General Principles and Methods of Teaching
General Principles and Methods of Teaching
General Principles and Methods of Teaching
Methods of
Prof. Jessica V.
Top 6, LET Sept. 2021
Build in
Break it apart
Understand it
Build on it
Learning to Teach
• Teaching- refers to the management of the
teaching learning situations.
• To become an expert teacher is a complex,
multi-faceted process that continuously occur
throughout the individual’s professional
Different Kinds of knowledge
required of a teacher
Content knowledge-
Pedagogical knowledge-
understanding of content
research-based Strategies- research-
and the ability to
connections between based plans for actions
translate into meaningful
teaching and learning
form for the students
When is teaching
considered good?
Principles of Good / Successful Teaching
(John Dewey)
the learner is made
the child is made the
conscious of the it provides learning
center of the it is well-planned;
goals or aims to be experiences;
educative process;
Lesson Plan
Prior to Instruction
Multifaceted and Ongoing
Should be done regularly
Principles for Planning
1 2 3
and • Recognizing
• Recalling
Objectives •
• Inferring
• Explaining
• Executing
• Implementing
d. Analyze - breaking material into its constituent parts and detecting how the
parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose.
• Differentiating
• Organizing
• Attributing
• Comparing and contrasting
• Checking
• Critiquing
f. Create - putting elements together to form a coherent whole or make an
original product.
• Generating
• Planning
• Producing
Affective Domain - deals with attitudes, values, interest
and appreciation which ranges from simple awareness or
perception of something to internalizing a phenomenon so that
it becomes a part of one’s lifestyle (David Krathwohl)
and Levels
choose, hold, point to, describe
• responding – emphasis on reacting to a communication or
phenomenon through participation comply, follow,
of practice, volunteer
• valuing – emphasis on attaching worth to something form
Objectives the environment evaluating beliefs in the form of
acceptance, preference, and commitment initiate, invite,
• organization – organizing the values in relation to each
other alter, combine, organize
• characterization – acts in accordance with the accepted
value and becomes part of personality act, display,
Psychomotor Domain - objectives in this
domain are especially appropriate of the objectives
generally associated with motor and muscular-skill
Domains development (Elizabeth Simpson)
• Perception- Uses the sense organs to obtain
and Levels cues that guide motor activity; ranges from
sensory stimulation (awareness) through cue
of selection to translation. feel, hear, smell
• Set- Readiness to take a particular action,
Objectives includes mental, physical, and emotional set.
Perception is an important prerequisite. adjust,
arrange, locate
• Guided response- Concerned with early stages
of learning a complex skill. Includes imitation,
trial and error. imitate, practice, repeat
• Mechanism- Concerned with habitual responses
that can be performed with some confidence and
proficiency ( less complex). assemble,
manipulate, set-up
• Complex Overt Response- Skillfully performs acts
that require complex movement patterns, like the
highly coordinated motor activities. Proficiency
indicated by quick, smooth, and accurate
performance, requiring minimum effort.
combine, coordinate, integrate
Psychomotor Domain continued • Adaptation- Concerned with skills so well learned
that they are modified to fit special requirements
or to meet a problem situation. adapt, adjust,
• Origination- Creates new movement patterns to
fit a particular situation or problem. construct,
design, invent
Anita Harrow
Seven •Students can develop to
comprehens enhance the way they
ion or process and integrate
thinking information (Letter, 1985).
These are skills teachers
skills should understand and
help students acquire.
Seven comprehension or thinking skills
Principles in Determining Learning
Principles in Determining Learning
Principles in Determining Learning Activities
Selection of Learning
All instructional material are aids to
instruction. Do not replace the teacher.
Selection of Learning
All instructional material are aids to
instruction. Do not replace the teacher.
Choose the IM that best suits your
instructional objectives.
Selection of Learning
All instructional material are aids to
instruction. Do not replace the teacher.
Choose the IM that best suits your
instructional objectives.
>display learners
projects & progress
Bulletin boards >Most widely used IM
next to textbook
>Maps, Graphs,
Charts Photographs,
Types of
Audio >Tapes, Records, CD
>Speech rehearsal,
Recordings radio, TV broadcast
>Show pictures,
Overhead Projector/ diagrams and
Transparencies sketches that can be
projected on screen
>Films -movies
Films, Film Strips & >Filmstrips – series
Filmslides of pictures
>Film slides – indivi-
dual series of film
Types of
>Scaled replicas
Model of real objects
>Scaled replica
Mock-up >Detachable
>Show essential parts
>Real things
Realia >8mm-16m
Dale’s Cone of Experience
• The individual bands of the Cone
of Experience stands for
experiences that are fluid,
extensive, and continually interact.
• Edgar Dale, 1969
Dale’s Cone
The Concrete- Abstract
• Instruction should proceed from direct
experience (enactive) to iconic
presentation of experience (e.g. using
pictures and films) to symbolic
presentation (i.e. using words).
