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4 A's Detailed Lesson Plan of Hand Movement and Gestures in Folk Dance.

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Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in Zamboanga del
Gov. GuadingAdaza St., Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City No. 62Q17082
Province of Zamboanga OF EDUCATION
del Norte


SUBJECT: MAPEH - PE TIME: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM


A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in
exercise program design to achieve personal fitness.

B. Performance Standard
The learner modifies a physical activity program for the family/school
peers to achieve fitness.

C. Learning Competency
Executes the skills involved in the dance (PE8RD-IVd-h-4).

D. Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. identify the hand movements and gestures in folk dance; and
2. execute the hand movements and gestures in folk dance.



B. Learning Resources:
1. Learner’s Material PE and Health 8

C. Materials:
Laptop, Visual Aids, Permanent marker, Manila Paper, PPT about hand
movements and gestures in folk dance

A. Preparatory Activity
Everybody please stand. Please lead the
prayer, Angel. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy
name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgave
those who trespassed against us; and lead us not
into temptation but deliver us from evil, Amen.

Good morning, class! Good morning, Teacher Rica!

How are you feeling today? We are feeling good, Ma’am.

I am happy to hear that!

Is there any absent for today? None, Ma’am.

Very good!

Classroom Agreement
Okay, before we proceed to our first
activity, I will ask you some questions.

What will you do if someone is talking in


Yes, Steven? Listen Carefully, Ma’am.

Very good! How about if you want to


Yes, Dexter? Raise your right hand if you want to answer,

Yes, Exactly!

So, these are our classroom agreement

which you need to follow as we go
through our class this morning.
Everybody read!

Classroom Rules
Listen Carefully
Raise your hand if you want to answer
Participate during class discussions
Avoid unnecessary movements
Very good! I expect everyone will follow
Respect each other’s space
our agreement.

Now, before moving on to our activity,
who can recall our topic from the last

Yes, Eljan?
Philippine Folk Dances with Asian Influence,
Precisely! What are those Philippine Folk
Dances with Asian Influence?

You are raising your hand, Dave?

Very good! Binislakan, Sua-ka-Sua, Pangalay, and Sakuting,


Now, I will divide you into two groups,

this part will be the group 1, and the other
side will be the group 2.

Got it! Group 1, rise up, and group 2,

make some space on the side.

Group 1, spread out and stand with good (Group 1 is standing, and Group 2 moved to the
posture. Pay attention and follow along side)
with the movements I demonstrate.
Ensure you maintain enough space
between yourselves to move without
bumping into others. Ready?

Now, follow me (the teacher is doing Yes, Ma’am.

hand movement). Faster… Slower…
Faster… Slower.
(the students follow the teacher)
Thank you, Group 1. Group 2, it's your
moment now. Expand out, move
carefully, and be mindful of each other's
personal space. Ready?

Now, follow me (the teacher is doing

hand movement). Faster… Slower… Yes, Ma’am.
Faster… Slower.

Alright! Fantastic coordination! You can

now take your seat. (the students follow the teacher)

What areas of the body are involved in

the movements we performed earlier?

Exactly! The activities that we conducted

involved hand movements. Hand, Ma’am.


This time we will be discussing about


I hope that everybody will listen because

at the end of the discussion, you are
expected to:

Everybody please read!

(The teacher will post the objectives on
the board)

 identify the hand movements and gestures in

folk dance;
 execute the hand movements and gestures in
Discussion/Lesson Proper folk dance.

When we say folk dance, what does it


Folk dance is a dance that reflects the life of the

Very good! So, Folk dance is an essential people of a certain country or region. Ma’am.
part of a culture. It is often done at special
occasion like Buwan ng Wika.

Did you know that hand movements and

gestures are essential components of Folk
So, you have to learn first the hand
movements and gestures in folk dance
before dancing folk dance.

Are you familiar with the hand

movements and gestures in folk dance?

Alright, fasten your seatbelt because this

time we will learn about some of the hand
movements and gestures in folk dance. None, Ma’am.

So, In folk dance, hand movements and

gestures means… Everybody read!

In folk dance, hand movements and gestures are

integral components of the choreography, often
reflecting cultural traditions, storytelling, and
emotions. Hand movements in folk dance serve to
What do you mean by that? Anyone? enhance the storytelling and rhythm of the dance,
fostering a deeper connection between the dancers,
Yes Kevin? the audience, and cultural heritage being

Brilliant idea! Any other answer? It means that in folk dance, the way dancers move
Yes Toni? their hands is super important. It's like they're
telling stories with their fingers!

