Journeying The Teaching Profession REVISED

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Journeying the

Teaching Profession
Dr. Aida A. Dianela
The Foundational Principles of Morality
and You

Dear Teacher,
I am a survivor of a concentration camp.
My eyes saw what no man should witness:
- Gas chambers built by learned engineers.
- Children poisoned by educated physicians.
- Infants killed by trained nurses.
- Woman and babies shot and burned by high school and college
So, I am suspicious of education.
My request is : Help your students become human. Your efforts must never
produce learned monsters, skilled psychopaths, and Eichmann's.
Reading, writing, arithmetic are important only if they serve to make our
children more human.
Values Formation and You
PLEASURE - pleasant against the unpleasant
VALUES - the agreeable against the disagreeable
* sensual feelings
* experiences of pleasure and pain
VITAL VALUES - values pertaining to the well-being either individual or the
* health , vitality
- values of vital feeling
* capability , excellence
SPIRITUAL - values independent of the whole sphere of the body and
VALUES environment.
- grasped in spiritual acts of preferring loving and hating.
* aesthetic values: beauty against ugliness
* values of right and wrong
VALUES OF THE - appear only in regard to objects individually given as " absolute
HOLY objects "
Teaching as Your Vocation, Mission, & Profession
Career - time devoted for working out of a purposeful life pattern
through the work undertaken by an individual.
Work- the activity that produces something of value for oneself or
Mission - the task entrusted to you in this world.
Vocation- the work that the individual does because of a calling
Profession - a career that requires specialized training and academic
Occupation - a group of similar positions found in different
industries or organizations
Position- a group of tasks performed by an individual in an
Teaching as Your Vocation, Mission, & Profession
Retirement Preparation
Entry to Teacher
DepEd/CHED/ TEIs National
IN-Service Training and
Professional Competency- CHED/TEIs/School
Development Based Teacher sPre-Service Training
Standards (BSED, BEED,

Induction Training DepEd/ Civil

Teacher Human
Resource Planning, Teacher Licensure
Recruitment, Selection,
Deployment and
Recognition System
Teaching as Your Vocation, Mission, & Profession

Teaching: Mission and/or a Job

If you are doing it only because you are paid for it, it's a job;
If you are doing it not only for the pay but also for service, its a mission.
If you quit because your boss or colleague criticized you, it's a job;
if you keep on teaching out of love, it's a mission.
If your teach because it does not interfere with your other activities, it's a job;
If you are committed to teaching even if it means letting go of other
activities, it's a mission.
If you quit because no one praises or thanks you for what you do, it's a job;
If you remain teaching even though nobody recognizes your efforts, it's a
Teaching as Your Vocation, Mission, & Profession

It's hard to get excited about a teaching job;

It's almost impossible not to get excited about a mission.
If our concern is success, its a job;
If our concern is success plus faithfulness, it's a mission.
An average school is filled by teachers doing their teaching job;
A great school is filled with teachers involved in a mission of

--Adapted from Ministry or Job by Anna Sandberg

Teaching as Your Vocation, Mission, & Profession

Teaching is a Vocation
For theists, it is a calling from God worthy of our
response. For atheists, it is a calling without
Teaching as Your Vocation, Mission, & Profession

Teaching is a Mission
Teaching is an assigned task. We are expected to
write our accomplishment report at the end of a
Teaching as Your Vocation, Mission, & Profession

Teaching is a Profession
It is our way of rendering service to humanity. The quality of our
professional services determined to a great extent on our long
and arduous period of preparation, continuing professional
education, and our commitment to ethical and moral values. If
we give professional quality service, then mediocrity has no
place. If we live up to our name as a professional teacher, a
meaningful and fulfilled life will not be far behind. No doubt this
can readily happen when teaching has become your passion.
Teaching as Your Vocation, Mission, & Profession

