'Crushed' in the Bible
And there will be war between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed: by him will your head be crushed and by you his foot will be wounded.
And through all the land of Egypt the ice-storm came down on everything which was in the fields, on man and on beast; and every green plant was crushed and every tree of the field broken.
And the face of the earth will be covered with them, so that you will not be able to see the earth: and they will be the destruction of everything which up to now has not been damaged, everything which was not crushed by the ice-storm, and every tree still living in your fields.
When you are lifted up in power, all those who come against you are crushed: when you send out your wrath, they are burned up like dry grass.
And put some of it, crushed very small, in front of the ark in the Tent of meeting, where I will come face to face with you; it is to be most holy.
And if you give a meal offering of first-fruits to the Lord, give, as your offering of first-fruits, new grain, made dry with fire, crushed new grain.
You may have as food any beast which has a division in the horn of its foot, and whose food comes back into its mouth to be crushed again.
And he is to take a vessel full of burning coal from the altar before the Lord and in his hand some sweet perfume crushed small, and take it inside the veil;
An animal which has its sex parts damaged or crushed or broken or cut, may not be offered to the Lord; such a thing may not be done anywhere in your land.
Then let them take a young ox and its meal offering, crushed grain mixed with oil, and take another ox for a sin-offering.
Say to them, then, When the best of it is lifted up on high, it is to be put to the account of the Levites as the increase of the grain-floor and of the place where the grapes are crushed.
And I took your sin, the image which you had made, and put it in the fire and had it hammered and crushed very small till it was only dust: and the dust I put in the stream flowing down from the mountain.
Any beast which has a division in the horn of its foot and whose food comes back into its mouth to be crushed again, may be used for food.
No one is to take, on account of a debt, the stones with which grain is crushed: for in doing so he takes a man's living.
You will go feeling your way when the sun is high, like a blind man for whom all is dark, and nothing will go well for you: you will be crushed and made poor for ever, and you will have no saviour.
The fruit of your land and all the work of your hands will be food for a nation which is strange to you and to your fathers; you will only be crushed down and kept under for ever:
And all the meeting of the children of Israel came together at Shiloh and put up the Tent of meeting there: and the land was crushed before them.
Now the angel of the Lord came and took his seat under the oak-tree in Ophrah, in the field of Joash the Abiezrite; and his son Gideon was crushing grain in the place where the grapes were crushed, so that the Midianites might not see it.
Then Gideon said, Because of this, when the Lord has given Zebah and Zalmunna into my hands, I will have you stretched on a bed of thorns of the waste land and on sharp stems, and have you crushed as grain is crushed on a grain-floor.
Then he took the responsible men of the town and had them crushed on a bed of thorns and sharp stems.
And they went out into their fields and got in the fruit of their vines, and when the grapes had been crushed, they made a holy feast and went into the house of their god, and over their food and drink they were cursing Abimelech.
And that year the children of Israel were crushed under their yoke; for eighteen years all the children of Israel on the other side of Jordan, in the land of the Amorites which is in Gilead, were cruelly crushed down.
And he made an attack on them from Aroer all the way to Minnith, overrunning twenty towns, as far as Abel-cheramim, and put great numbers to the sword. So the children of Ammon were crushed before the children of Israel.
And when he saw her he was overcome with grief, and said, Ah! my daughter! I am crushed with sorrow, and it is you who are the chief cause of my trouble; for I have made an oath to the Lord and I may not take it back.
Here I am: give witness against me before the Lord and before the man on whom he has put the holy oil: whose ox or ass have I taken? to whom have I been untrue? who has been crushed down by me? from whose hand have I taken a price for the blinding of my eyes? I will give it all back to you.
When Jacob and his sons had come into Egypt, and were crushed by the Egyptians, the prayers of your fathers came up to the Lord, and the Lord sent Moses and Aaron, who took your fathers out of Egypt, and he put them into this place.
And a woman put a cover over the hole, and put crushed grain on top of it, and no one had any knowledge of it.
