63 Bible Verses about Wisdom

Most Relevant Verses

In whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden away.

and filled him with the spirit of God, - in, wisdom in understanding and in knowledge, and in all manner of execution;

I said, Days, should speak, - and, the multitude of years, should make known wisdom.

What is my strength, that I should hope? Or what mine end, that I should prolong my desire?

Life and lovingkindness, thou didst bestow upon me, - and, thy watchful care, preserved my breath.

Both hoary and venerable, are among us, one mightier than thy father in days!

hath filled them with wisdom of heart to work all manner of workmanship of cutter, and deviser and embroiderer, in blue and in purple, in crimson and in fine linen and of the weaver, - workers of any manner of workmanship, and devisers of skilful designs.

Wise in heart, and alert in vigour, What man hath hardened himself against him, and prospered!

Who knoweth not, among all these, that, the hand of Yahweh, hath done this?

For here is a man, whose toil hath been with wisdom and with knowledge and with skill, - yet, to a man who hath not toiled therein, shall he leave it as his portion, even this, was vanity and a great vexation.

With Him, is strength and effective wisdom, to Him, belong he that erreth, and he that causeth to err.

Or a horn be blown in a city, and, a people, not tremble? Or calamity happen in a city, and, Yahweh, not have wrought with effect?

Good is wisdom, with an inheritance, - and a profit, to such as see the sun.

For there is no remembrance of a wise man, more than of a dullard, unto times age-abiding, - seeing that, already, in the days to come, all hath been forgotten, how then cometh it that the wise man dieth equally with the dullard?

Yahweh, had constituted me the beginning of his way, before his works, at the commencement of that time;

That he would declare to thee the secrets of wisdom, for they are double to that which actually is, - -Know then that GOD could bring into forgetfulness for thee, a portion of thine iniquity.

But, an empty person, will get sense, when, a wild ass's colt, is born a man!

Doth the wild ass bray over grass? Or loweth the ox over his fodder?

Who leadeth away counsellors as a spoil, and, judges, He befooleth:

For it is written - I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and, the discernment of the discerning, will I set aside.

Yet where can, Wisdom, be found? And where is the place of understanding?

For, to a man who is good before him, hath he given wisdom and knowledge and gladness, - whereas, to the sinner, he hath given employment, to gather and heap up, to give to one who is good before God, even this, was vanity, and a feeding on wind.

I, wisdom, inhabit shrewdness, - and, the knowledge of sagacious things, I gain.

GOD, understandeth the way thereof, and, he, discerneth the place thereof;

Then I considered all the work of God, that man could not find out the work that was done under the sun, inasmuch as man toileth in seeking and yet cannot find, - yea, even though the wise man should say he knoweth, yet can he not find it out.

For, a protection, is wisdom, and, a protection, is silver, - but, the advantage of knowledge, is, that, wisdom, giveth life to the possessors thereof.

From Thematic Bible

Agriculture or husbandry » Requires » Wisdom

Isaiah 28:26

Yea One hath trained him to good judgment, His God, directeth him.

Attributes of God » Power of God » Wisdom

Job 26:6

Naked is hades before him, and there is no covering to destruction;

Job 34:21

For, his eyes, are on the ways of a man, and, all his footsteps, he beholdeth, -

More verses: 1 John 3:20

Godly Fear » Described as » Wisdom

Gifts from God » Spiritual » Wisdom

Gifts from God » Temporal » Wisdom

2 Chronicles 1:12

wisdom and knowledge, are granted unto thee, - moreover, riches and wealth and honour, will I give thee, such as the kings who were before thee did not possess, neither shall they who come after thee possess the like.

the Gifts of God » Spiritual » Wisdom

the Gifts of God » Temporal » Wisdom

2 Chronicles 1:12

wisdom and knowledge, are granted unto thee, - moreover, riches and wealth and honour, will I give thee, such as the kings who were before thee did not possess, neither shall they who come after thee possess the like.

Honey » Illustrative of » Wisdom

Proverbs 24:13-14

My son, eat thou honey, because it is good, - and droppings from the comb because they are sweet to thy palate: Thus, take knowledge of wisdom, for thine own soul; If thou find it, then there is a future, and, thine expectation, shall not be cut off.

Jesus Christ » Names of » Wisdom

Proverbs 8:12

I, wisdom, inhabit shrewdness, - and, the knowledge of sagacious things, I gain.

Reproof » Leads to » Wisdom

Proverbs 15:31

The ear that heareth the reproof which giveth life, in the midst of the wise, shall remain.

Wisdom » True wisdom, general references to » The search for

Ecclesiastes 1:13

And I gave my heart to seek and to search out, wisely, concerning all things which are done under the heavens, - the same, is the vexatious employment God hath given to the sons of men, to work toilsomely therein,

Ecclesiastes 8:16

When I gave my heart, to know wisdom, and to consider the business that was done upon the earth, then surely, by day and by night, there was one who suffered not his eyes, to sleep.

Psalm 119:169

[TAU] Let my shouting come near before thee, O Yahweh, According to thy word, give me understanding.

Job 28:12

Yet where can, Wisdom, be found? And where is the place of understanding?

Wisdom » God's

Romans 16:27

Unto a God, wise alone, through Jesus Christ, unto whombe the glory, unto the ages. Amen.

Proverbs 3:19

Yahweh, in wisdom, founded the earth, establishing the heavens with understanding;

Jeremiah 10:7

Who would not revere thee, O King of nations? For, thee, doth it beseem; Forasmuch as among all the wise men of the nations And throughout all their royal estate, None, there is like unto thee.

Wisdom » The lord giving wisdom

1 Chronicles 22:12

Only Yahweh give thee discretion and understanding, and give thee charge over Israel, - so that thou take heed unto the law of Yahweh thy God.

Daniel 1:17

And, as for these four youths, God, gave them, knowledge and skill, in all learning and wisdom, - and, Daniel, had discernment, in all visions and dreams.

Ecclesiastes 2:24-26

There was nothing more blessed for Man than that he should eat and drink, and see his desireth for blessedness in his toil, - even this, saw, I myself, that, from the hand of God, it was. For who could eat and who could enjoy, so well as I? For, to a man who is good before him, hath he given wisdom and knowledge and gladness, - whereas, to the sinner, he hath given employment, to gather and heap up, to give to one who is good before God, even this, was vanity, and a feeding on wind.

