157 Bible Verses about Examples
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In all things see that you are an example of good works; holy in your teaching, serious in behaviour,
This is God's purpose for you: because Jesus himself underwent punishment for you, giving you an example, so that you might go in his footsteps:
Let no one make little of you because you are young, but be an example to the church in word, in behaviour, in love, in faith, in holy living.
Brothers, take me as your example, and take note of those who are walking after the example we have given.
Whatever you do, do it readily, as to the Lord and not to men; Being certain that the Lord will give you the reward of the heritage: for you are the servants of the Lord Christ.
From Thematic Bible
Examples » What and who are examples
Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the towns near them, having like these, given themselves up to unclean desires and gone after strange flesh, have been made an example, undergoing the punishment of eternal fire.
For it is my desire, my brothers, that you may keep in mind how all our fathers were under the cloud, and they all went through the sea; And they all had baptism from Moses in the cloud and in the sea; And they all took the same holy food; read more.
And the same holy drink: for they all took of the water from the holy rock which came after them: and the rock was Christ. But with most of them God was not pleased: for they came to their end in the waste land. Now these things were for an example to us, so that our hearts might not go after evil things, as they did. Then do not go after false gods, as some of them did; as it is said in the holy Writings, After resting and feasting, the people got up to take their pleasure. Again, let us not give way to the desires of the flesh, as some of them did, of whom twenty-three thousand came to their end in one day. And let us not put the Lord to the test, as some of them did, and came to their death by snakes. And do not say evil things against the Lord, as some of them did, and destruction overtook them. Now these things were done as an example; and were put down in writing for our teaching, on whom the last days have come. So let him who seems to himself to be safe go in fear of a fall.
But there were false prophets among the people, as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly put forward wrong teachings for your destruction, even turning away from the Lord who gave himself for them; whose destruction will come quickly, and they themselves will be the cause of it. And a great number will go with them in their evil ways, through whom the true way will have a bad name. And in their desire for profit they will come to you with words of deceit, like traders doing business in souls: whose punishment has been ready for a long time and their destruction is watching for them. read more.
For if God did not have pity for the angels who did evil, but sent them down into hell, to be kept in chains of eternal night till they were judged; And did not have mercy on the world which then was, but only kept safe Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others, when he let loose the waters over the world of the evil-doers; And sent destruction on Sodom and Gomorrah, burning them up with fire as an example to those whose way of life might in the future be unpleasing to him;
Examples » Jesus Christ being an example
This is God's purpose for you: because Jesus himself underwent punishment for you, giving you an example, so that you might go in his footsteps: Who did no evil, and there was no deceit in his mouth: To sharp words he gave no sharp answer; when he was undergoing pain, no angry word came from his lips; but he put himself into the hands of the judge of righteousness:
Jesus said to him, He who is bathed has need only to have his feet washed and then he is clean all over: and you, my disciples, are clean, but not all of you. (He had knowledge who was false to him; that is why he said, You are not all clean.) Then, after washing their feet and putting on his robe again, he took his seat and said to them, Do you see what I have done to you? read more.
You give me the name of Master and Lord: and you are right; that is what I am. If then I, the Lord and the Master, have made your feet clean, it is right for you to make one another's feet clean. I have given you an example, so that you may do what I have done to you.
Topics on Examples
Abasement, Examples Of
Daniel 4:33That very hour the order about Nebuchadnezzar was put into effect: and he was sent out from among men, and had grass for his food like the oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hair became long as eagles' feathers and his nails like those of birds.
Abuse Of Authority, Examples Of
Genesis 16:6And Abram said, The woman is in your power; do with her whatever seems good to you. And Sarai was cruel to her, so that she went running away from her.
Accusations, False Examples
Genesis 31:26-30And Laban said to Jacob, Why did you go away secretly, taking my daughters away like prisoners of war?
Adoration, Examples Of
Exodus 15:1-2Then Moses and the children of Israel made this song to the Lord, and said, I will make a song to the Lord, for he is lifted up in glory: the horse and the horseman he has sent down into the sea.
Adulteress Examples
Genesis 38:13-24And when Tamar had news that her father-in-law was going up to Timnah to the wool-cutting,
Adultery, Examples Of
Genesis 19:31-38And the older daughter said to her sister, Our father is old, and there is no man to be a husband to us in the natural way:
Afflicted Saints, Examples Of
Genesis 39:20-23And Joseph's master took him and put him in prison, in the place where the king's prisoners were kept in chains, and he was there in the prison-house.