Learning is facilitated when instruction
follows a sequence from actual
experience to iconic representation to
symbolic or abstract representation
a. Prior to Instruction: Pre assessment
• done to determine the learner’s entry
behavior (what What
knowledge/skills/attitudes they already evaluation
know or still need to know) before type to use
objectives are set or before instruction
begins for maximum learning purposes during the
• involves use of such instruments as instructional
readiness test, aptitude test, pre-test act
on course objectives, or observational
What b. During
Instruction: Formative
Method- procedure employed to
accomplish the lesson objective/s
7. Special reviews
General Approaches to Teaching
A Comparison Between Direct and Indirect Approaches
Direct Approach Indirect Approach
makes use of expository strategies makes use of exploratory strategies
aimed at mastery of knowledge aimed at generating knowledge for
and skills experience
teacher-oriented learner-centered
direct transmission of information students search for information with
from teacher teacher’s supervision
teacher-controlled learner-controlled
highly structured flexibly organized
content-oriented experience-oriented
learner is passive, receives ready learner is active in search for
information from the teacher information
Direct Instruction: Deductive Method
1. Deductive Teaching/Anticipatory Deduction/Explanatory Deduction
Concept/s Steps
IV. Verification
• establish validity using references/ materials
Direct Instruction: Showing Method
2. Showing Method
Concept/s Steps
I. Introduction
review of prior learning
II. Presentation
• used for teaching concepts and skills
explaining the new concept
• a teacher-centered strategy that uses teacher
modeling the skill
explanation and modeling combined with
student practice and feedback to teach
concepts and skills III. Guided practice with necessary feedback
• widely applicable in different content areas provides necessary practice to practice new
• establishes interaction between teacher and skills
students categorize examples of new concept
• helps students to learn procedural knowledge
• promotes learning of declarative knowledge
• focuses students’ attention on specific
content/skill IV. Independent Practice
• ensures mastery of skills
more practice of the skill on concept learned for
retention and transfer
Direct Instruction: Lecture Method
3. Lecture-Discussion/Expository Method
Concept/s Steps
I. Planning
Identifying goals
Diagnosing student background
designed to keep students learn organized bodies of Structuring
knowledge Preparing advance organizers
a teacher-directed model designed to keep learners
understand relationship in organized bodies of
knowledge II. Implementation
attempts to help students understand not only the A. Introduction
concepts but how they are related defining the purpose of the lesson, sharing of
based on David Ausubel’s concept of meaningful objectives and overview to help students see the
verbal learning
organization of the lesson
helps learner link new with prior learning and relate B. Presentation
the different parts of new learning to each other
defining/explaining major ideas
designed to overcome the most important weakness
comprehension monitoring - determining whether or
of the lecture method by strongly emphasizing not student understand concepts and ideas
learners involvement in the learning process C. integration-
applicable in different subject areas • exploring interconnection between important ideas
ensures clear understanding of information D. Review and closure
allows student’s participation
summarizing the lecture
Direct Instruction: Lecture Method
3. Lecture-Discussion/Expository Method
Concept/s Steps
I. Planning
Identifying goals
Diagnosing student background
designed to keep students learn organized bodies of Structuring
knowledge Preparing advance organizers
a teacher-directed model designed to keep learners
understand relationship in organized bodies of
knowledge II. Implementation
attempts to help students understand not only the A. Introduction
concepts but how they are related defining the purpose of the lesson, sharing of objectives
based on David Ausubel’s concept of meaningful verbal and overview to help students see the organization of
learning the lesson
helps learner link new with prior learning and relate the
B. Presentation
different parts of new learning to each other
defining/explaining major ideas
designed to overcome the most important weakness of
comprehension monitoring - determining whether or not
the lecture method by strongly emphasizing learners student understand concepts and ideas
involvement in the learning process C. integration-
applicable in different subject areas • exploring interconnection between important ideas
ensures clear understanding of information D. Review and closure
allows student’s participation
summarizing the lecture
Indirect Instruction: Inductive Method
Inductive Teaching Strategies
Concept/s Steps
I. Preparation
It is a discovery learning strategy apperception
Involves many observable cases or motivation
instances that can be compared by the presentation of the aims of the lesson
learners II. Presentation
Students formed own conclusions/ teacher/learner cite specific cases of instances which will be
generalization when they are ready to the source/ bases of drawing generalization
Used when the generalizations are
III. Comparison and Abstraction
important enough to justify the time
noting commonalities/differences among the cases, examples
spent to the lesson
Lesson progresses from observations
to generalizations IV. Generalization
Draw generalization from the instances/ examples given from
generalization which can be a rule, a formula, principle,
concept, etc.
