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ED Unit I Two Marks

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1. Recall the importance of engineering drawing.

Engineering drawings are used to communicate design ideas and technical information to
engineers and other professionals throughout the design process. An engineering drawing
represents a complex three-dimensional object on a two-dimensional piece of paper or
computer screen by a process called projection
2. Write any four applications of engineering drawing.
 Designing of components
 Manufacturing of products
 Infrastructure development
 Circuit diagrams for electrical and electronics
3. State the assumptions made in orthographic projection.
a. The observer views the object from a theoretically infinite distance.
b. The rays of light from the observer’s eyes are parallel to one another.
c. The rays of sight meet the principal planes orthogonally.
4. Second and fourth angle projections are not preferred. Why?
Both the top and front views obtained by second and fourth angle projection methods lie
on one side of the reference line XY. In second angle projection, both top and front views appear
above XY.
5. What are projection, projector and plane of projection?
 Projection is an image of an object thrown forward on to a plane by means of straight
lines called visual rays.
 Projectors are the lines drawn from each and every point of the Object. These lines are
perpendicular to the plane of projection & parallel to each other.
 Plane of projection (POP) is the plane on which image is drawn.
6. Differentiate first and third angle projection.
First angle projection Third angle projection
The object is imagined to be in the first The object is imagined to be in the third
quadrant quadrant
The object lies in-between the plane of The plane of projection lies in between the
projection and observer object and observer
When views are drawn in their relative When views are drawn in their relative
position, Top view comes below Front view, position, Top view comes above Front view,
Right hand side view is drawn to the left side Right hand side view is drawn to the right side
of the elevation. of the elevation.

7. What is orthographic projection and why it is called so?

An orthographic projection is called so because projectors drawn from the corners of an object
are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the plane of projection (HP or VP).
8. What is difference between orthographic and pictorial views?
Orthographic projection is commonly used because it gives 100% details of an object by
drawing different views e.g. Elevation, Plan, side views, section views auxiliary views etc. It
is 2-D, whereas Pictorial views are 3-D and don’t give full details. Yes pictorial projection
can be understood by a layman easily, but orthographic projection can be understood by
an engineer or concerned person only.
9. Define point, line, plane & solid.
 Point-it is a geometrical entity which is dimensionless. We cannot give dimension to a
point. It is known as 0-D(zero dimension)entity.
 Line - a line is shortest distance between two points. It is a geometrical entity which is 1-
D (length only).
 Plane-it is a geometrical entity which is 2-D (length x breadth) or have area only.
 Solid-it is a geometrical entity which is 3-D (length x breadth x height) or have a definite
10. List out The Contents of Title Block.
The title block should contain the following information:
Name of the institution, Title of drawing, Name, Branch, section and Roll no. of the student
Type of scale used, Drawing number, Type of symbol for the method of projection
11. What are the standard sizes of drawing sheets according to I.S.I. and which is suitable for
drawing work?
The standard size of sheets according to I.S.I. are:
A0 (1189 X 841) mm, A1 (841 X 594) mm , A2 (594 X 420) mm, A3 (420 X 297) mm
A4 (297 X 210) mm and A5 (210 X 148) mm.
Drawing sheet of size 594 X 420 i.e. A2 size is generally used by engineering students as
it is very handy and easy for drawing work in class.
12. Why Drawing Is Called Universal Language Of Engineers?
Engineering drawing is a graphical language of an engineer to convey one’s ideas most
effectively, easily, conveniently and with high speed. So Engineering drawing is a starting point
of all engineering branches such as Mechanical, Production, Civil, Electrical, Electronics,
Computer science, Chemical etc. It is spoken, read, and written in its own way. Engineering
drawing has its own grammar in terms of projections, conventional representations, types of
lines, abbreviations, symbols and various geometric constructions.
13. What is called as dimensioning? Name the various arrangements of dimensioning.
Indicating the sizes of the features of the object and other details essential for its
construction and function on a drawing by the use of lines, numerals, symbols, and notes is
called dimensioning.
Arrangements of dimensioning:
a. Chain dimensioning.
b. Parallel dimensioning.
c. Combined dimensioning.
14. Point A is 20 mm above H.P. and 30 mm in front of V.P. Draw its projections.
15. Write different positions of a line with respect to HP and VP.
Parallel to both planes HP and VP
Perpendicular to one plane and parallel to other
Parallel to one plane and inclined to other
Inclined to both the planes HP and VP.
16. What is true length?
If the length of the view of the line is equal to the actual length of the line, then that
length is called true length.
17. A line is parallel to both HP and VP. What will be its true length equal to?
True length will be equal to top view length or front view length.
18. Name the methods of finding the true length and true inclinations of a straight line with HP or
VP from its orthographic projections.
 Rotating line method
 Trapezoidal method
 Auxiliary plane method
19. Define the trace of a line.
When a line is inclined to a reference plane, it will meet that plane, produced if
necessary. The point at which the line or line produced meets the plane is called its traces.
Horizontal traces:- It is the point of intersection of the line or line produced with HP.
Vertical traces:- It is the point of intersection of the line or line produced with VP.
20. A 50mm long line AB is parallel to both H.P and V.P. The line is 25mm in front of V.P and
60mm above H.P, draw the projections of the line.

21. At what condition a line appears like a point in orthographic projection?

 If a straight line is perpendicular to VP, then it will appear as a point when viewed from
 If a straight line is perpendicular to HP, then it will appear as a point when it is viewed from
22. What is change of position method?
Orthographic projection of a plane surface inclined to one reference plane are drawn by
changing the position of the plane surface from simple position to the required position
in two stages known as the change of position method.

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