Afflictions Of The Wicked, Examples Of
Exodus 9:14-15For this time I will send all my punishments on yourself and on your servants and on your people; so that you may see that there is no other like me in all the earth.
Alienation, Examples Of
Genesis 3:7And their eyes were open and they were conscious that they had no clothing and they made themselves coats of leaves stitched together.
Anger Of God, Examples Of
Genesis 11:8So the Lord God sent them away into every part of the earth: and they gave up building their town.
Anger, Justified Examples
Mark 3:5And looking round on them he was angry, being sad because of their hard hearts; and he said to the man, Put out your hand. And he put it out, and his hand was made well.
Anger, Sinful Examples
Genesis 4:5But in Cain and his offering he had no pleasure. And Cain was angry and his face became sad.
Anxiety, Examples Of
Genesis 20:7-9So now, give the man back his wife, for he is a prophet, and let him say a prayer for you, so your life may be safe: but if you do not give her back, be certain that death will come to you and all your house.
Apostasy, Nt Examples
Matthew 26:14-16Then one of the twelve, who was named Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said,
Apostasy, Ot Examples
Deuteronomy 13:1-11If ever you have among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and he gives you a sign or a wonder,
Backsliding, Christian Examples
Genesis 19:1-22And at nightfall the two angels came to Sodom; and Lot was seated at the way into the town: and when he saw them he got up and came before them, falling down on his face to the earth.
Bad Decision Making Examples
Genesis 3:6And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and a delight to the eyes, and to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit, and gave it to her husband.
Bad Wives Examples
Judges 14:15-17So on the fourth day they said to Samson's wife, Get from your husband the answer to his question by some trick or other, or we will have you and your father's house burned with fire; did you get us here to take all we have?
Barrenness, Examples Of
Genesis 21:2And Sarah became with child, and gave Abraham a son when he was old, at the time named by God.
Bitterness, Examples Of
Ruth 1:19-21So the two of them went on till they came to Beth-lehem. And when they came to Beth-lehem all the town was moved about them, and they said, Is this Naomi?
Blasphemy, Examples Of
Leviticus 24:11And the son of the Israelite woman said evil against the holy Name, with curses; and they took him to Moses. His mother's name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan.
Boldness Examples Of
Genesis 33:18So Jacob came safely from Paddan-aram to the town of Shechem in the land of Canaan, and put up his tents near the town.
Borrowing, Examples Of
Exodus 11:2So go now and give orders to the people that every man and every woman is to get from his or her neighbour ornaments of silver and of gold.
Bribery, Examples Of
Numbers 22:17-18For I will give you a place of very great honour, and whatever you say to me I will do; so come, in answer to my prayer, and put a curse on this people.
Business, Examples
Genesis 39:11Now one day he went into the house to do his work; and not one of the men of the house was inside.
Children, Bad Parental Examples
1 Kings 22:52He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, going in the ways of his father and his mother, and in the ways of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who made Israel do evil.
Children, examples of
Matthew 1:23See, the virgin will be with child, and will give birth to a son, and they will give him the name Immanuel, that is, God with us.
Children, Good Examples Of
Genesis 45:9Now go quickly to my father, and say to him, Your son Joseph says, God has made me ruler over all the land of Egypt: come down to me straight away:
Children, Good Parental Examples
1 Kings 9:4As for you, if you will go on your way before me, as David your father did, uprightly and with a true heart, doing what I have given you orders to do, keeping my laws and my decisions;
Church, Examples Of
Acts 11:26And when he had come across him, he took him to Antioch. And they were with the church there for a year, teaching the people; and the disciples were first given the name of Christians in Antioch.
Communion With God, Examples Of
Genesis 5:24And Enoch went on in God's ways: and he was not seen again, for God took him.
Compassion, Examples Of
1 Chronicles 7:22And for a long time Ephraim their father went on weeping for them, and his brothers came to give him comfort.
Condemnation, Examples Of
Revelation 20:11-15And I saw a great white seat, and him who was seated on it, before whose face the earth and the heaven went in flight; and there was no place for them.
