SLIDE 3 Part-2
SLIDE 3 Part-2
SLIDE 3 Part-2
Ing. A. Okuley
1. Introduction & Basic Concepts
2. Heat, Work and Energy
3. Vapour Power Cycles
4. Gas Power Cycles
5. Refrigeration & Heat Pump Cycles
6. Combustion
Learning Outcomes
HTU Mechanical Engineering 12
HTU Mechanical Engineering 13
Turbines and
Compressors Turbine drives the electric generator In
steam, gas, or hydroelectric power plants.
As the fluid passes through the turbine,
work is done against the blades, which are
attached to the shaft. As a result, the shaft
rotates, and the turbine produces work.
Compressors, as well as pumps and
fans, are devices used to increase the
pressure of a fluid. Work is supplied to
these devices from an external source
through a rotating shaft.
A fan increases the pressure of a gas
slightly and is mainly used to mobilize a
Energy balance for the
compressor in this figure: A compressor is capable of compressing
the gas to very high pressures.
Pumps work very much like compressors
except that they handle liquids instead of
HTU Mechanical Engineering 15
HTU Mechanical Engineering 16
HTU Mechanical Engineering 17
Throttling valves
A heat exchanger
can be as simple as Mass and energy
two concentric pipes. balances for the adiabatic
heat exchanger in the
figure is:
Pipe and duct fow
The transport of liquids or gases in
pipes and ducts is of great importance
in many engineering applications. Flow
through a pipe or a duct usually satisfies
the steady-flow conditions.
Energy balance
Heat losses from for the pipe flow
a hot fluid shown in the
flowing through figure is
an uninsulated
pipe or duct to
the cooler
may be very
significant. 21
• Conservation of mass
– Mass and volume flow rates
– Mass balance for a steady-flow process
– Mass balance for incompressible flow
• Flow work and the energy of a flowing fluid
– Energy transport by mass
• Energy analysis of steady-flow systems
• Some steady-flow engineering devices
– Nozzles and Diffusers
– Turbines and Compressors
– Throttling valves
– Mixing chambers and Heat exchangers
– Pipe and Duct flow
• Energy analysis of unsteady-flow processes
The Quality of Energy
Can we use
C unit for
The higher the temperature
of the thermal energy, the
higher its quality.
The simple ideal Rankine cycle.
Energy Analysis of the Ideal Rankine Cycle
Steady-flow energy equation
(a) Deviation of actual vapor power cycle from the ideal Rankine
cycle. (b) The effect of pump and turbine irreversibilities on the
ideal Rankine cycle.
The basic idea behind all the modifications to increase the thermal
of a power cycle is the same: Increase the average temperature at
which heat is transferred to the working fluid in the boiler, or decrease
the average temperature at which heat is rejected from the working fluid
in the condenser.
Lowering the Condenser Pressure (Lowers
Tlow,avg) To take advantage of the increased
efficiencies at low pressures, the condensers
of steam power plants usually operate well
below the atmospheric pressure. There is a
lower limit to this pressure depending on the
temperature of the cooling medium
Side effect: Lowering the condenser
pressure increases the moisture content of
the steam at the final stages of the turbine.
The effect of lowering the
condenser pressure on the
ideal Rankine cycle. 34
Superheating the Steam to High Temperatures
(Increases Thigh,avg)
Both the net work and heat input
increase as a result of superheating
the steam to a higher temperature.
The overall effect is an increase in
thermal efficiency since the average
temperature at which heat is added
Superheating to higher temperatures
decreases the moisture content of the
steam at the turbine exit, which is
The temperature is limited by
The effect of metallurgical considerations. Presently
superheating the the highest steam temperature allowed
steam to higher at the turbine inlet is about 620°C.
temperatures on
the ideal Rankine 35
Increasing the Boiler Pressure (Increases Thigh,avg)
For a fixed turbine inlet Today many modern steam power
temperature, the cycle shifts to plants operate at supercritical
the left and the moisture pressures (P > 22.06 MPa) and
content of steam at the turbine have thermal efficiencies of about
exit increases. This side effect 40% for fossil-fuel plants and 34%
can be corrected by reheating for nuclear plants.
the steam.