Excellent! Let us give a hand to Kevin Hand movements in folk dance are like the words in
and Toni. a book, telling the story of a culture and its
traditions, Ma’am.
So, it means that hand movements and
gestures in folk dance are essential (The students are clapping)
because they tell stories, convey
emotions, and reflect cultural traditions.
These gestures aren't just for show; they
serve a purpose in enhancing the
storytelling and rhythm of the dance.
Additionally, they help create a deeper
connection between the dancers, the
audience, and the cultural heritage being
There are many hand movements and
gestures in folk dance but this time we
will just tackle six hand movements and
First is… Everybody read!

So, the Arms in Lateral Position is like

this… (teacher executes the arms in Arms in Lateral Position- both arms are at one
lateral position) side, either sideward right or left. This may be done
at shoulder chest or waist level.
Everybody let us execute it together

Very good! Please sit down.

Second is… Everybody read! (All students executes Arms in Lateral Position)

Who wants to try to execute it? Bilao- To turn hands up and down alternately,
hands at waist level in front, elbows close to waist.
Yes, Vincent?

Do you think Vincent’s execution is

correct? (Vincent executes Bilao)
Nice try, Vincent. You have an idea. Give
“nice ganda” clap to Vincent. Maybe, Ma’am.
Do you know how to do the nice ganda

This how you do nice ganda clap. 1, 2, 3,

1, 2, 3, nice ganda! No, Ma’am.
Now, it is your turn.

So, the Bilao is like this… (teacher 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, nice ganda!

executes the Bilao)

Everybody let us execute it together

Very good! Please sit down.

(All students executes Bilao)
Next is… Everybody read!

Who wants to try to execute it? Hayon-Hayon - To place one forearm in front and
the other at the back of the waist. This is a Visayan
Yes, Zzareena? term.
Do you think Zzareena’s execution is
(Zzareena executes Hayon-Hayon)
Alright! Nice one, Zzaereena. You have
an idea. Give a round of applause to Maybe, Ma’am.

So, Hayon-Hayon is like this… (teacher (Students are doing a round of applause)
executes the hayon-hayon)

Everybody kindly and stand let us execute

it together.

Okay, let us execute again from Arms in (All students executes Hayon-Hayon)
Lateral Position, Bilao, and Hayon-

Everybody, at the count of three. 1, 2, 3.

Students executes Arms in Lateral Position, Bilao,

and Hayon-Hayon.
Next hand movement is… Kindly read
Kumintang- Moving the hand from the wrist either
in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction. This
is an Ilocano term.
Alright! Kumintang will be executed like
this… (Teacher executes the kumintang)
it is moving the hand from the wrist in a
clockwise or counter clockwise direction.
Did you get it?
Yes, Ma’am.
Very good!
Fourth is Saludo. Everybody read!
Saludo- partner bow to each other, to the audience,
opposite dancers, or to the neighbor.
Who knows how to do Saludo?
Me, Ma’am.
Okay, Elezar kindly execute it.
(Elazar executes the Saludo)
Do you think Elazar’s execution is
correct? Yes, Ma’am.

Thank you, Elazar. You have an excellent


Actually, class the saludo of boys and

girls are not the same. For boys, the
saludo will be like this… (Teacher
executes the saludo for boys) you will just
simply bow and arms at the back. While
for girls is like this (Teacher executes the
saludo for girls) both hands on skirt and
then bow. Did you get that? Yes, Ma’am.

Alright! Everybody please stand let us do

the Kumintang and the Saludo. Let us do
first the kumintang. Everybody, go! (The students executes kumintang)

Make sure to put life in your movements.

Yes, very good!

Now, boys will do their saludo, and girls

will do theirs as well. At count of three, 1,
2, 3. (The students executes Saludo)

Make sure to bow with grace.

Yes, like that. Very good!

Please remain standing.

Last hand movement is Sarok. Everybody
please read! Sarok- cross the right (or left) foot in front of the
left (or right), bend the body slightly forward and
cross the hands down in front with the right (or left)
hand over the left (or right).
This is how you do Sarok. Follow me
(Teacher executes the Sarok slowly). So,
cross the right foot in front of the left,
bend the body slightly forward and cross
the hands down in front with the right
hand over the left. Did you get it? Yes, Ma’am.