Confession, Examples Of
Numbers 12:11Then Aaron said to Moses, O my lord, let not our sin be on our heads, for we have done foolishly and are sinners.
Confusion, Examples Of
Genesis 11:9So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.
Consecration, Examples Of
Numbers 32:12But only Caleb, the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, and Joshua, the son of Nun: because they have been true to the Lord.
Contempt, Examples Of
1 Samuel 25:10And Nabal gave them his answer and said, Who is David? who is the son of Jesse? there are a number of servants in these days running away from their masters.
Conversion, examples of
Acts 9:1-19But Saul, still burning with desire to put to death the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest,
Courage, Examples Of
Joshua 14:12So now, give me this hill-country named by the Lord at that time; for you had an account of it then, how the Anakim were there, and great walled towns: it may be that the Lord will be with me, and I will be able to take their land, as the Lord said.
Cruelty, examples of
Psalm 71:4O my God, take me out of the hand of the sinner, out of the hand of the evil and cruel man.
Death Of The Saints, Examples Of
Genesis 25:8And Abraham came to his death, an old man, full of years; and he was put to rest with his people.
Death Of The Wicked, Examples Of
Numbers 16:32And the earth, opening her mouth, took them in, with their families, and all the men who were joined to Korah, and their goods.
Delay, Examples Of
Exodus 14:24-25And in the morning watch, the Lord, looking out on the armies of the Egyptians from the pillar of fire and cloud, sent trouble on the army of the Egyptians;
Despondency, Examples Of
Exodus 14:15And the Lord said to Moses, Why are you crying out to me? give the children of Israel the order to go forward.
Diligence, Examples Of
2 Chronicles 15:15And all Judah was glad because of the oath, for they had taken it with all their heart, turning to the Lord with all their desire; and he was with them and gave them rest on every side.
Disappointments, Examples Of
Ruth 1:20And she said to them, Do not let my name be Naomi, but Mara, for the Ruler of all has given me a bitter fate.
Dishonesty, Examples Of
Genesis 21:25But Abraham made a protest to Abimelech because of a water-hole which Abimelech's servants had taken by force.
Disobedience, Examples Of
Genesis 3:6And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and a delight to the eyes, and to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit, and gave it to her husband.
Divine Protection, Examples Of
Genesis 35:5So they went on their journey: and the fear of God was on the towns round about, so that they made no attack on the sons of Jacob.
Dreams, Examples Of
Genesis 20:3But God came to Abimelech in a dream in the night, and said to him, Truly you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken; for she is a man's wife.
Drunkenness, Examples Of
Genesis 9:21And he took of the wine of it and was overcome by drink; and he was uncovered in his tent.
Edification, Examples Of
Deuteronomy 3:28But give my orders to Joshua, comforting him and making him strong; for he is to go over Jordan at the head of this people, and he will give them this land which you will see for their heritage.
Education, Examples Of
Acts 7:22And Moses was trained in all the wisdom of Egypt, and was great in his words and works.
Employers, Bad Examples
Genesis 16:6And Abram said, The woman is in your power; do with her whatever seems good to you. And Sarai was cruel to her, so that she went running away from her.
Employers, Good Examples
Genesis 18:19For I have made him mine so that he may give orders to his children and those of his line after him, to keep the ways of the Lord, to do what is good and right: so that the Lord may do to Abraham as he has said.
encouragement, examples of
2 Chronicles 32:6-7And he put war chiefs over the people, and sent for them all to come together to him in the wide place at the doorway into the town, and to give them heart he said to them,
Endurance, Examples Of
1 Corinthians 4:12And with our hands we do the hardest work: when they give us curses we give blessings, when we undergo punishment we take it quietly;
Examples Of Bad Servants
2 Samuel 16:1-4And when David had gone a little way past the top of the slope, Ziba, the servant of Mephibosheth, came to him, with two asses on which were two hundred cakes of bread and a hundred stems of dry grapes and a hundred summer fruits and a skin of wine.
Examples Of Confidence
Genesis 11:4And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth.
Examples Of Consecration
Genesis 4:4-7And Abel gave an offering of the young lambs of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord was pleased with Abel's offering;
Examples Of Deceit
Genesis 4:9And the Lord said to Cain, Where is your brother Abel? And he said, I have no idea: am I my brother's keeper?