Daniel 2:20-21

Daniel responded, and said, Let the name of God be blessed from age to age, - in that wisdom and might, to him belong; And, he, changeth times and seasons, removeth kings, and setteth up kings, - giving wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to them who are skilled in understanding:

Proverbs 2:1-22

My son, if thou wilt receive my sayings, and, my commandments, wilt treasure up by thee; So that thou direct, unto wisdom, thine ear, bend thy heart, unto understanding; Yea if, for understanding, thou cry aloud, for knowledge, utter thy voice; read more.
If thou seek her as silver, and, like hid treasure, thou search for her, Then, shalt thou understand the reverence of Yahweh, and, the knowledge of God, shalt thou find. For, Yahweh, giveth wisdom, out of his mouth, knowledge and understanding; Yea he treasureth, for the upright, safety, A shield is he to them who walk in integrity, To him that observeth the paths of justice, yea, the way of his men of lovingkindness, he doth guard. Then, shalt thou understand righteousness and justice, and equity - every noble course. When wisdom entereth thy heart, and, knowledge, to thy soul, is sweet, Discretion, shall watch over thee, understanding, shall preserve thee: - To rescue thee from the way of the wrongful, from the man that speaketh perverse things; From them who forsake the paths of rectitude, to walk in this ways of darkness; Who rejoice to do wrong, exult in the perversities of the wrongful; Whose paths, are twisted, and they are tortuous in their tracks: To rescue thee, from the woman that is a stranger, from the female unknown, who with her speeches seduceth; Who forsaketh the friend of her youth, and, the covenant of her God, hath forgotten; For she hath appointed, unto death, her house, and unto the shades, her courses; None who go in unto her, come back, neither attain they unto the paths of life: To the end that thou walk in the way of good men, and, the paths of the righteous, that thou observe. For, the upright, shall abide on the earth, - and, the men of integrity, shall remain therein; But, the lawless, out of the earth, shall he cut off, and, traitors, shall they tear away therefrom.

More verses: 1 Corinthians 2:6-16

Wisdom » True wisdom, general references to » Prayer for

2 Chronicles 1:10

Now, wisdom and knowledge, give thou unto me, that I may go out before this people, and may come in, - for who can judge this thy people, that is so great?

Proverbs 2:3

Yea if, for understanding, thou cry aloud, for knowledge, utter thy voice;

More verses: Ephesians 1:17

Wisdom » Who is wise

1 Corinthians 4:9-10

For I think that, God, hath set forth, us the apostles, to be last of all, as men devoted to death, - in that, a spectacle, have we been made, unto the world, - both unto messengers and unto men. We, are foolish for Christ's sake, but, ye, prudent in Christ; we are weak, but, ye, mighty; ye, all-glorious, but, we, dishonoured.

Proverbs 14:33

In the heart of the intelligent, reposeth wisdom, but, in the midst of dullards, it maketh itself known.

Wisdom » The wisdom of the world

James 3:13-16

Who is wise and well-instructed-among you? Let him show, out of his comely behaviour, his works, in meekness of wisdom. But, if, bitter jealousy, ye have, and rivalry, in your hearts; be not boasting and showing yourselves false against the truth! This wisdom is not one, from above, coming down, but is earthly, born of the soul, demoniacal! read more.
For, where jealousy and rivalry are, there, are anarchy and every ignoble deed.

Isaiah 29:13-14

Wherefore My Lord hath said, - Because this people, hath drawn near with their mouth, And with their lips, have honoured me, But their heart, have they moved far from me, And so their reverence of me hath become A commandment of men in which they have been schooled, Therefore, behold me! again dealing wonderfully with this people, doing wonderfully a wonderful thing, - So shall perish, the wisdom of their wise men, And the intelligence of their intelligent men, shall vanish!

1 Corinthians 2:6

Wisdom, however, we do speak, among the full-grown, - wisdom, indeed, not of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are to come to nought;

1 Corinthians 1:18-20

For, the discourse which concerneth the cross, unto them, indeed, who are perishing, is, foolishness; but, unto them who are being saved - unto us, it is, God's power. For it is written - I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and, the discernment of the discerning, will I set aside. Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?

More verses: 1 Corinthians 3:18-23

Wisdom » True wisdom, general references to » The preciousness of

Ecclesiastes 2:13

Then saw, I, that wisdom doth excel folly, - as far as light excelleth darkness.

Job 28:16

It cannot be put into the scales against the gold of Ophir, with costly onyx, or sapphire;

Proverbs 8:11

For better is wisdom, than ornaments of coral, and, no delightful things, can equal her.

Ecclesiastes 7:19

Wisdom, bringeth more strength to a wise man, than ten heroes, that are in the city.

Proverbs 3:13-14

How happy the man who hath found wisdom, and the man who draweth forth understanding, For better is her merchandise, than the merchandise of silver, yea, than gold, her increase;

Wisdom » What wisdom is

Ecclesiastes 9:16

Then said, I, Better is wisdom than strength, - although, the wisdom of the poor man, be despised, and, his words, not heard.

Ecclesiastes 10:10

If, blunt, be the iron, and, himself, hath not sharpened, the edge, then, much force, must he apply, - but, an advantage for giving success, is wisdom.

Proverbs 17:24

Before the face of the discerning, is wisdom, but, the eyes of a dullard, are in the ends of the earth.

Proverbs 4:7

The principal thing, is wisdom, acquire thou wisdom, With all thine acquisition, acquire thou understanding.

Proverbs 8:11-14

For better is wisdom, than ornaments of coral, and, no delightful things, can equal her. I, wisdom, inhabit shrewdness, - and, the knowledge of sagacious things, I gain. The reverence of Yahweh, is to hate wickedness: pride, arrogance, and the way of wickedness; And a mouth of perverse things, do I hate. read more.
Mine, are counsel, and effective working, I, am understanding, mine, is valour:

Wisdom » Christ's

Matthew 13:54

and, coming into his own city, began teaching them in their synagogue, so that with astonishment were they being struck, and were saying - Whence, hath, this one, this wisdom, and the mighty works?

Colossians 2:3

In whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden away.

Wisdom » What is wisdom

More verses: Deuteronomy 4:5-6

Wisdom » True wisdom, general references to » Promised

Ecclesiastes 2:26

For, to a man who is good before him, hath he given wisdom and knowledge and gladness, - whereas, to the sinner, he hath given employment, to gather and heap up, to give to one who is good before God, even this, was vanity, and a feeding on wind.

Luke 21:15

For, I, will give you a mouth and wisdom, which one-and-all who are setting themselves against, you shall be unable to withstand or gainsay.

