'Greater' in the Bible
And God made the two great lights: the greater light to be the ruler of the day, and the smaller light to be the ruler of the night: and he made the stars.
And Cain said, My punishment is greater than my strength.
Then Jacob took Rachel as his wife, and his love for her was greater than his love for Leah; and he went on working for Laban for another seven years.
Now the love which Israel had for Joseph was greater than his love for all his other children, because he got him when he was an old man: and he had a long coat made for him.
Now Joseph had a dream, and he gave his brothers an account of it, which made their hate greater than ever.
And his brothers said to him, Are you to be our king? will you have authority over us? And because of his dream and his words, their hate for him became greater than ever.
You, then, are to be over my house, and all my people will be ruled by your word: only as king will I be greater than you.
But his father would not, saying, I am doing it on purpose, my son; he will certainly become a nation and a great one; but his younger brother will be greater than he, and his seed will become a great family of nations.
And he said to his people, See, the people of Israel are greater in number and in power than we are:
Let us take care for fear that their numbers may become even greater, and if there is a war, they may be joined with those who are against us, and make an attack on us, and go up out of the land.
Now I am certain that the Lord is greater than all gods, for he has overcome them in their pride.
But if the bright mark keeps in the same place and gets no greater, it is the mark of the old wound, and the priest will say that he is clean.
And if the bright place keeps the same size and gets no greater on the skin, but is less bright, it is the effect of the burn, and the priest will say that he is clean: it is the mark of the burn.
And I will have pleasure in you and make you fertile and greater in number; and I will keep my agreement with you.
I will send disease on them for their destruction, and take away their heritage, and I will make of you a nation greater and stronger than they.
Come now, in answer to my prayer, and put a curse on this people, for they are greater than I: and then I may be strong enough to overcome them and send them out of the land: for it is clear that good comes to him who has your blessing, but he on whom you put your curse is cursed.
So Balak sent more chiefs, greater in number and of higher position than the others.
To those families who are more in number, give a greater heritage; to those who are less in number, a smaller part: to every one let the heritage be given in relation to the number in his family.
And you will take up your heritage in the land by the decision of the Lord, to every family its part; the greater the family the greater its heritage, and the smaller the family the smaller will be its heritage; wherever the decision of the Lord gives to any man his part, that will be his; distribution will be made to you by your fathers' tribes.
And these towns are to be given out of the heritage of the children of Israel, taking the greater number from those who have much, and a smaller number from those who have little: everyone, in the measure of his heritage, is to give of his property to the Levites.
May the Lord, the God of your fathers, make you a thousand times greater in number than you are, and give you his blessing as he has said!
Where are we going up? Our brothers have made our hearts feeble with fear by saying, The people are greater and taller than we are, and the towns are great and walled up to heaven; and more than this, we have seen the sons of the Anakim there.
Driving out before you nations greater and stronger than you, to take you into their land and give it to you for your heritage, as at this day.
When the Lord your God takes you into the land where you are going, which is to be your heritage, and has sent out the nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and stronger than you;
You will have greater blessings than any other people: no male or female among you or among your cattle will be without offspring.
If you say in your hearts, These nations are greater in number than we are: how are we to take their land from them?
Give ear, O Israel: today you are to go over Jordan, to take the heritage of nations greater and stronger than yourselves, and towns of great size with walls as high as heaven;
Let me send destruction on them till their very name is cut off; and I will make of you a nation greater and stronger than they.
Then the Lord will send these nations in flight before you, and you will take the lands of nations greater and stronger than yourselves.
When you go out to war against other nations, and come face to face with horses and war-carriages and armies greater in number than yourselves, have no fear of them: for the Lord your God is with you, who took you up out of the land of Egypt.
He was in great fear, because Gibeon was a great town, like one of the king's towns, greater than Ai, and all the men in it were men of war.
Blessings be on Jael, more than on all women! Blessings greater than on any in the tents!
How much more if the people had freely taken their food from the goods of those who were fighting against them! would there not have been much greater destruction among the Philistines?
And Saul's fear of David became all the greater, and he went on hating him, day by day.
And when the boy had gone, David came from his secret place by the hill, and falling to the earth went down on his face three times: and they gave one another a kiss, weeping together, till David's grief was the greater.
I am full of grief for you, my brother Jonathan: very dear have you been to me: your love for me was a wonder, greater than the love of women.
And David became greater and greater; for the Lord, the God of armies, was with him.
Then Amnon was full of hate for her, hating her with a hate greater than his earlier love for her. And he said to her, Get up and be gone.
As the Lord has been with my lord the king, even so may he be with Solomon and make the seat of his authority greater than that of my lord King David.
And the king's servants came to our lord King David, blessing him and saying, May God make the name of Solomon better than your name, and the seat of his authority greater than your seat; and the king was bent low in worship on his bed.
And Solomon's wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the people of the East and all the wisdom of Egypt.
But I had no faith in what was said about you, till I came and saw for myself; and now I see that it was not half the story; your wisdom and your wealth are much greater than they said.
And King Solomon was greater than all the kings of the earth in wealth and in wisdom.
And David became greater and greater in power, because the Lord of armies was with him.
And of the children of Benjamin, the brothers of Saul, three thousand; for up to that time the greater part of them had been true to Saul.
Now see, poor though I am, I have got ready for the house of the Lord a hundred thousand talents of gold and a million talents of silver; and a weight of brass and iron greater than may be measured; and wood and stone have I made ready, and you may put more to it.
And the house which I am building is to be great, for our God is greater than all gods.
And the greater house was roofed with cypress-wood, plated with the best gold and ornamented with designs of palm-trees and chains.
