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Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction
Let’s start with the first set of slides
▰ A well organized parking lot can fill up space efficiently and space can be utilized properly by
commercial and corporate entities. That is what we call smart parking as The researchers have
observed here in SJNPS (Saint John Nepomucene Parochial School) every afternoon when the time to
go home comes, A rush of vehicles come by. Multiple “Tricycles”, Cars, Motors. All exiting and coming.
No rules or system to follow so it ends in a disaster. Traffic occurring in the small space that the
parking occupies. “When teachers, students and staff practice proper school parking lot safety, it
makes it easier to keep everyone safe. School parking lots can be incredibly busy places in the
morning when children arrive and, in the afternoon, when it’s dismissal time. Ensuring that no one
gets hurt is a primary concern of the school staff, but it requires everyone’s participation, including
parents.” (Del S., n.d.).

▰ Versatile Another great benefit about parking management systems is its versatility. It is very easy for
authorities and vehicle owners to use it. It is also very flexible and does not cause any inconvenience
to its users. Additionally, you can adjust the settings depending on the number of vehicle traffic. Easy
to manage Because parking management systems are organized in a structured manner, it is very
easy to manage as well as control and regulate. Parking management systems are also user-friendly,
and the parking staff won’t have any difficulties handling the system. Cost-Effective Another advantage
that you obtain from having an effective parking management system is the cost. Because it runs on
low manpower, you save more money. Parking management systems also help you save more time,
and vehicles move at a faster speed which lessens the cost of wasted fuel. Another feature of parking
management system is that you can control the lights, ventilation and other services that require
electricity. If that area has little to no vehicle traffic, you may easily switch it off to conserve
electricity.(Gemini parking solutions,2018)

▰ It can be stated that there is a need for an improved management of the parking facilities for efficient use i.e. to
serve the purpose and to reduce costs of operation while enhancing city image (M. Fishbein & I. Ajzen, 1975).
Industrialization and the improvements in the automobile industry had not only resulted in increased wealth
but it had led to traffic congestion and parking problems in cities (Erson, 2004) Furthermore, technology is
beginning to recognize the importance of post-trip information dissemination by providing information on the
location and availability of parking. Realtime information can be accurately provided to motorists through
Intelligent Parking Systems (IPS) to reduce congestion in or near parking areas. In addition to that, insufficient
utilization of the available parking space stock, road congestion caused by space-searching traffic, access
problems and safety hazards are caused by illegal parking and environmental strains (Axhausen et al., 1994).
▰ Because of these things we can clearly say that the SJNPS parking system should be made an organized one
that would lessen the traffic inside SJNPS that is because of faulty parking. We have thought of various ways
that to improve the Parking of SJNPS (Saint John Nepomucene Parochial School)

1.2 Statement of the

This study aims to answer

the following questions:
▰ This study aims to answer the following questions:
▰ Are there specific spaces for vehicle types
(tricycle,motorcycle,car) ?
▰ Is there a system that is needed to be followed ?
▰ What will happen to those who will not follow it ?

1.3 Conceptual Framework

▰ This study is about a

▰ This thesis aimed to
awaken the monitoring
system for an organized
bodies to improve parking
parking in SJNPS as you
monitoring methods to
can see in the figure
arrive at more effective
below before our study is
ways of managing the
applied the condition of
parking lots. This is to
the parking is not
ensure that all the users
organized and faulty but
of the city’s
after applying our study
infrastructures benefit
the parking is well
and at the same time to
improve traffic safety and
enhance the city’s image.
(Mgidange, 2014)
1.4 Conceptual Paradigm

A system for
an organized parking
lot in SJNPS
Placing Entrance and Exit Assigning designated areas for
each vehicle types

1.5 Scope and Delimitation

▰ This study will focus on making a system for an organized parking in SJNPS of
Cabiao, Nueva Ecija.Where the specific type of each vehicle should be, rules that
can be implemented to make the parking system an organized one. And the space
that will be occupied. Anything other than the said things will not be included in the

1.6 Significance of the Study
This study is aimed to create a system for an organized parking in SJNPS
the results will be beneficial to the following:

▰ Future Researchers – this can help the future researchers in a way that they can use this a future reference
when conducting their own research.
▰ School – The school may use this as preference so they can make have an organized parking system.
▰ Students – The students that use the parking of the school will not be troubled with parking
▰ Teachers – The teachers who bring vehicles will not be troubled with parking in the school premises.

1.7 Definition of Terms

▰ Vehicles – used for transportation

classified as a car,tricycle,motorcycle.
▰ Parking lot – it is where the vehicles can
be parked.
▰ Smart parking – A well-organized parking
11 lot system
Chapter 2
2.1 Conceptual Literature

2.1.1 Parking system

Parking system as explained Essays, UK. (November 2018). Literature Review on Car Parking System Information Technology Essay.