Wisdom » Those that are wise according to the world

Job 37:23-24

The Almighty, whom we have not fully found out, is great in vigour, - Neither, justice nor abounding righteousness, will he weaken. Therefore, do men revere him, He will not regard any who are wise in heart.

Romans 1:21-22

Inasmuch as, having come to know God, not, as God, did they glorify him, or give him thanks, but were made fruitless in their reasonings, and darkened was their undiscerning heart, Professing to be wise, they were made foolish,

Isaiah 44:24-25

Thus, saith Yahweh Who hath redeemed thee, Who hath fashioned thee from birth, - I - Yahweh, am the maker of all things, Stretching out the heavens, alone, Spreading forth the earth, of myself; Frustrating the signs of praters, And, diviners, he confoundeth, - Turning wise men backwards, And their knowledge, he maketh folly;

1 Corinthians 3:18

Let no one be deceiving himself: - if anyone imagineth himself to be wise among you, in this age, let him become foolish, that he may become wise;

Wisdom » The wisdom of the lord

1 Corinthians 2:6-8

Wisdom, however, we do speak, among the full-grown, - wisdom, indeed, not of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are to come to nought; But we speak, God's, wisdom, in a sacred secret, that hidden wisdom , which God marked out beforehand, before the ages, for our glory, - Which, none of the rulers of this age had come to know, for, had they known, not, in that case, the Lord of the glory, would they have crucified!

1 Corinthians 1:20-25

Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For, seeing that, in the wisdom of God, the world, through its wisdom, did not get to knew God, God was well-pleased - through the foolishness of the thing proclaimed, to save them that believe. Seeing that both, Jews for signs, do ask, and, Greeks for wisdom, do seek, read more.
Whereas, we, proclaim a Christ who hath been crucified, - unto Jews, indeed, an occasion of stumbling, and, unto Gentiles, foolishness; But, unto the called themselves - both Jews and Greeks, Christ, God's power, and, God's wisdom. Because, God's foolish thing, is, wiser than men, and, God's weak thing, mightier than men.

Romans 11:33-36

Oh! the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments! and untraceable his ways! For who hath come to know the mind of the Lord? Or who hath become his counselor? Or who hath first given unto him, and it shall be recompensed to him again? read more.
Because, of him, and through him, and unto him, are all things: - unto him, be the glory, unto the ages. Amen!

Wisdom » True wisdom, general references to » Lays an immovable foundation

Matthew 7:24

Every one, therefore, who heareth thesemy words, and doeth them, shall be likened to a prudent man, who built his house upon the rock;

1 Corinthians 2:6

Wisdom, however, we do speak, among the full-grown, - wisdom, indeed, not of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are to come to nought;

Wisdom » True wisdom, general references to » Examples of men possessing

1 Kings 4:31

so that he was wiser than any man - than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman and Calcol and Darda, sons of Mahol, - and it came to pass that, his name, was throughout all the nations round about.

Daniel 1:20

and, in any matter of wisdom and discernment as to which the king, enquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the sacred scribes - the magicians, who were in all his realm.

1 Kings 10:3

and Solomon answered her all her questions, - there was nothing hidden from the king, which he told her not.

Wisdom » What is able to make you wise

2 Timothy 3:14-15

But, thou, - abide in the things which thou hast learned, and been entrusted with, knowing, from whom, thou hast learned them , - And that, from a babe, those sacred letters, thou hast known which are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through the faith which is in Christ Jesus:

Psalm 119:89-98

[LAMED] Age-abidingly, O Yahweh, hath thy word been set up in the heavens. To generation after generation, is thy faithfulness, Thou hast established the earth, and it standeth. By thy regulations, do they stand to-day, for, all, are thy servants. read more.
Had not thy law been my dear delight, then, had I perished in mine affliction. Unto times age-abiding, will I not forget thy precepts, For, by them, hast thou given me life. Thine, am I, - oh save me! For, thy precepts, have I sought. For me, have the lawless waited, to destroy me, Thy testimonies, will I diligently consider. To all perfection, have I seen an end, Broad is thy commandment, exceedingly. [MEM] Oh how I love thy law! All the day, is it my meditation. Beyond mine enemies, will thy commandment make me wise, for, age-abidingly, shall it be mine.

Wisdom » The lord creating everything by wisdom

Proverbs 3:19

Yahweh, in wisdom, founded the earth, establishing the heavens with understanding;

Jeremiah 10:10-12

But, Yahweh, is God in truth, He, is a God that, liveth, And a King of times age-abiding, - At his anger, quaketh the earth, And nations cannot endure his wrath. Thus, shall ye say unto them, The gods that made not the heavens, And the earth, Shall perish out of the earth, And from under these heavens! He that made the earth by his power, That established the world by his wisdom, - And by his understanding stretched out the heavens,

Psalm 136:3-9

Give ye thanks to the Lord of lords, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness. To him that doeth great wonders, by himself alone, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness. To him that made the heavens with understanding, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness. read more.
To him that stretched out the earth above the waters, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness. To him that made great lights, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness. The sun to rule the day, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness. The moon and stars to rule the night, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness.

Wisdom » Select readings

Job 28:12-28

Yet where can, Wisdom, be found? And where is the place of understanding? Mortal knoweth not the way thereof, neither can it be found in the land of the living; The resounding deep, hath said, It is not in me! And, the sea, hath said, It is not with me! read more.
Pure gold cannot be given in its stead, neither can silver he weighed as the value thereof; It cannot be put into the scales against the gold of Ophir, with costly onyx, or sapphire; Neither gold nor crystal can compare with it, nor can, the exchange thereof, be a vessel of pure gold, Coral or crystal, cannot be mentioned, Yea, a possession, is wisdom, above red coral; The topaz of Ethiopia cannot compare with it, Against purest gold, can it not be weighed. Whence then cometh, wisdom? And where is the place of understanding? Seeing it hath been hid from the eyes of every living thing, and, from the bird of the heavens, hath it been concealed? Destruction and death, have said, With our ears, have we heard the report thereof! GOD, understandeth the way thereof, and, he, discerneth the place thereof; For, he, unto the ends of the earth, directeth his look, under all the heavens, he seeth; Making, for the wind, a weight, and, the waters, he proved by measure, When he made, for the rain, a decree, and a way for the lightning of thunders, Then, saw he it, and declared it, He settled it, yea also he searched it out; And said to the son of earth, Lo! the reverence of the Lord, that, is wisdom, and, to avoid evil, is understanding.

