prime mover and transforming it into electrical
power. An Alternator is an electrical machine that has two differentiated parts in its
construction: the stator and the rotor. The stator includes three-phase windings,
shifted of 120 electrical degrees, star or delta connected. From the stator terminal
you can take the outgoing three phase power. The rotor, moved by the prime
mover, at fixed speed, contains the d.c. excitation winding. The excitation can be
provided by a variable independent source or by a d.c. (exciter) generator, coaxial
to the rotor and so moved by the prime mover. The operating principle is based on
the rotor magnetic field, that, although fixed (it comes from a d.c. source), induces
some voltages in the statoric windings by effect of the rotation. So, on each statoric
phase, we will have 2 voltages, one induced by the rotor and one called ‘rotor
reaction’ that will be produced by the current flowing across the phase. We can
sum up these voltages into a single call “E”, which effective value (RMS) is given

From equation, it is seen that given a particular alternator operating at synchronous

speed, the single factor under the user’s control is Φ (rotoric excitation).
The rate of rotation of the magnetic fields in the machine is related to the stator
electrical frequency by the following Equation:

The prime mover of the alternator has two purposes:

1. To provide the alternator with the mechanical power necessary to the electrical
2. To keep the speed constant of any electrical change condition of the alternator.
This purpose is given to the automatic speed control operating directly on the
prime mover.

The voltage induced in a given stator phase depends on the flux Ф in the machine,
the frequency or speed of rotation, and the machine's construction by the following

EA = K Ф ω
Synchronous Generator Equivalent Circuit
The per-phase equivalent circuit of this machine is shown in the Figure below:
If more load is added at the same power factor, then |IA| increases but remains at
the same angle ϴ with respect to VФ. It is seen that as the load increases, the
voltage VФ decreases rather sharply.

Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) The generator excitation system maintains

generator voltage and controls the reactive power flow. The automatic voltage
regulator (AVR) takes the fluctuate voltage and changes them into a constant
voltage. The fluctuation in the voltage mainly occurs due to the variation in load on
the supply system. The variation in voltage damages the equipment of the power
Tests on the Alternator:
External characteristics:
detection of the phase voltage VФ with variation of the load current.
 Conditions for this test: speed, load power factor and If (excitation) must be

Regulation characteristics:
detection of the excitation current If necessary to keep phase voltage VФ, at
variation of the electrical load on the alternator (current IL).
 Conditions for this test: speed and load power factor must be constant.
Experimental Procedures:

1. Explain the effects of increasing loads on the terminal

voltage of the synchronous generator and explain how to
reduce these effects?
2. Show by drawing the effect of increasing load on the
phasor diagram of the synchronous generator with
Note: (Take two cases from the measurements, frequency
is constant)
(a) Unity PF;
(b) Lagging PF;
(c) Leading PF.
Experiment (2) Parallel Operation of Two Synchronous Generators


1. To understand the conditions required to parallel two synchronous generators.

2. To understand the procedures for paralleling two synchronous generators.
3. To understand the effect of increasing the frequency of one of the generators on
the system
. 4. To understand the effect of increasing the field current of one of the generators
on the system.
5. To understand how the real power sharing between two generators can be
controlled independently of the system frequency and vice versa
. 6. To understand how the reactive power sharing between two generators can be
controlled independently of the terminal voltage and vice versa.

Theory and Concepts:

Figure 1 shows a synchronous generator G1 supplying power to a load, with

another generator G2, about to be paralleled with G1, by closing the switch S1. If
the switch is closed arbitrarily at some moment, the generators are liable to be
severely damaged, and the load may lose power. If the voltages are not exactly the
same in each conductor being tied together, there will be a very large current flow
when the switch is closed. To avoid this problem, each of the three phases must
have exactly the same voltage magnitude and phase angle as the conductor to
which it is connected. In other words, the voltage in phase a must be exactly the
same as the voltage in phase a', and so forth for phases b-b' and c-c'.
The conditions required for paralleling two Alternators:

1. Equal phase sequence: the voltage triads of the

generators must run in the same direction. The direction is pre-set by
the proper connections and checked with the
- lamp method. If the 2 triads do not run in the same direction, the 3
lamps never light off simultaneously.
2. . Equal frequencies: This can be seen in the frequency meters of
each generator. Actually, G2 is set at a little higher speed than G1
(this because when “taking load”, the prime mover will naturally
drop the rpm).
3. . Equal effective voltages: this occurs in the voltmeters of each
4. . Equal phase angles: the phase angles of the two a phases must
be equal. It is obvious that if the rotation speeds of both machines
are exactly equal, the phases will be never be equal.
Experimental Procedures:

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