Slides 4 - Custodianship
Slides 4 - Custodianship
Slides 4 - Custodianship
Occurred while the property is in transit,
Caused by fire, theft or other casualty,
or force majeure
Relief from Accountability
Supporting Documents
Affidavit executed by Efforts put forth to recover
the AO with the ff data:lost property
Property lost and
Provision/s made to
safeguard the property
Actual date when the
absence was first noted
Date when the loss was
Manner of reported to the auditor
and the police authorities
Supporting Documents
Joint affidavit of 2
disinterested persons Comments/recommendati
cognizant of the facts ons of the auditor as a
and circumstances result of his investigation
about the loss of the causes of the loss
Final police report Certificate from the
showing the steps taken police/fire chief, governor,
by the police authorities mayor or other competent
to recover the property authority as to the
lost destruction
tions of the agency head
Supporting Documents
Inspection report
Copy of the PAR/ICS
on the extent of
damage on the Certificate by
insured property veterinarian as to
Evidence of the cause of death with
immediate issuance of description of the
the notice of loss of animal
accountable forms
Power to grant relief is vested upon
Sec. 73, PD 1445
Immediately notify the
auditor within 30 days of the
occurrence of the loss; Auditor
submit an application for
relief, supported by required
Failure to comply with the
requirement no relief from
liability shall be allowed Accountable
an indispensable procedure for checking the
integrity of property custodianship. The physical
stock – taking of equipment and supplies serves
as basis for preparing accounting reports. At the
end of each quarter, the Accounting and the
Supply/Property Unit should reconcile their