COA Unit3
COA Unit3
COA Unit3
Dr. S. Anbukkarasi
OR => C (output) = A+ B
Full Adder
•Full adder is developed to overcome the drawback of Half
Adder circuit. It can add two one-bit numbers A and B, and
carry c. The full adder is a three input and two output
combinational circuit.
Truth Table and Circuit Diagram
Design of ALU
• A simple block diagram of a 4 bit ALU for operations AND, OR,XOR and ADD
is shown here :
The 4-bit ALU block is combined using 4 1-bit ALU block
Design Issues
• The left hand side (LHS) of this theorem represents a NAND gate with inputs A
and B, whereas the right hand side (RHS) of the theorem represents an OR gate
with inverted inputs.
• This OR gate is called as Bubbled OR.
Theorem1 – Logic diagram
Table showing verification of the De Morgan's first theorem
Theorem 2
• It can be contrasted with the simpler, but usually slower, ripple carry
adder for which the carry bit is calculated alongside the sum bit, and
each bit must wait until the previous carry has been calculated to begin
calculating its own result and carry bits (see adder for detail on ripple
carry adders)
• The carry-look ahead adder calculates one or more carry bits
before the sum, which reduces the wait time to calculate the
• This type of adder circuit is called as carry look-ahead adder (CLA adder).
• (2) when one of the two bits is 1 and the carry-in (carry of the previous stage) is 1.
The Figure shows the full adder circuit used to
add the operand bits in the Ith column;
namely Ai & Bi and the carry bit coming from
the previous column (Ci ).
C0 = A.B + (A ⊕ B) . Cin
C0 = G + PCin
Ci = Gi + PiCi-1
Binary Parallel Adder/Subtractor:
The addition and subtraction operations can be done using an
Adder-Subtractor circuit.
• The circuit has a mode control signal M which determines if the
circuit is to operate as an adder or a subtractor.
• Each XOR gate receives input M and one of the inputs of B, i.e., Bi. To
understand the behavior of XOR gate consider its truth table given
• If one input of XOR gate is zero then the output of XOR will be
same as the second input.
• While if one input of XOR gate is one then the output of XOR will be
complement of the second input.
•Two numbers are loaded into registers (fast word storage) and multiplication is carried out by repeated addition and
shifting (moving the bits in a register to the right or left).
•Multiplication by an integer is performed by shifting the bits in the word to the left. Each shift multiplys by 2. Note that
the ALU consists of the adder and associated circuitry that can also do ands, ors, inversions and other operations, so
multiplications can be done by the adder or even by programs steps which can do the same process.
•A hardware multiplier can also be used, which is faster than using the adder and shifter or using programmming. To
multiply two floating point numbers, add the exponents, multiply the mantissas, normalize the mantissa of the product,
and adjust the exponent accordingly. Floating point multiplication will be covered later.
•A variety of computer arithmetic techniques can be used to implement a digital multiplier. Most techniques involve
computing a set of partial products, and then summing the partial products together. This process is similar to the
method taught to primary schoolchildren for conducting long multiplication on base-10 integers, but has been modified
here for application to a base-2 (binary) numeral system.
The four multipliers include
•Array multiplier
•Column Bypass multiplier
•Modified Booth multiplier
•Wallace tree Multiplier.
The method taught in school for multiplying decimal numbers is based on calculating partial
products, shifting them to the left and then adding them together. The most difficult part is to
obtain the partial products, as that involves multiplying a long number by one digit (from 0 to 9):
x 456
738 (this is 123 x 6)
615 (this is 123 x 5, shifted one position to the left)
+ 492 (this is 123 x 4, shifted two positions to the left)
Unsigned Multiplication
In the multiplication process we are considering successive bits of the
multiplier, least significant bit first.
If the multiplier bit is 1, the multiplicand is copied down else 0’s are copied
The numbers copied down in successive lines are shifted one position to
the left from the previous number.
Finally numbers are added and their sum form the product.
The sign of the product is determined from the sign of the multiplicand and
multiplier. If they are alike, sign of the product is positive else negative.
Hardware Implementation :
Following components are required for the Hardware Implementation of
multiplication algorithm :
•Two Registers B and Q are used to store multiplicand and multiplier respectively.
•Register A is used to store partial product during multiplication.
•Sequence Counter register (SC) is used to store number of bits in the multiplier.
Flip Flop:
•To store sign bit of registers we require three flip flops (A sign, B sign and Q sign).
•Flip flop E is used to store carry bit generated during partial product addition.
Complement and Parallel adder:
•This hardware unit is used in calculating partial product i.e, perform addition
•Initially multiplicand is stored in B register and multiplier is stored in Q
•Sign of registers B (Bs) and Q (Qs) are compared using XOR functionality
(i.e., if both the signs are alike, output of XOR operation is 0 unless 1) and
output stored in As (sign of A register).
•Note: Initially 0 is assigned to register A and E flip flop. Sequence counter is
initialized with value n, n is the number of bits in the Multiplier.
•Now least significant bit of multiplier is checked. If it is 1 add the content of
register A with Multiplicand (register B) and result is assigned in A register
with carry bit in flip flop E. Content of E A Q is shifted to right by one
position, i.e., content of E is shifted to most significant bit (MSB) of A and
least significant bit of A is shifted to most significant bit of Q.
