Lesson 1 - Historical and Legal Bases of NSTP

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Lesson 1 - Historical and

Legal Bases of NSTP
It is doing something for the benefit of others.
The action of helping or doing work for someone

The Traditional Filipino Service

BAYANIHAN - This tradition among Filipinos shows

community participation, democracy and cooperation. It may
be for the benefit of an individual member of the community
or the community as a whole.

Polos y servicios – During the Spanish period, these policy or

practice were used to compel the Filipinos to work in public
works. The polistas constructed churches, casas reales, roads,
and built or repaired ships. Able-bodied men 16-60 years of
age were obliged to render services as polistas.
The Constitutional Mandate
The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people.
The Government may call upon the people to defend the State and, in
fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required, under conditions
provided by law, to render personal military or civil service. (1987
Constitution, Article 2, Section 4)

The State recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-building

and shall promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual,
intellectual, and social well-being. It shall inculcate in the youth
patriotism and nationalism, and encourage their involvement in public
and civic affairs. (1987 Constitution, Article 2, Section 13)
-The National Service Training Program (NSTP), is a
civic education and defense preparedness program students
instituted by the Government of the Philippines on 5 January
2000 by virtue of Republic Act9163, otherwise known as the
"National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001."
Under the NSTP Program, both male and female college students
of any baccalaureate degree course or technical vocational
coursein public or private educational institutions are obliged to
undergo one of three program components for an academic period
of two semesters. The students, however, are free to choose which
particular program component to take. The three NSTP Program
components are:

Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)

This program component is designed to provide students with
activities contributory to the general welfare and betterment of life
of the members of the community especially those developed to
improve social welfare services.
Literacy Training Service(LTS)
This program component is designed to train students in teaching literacy
and numeracy skills to schoolchildren and out-of-school youths. The hope
is to continue learning on a peer - to - peer interaction.

Reserve Officers' Training Corps(ROTC)

This program component is designed to provide military education and
training for students to mobilize them for national defense preparedness.
This is also a glimpse for young people to see how military life is and
encourage them into service.
There have been several legal precedents to the
National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of
2001. These include:

Commonwealth Act No. 1

Presidential Decree No. 1706
Republic Act 7077
Lesson 2 - Philippine Constitution,
Preamble and Bill of Rights
Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
“We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of
Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society
and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals
and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and
develop our patrimony, and secure ourselves and posterity
the blessings of independence and democracy under the
rule of law and regime of truth, justice, freedom, love,
equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this
Bill of Rights (from Article III of 1987 Phil. Constitution)
Duties and Responsibilities of Filipino
 To be loyal to the Republic.
 To defend the state.
 To contribute to the development and welfare of the
 To uphold the constitution and obey laws.
 To cooperate with duly constituted authorities.
 To exercise rights responsible and with due regard for
the rights of others.
 To engage in gainful work.
 To register and vote.
Duties and Rights of the Filipino People

1. Duties of People
• to vote honestly and wisely
• to obey the laws of the land
• to respect to be loyal to defend the Motherland
• to pay taxes to the government
• to take active interest in local, national and international
2. Rights of the People
• Natural rights
• Civil rights
• Political rights
• Constitutional rights
• Statutory rights
Lesson 3
United Nations Principles on Human Rights
Issues of Human Rights in the Philippines
• Philippine War
• Death Penalty
• Lowering the Age of Criminal Liability
• Freedom of Expression
• Rights of the members of the LGBTI Community

Directions: Answer the following questions

1. What is human rights and how does it affect our daily living?
2. What can you say on the human rights situation in the Philippines?
Expand your answer.
3. How will you promote human rights awareness?
Lesson 4
Flag Heraldic Code of the Philippines
Philippine Flag
• Our national flag is the symbol of our country. It shows our unity as a
people. It stands for our high ideals and noble heritage. Therefore,
when you show respect for the flag, you also show respect for our
country and people. One way to show respect is to handle the flag

Flag History
The national flag of the Philippine is a horizontal bicolor with equal bands of blue and red,
and white equilateral triangle based at the hoist side, at the center of the triangle is a golden
yellow sun with eight primary rays (which signifies eight provinces) each containing three
individual rays; and at each corner of the triangle is a five-pointed golden yellow stat. The
sun with eight rays in the Philippine flag represents the first eight provinces (Manila,
Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Tarlac, Laguna, Batangas and Cavite) that revolt and
fought for independence from the Spanish-rule.
Flag Construction
The flag’s length is twice its width, which translate into an aspect ratio
of 1:2. The length of all sides of the white triangle is equal to the width
of the flag. Each star is oriented in such manner that one of its tips points
towards the vertex at which it is located.
Flag Protocol
The flag should be displayed in all government buildings, official residence, public
plazas, and schools every day throughout the year. The days of the 28 th of may
(national Flag day) and 12thof June 9Independence day) are designated as flag days,
during which all offices, agencies and instrumentalities of government, business
establishments, institutions of learning and private homes are enjoined to display the

Prohibited Acts
In Section 34 of RA 8491, the flag cannot be used in the following rationales:
1. Defacing or ridiculing the flag by dipping the flag as a salute, or adding additional marks on
the flag;
2. As a drapery, festoon, tablecloth, a covering, or as part of a costume or a uniform;
3. As a trademark or for commercial or agricultural labels or designs;
4. As part of merchandise or in any advertisement or infomercial; and
5. As a pennant in the hood, side, back and top of motor vehicles.

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