V. Applications
Use the newly learned generalizations in new real life
Indirect Instruction: Inquiry Method
Inquiry Approach
Concept/s Steps
I. Purposing
Statement of objectives of the projects
A significant practical unit of activity of a Explain the nature of the project
problematic nature Teacher and students decide on the activities
Involves planning and carrying out of the cooperatively
planned activities
Students complete certain task in a natural II. Executing
manner Student carry out the activities as planned
Involves the use of physical materials to under the guidance of the teacher
complete the unit of experience
Develops sense of cooperation, responsibility III. Evaluation
to complete a task Viewing of finished project
Energizes students to evaluate own and Evaluation by teacher and students based on
other’s works (projects) objectively based on some decided criteria for the project
developed criteria. evaluation
Indirect Instruction: Concept Development Method
Concept/s Steps
I. Presenting examples
Positive and negative examples are presented and
hypotheses generated
An inductive teaching strategy designed to
help students reinforce their understanding of II. Analysis of hypotheses
concepts and practice hypotheses testing Hypotheses analyzed in the light of new examples
based on the positive and negative examples
presented to them
Encourages students to think freely III. Closure
Trains students to develop hypotheses Examples are continuously analyzed and generate
critical characteristics and form a definition
Trains students to formulate definition or
Promotes student participation
Used for forming generalization IV. Application
Develops critical thinking through hypotheses Additional examples are provided and analyzed in
testing. terms of the definition learned
Problem-Based Instruction (PBI)
• The essence of PBI consists of presenting students
with authentic/meaningful situation that can serve
as springboards for investigations and inquiry.
Other Indirect • This model is highly effective approach for teaching
higher-level thinking processes
Models/Strategi • Deriving questions on problem both socially
es of Teaching important and personally meaningful to students.
• Interdisciplinary focus on a particular subject but
solutions requires students to deliver into many
• Authentic investigation necessitates students to
pursue investigation that seek real solution to real
• Production of artifacts and exhibits requires
students to construct products in the form of
artifacts and exhibits that represents their solutions.
Constructivist Models
• Popularized by Piaget and Vygotsky
• A perspective of teaching and learning in which a
learner constructs meaning from experience and
interaction with others
Other Indirect • Teacher provides meaningful/relevant
Models/Strategies experiences for students from which students
of Teaching construct their own meaning (facilitation)
• Suggests that learners develop their own
understanding of topics they study instead of
having it delivered to them by others.
• Places learner in the center of the learning
process while they play an active role in the
process of constructing their own understanding.
Reflective Teaching
• Process that enables individual to continually learn
from own experiences by considering alternative
interpretations of experiences, actions, discussions,
beliefs, using introspection and analysis
Other Indirect • Used when students:
• Acquire concrete experiences
Models/Strategie • Analyzes experiences
s of Teaching • Form abstractions
• Apply generalizations to actual situation
• Types: Reflection-in-action, Reflection-on-action
(Donald Schon) Reflection-with action,
Reflection-for-action (Tony Ghaye)
“Meta” means beyond, therefore this strategy goes
beyond cognition
Probing - a qualitative technique used for the promotion of effective thought and
critical thinking; provides the students a chance to support or defend a stand or point
of view
1 2 3 4 5
Two Major Individual problem
categories (Dreikurs
and Cassel)
Managemen Group Problems
t Problems (Johnson and Bany)
• Based on the assumption that
human behavior is purposive
and goal-seeking
• A person has a fundamental
need to belong and to feel
Four Types of Attention-getting
(Mistaken Power-seeking
Display of inadequacy
(in the order of severity)
Do I feel annoyed by the child’s
Technique behavior?
by which a Do I feel threatened or defeated
teacher can by the child’s behavior?
Parent conference
Influence Interest bonding
Planned ignoring
Behavior Seclusion
Techniques ... In-school suspension
Out-school suspension
Group Classroom
Management Problems
2. Non-adherence
3. Negative
to behavioral 4. Class approval of
1. Lack of Unity standards and work
reactions to
individual members
5. Being prone to
6. Low morale and 7. Inability to adjust
distraction, work
hostile, resistant or to environmental
stoppage and
aggressive change
imitative behaviors
Types of Control
01 02 03
Preventive Supportive Corrective
Control - aimed Control - aimed at Control - seeks
at minimizing the directing student’ discipline student’
onset of anticipated behavior before it behavior before it
discipline problems becomes a full-blown becomes a full
though planning. problem. standard of good
Dangle/Dangling - issues or
questions left unfinished
Some teacher Truncation – same as dangle but the
pitfalls that teacher does not resume the
initiated activity, then dropped it all
affect together
• Thrust- a teacher’s sudden ‘bursting in’ on
students’ activities with an order or statement
or question without being sensitive to the
group’s readiness to receive the message.
Too much work given at a time that causes
confusion and frustration
• Stimulus-bound – when a teacher has
students engaged in a lesson and something
else attracts the teacher’s attention
Techniques of Building Good Discipline:
• Demonstration. Students know exactly what is expected. In addition to
having expected behavior explained to them, they see and hear it.
• Attention. Students focus their attention on what is being depicted or
explained. The degree of attention correlates with the characteristic of
the model (teacher) and characteristics of students
• Practice. Students are given opportunities to practice the appropriate
• Corrective feedback. Students receive frequent, specific, and
immediate behavior is suppressed and corrected.
• Application. Students are able to apply their learning in classroom
activities (role playing, modeling activities) and other real-life situations