Proverbs 3:13-24

How happy the man who hath found wisdom, and the man who draweth forth understanding, For better is her merchandise, than the merchandise of silver, yea, than gold, her increase; More precious, is she, than corals, yea, none of thy delightful things, doth equal her: read more.
Length of days, is in her right hand, in her left, are riches and honour; Her ways, are ways of pleasantness, and, all her paths, are peace; A tree of life, is she, to them who secure her, - and, they who hold her fast, are every one to be pronounced happy. Yahweh, in wisdom, founded the earth, establishing the heavens with understanding; By his knowledge, the resounding deeps were burst open, and, the skies, drop down dew. My son, let them not depart from thine eyes, guard thou counsel, and purpose: So shall they become life to thy soul, and an adorning to thy neck; Then, shalt thou walk securely in thy way, and, thy foot, shall not stumble; When thou sittest down, thou shalt have no dread, yea thou shalt lie down, and sweet shall be thy sleep.

Proverbs 4:1-13

Hear, ye sons, the correction of a father, and attend, that ye may know understanding. For, good teaching, have I given you, mine instruction, do not ye forsake. For, a son, became I to my father, tender and most precious in the sight of my mother. read more.
So he taught me, and said to me - Let thy heart, lay hold of my words, Keep my commandments and live! Acquire wisdom, acquire understanding, Do not forget, neither decline thou from the sayings of my mouth. Do not forsake her, and she will guard thee, - love her and she will keep thee. The principal thing, is wisdom, acquire thou wisdom, With all thine acquisition, acquire thou understanding. Exalt her, and she will set thee on high, she will bring thee to honour, when thou dust embrace her: She will give for thy head, a wreath of beauty, A crown of adorning, will she bestow upon thee. Hear, my son, and receive my sayings, and they will multiply to thee the years of life. In the way of wisdom, have I taught thee, I have guided thee in tracks of uprightness. When thou walkest, thy step shall not be hemmed in, and, if thou runnest, thou shalt not stumble. Take fast hold of correction, let her not go, - keep her, for, she, is thy life.

Wisdom » What wisdom does

Ecclesiastes 7:12

For, a protection, is wisdom, and, a protection, is silver, - but, the advantage of knowledge, is, that, wisdom, giveth life to the possessors thereof.

Proverbs 1:20-23

Wisdom, in the open place, soundeth forth, in the broadways, she raiseth her voice; At the head of bustling streets, she crieth aloud, - at the openings of the gates in the city - her sayings, she doth utter: - How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and, scoffers, in scoffing, delight them? and, dullards, hate knowledge? read more.
Will ye turn, at my reproof? Lo! I will pour out to you my spirit, I will make known my words to you.

Wisdom » Who God gives wisdom to

Ecclesiastes 2:24-26

There was nothing more blessed for Man than that he should eat and drink, and see his desireth for blessedness in his toil, - even this, saw, I myself, that, from the hand of God, it was. For who could eat and who could enjoy, so well as I? For, to a man who is good before him, hath he given wisdom and knowledge and gladness, - whereas, to the sinner, he hath given employment, to gather and heap up, to give to one who is good before God, even this, was vanity, and a feeding on wind.

Daniel 2:20-21

Daniel responded, and said, Let the name of God be blessed from age to age, - in that wisdom and might, to him belong; And, he, changeth times and seasons, removeth kings, and setteth up kings, - giving wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to them who are skilled in understanding:

Daniel 1:8-17

But Daniel laid it upon his heart, that he would not defile himself with the delicacies of the king, nor with the wine which he drank, - therefore sought he of the ruler of the eunuchs, that he might not defile himself. But, although God had brought Daniel into lovingkindness and tender compassion, before the ruler of the eunuchs, yet said the ruler of the eunuchs unto Daniel, I do fear my lord the king, who hath appointed your food and your drink, - for why should he see your faces more sad than those of the youths of your own age? so should ye bring me under the penalty of mine own head unto the king. read more.
Then said Daniel, unto the overseer whom the ruler of the eunuchs had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah: I pray thee - prove thy servants, ten days, - and let them give us vegetable food, that we may eat, and water that we may drink: then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenances of the youths who have been eating the delicacies of the king, - and, as thou shalt see, deal thou with thy servants. So then he hearkened unto them, according to this word, - and proved them ten-days; and, at the end of ten days, their countenances appeared more comely, and fatter in flesh, - than any of the youths who had been eating the delicacies of the king. Thus it came about that the overseer continued taking away their delicacies, and the wine appointed them to drink, - and kept on giving them vegetable food. And, as for these four youths, God, gave them, knowledge and skill, in all learning and wisdom, - and, Daniel, had discernment, in all visions and dreams.

Wisdom » Where wisdom is found

Proverbs 10:13

In the lips of the intelligent, is found wisdom, but, a rod, is for the back of him that lacketh sense.

Proverbs 14:33

In the heart of the intelligent, reposeth wisdom, but, in the midst of dullards, it maketh itself known.

Job 12:9-16

Who knoweth not, among all these, that, the hand of Yahweh, hath done this? In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the spirit of all the flesh of men. Doth not, the ear, try, words? even as, the palate, tasteth for itself, food? read more.
In the Ancient, is wisdom, and in Length of Days, understanding: With Him, are wisdom and strength, to Him, pertain counsel and understanding. Lo! He pulleth down, and it cannot be built, He closeth up over a man, and it cannot be opened: Lo! He holdeth back the waters, and they dry up, or sendeth them out, and they transform the earth: With Him, is strength and effective wisdom, to Him, belong he that erreth, and he that causeth to err.

Job 28:20-28

Whence then cometh, wisdom? And where is the place of understanding? Seeing it hath been hid from the eyes of every living thing, and, from the bird of the heavens, hath it been concealed? Destruction and death, have said, With our ears, have we heard the report thereof! read more.
GOD, understandeth the way thereof, and, he, discerneth the place thereof; For, he, unto the ends of the earth, directeth his look, under all the heavens, he seeth; Making, for the wind, a weight, and, the waters, he proved by measure, When he made, for the rain, a decree, and a way for the lightning of thunders, Then, saw he it, and declared it, He settled it, yea also he searched it out; And said to the son of earth, Lo! the reverence of the Lord, that, is wisdom, and, to avoid evil, is understanding.

Wisdom » True wisdom, general references to » Call of

Proverbs 1:20

Wisdom, in the open place, soundeth forth, in the broadways, she raiseth her voice;

Proverbs 8:1

Doth not, wisdom, cry aloud? and, understanding, send forth her voice?