Now, you do it by yourself. I, 2, 3, go! (The students executes Sarok)

Very good! Okay let us do again the

Kumintang, Saludo, and Sarok. Let us do
first the Kumintang. (The students executes Kumintang)

Next is Saludo. (The students executes the Saludo)

Lastly, Sarok. (The students executes the Sarok)

Very good. By the way, Saludo will only

be perform before dancing and after the

Now, we will do again the six hand

movements and gestures. We will begin
from saludo, arms in lateral position,
bilao, hayon-hayon, and sarok. Ensure
that grace is infused into the execution of
the hand movements and gestures.
Respect one another’s space and
minimize unnecessary movements.
Ready! 1, 2, 3, go! (Students executes the saludo, arms in lateral
position, bilao, hayon-hayon, and sarok)
Alright! Very good! Now, everybody
please sit down. (Students are sitting)

Yes, hand movements and gestures are

typically present in various forms of folk
dance, serving as integral elements that
contribute to the cultural expression and
storytelling within each dance tradition.

B. Analysis
Based on the discussion, which specific hand
movements and gestures from the lesson do
you find challenging?

Yes, Marian?
For me, Sarok is the most difficult among the six,
But you were still able to do it?
Yes, Ma’am.
Good to hear that! For the second question,
what is the contribution of hand movements
and gestures in folk dance towards physical

Yes, Angel?
It increases flexibility, strength, coordination,
balance and mental awareness, Ma’am.
Exactly! So, Angel said that hand movements
in folk dance contributes towards physical
fitness in a way that it increases flexibility,
strength, coordination, balance and mental
awareness. Do agree with that?
Yes, Ma’am.
Yes, of course, why do you think it improves
flexibility and strength?

Yes, Isha?
Because in folk dancing, gracefulness requires both
flexibility and to stand and dance properly, Ma’am.
Alright! Give amazing clap to Isha.
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, AMAZING!
It also increases coordination because?
In folk dancing, your body, hands, and feet are
You got it right! Additionally, it enhances working together, Ma’am.
balance and mental awareness, as folk
dancing involves maintaining peace and
finding calmness within the dance.

Who else can contribute additional ideas?

Okay, if there are no further ideas, let us
proceed to the last question. How is life
connected to folk dancing?

Yes, Vince?

Dance allows us to connect with our cultures and

Brilliant answer, Vince! Here is a reward for gain insights into how people lived in the past. It
has the ability to narrate stories, express emotions,
you. So, Vince said that it can help tell a
and connect with others, Ma’am.
story, convey feelings and emotions, and
connect with others simply because?

Exactly! Now, it seems like you are ready for

our next activity. Because folk dance gives life to the heritage, and
has different origin that can connect people,
C. Abstraction
So, I have here balloons. This activity is
called “Pop the balloon”. I will group you
into 4 groups. Okay, count off 1 to 4. All
group 1 will stay at the right side, group 2 at
the left side, group 3 at the left side of the
back, and group at the right side of the back.
Go to you designated area now. Alright! Each
group will be given a chance to pop 2
balloons. You will choose a representative to
pop two balloons. After that, you will answer
the question inside the balloon. After
providing the correct answer, you will have
an opportunity to aim for the bulls’ eye on the
target points. The group that accumulates
most points will be declared the winner. Did
you get me?

Okay, let us start from group 1. Group 1 you

have a chance to pop two balloons. Yes, Ma’am.

(Group 1 popped a balloons, answer the question

QUESTIONS INSIDE THE BALLOONS and did the bulls’ eye target point)

1.Students executes arms in lateral position
2. Students executes Bilao
3. Hayon-Hayon
5. Students executes Saludo
6.Students executes Sarok
7. I learned about the different hand movements
BULLS’ EYE gestures in folk dance. (Possible Answer)
TARGET POINTS 8. Hand movements and gestures serves as vehicles
for conveying emotion, and enriching the
narrative of the dance. (Possible Answer)

Very good, Group 1! Next is group 2.

Nice one, Group 2! Let us proceed to group 3.

Good job, Group 3! Last but not the least is

group 4.

Let us give yourselves “Ang Galing” clap.

D. Application

With the same group, you will execute the

hand movements and gestures in folk dance
starting from the saludo, arms in lateral
position, bilao, hayon-hayon, and sarok. I will
give you 3 minutes to practice and another 3
minutes to perform it in front. Do I make
myself clear?
Very good! (Group 2 popped a balloons, answer the question
Here is the rubrics for this activity. and did the bulls’ eye target point)
Everybody please read!
(Group 3 popped a balloons, answer the question
and did the bulls’ eye target point)

(Group 4 popped a balloons, answer the question

and did the bulls’ eye target point)

Ang galing, ang galing, ang galing galing galing!

Yes, Ma’am.