•If Qn = 0, only shift right operation on content of E A Q is performed in a
similar fashion.
•Content of Sequence counter is decremented by 1.
•Check the content of Sequence counter (SC), if it is 0, end the process and
Example 2: Unsigned Multiplication
Booth Algorithm
Fast Multiplication
Fast Multiplication
• There are two techniques for speeding up the multiplication operation.
The first technique guarantees that the maximum number of summands (versions of the multiplicand) that must
be added is n/2 for n-bit operands.
The second technique reduces the time needed to add the summands (carry-save addition of summands
• This bit-pair recoding technique halves the maximum number of summands. It is derived from the Booth
Group the Booth-recoded multiplier bits in pairs, and observe the following: The pair (+1 -1) is
equivalent to the pair (0 +1).
That is, instead of adding —1 times the multiplicand M at shift position i to + 1 x M at position i + 1, the
same result is obtained by adding +1 x M at position I Other examples are: (+1 0) is equivalent to (0 +2),
(-l +1) is equivalent to (0 —1). and so on
Fast Multiplication
• Bit pair recoding reduces summands by a factor of 2
• Summands are reduced by carry save addition
• Final product can be generated by using carry look ahead adder
Carry-Save Addition of Summands
• Disadvantage of the Ripple Carry Adder - Each full adder has to wait
for its carry-in from its previous stage full adder. This increase
propagation time. This causes a delay and makes ripple carry adder
extremely slow. RCAr is very slow when adding many bits.
• Advantage of the Carry Look ahead Adder - This is an improved
version of the Ripple Carry Adder. Fast parallel adder. It generates the
carry-in of each full adder simultaneously without causing any delay.
So, CLAr is faster (because of reduced propagation delay) than RCAr.
• Disadvantage the Carry Look-ahead Adder - It is costlier as it reduces
the propagation delay by more complex hardware. It gets more
complicated as the number of bits increases.
Ripple Carry Array
Carry Save Array
Carry-Save Addition of Summands
• Consider the addition of many summands, We can:
• Group the summands in threes and perform carry-save addition on
each of these groups in parallel to generate a set of S and C vectors in
one full-adder delay
• Group all of the S and C vectors into threes, and perform carry-save
addition of them, generating a further set of S and C vectors in one
more full-adder delay
• Continue with this process until there are only two vectors remaining
• They can be added in a Ripple Carry Adder (RPA) or Carry Look-ahead
Adder (CLA) to produce the desired product
Division is carried out in two ways:
1. Restoring
2. Non Restoring
• Similar to multiplication circuit
• An n-bit positive divisor is loaded into register M and an n-bit
positive dividend is loaded into register Q at the start of the
• Register A is set to 0
• After the division operation is complete, the n-bit quotient is
in register Q and the remainder is in register A.
• The required subtractions are facilitated by using 2’s
complement arithmetic.
• The extra bit position at the left end of both A and M
accommodates the sign bit during subtractions.
Flowchart for Restoring Division
Steps for Restoring
1. Left Shift
2. A = A - M
3. If MSB[A] = 0 then Q0 = 1
4. If MSB[A] = 1 then Q0 = 0, Restore A
Non-Restoring Division
• Initially Dividend is loaded into register Q,
and n-bit Divisor is loaded into register M
• Let M’ is 2’s complement of M
• Set Register A to 0
• Set count to n
• SHL AQ denotes shift left AQ by one position leaving Q0 blank.
1. If MSB[A] = 0 then
a. Left Shift
b. A = A - M
2. If MSB[A] = 1 then
a. Left Shift
b. A = A + M
3. If MSB[A] = 0 then
Q0 = 1
4. If MSB[A] = 1 then Q0 = 0
IEEE 754
Floating point
numbers and
Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754)
✔ The IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754) is a technical
standard for floating-point computation which was established in 1985 by the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
✔ IEEE Standard 754 floating point is the most common representation today for real
numbers on computers, including Intel-based PC’s, Macs, and most Unix
IEEE 754 - Basic components
IEEE 754 has 3 basic components:
1. The Sign of Mantissa
✔ 0 represents a positive number while
✔ 1 represents a negative number.
2. The Biased exponent
✔ The exponent field needs to represent both positive and negative exponents.
✔ A bias is added to the actual exponent in order to get the stored exponent.
3. The Normalised Mantissa
✔ The mantissa is part of a number in scientific notation or a floating-point
number, consisting of its significant digits.
✔ Here we have only 2 digits, i.e. O and 1. So a normalised mantissa is one
with only one 1 to the left of the decimal.
IEEE 754 - Precision
IEEE 754 numbers are divided into two based on the above three
✔ Single precision and
✔ Double precision.
1. Single precision
2. Double precision
Example 1: Single precision
Biased exponent 127+6=133
133 = 10000101
0 10000101 01010100100000000000000
1029 = 10000000101
0 10000000101 0101010010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
0 0 exact 0 0 0 exact 0
255 not 0 Not a number (NAN) 2049 not 0 Not a number (NAN)
Ranges of Floating point numbers
✔ The range of positive floating point numbers can be split into normalized numbers,
and denormalized numbers which use only a portion of the fractions’s precision.
Binary Decimal