Contact Stress Theories

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Bahir Dar Institute of Technology

Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Program (Msc ):Mechanical Design Engineering
Engineering Design Laboratory
Tittle:-contact Stress Theories
Prepared By: Tibebu Meride
ID NO. BDU 0702325 PR

Discussion contact stress theories
Contact b/n two elastic bodies
Contact b/n spheres
Contact b/n two cylinders
Contact b/n two parallel cylinder
Contact b/n crossed cylinder

Where does contact stress occur?
Ball bearings
Railroad wheel on a track
Bowling ball on an alley
Want to find the local stress at the point (region) of
This will depend on elasticity of contacting materials (E &
v),loading, and geometry.

Curved Surfaces in Contact

The theoretical contact area of two spheres is a point (=0dimensional)
The theoretical contact area of two parallel cylinders is a line
(= 1-dimensional)

As a result, the pressure between two curved surfaces

should be infinite

The infinite pressure at the contact should cause immediate

yielding of both surfaces

Curved Surfaces in Contact Examples

Spherical Contact Surfaces

Where: F = force pressing the two spheres

d1 and d2=diameters of the two solid spheres in

E1, V1, E2, V2 = respective elastic constants of the two


Spherical Contact Surfaces

Curved Surfaces in Contact Examples (contd.)

Spheres in Contact
The radius of the contact area is given by:


Cylindrical Contact Surfaces


Spheres in Contact
Principal Stresses
The principal stresses 1, 2, and 3
are generated on the z-axis:

Spheres in Contact Vertical Stress

Distribution at
Center of Contact Area

Depth below contact area

Two Spheres in Contact

The suffixes 1 and 2 relate to spheres 1 and 2 respectively

General Case

Spheres of Same Material

Sphere in Contact with a Plane

General Case

Sphere Between Two Parallel Planes

Equal Diameter Cylinders Crossed
with Their Axes at Right Angles


Unequal Diameter Cylinders Crossed with
Their Axes at Right Angles


Unequal Diameter Cylinders Crossed with
Their Axes at Any Angle.

The suffix 1 refers to the larger diameter
cylinder, the suffix 2 to the smaller.
Let the axes be inclined at an acute angle e to
one another.
It is first necessary to obtain the ratio A/B by
solving the following equations, for A and B.


From the calculated value of A/B the values of K and 1/e dE/de

The maximum shear and Von Mises stress
are reached below the contact area.
This causes pitting where little pieces of
material break out of the surface.

Cylinders in Contact
The half-width b of the rectangular contact
area of two parallel cylinders is found as:


Where E1 and E2 are the moduli of

elasticity for cylinders 1 and 2 and
1and 2 are the Poissons ratios,
respectively. L is the length of contact.
The maximum contact pressure along
the center line of the rectangular
contact area is:

Cylinders in Contact (contd.)

The equations for two cylinders in contact are
also valid for:
Cylinder on a flat plate (a flat plate is a cylinder
with an infinitely large radius)
Cylinder in a cylindrical groove (a cylindrical
groove is a cylinder with a negative radius)


Effects of Material Combinations

The maximum contact pressure between two
curved surfaces depends on:
Type of curvature (sphere vs. cylinder)
Radius of curvature
Magnitude of contact force
Elastic modulus and Poissons ratio of contact


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