Criteria Excellent Proficient Basic

(5) (3-4) (1-2)
Participates Consistentl .Participate Demonstrates
appropriately y d minimal
participates adequately participation;
fully and most of the often off-task or
appropriate time; disengaged.
ly; focused occasionall
and y off-task.
Time starts now! the
Time is up! Let’s start from the group 1! Synchroniza- Consistentl Occasionall Rarely in sync
tion y in sync y in sync with the group;
with the with the frequently off
Great Job! Everyone, let us give group 1 a group; group; with tempo or out of
NICE clap. maintain maintainin step.
tempo and g tempo or
step step.
Now, let us proceed to the next group, group accurately.

Cooperation Works Sometimes Rarely
and behavior cooperative cooperates cooperates with
Wow! Very good! Everyone, let us give group ly with with others;
others; others; disruptive or
2 a three good clap. respectful occasional disrespectful
and disruptions. behavior.
Next, we will have the group 3. behavior.

Amazing! Let us give group a “Jollibee” clap Unity and Actively Sometimes Works,
Teamwork works with works with independently;
to group 3. the group; the group; lacks awareness
contributes limited of group
positively contributio dynamics.
Now, let us have the last group, Group 4. to group n to the
dynamics. group
Impressive! Let us give them a WOW! Overall
AMAZING clap. Score

Alright! Thank you so much class for your

active participation. You may now take your (Group 1 perform)

So, all of you put efforts on every activity that N-I-C-E, N-I-C-E, NICE, NICE, NICE!
we did. Now, here are your scores based on the
rubrics that I have presented to you.
(Group 2 perform)
Congratulations to Group 1 for achieving the
highest score! Following closely behind is
Group 3, with commendable performance. G-O-O-D, G-O-O-D, GOOD! GOOD! GOOD!
Additionally, both Group 4 and Group 2 have
tied scores, showcasing their equal levels of (Group 3 perform)
achievement. Well done to all groups for their
efforts and contributions. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, Jollibeee!

Before we go on to our short quiz, do you have

any questions and clarifications? (Group 4 perform)

1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. WOOW! AMAZING!!


Now, you prepare your pens and let us have a

short quiz that will be the basis on what level
of understanding you have learned from our
lesson for today. You have 5 minutes to

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct

answer (5 minutes)
1.What do you called the integral components Thank you so much, Ma’am.
of the choreography, often reflecting cultural
traditions, storytelling, and emotions?
a. Actions None, Ma’am.
b. Hand Movements and Gestures
c. Dance steps
d. Hand
2. Which of the following is being describe
the statement “cross the right (or left) foot in
front of the left (or right), bend the body
slightly forward and cross the hands down in
front with the right (or left) hand over the left
(or right)”?
a. Saludo
b. Kumintang
c. Sarok
d. Hayon-Hayon

3. Which of the following describes

a. Moving the hand from the wrist either in a
clockwise or counter clockwise direction.
This is an Ilocano term.
b. Both arms are at one side, either sideward
right or left. This may be done at shoulder
chest or waist level.
c. To place one forearm in front and the other
at the back of the waist. This is a Visayan ANSWER KEY:
d. Partner bow to each other, to the audience, 1. B
opposite dancers, or to the neighbor. 2. C
3. A
4. Which of the following statements is 4. D
a. Arms in Lateral Position- both arms are at
one side, either sideward right or left. This
may be done at shoulder chest or waist level.
b. Hayon-Hayon - To place one forearm in
front and the other at the back of the waist.
This is a Visayan term.
c. Saludo- partner bow to each other, to the
audience, opposite dancers, or to the
d. Sarok- To turn hands up and sown
alternately, hands at waist level in front,
elbows close to waist.

5. How does hand movements and gestures in

folk dance gives emphasis in folk dancing?
a. serve to enhance the storytelling and
rhythm of the dance, fostering a deeper
connection between the dancers, the
audience, and cultural heritage being
b. integral components of the choreography,
often reflecting cultural traditions,
storytelling, and emotions.
c. It can make the dance easy
d. Both A and B

Pass your paper if you are done.

All paper’s in?

For your assignment, study in advance
about the Basic steps in folk dance.

Any questions and clarifications?

Thank you and goodbye, class!

Yes, Ma’am.

None, Ma’am.

Thank you and goodbye, Ma’am.


 No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
 No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
 Did the remedial lesson
worked? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
 No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
 Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this
 What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
 What innovation or localized
material did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: RICA L. COGTAS Checked by: ALGELYN P. FUENTES

Demonstrator Cooperating Teacher

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