And he made the most holy place; it was twenty cubits long, and twenty cubits wide, like the greater house, and was plated all over with the best gold; six hundred talents were used for it.
But I had no faith in what was said about you, till I came and saw for myself; and truly, word was not given me of half your great wisdom; you are much greater than they said.
And King Solomon was greater than all the kings of the earth in wealth and in wisdom.
And Asa made prayer to the Lord his God and said, Lord, you only are able to give help against the strong to him who has no strength; come to our help, O Lord our God, for our hope is in you, and in your name we have come out against this great army. O Lord, you are our God; let not man's power be greater than yours.
Jehoshaphat became greater and greater, and made strong towers and store-towns in Judah.
And said to them, You are not to let these prisoners come here; for what you are designing to do will be a cause of sin against the Lord to us, making even greater our sin and our wrongdoing, which now are great enough, and his wrath is burning against Israel.
Be strong and take heart; have no fear, and do not be troubled on account of the king of Assyria and all the great army with him: for there is a greater with us.
For Mordecai was great in the king's house, and word of him went out through every part of the kingdom: for the man Mordecai became greater and greater.
And of cattle he had seven thousand sheep and goats, and three thousand camels, and a thousand oxen, and five hundred she-asses, and a very great number of servants. And the man was greater than any of the sons of the east.
There is no need to say anything about coral or crystal; and the value of wisdom is greater than that of pearls.
Truly, in saying this you are wrong; for God is greater than man.
Truly, God is great, greater than all our knowledge; the number of his years may not be searched out.
And the Lord's blessing was greater on the end of Job's life than on its start: and so he came to have fourteen thousand sheep and goats, and six thousand camels, and two thousand oxen, and a thousand she-asses.
O Lord my God, great are the wonders which you have done in your thought for us; it is not possible to put them out in order before you; when I would give an account of them, their number is greater than I may say.
Those who have hate for me without cause are greater in number than the hairs of my head; those who are against me, falsely desiring my destruction, are very strong; I gave back what I had not taken away.
You will make me greater than before, and give me comfort on every side.
May the Lord give you and your children still greater increase.
For this reason I have greater love far your teachings than for gold, even for shining gold.
I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is greater than all other gods.
I will give worship before your holy Temple, praising your name for your mercy and for your unchanging faith: for you have made your word greater than all your name.
Such knowledge is a wonder greater than my powers; it is so high that I may not come near it.
(The wise man, hearing, will get greater learning, and the acts of the man of good sense will be wisely guided:)
For trading in it is better than trading in silver, and its profit greater than bright gold.
The blessing of the Lord gives wealth: hard work makes it no greater.
A wise man is strong; and a man of knowledge makes strength greater.
A stone has great weight, and sand is crushing; but the wrath of the foolish is of greater weight than these.
He who makes his wealth greater by taking interest, only gets it together for him who has pity on the poor.
And the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times greater, as the light of seven days, in the day when the Lord puts oil on the wounds of his people, and makes them well from the blows they have undergone.
For the punishment of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of Sodom, which was overturned suddenly without any hand falling on her.
And Samaria has not done half your sins; but you have made the number of your disgusting acts greater than theirs, making your sisters seem more upright than you by all the disgusting things which you have done.
And from the base on the earth level to the lower shelf, the altar is two cubits high and a cubit wide; and from the smaller shelf to the greater shelf it is four cubits high and a cubit wide.
Then the king gave Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego even greater authority in the land of Babylon.
And about the ten horns on his head and the other which came up, causing the fall of three; that horn which had eyes, and a mouth saying great things, which seemed to be greater than the other horns.
And now I will make clear to you what is true. There are still three kings to come in Persia, and the fourth will have much greater wealth than all of them: and when he has become strong through his wealth, he will put his forces in motion against all the kingdoms of Greece.
And again the king of the north will get together an army greater than the first; and he will make an attack on him at the end of years, with a great army and much wealth.
The second glory of this house will be greater than the first, says the Lord of armies: and in this place I will give peace, says the Lord of armies.
And the Lord will give salvation to the tents of Judah first, so that the glory of the family of David and the glory of the people of Jerusalem may not be greater than that of Judah.
Truly, I give baptism with water to those of you whose hearts are changed; but he who comes after me is greater than I, whose shoes I am not good enough to take up: he will give you baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire:
For I say to you, If your righteousness is not greater than the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never go into the kingdom of heaven.
A disciple is not greater than his master, or a servant than his lord.
Truly I say to you, Among the sons of women there has not been a greater than John the Baptist: but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
But I say to you that a greater thing than the Temple is here.
The men of Nineveh will come up in the day of judging and give their decision against this generation: because they were turned from their sins at the preaching of Jonah; and now a greater than Jonah is here.
The queen of the South will come up in the day of judging and give her decision against this generation: for she came from the ends of the earth to give ear to the wisdom of Solomon; and now a greater than Solomon is here.
Which is smaller than all seeds; but when it has come up it is greater than the plants, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of heaven come and make their resting-places in its branches.
You foolish ones and blind: which is greater, the gold, or the Temple which makes the gold holy?
You blind ones: which is greater, the offering, or the altar which makes the offering holy
And he said to them all, There is one coming after me who is greater than I, whose shoes I am not good enough to undo.
The second is this, Have love for your neighbour as for yourself. There is no other law greater than these.
John made answer, saying to them all, Truly, I give you baptism with water, but one is coming who is greater than I, whose shoes I am not good enough to undo: he will give you baptism with the Holy Spirit, and with fire:
The disciple is not greater than his master, but everyone whose learning is complete will be like his master.
I say to you, Among all the sons of women, not one is greater than John: but he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.
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