Examples Of Escaping
2 Corinthians 11:33And being let down in a basket from the wall through a window, I got free from his hands.
Examples Of Faith
Hebrews 11:4By faith Abel made a better offering to God than Cain, and he had witness through it of his righteousness, God giving his approval of his offering: and his voice still comes to us through it though he is dead.
Examples Of Fathers' Love
Psalm 103:13As a father has pity on his children, so the Lord has pity on his worshippers.
Examples Of Fearful Men
Proverbs 29:25The fear of man is a cause of danger: but whoever puts his faith in the Lord will have a safe place on high.
Examples Of Following God
Deuteronomy 1:34-36And the Lord, hearing your words, was angry, and said with an oath,
Examples Of Good Servants
John 13:15I have given you an example, so that you may do what I have done to you.
Examples of Leadership
Hebrews 13:7Keep in mind those who were over you, and who gave you the word of God; seeing the outcome of their way of life, let your faith be like theirs.
Examples Of Life In The Spirit
Matthew 4:1Then Jesus was sent by the Spirit into the waste land to be tested by the Evil One.
Examples Of Love For Children
Genesis 21:14And early in the morning Abraham got up, and gave Hagar some bread and a water-skin, and put the boy on her back, and sent her away: and she went, wandering in the waste land of Beer-sheba.
Examples Of Mothers' Love
Isaiah 49:15Will a woman give up the child at her breast, will she be without pity for the fruit of her body? yes, these may, but I will not let you go out of my memory.
Examples Of Orphans
Genesis 11:27-28These are the generations of Terah: Terah was the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran was the father of Lot.
Examples Of Patriotism
Hebrews 11:13-16All these came to their end in faith, not having had the heritage; but having seen it with delight far away, they gave witness that they were wanderers and not of the earth.
Examples of secret prayer
Matthew 6:6But when you make your prayer, go into your private room, and, shutting the door, say a prayer to your Father in secret, and your Father, who sees in secret, will give you your reward.
Examples Of Ungodly Men
2 Peter 2:6And sent destruction on Sodom and Gomorrah, burning them up with fire as an example to those whose way of life might in the future be unpleasing to him;
Examples, Bad
Joshua 7:20And Achan, answering, said to Joshua, Truly I have done wrong against the Lord, the God of Israel, and this is what I have done:
Examples, Good
Numbers 25:7-13And Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, seeing it, got up from among the people and took a spear in his hand,
Examples, Purpose Of
2 Peter 2:6And sent destruction on Sodom and Gomorrah, burning them up with fire as an example to those whose way of life might in the future be unpleasing to him;
Extortion, Examples Of
1 Samuel 2:12-17Now the sons of Eli were evil and good-for-nothing men, having no knowledge of the Lord.
Extra Marital Sex Examples
Genesis 35:22Now while they were living in that country, Reuben had connection with Bilhah, his father's servant-woman: and Israel had news of it.
Faithfulness, Examples Of
Nehemiah 9:7-8You are the Lord, the God, who took Abram and made him yours, guiding him from Ur of the Chaldees, and gave him the name of Abraham;
False Accusations, Examples Of
Genesis 39:7-20And after a time, his master's wife, looking on Joseph with desire, said to him, Be my lover.
False Confidence, Examples Of
Genesis 11:4And they said, Come, let us make a town, and a tower whose top will go up as high as heaven; and let us make a great name for ourselves, so that we may not be wanderers over the face of the earth.
False Miracles, Examples Of
Exodus 7:11Then Pharaoh sent for the wise men and the wonder-workers, and they, the wonder-workers of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts.
False Prophets, Examples Of
Revelation 2:20But I have this against you, that you let the woman Jezebel say she is a prophet and give false teaching, making my servants go after the desires of the flesh and take food offered to false gods.
False Teachers, Examples Of
Revelation 2:14But I have some things against you, because you have with you those who keep the teaching of Balaam, by whose suggestion Balak made the children of Israel go out of the right way, taking food which was offered to false gods, and going after the desires of the flesh.
False Witnesses,examples Of
1 Samuel 22:8-18That all of you have made designs against me, and not one of you gave me word when my son made an agreement with the son of Jesse, and not one of you has pity for me or has made my eyes open to the fact that my servant has been moved by my son against me, as at this day?
