Week 1 (August 29)

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Practical Research 2

Nature of Inquiry
and Research
Drill: Arrange the letters of the word based on
its description

1.I T I G N V T I O E S A N
a formal inquiry or systematic

2. H T I Y P O S H E S
supposition or proposed explanation made on
the basis of limited evidence as a starting point
for further investigation.

3. S F I C N T I C I E
1. based on or characterized by the
methods and principles of science.
2. systematic; methodical.

4. S A N A S I L Y
detailed examination of the elements
or structure of something.

Learning Target:
Describes characteristics (a feature
of something), strengths,
weaknesses, and kinds of
quantitative (about numeric variable)
Applying for a College Admission
You want to study at your
dream university. However, you
have a lot of questions in mind,
such as what course to take, the
facilities the university has, and
others. Your parents have also set
some considerations you might
take. Complete the flowchart with
the things you should do. You may
use keywords or phrases.
Follow the flowchart
Youth Engagement
You are the Sangguniang Kabataan
Chairman of your Barangay. You want to
know the perceptions of your fellow youth
regarding the programs on waste
management, livelihood projects and
physical activities that you have
implemented recently. Role-play a quick
interview. One will be the chairman, while
the other one will serve as the interviewee.
Afterward, change roles. The interview
must contain the needed process.
Answer the following questions:

1. What did you do in the first

activity? How about in the second

2. Discuss the difference between

the first activity and the second
• refers to the process of knowing
particular information from various
sources by various methods.
• is a general process of seeking
information, knowledge, or truth
through questioning, investigation, or
• Inquiry can be informal or formal and is
often the initial step in a learning process.
• Is the careful examination of a
particular fact by looking into the
evidence needed to clarify concepts.
• is a more systematic and structured
approach to gathering and analyzing data
to draw conclusions or solve problems.
• typically involves a more rigorous
methodology, following specific
guidelines and procedures.
Let us try!
1. Writing the procedures for writing a
research paper.
2. Analyzing the strategies used by
teachers in teaching research.
3. Asking the LTO the list of
requirements to get a driver’s license.
4. Finding the problems encountered by
students during Math Class.
5. Determining the factors affecting the
choice of people in the market.
The Research Thrusts of 21st century

Conservation and
Health and Welfare

Food Production and Culture and Arts


Technology and
• The term research comes from the French
word “recerche” which means to travel
through or to survey.

• Webster defines Research, as the

systematic, patient study and
investigation in some fields of knowledge,
undertaken to discover and to establish
facts and principles
According to Calderon and Gonzales (1993),
research may be defined as a purposive,
systematic and scientific process of gathering,
analyzing, classifying, organizing, presenting
and interpreting data for the solution of a
problem, for prediction, for invention, for the
discovery of truth or for the expansion or
verification of existing knowledge, all for the
preservation of human life.

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