Retrieved from https://www.ukessays.com/essays/information-technology/literature-review-on-car-parking-system-information-technology-

essay.php?vref=1 Car parking system is a system that is used to help managing cars in parking area in other to avoid congestion and arrange

cars in an allocated position. The system also helps to track how many cars pass through the gate and the duration taken by each, and then it

will calculate the amount of money a car should pay when exiting. Car parking system is being used in many congested area or location

where there are many meeting point of people like where there are more than one shopping complex near to each other or where there is
megamall or stadium. For example, like Sunway pyramid, Lowyat and Timesqure, and Midvaley megamall all in Malaysia.
2.1 Conceptual Literature

2.1.2 Vehicles

According from the article Lightweight Materials for Cars and Trucks. (n.d.). Retrieved from

https://www.energy.gov/eere/vehicles/lightweight-materials-cars-and-trucks By using lightweight structural materials, cars can

carry additional advanced emission control systems, safety devices, and integrated electronic systems without increasing the overall

weight of the vehicle. While any vehicle can use lightweight materials, they are especially important for hybrid electric, plug-in

hybrid electric, and electric vehicles. Using lightweight materials in these vehicles can offset the weight of power systems such as

batteries and electric motors, improving the efficiency and increasing their all-electric range. Alternatively, the use of lightweight

14 materials could result in needing a smaller and lower cost battery while keeping the all-electric range of plug-in vehicles constant.
2.2 Research literature

2.2.1 Parking system

According to Fraifer, Muftah & Fernström, Mikael. (2016). Investigation of Smart Parking Systems and their technologies. retrieved

from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311535831_Investiation_of_Smart_Parking_System_and_their_technologies The

literature review conducted for this paper offers an in-depth review of the recent advances in sensing and communication technology

concerning parking systems. In addition, this paper presents a survey and analysis of an academic, qualitative literature review. It

includes an in-depth study of the selected topics and provides a step by step implementation process. It reviews different smart

parking systems used for parking guidance and parking facility management and gives an insight into the technical aspects and

15 specifications analysis of such systems that have been published in academia during the last 15 years.
2.2 Research literature

2.2.2 Vehicles

According to P. Koopman & M. Wagner, "Autonomous Vehicle Safety: An Interdisciplinary Challenge," in IEEE Intelligent

Transportation Systems Magazine, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 90-96, Spring 2017.doi:10.1109/MITS.2016.2583491.Retrieved from

http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7823109&isnumber=7823043 Ensuring the safety of fully autonomous vehicle

requires a multi-disciplinary approach across all the levels of functional hierarchy, from hardware fault tolerance, to resilient machine

learning, to cooperating with humans driving conventional vehicles, to validating systems for operation in highly unstructured

environments, to appropriate regulatory approaches. Significant open technical challenges include validating inductive learning in the

face of novel environment inputs and achieving the very high levels of dependability required for full-scale fleet deployment. However,
the biggest challenge may be in creating and end-to-end design and deployment process that integrates the safety concerns of a myriad of
Chapter 3
3.1 Research design

In order to improve the parking system in SJNPS, The researchers used action research because after
gathering and doing dry runs. The researchers will finalize it after and apply it to the parking of SJNPS.

3.2 Instruments

The researchers used a Tape measure, flyers, and chalk the Tape measure is used to measure the
space of each vehicle. Also, in measuring the area of the parking. The flyers are used to inform the
people who parks in school that there will be a dry run that the researchers will conduct. The chalk is
used in terms of marking all the points of area and labelling the length of it. While the blueprint is used
to illustrate or show the parking system or where the vehicles designated area are.

3.3 Procedures

▰ Phase 1 ▰ Phase 2 ▰ Phase 3

▰ The researchers observed ▰ The researchers took ▰ The researchers proposed
what the problem is with measure of the parking lot to their idea with a coordinator
SJNPS parking system then assign parking lot spaces for to further progress their
brainstormed on what would the cars, tricycles, and motor Public Based Learning that
be the possible solutions for cycles. Each vehicle was also focuses on organizing the
its improvement. Assigned an measured so that the parking system of SJNPS.
entrance and exit, designated researchers may estimate Presenting the idea of new
parking space for each how many vehicles can be fit rules that will improve the
vehicle type, and added rules in a parking space. parking system.
to be followed.
3.3 Procedures

▰ Phase 4
▰ Phase 5
▰ The researchers implemented a dry run that
▰ The researchers will then finalize their
will help them gather more data that will help
Project Base Learning from the data that
them find more errors and more ways of
they gathered from the dry run and
improving their Project Base Learning. The
applying it after presenting it to the SJNPS
researchers themselves were there as the dry
run occurs gathering data and assessing the
students, teachers, and the people. Who will
use the parking.


▰ Project Based
Learning (PBL) is a
teaching method in
which students
learn by actively
engaging in real-
world and

The “Finding a way how to improve the parking
lot of Saint John Nepomucene Parochial

But first how • It has an assigned exit and entrance

can we tell if • There are specific locations for each type

of vehicle
a parking lot • It has a set of rules that the users will
is organized ? follow

It has an
assigned Assigning entrance and exit in parking lots is
the first step for having an organized one.
It is important for this to be assigned
exit and because it will establish a one-way system
so that we can avoid “tagpi tagpi” inside the

parking lot.

There are
Specific location for each type of vehicle will
locations for help in allotting the space more efficiently.

each type of for example :


It has a
Adding rules will help in regulating the

set of parking lot. And with rules comes violations

so that we will be sure that the users will
follow them .
rules that Sample for rules are the following

the users Park where you are assigned !

Follow the exit and entrance !

will follow
But first how • It has an assigned exit and entrance

can we tell if • There are specific locations for each type

of vehicle
a parking lot • It has a set of rules that the users will
is organized ? follow


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