Teaching is a Profession
Hermogenes P. Pobre said, The term professional
is one of the most exalted in the English
language, denoting as it does, long and arduous
years of preparations, a striving for excellence, a
dedication to the public interest, and commitment
to moral and ethical standards.
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Becoming an Exemplary
Instructional Leader
Dr. Aida A. Dianela
One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant
teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched
our human feelings. The curriculum is so much
necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital
element for the growing plant and for the soul of
the child. (Carl Jung)
Instructional Leader

P one of the useful tools in creating a

forward-looking, student-centered school

Pcan be defined as those actions that a

principal takes or delegates to others to
encourage growth in student learning.
Instructional Leadership: An
Pbecame the dominant paradigm for school

Pgeared on the discussions of school-based

management and facilitative leadership
Preaffirmed the importance of instructional
Instructional Leadership:
Concepts and Views
Prefers to the specific branch of educational
leadership that addresses curriculum and
instruction (Bird & Little, 2008)

Pmakes instruction and student achievement

imperative (MacElwain, 1992)

P serves as an organizational glue that keeps

things in track (Elmore, 2002)
Instructional Leadership:
Best Practices
Applies shared
Uses data to make
Taps expertise of

Instructional Leads a learning

Monitors curriculum
and instruction Leader community

Visits classrooms Acts as a learner

Collaborates in leading
Becoming an Effective Leader: Traits
and behavior
Heroic Leader Super Visionary

Practicing Teacher Culture Builder


Direction Setter Facilitative Leader

Chief Learning Officer

The Instructional Leader:
roles and functions
The functions of instructional leadership involve all the beliefs, decisions,
strategies, and tactics that the principal uses to generate instructional
effectiveness in classroom (Moorthy, 1992).
Making student and adult learning the priority
Setting high expectations for performance
Gearing content and instructions to standards
Creating a culture of continuous learning
Using multiple sources of data to assess learning
Activating the communities' support for the school's success
Leading teachers to produce tangible results as ambitious academic
standards (Elmore, 2002)
Making suggestions, giving feedback and modeling effective instruction
Soliciting opinion and supportive collaboration
Providing professional development opportunities and giving praise for
effective teaching.
Becoming an Effective Instructional
TALK Must be an expert in teaching and learning
Must build an informed vocabulary of pedagogical term
Must use keywords like lesson plan, instructional design and pedagogy
Must be able to articulate about instructional design, delivery methods,formative
and summative assessment and learning styles.
WALK TO Must demonstrate through this action that teaching and learning are the center of
WALK what happens in school
Must be visible in the classroom, in order to learn more about instructional
Must identify outstanding teachers and their methods
Must provide opportunities to superstar teachers to share their best practices
Must identify teachers in need of support and professional development

BE THE Must be the great caddy who provides advice on shot

CADDY Must be the caddy to teachers , providing the necessary tools and advice on how
best to use them
Must be able to recognize teachers having instructional problem
Must identify the needed resources and provide opportunities to acquire them
Qualities of an Exemplary
Instructional Leader
An exemplary Instructional Leader of today must possess the
five general qualities and must perform the four practices:
has a vision
translates the vision into action
Qualities creates a supportive environment
knows what is going on in school
acts on knowledge

models the way

inspires a shared vision Practices
challenges the process
enables others to act
The Instructional Leader
P Possesses knowledge of the curriculum and good
instructional practices
P Monitors the implementation of curriculum standards and
make sure they are taught.
P Models behaviors that they expect of school staff
P Supports teacher effectiveness
P Spends time in classrooms to monitor curriculum
P Steers the curricular and prioritize staff development
The Instructional Leader
P Views classrooms observations as a means to satisfy
contractual obligations
P Models behaviors that they expect of school staff
P Judges the quality of teaching and shares a deep
knowledge of instruction with teachers
P Promotes coherence in the instructional program where
teachers and students follow a common framework
P Trusts teachers to implement instruction effectively
What we have learn to
do, we learn by doing.

-- Aristotle

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