Special Topic On Strategies Fo
Special Topic On Strategies Fo
Special Topic On Strategies Fo
• EDITORIAL • November 2017 Vol.60 No.11: 1377–1378
· SPECIAL TOPIC · Strategies for Developing Energy-Related Physical Chemistry doi: 10.1007/s11426-017-9157-1
Received October 14, 2017; accepted October 15, 2017; published online October 20, 2017
Citation: Tian ZQ, Zheng NF. Special topic on strategies for developing energy-related physical chemistry. Sci China Chem, 2017, 60:1377‒1378, doi:
Increasing global energy demand and environment issue high-temperature energy conversion chemistry, surface and
have pushed us to develop technologies for efficient utiliza- interface chemistry involved in energy processes, prepara-
tion of fossil fuels and also seek for renewable energy re- tive chemistry for creating new materials for energy appli-
sources. Chemistry plays a crucial role in the acquisition, cations.
generation, distribution, and utilization of energy in differ- As the largest country in energy consumption in the
ent forms although it is not the only contributing subject. world, China is facing severe energy-related challenges
Currently, fossil fuels are the primary source to provide the caused by energy resource shortage, massive energy con-
majority of the world’s energy. While the efficient utiliza- sumption, high fossil energy consumption (particularly
tion of fossil fuels requires deep understanding of the ener- coal), increasing environmental pollution. The development
gy transformation processes associated with the breaking of energy chemistry is expected to have a big impact on the
and reorganization of chemical bonds, the use of many re- national energy policy and security of China. In this special
newable energy resources often involves chemical trans- topic, we are highlighting some research work on energy
formations with electron transfer. For these reasons, energy chemistry associated with the energy challenges in China,
chemistry has been recently emerging as a new interdisci- covering syngas conversion, electrochemical energy stor-
plinary area to address chemistry issues associated with age, combustion chemistry, high temperature steam elec-
energy technologies. trolysis, and also energy chemistry systems engineering.
Energy chemistry mainly utilizes the theories and meth- The topic collects 5 contributions, including 2 review and 3
ods of chemistry to discover the principles of energy har- perspectives. Obviously, this collection is too limited to
vesting, storage, conversion and transportation, for guiding reflect the rapid development of energy chemistry in China.
the development of energy technologies to meet our future The purpose of this collection is just to throw away a
needs. As a highly interdisciplinary discipline of physical brick in order to get a gem. With the collection, we hope
chemistry, material chemistry, chemical engineering and more energy chemistry frontier research will be carried out
many others, energy chemistry covers a wide range of in- for developing innovational technologies to tackle the en-
teresting topics, such as optimal utilization of carbon re- ergy challenges in China.
sources, chemical energy storage and conversion, solar en- Finally, we would like to thank all the authors and re-
ergy conversion chemistry, fuel combustion chemistry, viewers for their great contributions to this special topic.
© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017 chem.scichina.com link.springer.com
1378 Tian et al. Sci China Chem November (2017) Vol.60 No.11
Prof. Zhong-Qun Tian earned his B.S. degree from Xiamen University (1982) and his Ph.D.
from the University of Southampton (1987). He returned to China and has been working at Xia-
men University ever since. He was appointed as Full Professor in 1992. His main research inter-
ests are surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, spectro-electrochemistry, plasmonics and mole-
cule assembly. He has published 410 papers and holds 25 patents. Prof. Tian has won a number of
prestigious awards including Faraday Medal of Royal Society of Chemistry (2012), Prix Jacques
Tacussel of International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) (2013), the Innovation Prize of Spec-
troscopy of Hitachi (2015), and the ACS Award in Spectrochemical Analysis (2017). He is a
member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow of
ISE (2010) and member of the World Academy of Sciences. He is currently the President Elect of
ISE, a member of the advisory board for over ten international journals including J. Am. Chem.
Soc. and Chem. Sci. He has been an associate editor for Sci. China Chem. (2008‒), J. Raman
Spectroscopy (2009‒) and Chem. Soc. Rev. (2012‒). He has been the director of Collaborative In-
novation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials (iChEM) (2014‒).
Prof. Nanfeng Zheng received his B.S. degree from Xiamen University in 1998 and Ph.D. de-
gree in chemistry from University of California-Riverside in 2005. During 2005‒2007, he worked
on gold catalysis as a research associate at University of California-Santa Barbara. In 2007, he
moved to Xiamen University as a full professor. He has been appointed as Cheung Kong Professor
since 2010. He has received a number of awards including Distinguished Young Investigator
Award from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2009), and Chinese National
Young Scientist Award (2016). He is on the advisory editorial boards or editorial boards of several
journals including Sci. China Chem., Nano Res., ACS Cent. Sci., ACS Sustainable Chem. & Eng.,
Adv. Mater. Interfaces, and ChemNanoMat. His research interests focus on the surface and inter-
face chemistry for the development of advanced functional materials for both fundamental re-
search and practical applications, particularly in the fields of catalysis, energy, environmental sci-
ence and biology. He has published 130 articles with over 10000 citations.
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