Then they were crushed as small as the dust of the earth, stamped down under my feet like the waste of the streets.
And the amount of Solomon's food for one day was thirty measures of crushed grain and sixty measures of meal;
And the king gave authority to that captain, on whose arm he was supported, to have control over the doorway into the town; but he was crushed to death there under the feet of the people, as the man of God had said when the king went down to him.
And such was his fate; for he was crushed to death under the feet of the people, in the doorway into the town.
And he said, Take her and put her out of the window. So they sent her down with force, and her blood went in a shower on the wall and on the horses; and she was crushed under their feet.
Then Jehoahaz made prayer to the Lord, and the Lord gave ear to him, for he saw how cruelly Israel was crushed by the king of Aram.
And Israel was crushed under the power of Hazael, king of Aram, all the days of Jehoahaz.
He had the high places taken away, and the stone pillars broken to bits, and the Asherah cut down; and the brass snake which Moses had made was crushed to powder at his order, because in those days the children of Israel had offerings burned before it, and he gave it the name Nehushtan.
And the altars on the roof of the high room of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah had made, and the altars which Manasseh had made in the two outer squares of the house of the Lord, were pulled down and crushed to bits, and the dust of them was put into the stream Kidron.
And the altar at Beth-el, and the high place put up by Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who made Israel do evil, that altar and that high place were pulled down; and the high place was burned and crushed to dust and the Asherah was burned.
The holy bread was in their care, and the crushed grain for the meal offering, of unleavened cakes or meal cooked over the fire or in water; they had control of all sorts of weights and measures;
He had the altars of the Baals broken down, while he himself was present; and the sun-images which were placed on high over them he had cut down; and the pillars of wood and the metal images he had broken up and crushed to dust, dropping the dust over the resting-places of the dead who had made offerings to them.
He had the altars and the pillars of wood pulled down and the images crushed to dust, and all the sun-images cut down, through all the land of Israel, and then he went back to Jerusalem.
Now the food made ready for one day was one ox and six fat sheep, as well as fowls; and once in ten days a store of all sorts of wine: but all the same, I did not take the food to which the ruler had a right, because the people were crushed under a hard yoke.
How much more those living in houses of earth, whose bases are in the dust! They are crushed more quickly than an insect;
Now his children have no safe place, and they are crushed before the judges, for no one takes up their cause.
For I would be crushed by his storm, my wounds would be increased without cause.
The stones are crushed small by the force of the waters; the dust of the earth is washed away by their overflowing: and so you put an end to the hope of man.
The crushed are turned out of the way; all the poor of the earth go into a secret place together.
Have I not been weeping for the crushed? and was not my soul sad for him who was in need?
For he has knowledge of their works, overturning them in the night, so that they are crushed.
His eyes are ever on the upright, and he gives to the crushed their right;
Without a thought that they may be crushed by the foot, and broken by the beasts of the field?
Let my hater go after my soul and take it; let my life be crushed to the earth, and my honour into the dust. (Selah.)
The Lord will be a high tower for those who are crushed down, a high tower in times of trouble;
For the poor will not be without help; the hopes of those in need will not be crushed for ever.
The upright are crushed and made low, and the feeble are overcome by his strong ones.
Then they were crushed as small as dust before the wind; they were drained out like the waste of the streets.
The Lord is near the broken-hearted; he is the saviour of those whose spirits are crushed down.
Why are you crushed down, O my soul? and why are you troubled in me? put your hope in God; for I will again give him praise who is my help and my God.
My soul is crushed down in me, so I will keep you in mind; from the land of Jordan and of the Hermons, from the hill Mizar.
Why are you crushed down, O my soul? and why are you troubled in me? put your hope in God; for I will again give him praise who is my help and my God.
Why are you crushed down, O my soul? and why are you troubled in me? put your hope in God, for I will again give him praise who is my help and my God.
Through you will we overcome our haters; by your name will they be crushed under our feet who are violent against us.
Though you have let us be crushed in the place of jackals, though we are covered with darkest shade.