Families, Examples Of
Genesis 18:19For I have made him mine so that he may give orders to his children and those of his line after him, to keep the ways of the Lord, to do what is good and right: so that the Lord may do to Abraham as he has said.
Famine, Examples Of
Genesis 12:10And because there was little food to be had in that land, he went down into Egypt.
Fasting, Examples Of
2 Samuel 12:16So David made prayer to God for the child; and he took no food day after day, and went in and, stretching himself out on the earth, was there all night.
Fatherless, Examples Of
Genesis 11:27-28These are the generations of Terah: Terah was the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran was the father of Lot.
Fathers, Examples Of
Genesis 18:19For I have made him mine so that he may give orders to his children and those of his line after him, to keep the ways of the Lord, to do what is good and right: so that the Lord may do to Abraham as he has said.
Fear Of God, Examples Of
Hebrews 11:7By faith Noah, being moved by the fear of God, made ready an ark for the salvation of his family, because God had given him news of things which were not seen at the time; and through it the world was judged by him, and he got for his heritage the righteousness which is by faith.
Folly, Examples Of
Jeremiah 4:22For my people are foolish, they have no knowledge of me; they are evil-minded children, without sense, all of them: they are wise in evil-doing, but have no knowledge of doing good.
Friendship, Examples Of
1 Samuel 18:1Now after David's talk with Saul was ended, the soul of Jonathan was joined with the soul of David, and David became as dear to him as his very life.
Generous Giving Examples
Exodus 36:5And said to Moses, The people are giving much more than is needed for the work which the Lord has given us orders to do.
Godly Fear, Examples Of
Genesis 22:12And he said, Let not your hand be stretched out against the boy to do anything to him; for now I am certain that the fear of God is in your heart, because you have not kept back your son, your only son, from me.
Good Decision Making Examples
Joshua 24:15And if it seems evil to you to be the servants of the Lord, make the decision this day whose servants you will be: of the gods whose servants your fathers were across the River, or of the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living: but I and my house will be the servants of the Lord.
Good Kings Examples Of
2 Samuel 8:15And David was king over all Israel, judging and giving right decisions for all his people.
Good Wives Examples
Judges 13:10So the woman, running quickly, gave her husband the news, saying, I have seen the man who came to me the other day.
Guidance, Examples Of God's
Exodus 13:17-18Now after Pharaoh had let the people go, God did not take them through the land of the Philistines, though that was near: for God said, If the people see war, they may have a change of heart and go back to Egypt.
Hope, Examples Of
Romans 4:18Who without reason for hope, in faith went on hoping, so that he became the father of a number of nations, as it had been said, So will your seed be.
Hospitality, Examples Of
Genesis 18:2-5And lifting up his eyes, he saw three men before him; and seeing them, he went quickly to them from the door of the tent, and went down on his face to the earth;
Humility, Examples Of
Genesis 18:27And Abraham answering said, Truly, I who am only dust, have undertaken to put my thoughts before the Lord:
Hunger, Examples Of
1 Samuel 21:3-6So now, if you have here five cakes of bread, give them into my hand, or whatever you have.
Hypocrisy, Examples Of
Genesis 27:6-35And Rebekah said to Jacob, her son, Your father said to your brother Esau in my hearing,
Ignorance Towards God, Examples Of
Exodus 5:2And Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord, to whose voice I am to give ear and let Israel go? I have no knowledge of the Lord and I will not let Israel go.
Immorality, Examples Of Sexual
Leviticus 18:6You may not have sex connection with anyone who is a near relation: I am the Lord.
Industry, Examples Of
Genesis 31:40This was my condition, wasted by heat in the day and by the bitter cold at night; and sleep went from my eyes.
Ingratitude, Examples Of
Deuteronomy 32:18You have no thought for the Rock, your father, you have no memory of the God who gave you birth.
Injustice, Examples Of
Mark 7:9-13And he said to them, Truly you put on one side the law of God, so that you may keep the rules which have been handed down to you.
Innocence, Examples Of
Genesis 2:25And the man and his wife were without clothing, and they had no sense of shame.
Integrity, Examples Of
Job 2:9-10And his wife said to him, Are you still keeping your righteousness? Say a curse against God, and put an end to yourself.
