TDS Lec 4

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C3 -05 (5S3 NVQ 2045)

Eng. Y.A.P.M Yahampath

B Sc. Eng (Hons), Dip Highway & Traffic Eng, AMIESL, AMECSL
Lecture Hours Allocated
Lecture / Tutorial Practical Demonstrations/ Self Study Total
Industrial visits

72 Hrs 00 Hrs 38 Hrs 110 Hrs

Unit Title Time (Hrs)

Combined Direct & Bending stresses 10
Principle stresses & strain 06
Structural design principles 06
Designing of Reinforced concrete 26
Design of structural steel elements 18
Structural detailing 06
Total 72
To develop fundamental understanding of the behavior of structures with
particular reference to statically determinate civil engineering structures.

 To develop & understanding of the factors and constraints in determining

suitable structural components.
 To develop awareness of the economical, Engineering & esthetic aspect
in designing in selecting a particular structural component for given
 To introduce students to use codes of practice and design charts/ Tables
etc. for designing of structural elements.
Mohr Circle Method
• An alternative to using these equations for the principal stresses is to use a graphical
method known as Mohr's Circle.
• This involves creating a graph with sigma as your abscissa and tau as your ordinate,
and plotting the the given stress state.
• The sign convention is as follows
Mohr Circle Method
• We will plot two points.
• The normal and shear stress acting on the right face of the plane make up one
• And the normal and shear stress on the top face of the plane make up the second
• These two points lie on a circle.
• The center of that circle is the average normal stress.
• The radius of that circle is the maximum shear stress.
• The largest value of of σ is the first principal stress,
• And the smallest value of σ is the second principal stress.
• The transformation equations for plane
stress can be represented in a graphical
form known as Mohr's circle.
• This graphical representation is very
useful in depending the relationships
between normal and shear stresses acting
on any inclined plane at a point in a
stresses body.
• To draw a Mohr's stress circle consider a
complex stress system as shown in the
• The above system represents a
complete stress system for any condition
of applied load in two dimensions
• The Mohr's stress circle is used to find
out graphically the direct stress σ and
sheer stress τ on any plane inclined at ϴ
to the plane on which σx acts.
• The direction of ϴ here is taken in
anticlockwise direction from the BC.
STEPS: Mohr Circle Method
• In order to do achieve the desired objective we proceed in the following manner
(i) Label the Block ABCD.
(ii) Set up axes for the direct stress (as abscissa/ X axis) and shear stress (as
Ordinate/ Y axis)
(iii) Plot the stresses on two adjacent faces e.g. AB and BC, using the following
sign convention.
• Direct stresses : Tensile positive;
Compressive, negative
• Shear stresses : Tending to turn block clockwise Positive,
Tending to turn block counter clockwise, negative
• [ i.e shearing stresses are +ve when its movement about the Centre of the
element is clockwise ]
STEPS: Mohr Circle Method
• This gives two points on the graph which
may than be labeled as AB & BC
• Respectively to denote stresses on these
(iv) Join AB & BC
(v) The point P where this line cuts the σ
axis is than the Centre of Mohr's stress
circle and the line joining is diameter.
Therefore the circle can now be drawn.
Now every point on the circle then
represents a state of stress on some plane
through C.
PROOF: Mohr Circle Method
• Consider any point Q on the circumference
of the circle,
• such that PQ makes an angle 2ϴ with BC,
and drop a perpendicular from Q to meet
the X axis at N.
• Then OQ represents the resultant stress on
the plane an angle ϴ to BC.
• Here we have assumed that x y
• Now let us find out the coordinates of
point Q. These are ON and QN.
PROOF: Mohr Circle Method
• From the figure drawn earlier
• ON = OP + PN
• OP = OK + KP
• OP = σy + 1/2 (σ x- σ y)
• =σy/2+σy/2+σx/2-σy/2
• = (σ x + σ y ) / 2
• PN = Rcos( 2ϴ-2ϴ1 )
• hence ON = OP + PN
• = (σ x + σ y ) / 2 + Rcos( 2ϴ-2 ϴ1 )
• = (σ x + σ y ) / 2 + Rcos2ϴ.cos 2ϴ1 - Rsin2ϴ.sin2ϴ1
PROOF: Mohr Circle Method
• Thus,
• ON = 1/2 (σx + σ y ) + 1/2 (σ x - σ y )cos2ϴ +
τxysin2 ϴ -------- (1)
• Similarly QM = Rsin(2ϴ-2ϴ1 )
• QN = Rsin2ϴ.cos2ϴ1 - Rcos2 ϴ.sin2ϴ1
• Thus, substituting the values of Rcos2ϴ1
and Rsin2ϴ1,
• We get
• QN = 1/2 (σx -σy)sin2ϴ + τxycos2ϴ ------ (2)
• If we examine the equation (1) and (2), we
see that this is the same equation which we
have already derived analytically
PROOF: Mohr Circle Method
• Thus the co-ordinates of Q are the normal
and shear stresses on the plane inclined at
to BC in the original stress system.
• N.B: Since angle PQ is 2ϴ on Mohr's circle
and not ϴ it becomes obvious that angles
are doubled on Mohr's circle.
• This is the only difference, however, as
They are measured in the same direction
and from the same plane in both figures.
Further points to be noted are :

(1) The direct stress is maximum when Q is at M and at this point obviously the
sheer stress is zero,
• Hence by definition OM is the length representing the maximum principal
stresses σ1 and 2ϴ1 gives the angle of the plane 1 from BC.
• Similar OL is the other principal stress and is represented by σ2

(2) The maximum shear stress is given by the highest point on the circle and is
represented by the radius of the circle.
This follows that since shear stresses and complimentary sheer stresses have the
same value; therefore the center of the circle will always lie on the X axis midway
between x and y .
[ since +τxy & - τxy are shear stress & complimentary shear stress so they are same
in magnitude but different in sign. ]
Further points to be noted are :

(3) From the above point the maximum

sheer stress i.e. the Radius of the Mohr's
stress circle would be

While the direct stress on the plane of

maximum shear must be mid – may
between x and y i.e
Further points to be noted are :
(4) As already defined the principal planes are the planes on which the shear
components are zero. Therefore are conclude that on principal plane the sheer
stress is zero.

(5) Since the resultant of two stress at 900 can be found from the parallogram of
vectors as shown in the diagram. Thus, the resultant stress on the plane at q to BC
is given by OQ on Mohr's Circle
Further points to be noted are :

(6) The graphical method of solution for a complex stress problems using Mohr's
circle is a very powerful technique, since all the information relating to any plane
within the stressed element is contained in the single construction. It thus,
provides a convenient and rapid means of solution. Which is less prone to
arithmetical errors and is highly recommended.
Assignment weighting 12.5%
Deadline of submission – 2 weeks after introduction of assignment.

Q 1:
A circular bar 40 mm diameter carries an axial tensile load of 105 kN. What is the
Value of shear stress on the planes on which the normal stress has a value of 50
MN/m2 tensile.
Assignment (Cont…)
For a given loading conditions the state of stress in the wall of a cylinder is expressed as
(a) 85 MN/m2 tensile
(b) 25 MN/m2 tensile at right angles to (a)
(c) Shear stresses of 60 MN/m2 on the planes on which the stresses (a) and
(b) act; the sheer couple acting on planes carrying the 25 MN/m2 stress is clockwise in effect.
• Calculate the principal stresses and the planes on which they act.
• What would be the effect on these results if owing to a change of loading (a) becomes
compressive while stresses (b) and (c) remain unchanged

Obtain answer using equations and graphical method ( Mohr’s circle method)

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