Witch Hunter - GM Binder

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The Witch Hunter

Trained Against the Unknown

Overview on Creating Training is relentless to ensure you have the best
opportunity to avoid or survive the effects set against you.
You have advantage on saving throws against saving
Witch Hunter throws caused by spells.

Proficiency Leeching Strike

Level Bonus Features
The minions of your enemies struggle to maintain their
Unsettling Strike, Professional form while under your assault. When attacking a creature
3rd +2
Preparation controlled or summoned by a spell, on a successful hit
7th +3 Prepared Mind they have disadvantage on attacks and saving throws until
10th +4 Trained against the Unknown the start of your turn. This ability can be used a number of
times equal to twice your proficiency mod per short rest.
15th +5 Leeching Strike
18th +6 Magical Sink Magical Sink
Through effort and study you have made it so magic is
unstable and unreliable around you. Whenever a spell is
cast within 60 ft of you , as a reaction you can force the
Guardians of the Arcanae caster to have to spend a higher level slot than the one
being actively used to cast the spell . This spell slot has to
and Supernatural be at least 1 level higher than the one currently being used
or the caster can make a spell casting ability check against
their own spell save dc . If they fail this check their spell
The training and determination for those who
slot is consumed but no spell is cast. You can use this
seek to curb the expansion of the arcane arts
ability a number of times equal to your proficiency
and their influence in the world ultimately
modifier per short rest.
makes people whose relation to magic is a
wary and distant one.
Monarchs around the world balance the
influence and power their court magicians
have through the subtle reminder of these
individuals whose martial training and studies
have lent them a unique and antithetical
perspective to weave that permeates magic
across the world.
When litches go into hiding from those they
have wronged to achieve their immortality it is
a country that seeks out professionals who
will permanently deal with the situation.
Across all planes touched by magic the might
of the arcane drifts uncontrolled save for
those who Drift against it.

Unsettling Strike
you know how and where to strike to unsettle the
concentrations of magic of a spell. Whenever you hit a
creature that is concentrating on a spell you raise their
concentration dc by your proficiency modifier.

Professional Preparation
you gain proficiency in religion and arcana. If already
proficient in one of these or both choose one to add
double your proficiency bonus to.

Prepared Mind
illusions and magical effects have a hard time settling on
your mind. You have advantage on investigation and
insight checks against illusions and charmed creatures
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using GM Binder.

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