Bíceps Isolado Hipertrofia Mais Que Multiarticular

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Original Research

Single-Joint Exercise Results in Higher Hypertrophy

of Elbow Flexors Than Multijoint Exercise
Pietro Mannarino,1,2,3 Thiago Matta,2,3 Jefferson Lima,3 Roberto Simão,3 and Belmiro Freitas de Salles3
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Clementino Fraga Filho University Hospital, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil; 2Biomedical Engineering Program, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and 3Physical Education Post-Graduation Program,
UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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Mannarino, P, Matta, T, Lima, J, Simão, R, and Freitas de Salles, B. Single-Joint Exercise Results in Higher Hypertrophy of Elbow
Flexors Than Multijoint Exercise. J Strength Cond Res 35(10): 2677–2681, 2021—Recent data suggest that single-joint exercises
are unnecessary to maximize the resistance training (RT) results in novice to advanced individuals. However, the present literature is
still inconsistent on this topic and controversy arises. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of the unilateral dumbbell row
(DR) (multiple-joint) vs. unilateral biceps curl (BC) (single-joint) exercises on strength and elbow flexors muscle thickness (MT). Ten
untrained men were assigned to an 8-week RT program for elbow flexors, one arm performing DR and the other performing BC in
a within-subject design. After a familiarization, pretraining MT was measured using an ultrasound (US) technique, and strength was
tested using 10 repetition maximum (10RM) tests. After pretesting, 8 weeks of RT (4–6 sets, 8–12 repetitions to concentric failure, 2
sessions per week) was performed. Post-testing was conducted in the same order as pretesting 48 and 72 hours after the last
session. Single-joint BC exercise resulted in higher hypertrophy of elbow flexors (11.06%) than the DR (5.16%) multijoint exercise
after 8 weeks of RT (p 5 0.009). The 10RM improvement was higher for DR in DR-trained arm, whereas 10RM for BC was higher in
BC-trained arm. The single-joint exercise resulted in higher hypertrophy of the elbow flexors than multijoint exercise after 8 weeks of
RT, whereas strength improvements were greater in accordance with specificity of RT exercise. Therefore, in RT prescription for
elbow flexors hypertrophy, single-joint exercises such as BC should be emphasized.
Key Words: muscle thickness, ultrasound, strength, resistance training

Introduction Recent data showed that the addition of a single-joint exercise

to a multiple-joint exercise program does not increase muscular
Resistance training (RT) is the most popular and efficient exercise
strength and hypertrophy of upper-body muscles, suggesting that
modality to improve muscular strength and promote hypertro-
single-joint exercises are not necessary to maximize the RT results
phy. However, to achieve and maximize results, it is necessary to
in novice to advanced individuals after 8–10 weeks of RT
adequately prescribe and manipulate RT variables such as load
(1,2,9–11,21). However, only one of these studies actually com-
intensity, number of sets, rest interval, training frequency, repe-
pared the long-term effects of performing only multiple-joint vs.
tition velocity, exercise order, and selection (1,3,4,11,18,20–23).
only single-joint exercises in muscular strength and hypertrophy
Exercise selection involves the choice of exercises for an RT
improvements (10). Gentil et al. (10) showed similar strength and
program, and several terms have been suggested to classify
hypertrophy gains of elbow flexors comparing the effects of RT
exercises in different patterns such as primary or assistance,
programs including only lat pull down vs. only biceps curl (BC)
structural or body part, and multiple-joint or single-joint exer-
after 10 weeks. Unfortunately, the study has several major
cises (3).
methodological limitations that can impair the authors’
Both multiple- and single-joint exercises have been shown to
be effective to increase muscular strength and hypertrophy (21).
Theoretically, in single-joint exercises, the mechanical and
Multiple-joint exercises require more coordination and complex
chemical stress involved in hypertrophic response are directed to
neural responses and have generally been considered more ef-
target muscles and limited only by its full loading capacity. In
fective for increasing overall muscular strength, while single-
multijoint exercises, however, weaker muscles involved in the
joint exercises have been used to target specific muscle groups
kinetic chain can limit early full range of motion. This will limit
and require reduced levels of skill and techniques (21). There-
maximal muscle stress in the target muscle group and conse-
fore, the American College of Sports Medicine (1,21) recom-
quently the hypertrophic responses. Based on this, the initial
mends that multiple- and single-joint exercises should be
hypothesis was that strength improvements would be greater in
included in RT with emphasis on multiple-joint exercises for
accordance with the specific RT exercise used while elbow
maximizing overall muscle strength and hypertrophy in novice,
flexors muscle thickness (MT) improvements would be greater
intermediate, and advanced individuals.
in BC-trained arm. Therefore, the aim of this study was to
compare the effects of the unilateral dumbbell row (DR)
Address correspondence to Pietro Mannarino, [email protected]. (multiple-joint) vs. BC (single-joint) exercises on strength and
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 35(10)/2677–2681 elbow flexors MT improvements in untrained men after 8 weeks
ª 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association of RT.


Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Single-Joint and Multijoint Exercise (2021) 35:10

Methods procedures were approved by the Ethics Committee of the Rio de

Janeiro Federal University (registration numbers 570.945 and
Experimental Approach to the Problem 519.230).
To compare the effects of multiple-joint vs. single-joint exer-
cises, 10 subjects were assigned to an 8-week RT program for
the elbow flexors, one arm performing DR and the other per- Procedures
forming BC in a within-subject design. All the subjects began
Ten Repetition Maximum Testing. Before performing the tests to
undergoing a familiarization period for a 10-repetition maxi-
obtain 10RM loads, all subjects performed 2 sessions to become
mum (10RM) testing. This was performed before pretesting
familiar with the proposed exercises at intervals from 48 to 72
and the initiation of the RT phase. After this, pretraining MT
hours. To obtain reliable 10RM loads, data were assessed during
was measured using a B-mode ultrasound (US) (GE Health-
2 nonconsecutive days (48–72 hours). During the 10RM test,
care, Chicago, IL) technique, and the 10RM tests were per-
each subject performed a maximum of 5 attempts for each exer-
formed on 2 nonconsecutive days for both exercises in both
cise with 5-minute rest intervals between attempts. The 10RM
arms using a counterbalanced order. After pretesting, 8-week
loads were accessed for DR and BC exercises in both arms using
(2 sessions per week) RT was performed. Post-testing was
a counterbalanced order. Both exercises were performed unilat-
conducted in the same order as pre-testing, and the 10RM and
erally with dumbbells in supinated grip, and for DR, the subjects
MT tests were performed 48 and 72 hours after the last session,
used a hand support for the nonexercised arm. After the 10RM
load in a specific exercise was determined, an interval not shorter
than 10 minutes was allowed before the 10RM determination of
the next exercise. Standard exercise techniques were followed for
each exercise to guarantee proper form, and verbal encourage-
In this longitudinal study, 10 male volunteers (29.20 6 3.85 years ment was provided during all the tests for all subjects. All indi-
[range, 24–38 years]; 178.30 6 7.29 cm; 96.40 6 17.93 kg; 30.19 viduals were instructed to avoid initial momentum. The heaviest
6 4.46 kg·m22; 6SD) had both arms examined. All subjects were load achieved in both days was considered the 10RM load for
right handed. Age was set between 25 and 40 years to eliminate any each exercise in each arm (19). After the 8 weeks of training, the
variation in hypertrophic responses due to age or sex. None of the 10RM tests were performed similarly to the pretraining tests to
subjects had participated in any systematic training or physical determine the strength gains.
activity during the previous 6 months. Any clinical history or report
of musculoskeletal pain/injuries, systemic disease, or previous Muscle Thickness Measures. The acquisition of US images was
surgery in the upper limbs was considered an exclusion criterion. performed by the same experienced researcher using B-mode US
Written informed consent was obtained from all individual subjects (GE Healthcare) with a 40-mm linear probe of 8-MHz extended-
included in the study. In addition, all subjects received nutritional field-of-view (EFOV) scans was taken longitudinally to elbow
guidance to adopt a high-protein and high-calorie diet and to take flexors according to Nelson et al. (18) recommendations. Each
a nutritional supplementation provided by the research team before image was obtained at the halfway point of the intermuscular
training sessions (Mass Titanium 17500: Carb 132 g, Whey pro- septum to guarantee the echographic images were taken at the same
tein 17 g, fat 1 g). The experimental procedures were conducted in region after coating the transducer with a water-soluble trans-
accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The experimental mission gel. The US probe was centered with respect to each

Figure 1. Example of subject US image and MT measures at 25, 50, and 75% of elbow flexors length at baseline
(A) and after 8 weeks (B). US 5 ultrasound; MT 5 muscle thickness.


Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Single-Joint and Multijoint Exercise (2021) 35:10 | www.nsca.com

