A.2.0 Syllabus

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2 Forces and Momentum

Essential idea:
Classical physics requires a force to change a state of motion, as
suggested by Newton in his laws of motion.

Nature of science: (1) Using mathematics: Isaac Newton

provided the basis for much of our understanding of forces and
motion by formalizing the previous work of scientists through
the application of mathematics by inventing calculus to assist
with this. (2) Intuition: The tale of the falling apple describes
simply one of the many flashes of intuition that went into the
publication of Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica in

• Newton’s three laws of motion

• forces as interactions between bodies
• that forces acting on a body can be represented in a free-body diagram
• that free-body diagrams can be analysed to find the resultant force on a
the nature and use of the following contact forces

• normal force FN is the component of the contact force acting perpendicular

to the surface that counteracts the body
• surface frictional force Ff acting in a direction parallel to the plane of contact
between a body and a surface, on a stationary body as given by Ff ≤ μsFN
or a body in motion as given by Ff = μd where μs and μd are the coefficients
of static and dynamic friction respectively
• tension
• elastic restoring force FH following Hooke’s law as given by FH = –kx where
k is the spring constant
• viscous drag force Fd acting on a small sphere opposing its motion through
a fluid as given by Fd = 6πηrv where η is the fluid viscosity, r is the radius of
the sphere and v is the velocity of the sphere through the fluid
• buoyancy Fb acting on a body due to the displacement of the fluid as given
by Fb = ρVg where V is the volume of fluid displaced
the nature and use of the following field forces:
• gravitational force Fg is the weight of the body and calculated is given by Fg
= mg
• electric force Fe
• magnetic force Fm

• that linear momentum as given by p = mv remains constant unless the

system is acted upon by a resultant external force
• that a resultant external force applied to a system constitutes an impulse J
as given by J = FΔt where F is the average resultant force and Δt is the
time of contact
• that the applied external impulse equals the change in momentum of the
• that Newton’s second law in the form F = ma assumes mass is constant
whereas F = ΔpΔt allows for situations where mass is changing
• the elastic and inelastic collisions of two bodies
• explosions
• energy considerations in elastic collisions, inelastic collisions, and
• that bodies moving along a circular trajectory at a constant speed
experience an acceleration that is directed radially towards the centre of
the circle—known as a centripetal acceleration as given by

• that circular motion is caused by a centripetal force acting perpendicular to

the velocity
• that a centripetal force causes the body to change direction even if its
magnitude of velocity may remain constant
• that the motion along a circular trajectory can be described in terms of the
angular velocity ω which is related to the linear speed v by the equation as
given by

• Sketches and interpretations of free-body diagrams and a determination of

the resultant force are for one and two-dimensional situations only.
• Forces should be labelled using commonly accepted names or symbols.
• Newton’s first law will be applied to problems involving translational
• Examples of Newton’s third law will include the identification of force pairs
in various situations.
• The use of simultaneous equations involving conservation of momentum
and energy in collisions is not required.
• A quantitative approach to collisions and explosions is for one-dimensional
situations for standard level students and for two-dimensional situations for
higher level students.
• Situations should involve both uniform and non-uniform circular motion in
both horizontal and vertical planes.
• Analysis of forces on bodies in non-uniform circular motion in a vertical
plane at points other than the top or bottom is not required.
• Quantitative treatment of problems involving banked surfaces is not
Linking Questions

• How do collisions between charge carriers and the atomic cores of a

conductor result in thermal energy transfer?
• How can knowledge of electrical and magnetic forces allow the prediction
of changes to the motion of charged particles?
• How does the application of a restoring force act on a particle result in
simple harmonic motion?
• How are concepts of equilibrium and conservation applied to understand
matter and motion from the smallest atom to the whole universe?
• Why is no work done on a body moving along a circular trajectory?
• In which way is conservation of momentum relevant to the workings of a
nuclear power station?
• If experimental measurements contain uncertainties, how can laws be
developed based on experimental evidence? (NOS)
• What assumptions about the forces between molecules of gas allow for
ideal gas behaviour? (NOS)

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