Proverbs 9:3

hath sent forth her maidens, She crieth aloud, upon the tops of the heights of the city:

Wisdom » True wisdom, general references to » Experience augments

Proverbs 1:20

Wisdom, in the open place, soundeth forth, in the broadways, she raiseth her voice;

Job 32:7

I said, Days, should speak, - and, the multitude of years, should make known wisdom.

Wisdom » Being wise

Proverbs 27:11

Be wise, my son, and rejoice my heart, that I may answer him that reproacheth me in a matter.

Wisdom » Of solomon

1 Kings 5:12

And, Yahweh, gave wisdom unto Solomon, as he promised him, - and it came to pass that there was peace between Hiram and Solomon, and, they two, solemnised a covenant.

1 Kings 3:16-28

Then, came there in two unchaste women, unto the king, - and stood before him. And the one woman said - Pardon, my lord! I and this woman, dwell in one house, - and I gave birth to a child near her, in the house. And it came to pass, the third day after I bare, that, this woman also, gave birth to a child, - we two, being together, there was no stranger with us in the house, none but we two in the house. read more.
And this woman's son died in the night, - because she overlaid it. Then arose she, in the middle of the night, and took my son from beside me, while thy handmaid was sleeping, and laid it in her own besom, - but, her dead son, laid she in, my, bosom. And, when I arose in the morning, to give suck unto my child, lo! it was dead! but, when I looked at it narrowly in the morning, lo! it was not, my son that I had borne. Then said the other woman - Nay! but, my son, is the, living, and, thy son, the, dead. But, this, one kept on saying - Nay, verily! but, thy son, is the, dead, and, my son, the, living. Thus spake they before the king. Then said the king, The one woman, is saying, This, is, my son, the one that liveth, and, thy son, is, the one that is dead, - and, the other, is saying, Nay! but, thy son, is, the dead one, and, my son, the, living. And the king said - Bring me a sword! So they brought a sword before the king. Then said the king, Divide the living child, in twain, - and give half to the one, and half to the other. Then spake the woman, whose was the living child, unto the king - for tender became her compassions over her son - so she said - Pardon, my lord! Give, her, the living child, and do not, kill, it. But the other kept on saying - Neither mine, nor thine, shall it be, divide it. Then responded the king, and said - Give, her, the living child, ye shall not, kill, it, - she, is its mother. And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had delivered, and they stood in awe before the king, - for they saw, that, the wisdom of God, was in him, to execute justice.

1 Kings 3:12

lo! I have done according to thy word, - lo! I have given unto thee a wise and discerning heart, so that, like thee, hath been none, before thee, and, after thee, shall rise up none, like thee.

1 Kings 4:29-34

And God gave wisdom unto Solomon, and discernment, and very great largeness of heart, - like the sand that is on the shore of the sea: so that, the wisdom of Solomon, excelled, the wisdom of all the sons of the East, - and all the wisdom of the Egyptians, so that he was wiser than any man - than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman and Calcol and Darda, sons of Mahol, - and it came to pass that, his name, was throughout all the nations round about. read more.
And he spake three thousand proverbs, - and it came to pass that, his songs, were a thousand and five. And he discoursed of trees - from the cedar that is in Lebanon, even unto the hyssop, that springeth out in the wall, - and he discoursed of beasts and of birds, and of creeping things, and of fishes. And there came in, of all the peoples, to hear the wisdom of Solomon - of all the kings of the earth, who heard his wisdom.

1 Kings 10:24

And, all the earth, did seek the face of Solomon, - to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.

Wisdom » What accompanies wisdom

Proverbs 8:12

I, wisdom, inhabit shrewdness, - and, the knowledge of sagacious things, I gain.

Wisdom » Who despises wisdom

Proverbs 23:9

In the ears of a dullard, do not speak, for he will despise the good sense of thy words.

Wisdom » Those that are wise in their own eyes

Wisdom » True wisdom, general references to » The supreme acquisition

Proverbs 4:7

The principal thing, is wisdom, acquire thou wisdom, With all thine acquisition, acquire thou understanding.

Proverbs 9:1

Wisdom, hath builded her house, hath hewn out her seven pillars;

Wisdom » Not being wise in your own eyes

Wisdom » Of bezaleel

Exodus 36:1

Thus shall Bezaleel and Oholiab work, and every man that is wise-hearted, in whom Yahweh hath put wisdom and understanding, to know how to work any manner of workmanship for the holy service, - according to all that Yahweh hath commanded.

Exodus 31:3-5

and have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom and in understanding, and in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship; to devise skilful designs, to work in gold and in silver, and in bronze; and in the cutting of stones for setting, and in the carving of wood, - to work in all manner of workmanship,

Exodus 35:31-35

and filled him with the spirit of God, - in, wisdom in understanding and in knowledge, and in all manner of execution; to devise skilful designs, - to work in gold and in silver and in bronze; and in the cutting of stones for setting, and in the cutting of wood, - to work in any manner of skilful workmanship, read more.
To teach also, hath be put in his heart, the heart of him, and of Oholiab - son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; hath filled them with wisdom of heart to work all manner of workmanship of cutter, and deviser and embroiderer, in blue and in purple, in crimson and in fine linen and of the weaver, - workers of any manner of workmanship, and devisers of skilful designs.

Wisdom » Those that hear wisdom

Proverbs 1:20-33

Wisdom, in the open place, soundeth forth, in the broadways, she raiseth her voice; At the head of bustling streets, she crieth aloud, - at the openings of the gates in the city - her sayings, she doth utter: - How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and, scoffers, in scoffing, delight them? and, dullards, hate knowledge? read more.
Will ye turn, at my reproof? Lo! I will pour out to you my spirit, I will make known my words to you. Because I called, and ye refused, I stretched out my hand, and no one regarded; But ye dismissed all my counsel, and, to my rebuke, would not yield, I also, at your calamity, will laugh, I will mock, when cometh your dread; When cometh as a crashing your dread, and, your calamity, as a storm-wind, overtaketh, when there come upon you, distress and anguish. Then, will they call me, but I will not answer, they will seek me diligently, but shall not find me. Because they hated knowledge, and, the reverence of Yahweh, did not choose; Consented not to my counsel, disdained all my rebuke, Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and, with their own counsels, be filled. For, the turning away of the simple, will slay them, - and, the carelessness of dullards, will destroy them. Whereas, he that hearkeneth unto me, shall dwell safely, and be at rest, without dread of misfortune.

