Chapter21 Mechanical Waves

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Mechanical Waves

Objectives: After completion of this

lecture, you should be able to:
• Demonstrate your understanding of transverse and
longitudinal waves.
• Define, relate and apply the concepts of frequency,
wavelength, and wave speed.
• Solve problems involving mass, length, tension, and
wave velocity for transverse waves.
• Write and apply an expression for determining the
characteristic frequencies for a vibrating string with
fixed endpoints.
Mechanical Waves
A mechanical wave is a physical
disturbance in an elastic medium.

Consider a stone dropped into a lake.

Energy is transferred from stone to floating log, but
only the disturbance travels.

Actual motion of any individual water particle is small.

Energy propagation via such a disturbance is known
as mechanical wave motion.
Periodic Motion
Simple periodic motion is that motion in which a
body moves back and forth over a fixed path,
returning to each position and velocity after a
definite interval of time.
Period, T, is the time
for one complete
oscillation. (seconds,s)

A Frequency, f, is the
number of complete
oscillations per
second. Hertz (s-1)
Review of Simple
Harmonic Motion

x F
Example: The suspended mass makes 30
complete oscillations in 15 s. What is the
period and frequency of the motion?

x F
Period: T = 0.500 s

Frequency: f = 2.00 Hz
A Transverse Wave
In a transverse wave, the vibration of the
individual particles of the medium is
perpendicular to the direction of wave

Motion of Motion of
particles wave
Longitudinal Waves
In a longitudinal wave, the vibration of the
individual particles is parallel to the
direction of wave propagation.

Motion of Motion of
particles wave
Water Waves

An ocean wave is a combi-

nation of transverse and

The individual particles

move in ellipses as the
wave disturbance moves
toward the shore.
Wave speed in a string.
The wave speed v in L

a vibrating string is
determined by the
tension F and the
linear density m, or m = m/L

mass per unit length.

v = speed of the transverse wave (m/s)

F = tension on the string (N)
m or m/L = mass per unit length (kg/m)
Example 1: A 5-g section of string has a
length of 2 M from the wall to the top of a
pulley. A 200-g mass hangs at the end.
What is the speed of a wave in this string?
F = (0.20 kg)(9.8 m/s2) = 1.96 N

v = 28.0 m/s 200 g

Note: Be careful to use consistent units. The

tension F must be in newtons, the mass m in
kilograms, and the length L in meters.
Periodic Wave Motion
A vibrating metal plate produces a
transverse continuous wave as shown.
For one complete vibration, the wave moves
a distance of one wavelength l as illustrated.


Wavelength l is distance between two

particles that are in phase.
Velocity and Wave Frequency.
The period T is the time to move a distance of
one wavelength. Therefore, the wave speed is:

The frequency f is in s-1 or hertz (Hz).

The velocity of any wave is the product of
the frequency and the wavelength:
Production of a Longitudinal Wave


• An oscillating pendulum produces condensations

and rarefactions that travel down the spring.
• The wave length l is the distance between
adjacent condensations or rarefactions.
Velocity, Wavelength, Speed

Frequency f = waves
Wavelength l (m)
per second (Hz)

Velocity v (m/s) Wave equation

Example 2: An electromagnetic vibrator
sends waves down a string. The vibrator
makes 600 complete cycles in 5 s. For one
complete vibration, the wave moves a
distance of 20 cm. What are the frequency,
wavelength, and velocity of the wave?

f = 120 Hz

The distance moved during v = fl

a time of one cycle is the
wavelength; therefore: v = (120 Hz)(0.02 m)

l = 0.020 m v = 2.40 m/s

Energy of a Periodic Wave
The energy of a periodic wave in a string is a
function of the linear density m , the frequency f,
the velocity v, and the amplitude A of the wave.
f A m = m/L

Example 3. A 2-m string has a mass of 300 g and
vibrates with a frequency of 20 Hz and an amplitude o
50 mm. If the tension in the rope is 48 N, how much
power must be delivered to the string?

P = 22(20 Hz)2(0.05 m)2(0.15 kg/m)(17.9 m/s)

P = 53.0 W
The Superposition Principle
• When two or more waves (blue and green) exist in
the same medium, each wave moves as though the
other were absent.
• The resultant displacement of these waves at any
point is the algebraic sum (yellow) wave of the two

Constructive Interference Destructive Interference

Formation of a
Standing Wave:
Incident and reflected
waves traveling in
opposite directions
produce nodes N and
antinodes A.

The distance between

alternate nodes or anti-
nodes is one wavelength.
Possible Wavelengths for Standing Waves

Fundamental, n = 1
1st overtone, n = 2
2nd overtone, n = 3
3rd overtone, n = 4
n = harmonics
Possible Frequencies f = v/l :

Fundamental, n = 1 f = 1/2L
1st overtone, n = 2 f = 2/2L

2nd overtone, n = 3 f = 3/2L

3rd overtone, n = 4 f = 4/2L

n = harmonics f = n/2L
Characteristic Frequencies
Now, for a string under
tension, we have:

Example 4. A 9-g steel wire is 2 m long
and is under a tension of 400 N. If the
string vibrates in three loops, what is the
frequency of the wave?

For three loops: n = 3

400 N

Third harmonic
f3 = 224 Hz
2nd overtone
Summary for Wave Motion:

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