The single reheat in a modern power
plant improves the cycle efficiency by 4 to
5% by increasing the average
temperature at which heat is transferred
to the steam.
The average temperature during the
reheat process can be increased by
increasing the number of expansion and
reheat stages. As the number of stages is
increased, the expansion and reheat
processes approach an isothermal
process at the maximum temperature.
The use of more than two reheat stages
is not practical. The theoretical
improvement in efficiency from the
second reheat is about half of that which The average temperature at
results from a single reheat. which heat is transferred during
reheating increases as the
The reheat temperatures are very close
number of reheat stages is
or equal to the turbine inlet temperature.
The optimum reheat pressure is about
one-fourth of the maximum cycle
Heat is transferred to the working fluid
during process 2-2 at a relatively low
temperature. This lowers the average
heat-addition temperature and thus the
cycle efficiency.
In steam power plants, steam is extracted
from the turbine at various points. This
steam, which could have produced more
work by expanding further in the turbine, is
used to heat the feedwater instead. The
device where the feedwater is heated by
regeneration is called a regenerator, or a
feedwater heater (FWH).
The first part of the A feedwater heater is basically a heat
heat-addition exchanger where heat is transferred from
process in the boiler the steam to the feedwater either by
takes place at mixing the two fluid streams (open
relatively low feedwater heaters) or without mixing them
temperatures. (closed feedwater heaters).
Open Feedwater Heaters
An open (or direct-contact)
feedwater heater is basically a
mixing chamber, where the steam
extracted from the turbine mixes
with the feedwater exiting the
pump. Ideally, the mixture leaves
the heater as a saturated liquid at
the heater pressure.
The ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with an open feedwater heater.
Closed Feedwater Heaters
Another type of feedwater heater frequently used in steam power plants is
the closed feedwater heater, in which heat is transferred from the
extracted steam to the feedwater without any mixing taking place. The two
streams now can be at different pressures, since they do not mix.
The ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with a closed feedwater heater.
The closed feedwater heaters are more complex because of the internal
tubing network, and thus they are more expensive. Heat transfer in closed
feedwater heaters is less effective since the two streams are not allowed to
be in direct contact. However, closed feedwater heaters do not require a
separate pump for each heater since the extracted steam and the feedwater
can be at different pressures.
Open feedwater
A steam power plant with one open heaters are simple
and three closed feedwater heaters. and inexpensive
and have good
heat transfer
characteristics. For
each heater,
however, a pump is
required to handle
the feedwater.
Exergy destruction for a steady-flow system
Steady-flow, one-
inlet, one-exit
Stream exergy
• The continued quest for higher thermal efficiencies has resulted in rather
innovative modifications to conventional power plants.
• A popular modification involves a gas power cycle topping a vapor power
cycle, which is called the combined gas–vapor cycle, or just the
combined cycle.
• The combined cycle of greatest interest is the gas-turbine (Brayton) cycle
topping a steam-turbine (Rankine) cycle, which has a higher thermal
efficiency than either of the cycles executed individually.
• It makes engineering sense to take advantage of the very desirable
characteristics of the gas-turbine cycle at high temperatures and to use
the high-temperature exhaust gases as the energy source for the
bottoming cycle such as a steam power cycle. The result is a combined
gas–steam cycle.
• Recent developments in gas-turbine technology have made the combined
gas–steam cycle economically very attractive.
• The combined cycle increases the efficiency without increasing the initial
cost greatly. Consequently, many new power plants operate on combined
cycles, and many more existing steam- or gas-turbine plants are being
converted to combined-cycle power plants.
• Thermal efficiencies over 50% are reported.
Combined gas–steam power plant.