Proverbs 8:32-34

Now, therefore, ye sons, hearken to me, for how happy are they who, to my ways, pay regard! Hear ye correction, and be wise, and do not neglect. How happy the man that doth hearken to me, - keeping guard at my doors, day by day, watching at the posts of my gates;

Wisdom » True wisdom, general references to » Full of spiritual fruits

Wisdom » Wisdom being better than wealth

Proverbs 8:10-19

Receive my correction, and not silver, and knowledge, rather than choicest gold. For better is wisdom, than ornaments of coral, and, no delightful things, can equal her. I, wisdom, inhabit shrewdness, - and, the knowledge of sagacious things, I gain. read more.
The reverence of Yahweh, is to hate wickedness: pride, arrogance, and the way of wickedness; And a mouth of perverse things, do I hate. Mine, are counsel, and effective working, I, am understanding, mine, is valour: By me, kings reign, and dignitaries decree righteousness; By me, rulers govern, and nobles - all the righteous judges: I love, them who love me, and, they who diligently seek me, find me: Riches and honour, are with me, lordly wealth, and righteousness; Better is my fruit, than gold - yea fine gold, and mine increase, than choice silver;

Wisdom » Of aholiab

Exodus 31:6

I myself, therefore, lo! I have given with him Oholiab, son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan, and in the heart of every one that is wise-hearted, have I put wisdom, - so shall they make all that I have commanded thee -

Exodus 36:1

Thus shall Bezaleel and Oholiab work, and every man that is wise-hearted, in whom Yahweh hath put wisdom and understanding, to know how to work any manner of workmanship for the holy service, - according to all that Yahweh hath commanded.

Exodus 35:34-35

To teach also, hath be put in his heart, the heart of him, and of Oholiab - son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; hath filled them with wisdom of heart to work all manner of workmanship of cutter, and deviser and embroiderer, in blue and in purple, in crimson and in fine linen and of the weaver, - workers of any manner of workmanship, and devisers of skilful designs.

Wisdom » Of joseph

Genesis 41:16

And Joseph answered Pharaoh saying, Not to me, doth it pertain! May, God grant in answer, the prosperity of Pharaoh!

Acts 7:10

And rescued him out of all his tribulations, and gave him favour and wisdom before Pharaoh king of Egypt; and he appointed him governor over Egypt and all his house.

Genesis 41:25-39

Then said Joseph unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh, is, one. What God is about to do hath he announced to Pharaoh. The seven good heifers, are, seven years, and, the seven good ears are, seven years, - the dream, is, one. And the seven lean and uncomely heifers that were coming up after them, are seven years, and the seven lean ears, shrivelled by an east wind, will turn out to be - seven years of famine. read more.
The very word that I spake unto Pharaoh, what, God, is about to do, hath he showed unto Pharaoh. Lo! seven years, coming in, - of great plenty, in all the land of Egypt. Then shall arise seven years of famine, after them, so shall be forgotten all the plenty in the land of Egypt, - and the famine shall consume the land; neither shall the plenty in the land be discernible, because of that famine coming after, - for it shall be livery severe. And for that there was a repeating of the dream unto Pharaoh, twice, it is because the thing, is established, from God, and God is hastening to do it. Now, therefore, let Pharaoh look out a man discreet and wise, - and set him over the land of Egypt. Let Pharaoh do this, that he may appoint overseers over the land, - so shall he take up a fifth of the land of Egypt, during the seven years of plenty. And let them gather up all the food of these seven good years that are coming in, - and let them heap up corn under the hand of Pharaoh as food in cities so shall they keep it. So shall the food become a store for the land, for the seven years of famine which shall come about in the land of Egypt, - and the land shall not be cut off in the famine. And the thing was good in the eyes of Pharaoh, - and in the eyes of all his servants; and Pharaoh said unto his servants, - Can we find such a one, a man in whom is the Spirit of God? So Pharaoh said unto Joseph, After God hath made known unto thee all this, there is no one discreet and wise like thee.

Wisdom » Those that find wisdom

Proverbs 8:32-35

Now, therefore, ye sons, hearken to me, for how happy are they who, to my ways, pay regard! Hear ye correction, and be wise, and do not neglect. How happy the man that doth hearken to me, - keeping guard at my doors, day by day, watching at the posts of my gates; read more.
For, he that findeth me, findeth life, and hath obtained favour from Yahweh;

Wisdom » Those that love wisdom

Proverbs 8:12-21

I, wisdom, inhabit shrewdness, - and, the knowledge of sagacious things, I gain. The reverence of Yahweh, is to hate wickedness: pride, arrogance, and the way of wickedness; And a mouth of perverse things, do I hate. Mine, are counsel, and effective working, I, am understanding, mine, is valour: read more.
By me, kings reign, and dignitaries decree righteousness; By me, rulers govern, and nobles - all the righteous judges: I love, them who love me, and, they who diligently seek me, find me: Riches and honour, are with me, lordly wealth, and righteousness; Better is my fruit, than gold - yea fine gold, and mine increase, than choice silver; In the way of righteousness, I march along, in the middle of the paths of justice: That I may cause them who love me to inherit substance, and, their treasuries, I may fill.

Wisdom » Who is wise in their own conceit

Proverbs 26:16

Wiser is the sluggard in his own eyes, than, seven persons, who can answer with judgment.

Wisdom » Those that lack wisdom

Proverbs 11:12

He that sheweth contempt for his neighbour, lacketh sense, but, a man of understanding, observeth silence.

Proverbs 15:21

Folly, is joy to him that lacketh sense, - but, a man of understanding, taketh a straight course.

Wisdom » Getting wisdom

Proverbs 4:7

The principal thing, is wisdom, acquire thou wisdom, With all thine acquisition, acquire thou understanding.

Wisdom » Of hiram

1 Kings 7:14

son of a widow woman, was he of the tribe of Naphtali, but, his father, was a man of Tyre, a worker in bronze, and he was filled with wisdom, and discernment, and knowledge, for executing all manner of work in bronze, - so he came unto King Solomon, and executed all his work.

2 Chronicles 2:14

son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, whose father was a man of Tyre, skilled to work in gold and in silver, in bronze, in iron, in stones and in timber, in purple, in blue and in fine white linen, and in crimson, and to grave any manner of graving, and to devise any manner of device that may be given to him, with thy wise men, and the wise men of my lord David thy father.