Intercession, Examples Of
Daniel 9:3-5And turning my face to the Lord God, I gave myself up to prayer, requesting his grace, going without food, in haircloth and dust.
Love Of Jesus, Examples Of
Luke 22:32But I have made prayer for you, that your faith may not go from you: and when you are turned again, make your brothers strong.
Love to Others, Examples Of
Genesis 45:15Then he gave a kiss to all his brothers, weeping over them; and after that his brothers had no fear of talking to him.
Magical Arts, Examples Of
Acts 8:9But there was a certain man named Simon, who in the past had been a wonder-worker and a cause of surprise to the people of Samaria, saying that he himself was a great man:
Malice, Examples Of
Genesis 4:5But in Cain and his offering he had no pleasure. And Cain was angry and his face became sad.
Martyrdom, Examples Of
Genesis 4:8And Cain said to his brother, Let us go into the field: and when they were in the field, Cain made an attack on his brother Abel and put him to death.
Mercy, Examples Of
1 Samuel 11:13And Saul said, Not a man is to be put to death today: for today the Lord has made Israel safe.
Missionary Examples
2 Peter 2:5And did not have mercy on the world which then was, but only kept safe Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others, when he let loose the waters over the world of the evil-doers;
Missionary Work, Examples Of
2 Peter 2:5And did not have mercy on the world which then was, but only kept safe Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others, when he let loose the waters over the world of the evil-doers;
Mothers, Examples Of
Genesis 3:20And the man gave his wife the name of Eve because she was the mother of all who have life.
Motives, Examples Of
Philippians 1:15-18Though some are preaching Christ out of envy and competition, others do it out of a good heart:
Oppression, Examples Of
Exodus 1:14And made their lives bitter with hard work, making building-material and bricks, and doing all sorts of work in the fields under the hardest conditions.
Pilgrims, Examples Of
Genesis 23:4I am living among you as one from a strange country: give me some land here as my property, so that I may put my dead to rest
Praise, Examples Of
Genesis 14:18-20And Melchizedek, king of Salem, the priest of the Most High God, took bread and wine,
Pride, Examples Of
Exodus 5:2And Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord, to whose voice I am to give ear and let Israel go? I have no knowledge of the Lord and I will not let Israel go.
Repentance, Examples Of
Acts 2:38And Peter said, Let your hearts be changed, every one of you, and have baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will have the Holy Spirit given to you.
Responsibility, Examples Of
Genesis 6:13-14And God said to Noah, The end of all flesh has come; the earth is full of their violent doings, and now I will put an end to them with the earth.
Revenge, Examples Of
Luke 6:11But they were full of wrath, and were talking together about what they might do to Jesus.
Rising Early, Examples Of
Genesis 19:27And Abraham got up early in the morning and went to the place where he had been talking with the Lord:
Selfishness, Examples Of
Genesis 4:9And the Lord said to Cain, Where is your brother Abel? And he said, I have no idea: am I my brother's keeper?
Sexual Chastity Examples Of
Ruth 3:13Take your rest here tonight; and in the morning, if he will do for you what it is right for a relation to do, very well, let him do so: but if he will not, then by the living Lord I myself will do so.
Sloth Examples Of
Isaiah 56:10His watchmen are blind, they are all without knowledge; they are all dogs without tongues, unable to make a sound; stretched out dreaming, loving sleep.
Steadfastness, Examples Of
1 Kings 13:8But the man of God said to the king, Even if you gave me half of all you have, I would not go in with you, and I would not take food or a drink of water in this place;
Throne, Examples Of
Hebrews 1:8But of the Son he says, Your seat of power, O God, is for ever and ever; and the rod of your kingdom is a rod of righteousness.
Warfare, Examples Of
Deuteronomy 7:1-2When the Lord your God takes you into the land where you are going, which is to be your heritage, and has sent out the nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and stronger than you;
Wicked Children, Examples Of
1 Samuel 2:12Now the sons of Eli were evil and good-for-nothing men, having no knowledge of the Lord.
Worldly Ambition Examples
Genesis 3:5For God sees that on the day when you take of its fruit, your eyes will be open, and you will be as gods, having knowledge of good and evil.
Zealousness, Examples Of
2 Kings 10:16And he said, Come with me and see how I am on fire for the Lord's cause. So he made him go with him in his carriage.