For our souls are crushed down to the dust: our bodies are stretched out on the earth.
By the power of your hand the earth is shaking and broken; make it strong again, for it is moved.
The heads of the haters of God will be crushed; even the head of him who still goes on in his evil ways.
My tongue will be talking of your righteousness all the day; for those whose purpose is to do me evil have been crushed and put to shame.
May he be a judge of the poor among the people, may he give salvation to the children of those who are in need; by him let the violent be crushed.
The heads of the great snake were crushed by you; you gave them as food to the fishes of the sea.
O let not the crushed be turned back in shame; let the low man and the poor give praise to your name.
Rahab was crushed by you like one wounded to death; with your strong arm you put to flight all your haters.
I will have those who are against him broken before his face, and his haters will be crushed under my blows.
In their hands they will keep you up, so that your foot may not be crushed against a stone.
You will put your foot on the lion and the snake; the young lion and the great snake will be crushed under your feet.
Your people are crushed by them, O Lord, your heritage is troubled,
By them they were crushed, and made low under their hands.
And when they are made low, and crushed by trouble and sorrow,
Take your servant's interests into your keeping; let me not be crushed by the men of pride.
Who gives their rights to those who are crushed down; and gives food to those who are in need of it: the Lord makes the prisoners free;
A glad heart makes a healthy body, but a crushed spirit makes the bones dry.
Do not take away the property of the poor man because he is poor, or be cruel to the crushed ones when they come before the judge:
Even if a foolish man is crushed with a hammer in a vessel among crushed grain, still his foolish ways will not go from him.
Your new moons and your regular feasts are a grief to my soul: they are a weight in my spirit; I am crushed under them.
And the people will be crushed, every one by his neighbour; the young will be full of pride against the old, and those of low position will be lifted up against the noble.
Who do wrong to the poor in their cause, and take away the right of the crushed among my people, so that they may have the property of widows, and get under their power those who have no father.
But you, like a birth before its time, are stretched out with no resting-place in the earth; clothed with the bodies of the dead who have been put to the sword, who go down to the lowest parts of the underworld; a dead body, crushed under foot.
To let the Assyrian be broken in my land, and crushed under foot on my mountains: there will his yoke be taken away from them, and his rule over them come to an end.
For this cause everyone in Moab will give cries of grief for Moab: crushed to the earth, they will be weeping for the men of Kir-hareseth.
And the makers of twisted thread will be crushed, and those who ... will be sad in heart.
O my crushed ones, the grain of my floor! I have given you the word which came to me from the Lord of armies, the God of Israel.
And he said, There is no more joy for you, O crushed virgin daughter of Zidon: up! go over to Kittim; even there you will have no rest.
For you have been a strong place for the poor and the crushed in their trouble, a safe place from the storm, a shade from the heat, when the wrath of the cruel ones is like a winter storm.
For in this mountain will the hand of the Lord come to rest, and Moab will be crushed down in his place, even as the dry stems of the grain are crushed under foot in the waste place.
And the strong tower of your walls has been broken by him, made low, and crushed even to the dust.
It will be crushed under the feet of the poor and the steps of those who are in need.
So by this will the sin of Jacob be covered, and this is all the fruit of taking away his punishment; when all the stones of the altar are crushed together, so that the wood pillars and the sun-images will not be put up again.
The crown of pride of those who are given up to wine in Ephraim will be crushed under foot;
For the fitches are not crushed with a sharp instrument, and a cart-wheel is not rolled over the cummin; but the grain of the fitches is hammered out with a stick, and of the cummin with a rod.
Is the grain for bread crushed? He does not go on crushing it for ever, but he lets his cart-wheels and his horses go over it without crushing it.
I make cries like a bird; I give out sounds of grief like a dove: my eyes are looking up with desire; O Lord, I am crushed, take up my cause.
The poor and crushed are looking for water where no water is, and their tongue is dry for need of it: I the Lord will give ear to their prayer, I the God of Israel will not give them up.
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