Wisdom » Not making yourself over wise

Ecclesiastes 7:16

Do not become so very righteous, neither count thyself wise beyond measure, - wherefore shouldst thou destroy thyself?

Wisdom » The time when wisdom enters into your heart

Proverbs 2:10-20

When wisdom entereth thy heart, and, knowledge, to thy soul, is sweet, Discretion, shall watch over thee, understanding, shall preserve thee: - To rescue thee from the way of the wrongful, from the man that speaketh perverse things; read more.
From them who forsake the paths of rectitude, to walk in this ways of darkness; Who rejoice to do wrong, exult in the perversities of the wrongful; Whose paths, are twisted, and they are tortuous in their tracks: To rescue thee, from the woman that is a stranger, from the female unknown, who with her speeches seduceth; Who forsaketh the friend of her youth, and, the covenant of her God, hath forgotten; For she hath appointed, unto death, her house, and unto the shades, her courses; None who go in unto her, come back, neither attain they unto the paths of life: To the end that thou walk in the way of good men, and, the paths of the righteous, that thou observe.

Wisdom » The revenue of wisdom

Proverbs 8:12-19

I, wisdom, inhabit shrewdness, - and, the knowledge of sagacious things, I gain. The reverence of Yahweh, is to hate wickedness: pride, arrogance, and the way of wickedness; And a mouth of perverse things, do I hate. Mine, are counsel, and effective working, I, am understanding, mine, is valour: read more.
By me, kings reign, and dignitaries decree righteousness; By me, rulers govern, and nobles - all the righteous judges: I love, them who love me, and, they who diligently seek me, find me: Riches and honour, are with me, lordly wealth, and righteousness; Better is my fruit, than gold - yea fine gold, and mine increase, than choice silver;

Wisdom » The reward for despising wisdom

Proverbs 1:20-32

Wisdom, in the open place, soundeth forth, in the broadways, she raiseth her voice; At the head of bustling streets, she crieth aloud, - at the openings of the gates in the city - her sayings, she doth utter: - How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and, scoffers, in scoffing, delight them? and, dullards, hate knowledge? read more.
Will ye turn, at my reproof? Lo! I will pour out to you my spirit, I will make known my words to you. Because I called, and ye refused, I stretched out my hand, and no one regarded; But ye dismissed all my counsel, and, to my rebuke, would not yield, I also, at your calamity, will laugh, I will mock, when cometh your dread; When cometh as a crashing your dread, and, your calamity, as a storm-wind, overtaketh, when there come upon you, distress and anguish. Then, will they call me, but I will not answer, they will seek me diligently, but shall not find me. Because they hated knowledge, and, the reverence of Yahweh, did not choose; Consented not to my counsel, disdained all my rebuke, Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and, with their own counsels, be filled. For, the turning away of the simple, will slay them, - and, the carelessness of dullards, will destroy them.

Wisdom » The reward for trusting in your own wisdom

Isaiah 47:10-11

And so thou didst trust in thy wickedness, Thou saidst, no one, seeth me, Thy wisdom and knowledge, the same, seduced thee, - Therefore saidst thou in thy heart, I am , and there is no one besides. Therefore shall come on thee - Mischief, Thou shalt not know how to charm it away Yea there shall fall on thee, Ruin, Thou shalt not be able to appease it, - And there shall come on thee suddenly. Desolation. Thou shalt not know.

Wisdom » The attributes of wisdom

Proverbs 8:1-31

Doth not, wisdom, cry aloud? and, understanding, send forth her voice? At the top of the high places above the way, at the place where paths meet, she taketh her stand: Beside the gates, at the entrance of the city, - at the going in of the openings, she shouteth: - read more.
Unto you, O men, I call, and, my voice, is unto the sons of men; Understand, ye simple ones, shrewdness, and, ye dullards understand sense; Hear, for, princely things, will I speak, and the opening of my lips shall be of equity; For, faithfulness, shall my mouth softly utter, but, the abomination of my lips, shall be lawlessness; In righteousness, shall be all the sayings of my mouth, nothing therein, shall be crafty or perverse; All of them, shall be plain, to them who would understand, and just, to such as would gain knowledge. Receive my correction, and not silver, and knowledge, rather than choicest gold. For better is wisdom, than ornaments of coral, and, no delightful things, can equal her. I, wisdom, inhabit shrewdness, - and, the knowledge of sagacious things, I gain. The reverence of Yahweh, is to hate wickedness: pride, arrogance, and the way of wickedness; And a mouth of perverse things, do I hate. Mine, are counsel, and effective working, I, am understanding, mine, is valour: By me, kings reign, and dignitaries decree righteousness; By me, rulers govern, and nobles - all the righteous judges: I love, them who love me, and, they who diligently seek me, find me: Riches and honour, are with me, lordly wealth, and righteousness; Better is my fruit, than gold - yea fine gold, and mine increase, than choice silver; In the way of righteousness, I march along, in the middle of the paths of justice: That I may cause them who love me to inherit substance, and, their treasuries, I may fill. Yahweh, had constituted me the beginning of his way, before his works, at the commencement of that time; At the outset of the ages, had I been established, in advance of the antiquities of the earth; When there was no resounding deep, I had been brought forth, when there were no fountains, abounding with water; Ere yet the mountains had been settled, before the hills, had I been brought forth; Or ever he had made the land and the wastes, or the top of the dry parts of the world: When he prepared the heavens, there, was I! When he decreed a vault upon the face of the resounding deep; When he made firm the skies above, when the fountains of the resounding deep, waxed strong; When he fixed for the sea its bound, that, the waters, should not go beyond his bidding, when he decreed the foundations of the earth: - Then became I beside him, a firm and sure worker, then became I filled with delight, day by day, exulting before him on every occasion; Exulting in the fruitful land of his earth, Yea, my fulness of delight, was with the sons of men.

Wisdom » True wisdom, general references to » The scriptures the source of

Wisdom » There being no wisdom against the lord

Wisdom » What gives wisdom

Wisdom » Ceasing from your own wisdom

Wisdom » What the wise should not do

Jeremiah 9:23

Thus, saith Yahweh Let not, the wise man, glory in his wisdom, Neither let, the mighty man, glory, in his might, - Let not, the rich man, glory in his riches;

Wisdom » The wisdom of the prudent

Wisdom » The wellspring of wisdom

Proverbs 18:4

Deep waters, are the words of a man's mouth, - a bubbling brook, the well-spring of wisdom.

Wisdom » Those that get wisdom

Proverbs 19:8

He that acquireth sense, loveth his own soul, he that guardeth understanding, shall find blessing.