Table 1 analyses were performed using commercial software GraphPad

Resistance training protocol.* Prism (GraphPad software inc.).
Week Session/week Set 3 repetition
Familiarization 2 Results
10RM test and retest 2
1–4 2 4 3 8–12 For DR 10 RM, ICCr 5 0.978, 95% CI ranged from 0.910 to
5–8 2 6 3 8–12 0.998 and p , 0.001; for BC 10 RM, ICCr 5 0.991, 95% CI
ranged from 0.964 to 0.986 to 0.998 and p , 0.001; and for MT
*10RM 5 10 repetition maximum.
reliability, ICCr 5 0.938, 95% CI ranged from 0.725 to 0.986
and p , 0.001.
location, and the images were recorded with subjects lying supine The inference statistics for arm comparisons presented signif-
with arm relaxed and elbow extended. The images were analyzed icant differences for 10RM% tests. For DR and BC exercises,
with public software (ImageJ 1.43u, National Institutes of Health). 10RM% showed statistical differences between arms (Figures 2
The MT was considered the perpendicular distance between the and 3), with significantly higher improvements for multijoint
superficial aponeurosis and humerus measured at the limits of trained arm in DR exercise (p , 0.001) (Figure 2) and for single-
the US image along 3 muscle lengths (25%—proximal, 50%— joint in BC exercise (p , 0.001) (Figure 3).
middle, and 75% distal) (Figure 1). The MT measure was rep- For MT%, the results showed statistical differences between
resented by mean of the 3 muscle-length thickness. All images groups (p 5 0.009), with higher improvements for single-joint
were performed by the experienced researcher who was blind to group (Figure 4).
the RT protocol performed. After the 8 weeks of training, the
MT measures were performed similarly to the pre-training tests Discussion
to determine the hypertrophy gains.
Confirming the initial hypothesis, key finding suggest that BC
Training Procedures. All the subjects underwent an 8-week RT exercise resulted in higher hypertrophy of elbow flexors
program for the elbow flexors, one arm using a multijoint ex- (11.06%) than the DR (5.16%) after 8 weeks of RT. In addition,
ercise (DR) and the other using a single-joint exercise (BC). The 10RM improvements were greater in accordance with specificity
arm side was randomly selected to perform multijoint or single- of RT protocol. The 10RM improvements were higher for DR in
joint RT at baseline with 5 subjects performing the DR with the DR-trained arm, while 10RM improvements for BC were higher
right arm and 5 performing the BC. The RT protocol was in BC-trained arm.
designed based on the American College of Sports Medicine Only one previous study compared the chronic effects of per-
recommendations for healthy individuals and adapted based on forming multiple-joint vs. single-joint exercises in muscular
previous studies with similar design (21). The 10RM tests were strength and hypertrophy improvements. Gentil et al. (10) com-
used to set the initial training load. Subjects were instructed to pared the effects of RT programs including lat pull down vs. BC on
perform both exercises to concentric muscular failure in all sets, strength and hypertrophy of elbow flexors in untrained young men.
and the weighs were continually adjusted session by session to Significant increases in MT for multijoint group and single-joint
keep the exercises in an 8–12 repetition range with a 2-minute group (6.10 and 5.83%, respectively) were observed. There were
rest interval between sets. The RT program followed a linear also significant increases in peak torque (PT) for multijoint group
periodization with progressive volume, according to the training (10.40%) and single-joint group (11.87%). No significant differ-
schedule (Table 1). The RT frequency was 2 sessions per week ences between groups in MT or PT were observed before or after
with at least 72-hour rest between sessions. A total of 16 sessions training. The authors concluded that multijoint and single-joint
were performed in the 8-week training period with all the ses- exercises are equally effective to promote increases in upper-body
sions occurring between 8 and 10 AM Verbal encouragement muscle strength and hypertrophy in untrained men and recom-
was provided in all training sessions to reach concentric failure. mend that the selection of exercises should be based on individual
Adherence to the program was superior to 90% in all individ- and practical aspects such as equipment availability, movement
uals, and a strength and conditioning professional and a physi- specificity, individual preferences, and time commitment. It is
cian supervised all the training sessions.

Statistical Analyses
Test-retest reliability of 10RM and MT measures was determined
in 2 nonconsecutive days for baseline measures, with a minimum
48-hour period between the tests. The intraclass correlation co-
efficient (ICCr) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) was cal-
culated interday based on a mean rating (k 5 2), absolute
agreement, and 2-way mixed-effects model (12).
The 10RM and MT data were normalized by the baseline
measure. Shapiro-Wilk test was applied to verify the normality of
all parameters data on baseline. For the normalized 10RM, Stu-
dent t test for dependent sample was used to compare multijoint
and single-joint arm for DR and BC exercises. For MT%, Wil- Figure 2. Ten repetition maximum (10RM) changes nor-
coxon nonparametric test was used to compare multijoint and malized on DR exercise (mean and SD) for single-joint and
multijoint trained arms. DR 5 dumbbell row.
single-joint arm. The significance level was set at p # 0.05. All


Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Single-Joint and Multijoint Exercise (2021) 35:10

muscle circumference (1.33 and 3.17%, for multijoint group and

multijoint plus single-joint group, respectively), with no differ-
ences between groups. Confirming Gentil et al. (11) findings,
França et al. (5) also suggest that 8 weeks of RT involving mul-
tijoint or multijoint plus single-joint exercises resulted in similar
improvements in muscle strength and size in trained subjects,
concluding that RT programs involving only multijoint exercises
is a time-efficient strategy. However, it is important to highlight
that França et al. (5) used poor quality measures to access muscle
size (flexed and relaxed arm muscle circumferences) and analyzed
the effects of RT after only 8 weeks in trained subjects, what
maybe insufficient to result in significant differences between
Figure 3. Ten repetition maximum (10RM) changes nor- groups in trained subjects.
malized on BC exercise (mean and SD) for single-joint and Recently, Barbalho et al. (3) compared the effects of perform-
multijoint trained arms. ing only multijoint exercises vs. performing multijoint plus single-
joint exercises on upper- and lower-body strength and anthro-
pometric measures of untrained young women. Both groups
important to notice that PT was evaluated by an isokinetic dyna- significantly decreased biceps and triceps skinfold, with no sig-
mometer, which has poor external validity (practical application). nificant difference between them. Flexed arm circumference sig-
Also, MT was analyzed in only one site of elbow flexors what can nificantly increased in both groups; however, increases in
impair their conclusions. For hypertrophy measure, this study an- multijoint plus single-joint group (4.39%) were significantly
alyzed the mean of 3 different sites of the elbow flexors using EFOV greater than multijoint group (3.50%). Increases in 10RM load in
scans. According to Matta et al. (16), the nonhomogeneous hy- elbow extension, elbow flexion, and knee extension were all
pertrophy of elbow flexors can affect these results. significant and not different between groups. Even with the results
Previous data showed that the addition of single-joint exercise showing significant higher flexed arm circumference improve-
to a multiple-joint exercise program does not increase muscular ments in the group where single-joint exercises were added, the
strength and hypertrophy of upper-body muscles (2,9,11). Gentil authors concluded that adding single-joint exercises to a multi-
et al. (11) were the first study comparing the effects of performing joint RT program resulted in no benefits in muscle performance
multijoint exercises vs. multijoint plus single-joint exercises on or anthropometric changes in untrained women.
upper-body strength and hypertrophy in untrained men. The MT The same authors of previous mentioned studies suggested in
increased 6.5% for multijoint group and 7.04% for multijoint a recent review that single-joint exercises are not necessary to
plus single-joint group, while PT increased 10.40% for multijoint maximize the RT results in novice to advanced individuals (5).
group and 12.85% for multijoint plus single-joint groups, with no Because of these limitations, the previous mentioned studies are
differences between groups. The authors concluded that the ad- not strong evidence to support Gentil et al. (10) review con-
dition of single-joint exercises resulted in no additional effect. clusions. This study tried to answer if a single-joint exercise (BC)
However, Gentil et al. (11) used the same methodology as Gentil would be more effective to promote muscle strength gains and
et al. (10) and analyzed MT in only one site and measured hypertrophy than a multijoint exercise (DR). We assumed that in
strength gains by PT evaluated by an isokinetic dynamometer. DR weaker muscles involved in the kinetic chain could limit
Similarly, França et al. (5) compared the effects of performing maximal elbow flexors stress, and consequently hypertrophy.
multijoint exercises vs. multijoint plus single-joint exercises on Therefore, the initial hypothesis was that BC would promote
upper-body strength and muscle size of trained young men. Both greater muscle stress and consequently hypertrophic adaptations.
groups significantly increased 1RM for elbow flexion (4.99 and In fact, greater elbow flexors hypertrophy was observed in the BC
6.42% for multijoint group and multijoint plus single-joint group. The 10RM% increases were significantly different be-
group, respectively), extension (10.60 and 9.79%, for multijoint tween groups, observing a specificity for the exercise used during
group and multijoint plus single-joint group, respectively), flexed the RT protocol as previously reported in the reviewed literature
arm circumference (1.72 and 1.45%, for multijoint group and for neural adaptation for strength gains (8). The 10RM%
multijoint plus single-joint group, respectively), and relaxed arm improvements were higher for BC in the BC group and DR in the
DR group.
This study has important strengths when compared with previous
research in the field. First, the study design where individuals per-
formed different exercises between sides guaranteed the “ideal con-
trols” as the subjects acted as controls for themselves. This eliminated
the possibility of different distribution of responders and no-
responders between groups (18). Second, the muscle hypertrophy
evaluation using US in 3 different points can be considered superior
to anthropometric measurements and even superior to US in a single
point, where inhomogeneous hypertrophic responses inside the el-
bow flexors muscles can result in heterogeneous results (14). Finally,
volunteers received strict supervision during all the RT protocol and
nutritional guidance to maximize hypertrophic responses what is
usually overlooked in most RT papers (15).
Figure 4. Elbow flexors thickness mean changes and SD
This study presents some limitations. First, the work focused in
for single-joint and multijoint trained arms.
untrained healthy young males. Extrapolation of these results to


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Single-Joint and Multijoint Exercise (2021) 35:10 | www.nsca.com

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