Wisdom » Who is not wise

Wisdom » Who does not find wisdom

Wisdom » Of daniel

Daniel 1:17

And, as for these four youths, God, gave them, knowledge and skill, in all learning and wisdom, - and, Daniel, had discernment, in all visions and dreams.

Daniel 5:14

Then, I have heard concerning thee, that, the spirit of the gods, is in thee, - and, light and intelligence and distinguished wisdom, are found in thee.

Wisdom » Bonding with wisdom

Proverbs 7:4

Say unto wisdom, My sister, thou! and, an acquaintance, call thou, understanding:

Wisdom » The price of wisdom

Job 28:12-19

Yet where can, Wisdom, be found? And where is the place of understanding? Mortal knoweth not the way thereof, neither can it be found in the land of the living; The resounding deep, hath said, It is not in me! And, the sea, hath said, It is not with me! read more.
Pure gold cannot be given in its stead, neither can silver he weighed as the value thereof; It cannot be put into the scales against the gold of Ophir, with costly onyx, or sapphire; Neither gold nor crystal can compare with it, nor can, the exchange thereof, be a vessel of pure gold, Coral or crystal, cannot be mentioned, Yea, a possession, is wisdom, above red coral; The topaz of Ethiopia cannot compare with it, Against purest gold, can it not be weighed.

Wisdom » Wisdom belonging to God

Daniel 2:20

Daniel responded, and said, Let the name of God be blessed from age to age, - in that wisdom and might, to him belong;

Wisdom » True wisdom, general references to » Apprehends divine truth

Hosea 14:9

Who is wise, that he may understand these things? intelligent, that he may take knowledge of them? For, straightforward, are the ways of Yahweh, and, the righteous, shall travel therein, but, transgressors, shall stumble therein.

Wisdom » True wisdom, general references to » The fear of God constitutes

Wisdom » Of the princes of the tribe of issachar

1 Chronicles 12:32

And, of the sons of Issachar, such as were of good understanding of the times, to know what Israel, should do, their chiefs, were two hundred, and, all their brethren, were at their bidding.

Wisdom » Of the magi (wise men from the east)

Matthew 2:1-12

Now, when, Jesus, was born in Bethlehem of Judaea, in the days of Herod the king, lo! wise men from eastern parts, came into Jerusalem: saying - Where is he that hath been born king of the Jews? for we saw his star in the east, and have come to bow down to him. But, when King Herod heard, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; read more.
and, assembling all the high-priests and scribes of the people, he was enquiring of them - Where is, the Christ, to be born? And, they, said to him, In Bethlehem of Judaea, - for, so, is it written through the prophet: And, thou, Bethlehem, land of Judah, by no means least, art thou, among the governors of Judah, - For, out of thee, shall one come forth to govern, Who shall shepherd my people Israel. Then Herod, privately, calling the wise men, ascertained from them the time of the appearing star; and sending them to Bethlehem, said - Go search out accurately concerning the child, - and, as soon as ye find it, bring report unto me, that, I also, may come and bow myself down to it. Now, they, hearing the king, went, and lo! the star which they had seen in the east, was going before them, until it went and stood over where the child was; and, seeing the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy; and, coming into the house, they saw the child, with Mary its mother, - and, falling down, prostrated themselves unto it, and, opening their treasures, offered unto it gifts - gold and frankincense and myrrh; and, being instructed by dream, not to return unto Herod, by another way, retired they unto their own country.

Wisdom » Of ethan, heman, chalcol, and darda

1 Kings 4:31

so that he was wiser than any man - than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman and Calcol and Darda, sons of Mahol, - and it came to pass that, his name, was throughout all the nations round about.

Wisdom » God being mighty in wisdom

Job 36:5

Lo! GOD, is mighty, yet will he not despise, Mighty in vigour of mind;

Wisdom » Who is not always wise

Wisdom » Of ezra

Ezra 7:25

And, thou, Ezra, according to the wisdom of thy God that is in thy hand, appoint thou judges and magistrates, who shall administer justice to all the people that are Beyond the River, to all who know the law of thy God, - and, whoso knoweth not, ye shall teach.

Wisdom » Of women

Exodus 35:26

And, all the women whose hearts lifted them up with wisdom, span the goats-hair.

Wisdom » Of paul

2 Peter 3:15

And account, our Lord's long suffering, to be salvation: - even as, our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given unto him, hath written unto you;

Wisdom » Of other skilled artisans

Exodus 36:2

So then Moses called upon Bezaleel, and upon Oholiab, and upon every man that was wise-hearted, in whose heart Yahweh had put wisdom, - every one whose heart lifted him up, to draw near unto the work, to do it.

Wisdom » of moses

Topics on Wisdom

Acquiring Wisdom

Proverbs 4:7

The principal thing, is wisdom, acquire thou wisdom, With all thine acquisition, acquire thou understanding.

Benefits Of Wisdom

Ecclesiastes 7:19

Wisdom, bringeth more strength to a wise man, than ten heroes, that are in the city.

God's Word Gives Wisdom

Deuteronomy 4:6

Therefore shall ye observe, and do them , for that, will be your wisdom, and discernment, in the eyes of the peoples, - who will hear all these statutes, and will say - Nevertheless, a people wise and discerning, is this great nation.

God, Wisdom Of

Isaiah 28:29

Even this, from Yahweh of hosts, cometh forth, - Who hath bestowed distinction upon counsel, And magnified sound wisdom.

Kings And Wisdom

Proverbs 8:15

By me, kings reign, and dignitaries decree righteousness;

Man's Wisdom

Psalm 37:30

The mouth of a righteous man, softly uttereth wisdom, and, his tongue, speaketh justice:

Teaching Wisdom

Psalm 105:22

That he might bind his rulers as he pleased, And, his elders, he might embue with wisdom.

The Holy Spirit, Source Of Wisdom

Job 32:6-9

So then Elihu, son of Barachel, the Buzite, responded and said: - Young, am I, whereas, ye, are aged, For this cause, I faltered, and feared - to shew my knowledge unto you:

Wisdom, Human Importance

Proverbs 4:7

The principal thing, is wisdom, acquire thou wisdom, With all thine acquisition, acquire thou understanding.

Wisdom, Human Nature

Exodus 36:1

Thus shall Bezaleel and Oholiab work, and every man that is wise-hearted, in whom Yahweh hath put wisdom and understanding, to know how to work any manner of workmanship for the holy service, - according to all that Yahweh hath commanded.

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