356 occurrences

'Long' in the Bible

And this is the way you are to make it: it is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide, and thirty cubits high.

Verse ConceptsBreadthHeightLengthBroadnessDimensions Of Other Thingsmathstructuremeasurement

And on the third day, Abraham, lifting up his eyes, saw the place a long way off.

Verse ConceptsThe Third Day Of The WeekSeeing At A Distancedistance

And when Isaac had come to the end of blessing Jacob, and Jacob had not long gone away from Isaac his father, Esau came in from the field.

Verse ConceptsGoing Outside

Then Isaac came to his end and was put to rest with his father's people, an old man after a long life: and Jacob and Esau, his sons, put him in his last resting-place.

Verse ConceptsDeath, Means OfOld Age, Attainment OfDeath Of The Saints, Examples OfGathered To One's PeopleDeath Of A Family MemberDeath Of A FatherFamily Death

But they saw him when he was a long way off, and before he came near them they made a secret design against him to put him to death;

Verse ConceptsPlottingSeeing At A DistanceAttempting To Kill Specific PeopleSeeing PeopleConspiracySiblingsdistance

So when Joseph came to his brothers, they took off his long coat which he had on;

Verse ConceptsFine ClothesPeople Stripping PeopleMulti ColouredColor

Then Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh, and said to him, This is what the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says: How long will you be lifted up in your pride before me? let my people go so that they may give me worship.

Verse ConceptsHumilityBefore People ActWorshipping GodHumbling Oneself

And Pharaoh's servants said to him, How long is this man to be the cause of evil to us? let the men go so that they may give worship to the Lord their God: are you not awake to Egypt's danger?

Verse ConceptsMan TrappingBefore People ActWorshipping God

And the Lord said to Moses, How long will you go against my orders and my laws?

Verse ConceptsBefore People ActThey Do Not Keep Commands

He is not to be touched by a hand, but is to be stoned or have an arrow put through him; man or beast, he is to be put to death: at the long sounding of a horn they may come up to the mountain.

Verse ConceptsHornsMusical Instruments, types ofRamsThrowing StonesDeath As PunishmentNot TouchingTrumpets For SignallingBoth Men And Animals KilledInstructions About Stoning

And they are to make an ark of hard wood; two and a half cubits long, and a cubit and a half wide and high.

Verse ConceptsBreadthWeights And Measures, LinearAcacia WoodChestsDimensions Of Temple Furniture

And you are to make a cover of the best gold, two and a half cubits long and a cubit and a half wide.

Verse ConceptsMercy SeatDimensions Of Temple FurnitureCovering The ArkGold Items For The TabernaclPropitiatory [Mercy Seat]

And you are to make a table of the same wood, two cubits long, a cubit wide and a cubit and a half high,

Verse ConceptsDimensions Of Temple Furniture

Every curtain is to be twenty-eight cubits long and four cubits wide, all of the same measure.

Verse ConceptsSame Sizes

Every curtain is to be thirty cubits long and four cubits wide, all of the same measure.

Verse ConceptsSame Sizes

And make an altar of hard wood, a square altar, five cubits long, five cubits wide and three cubits high.

Verse ConceptsBreadthBuildingHeightWoodSquaresDimensions Of Temple FurnitureSacrifice On The Bronze AltarSetting Up The Bronze Altar

And let there be an open space round the House, with hangings for its south side of the best linen, a hundred cubits long.

Verse ConceptsLinenMaking The TabernacleLinen Items

And on the north side in the same way, hangings a hundred cubits long, with twenty pillars of brass on bases of brass; their hooks and their bands are to be of silver.

Verse ConceptsTwentyPillars For The TabernacleBronze Items For The Tabernacle

On the one side of the doorway will be hangings fifteen cubits long, with three pillars and three bases;

Verse ConceptsThree Other ThingsDimensions Of Other Things

And on the other side, hangings fifteen cubits long, with three pillars and three bases.

Verse ConceptsThree Other ThingsDimensions Of Other Things

The open space is to be a hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide, with sides five cubits high, curtained with the best linen, with bases of brass.

Verse ConceptsLinen ItemsBronze Items For The Tabernacle

The altar is to be square, a cubit long and a cubit wide, and two cubits high, and its horns are to be made of the same.

Verse ConceptsSquaresDimensions Of Temple FurnitureOne Material Thing

And when the people saw that Moses was a long time coming down from the mountain, they all came to Aaron and said to him, Come, make us a god to go before us: as for this Moses, who took us up out of the land of Egypt, we have no idea what has become of him.

Verse ConceptsGoadsdoubt, results ofImpatienceMonotonyAaron, Sins OfAaron, CharacterGod Going BeforePeople Who DelayedBringing Israel Out Of EgyptOthers Bringing Israel Out Of EgyptWaiting For God's Timingcats

And whenever Moses went into the Tent, the pillar of cloud came down, and took its place by the door of the Tent, as long as the Lord was talking with Moses.

Verse ConceptsCommunicationLonelinessPillarsDivine ManifestationsTent Of MeetingTheophanySolitudeObelisksGod Appearing At The DoorwayEntering The TabernacleGod Speaking

Every curtain was twenty-eight cubits long and four cubits wide, all of the same measure.

Verse ConceptsSame Sizes

Every curtain was thirty cubits long and four cubits wide, all of the same measure.

Verse ConceptsSame Sizes

The boards were ten cubits long and one cubit and a half wide.

Verse ConceptsDimensions Of Other Things

And Bezalel made the ark of hard wood, two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a half wide and a cubit and a half high;

Verse ConceptsWeights And Measures, LinearDimensions Of Temple Furniture

And he made the cover all of gold, two and a half cubits long and a cubit and a half wide.

Verse ConceptsDimensions Of Temple FurnitureCovering The ArkGold Items For The TabernaclPropitiatory [Mercy Seat]

And he made the table of hard wood, two cubits long, a cubit wide and a cubit and a half high;

Verse ConceptsAcacia WoodDimensions Of Temple Furniture

And he made the altar for the burning of spices, using the same hard wood; it was square, a cubit long and a cubit wide and two cubits high; the horns made of the same.

Verse ConceptsBreadthAltar Of IncenseSquaresDimensions Of Temple FurnitureOne Material Thing

The altar of burned offerings he made of hard wood; a square altar, five cubits long, five cubits wide and three cubits high,

Verse ConceptsWoodAcacia WoodSquaresDimensions Of Temple FurnitureSetting Up The Bronze Altar

To make the open space, he put hangings on the south side, of the best linen, a hundred cubits long:

Verse ConceptsLinenLinen Items

And for the north side. hangings a hundred cubits long, on twenty brass pillars in brass bases, with silver hooks and bands.

Verse ConceptsCraftsmenTwentyBronze Items For The Tabernacle

And on the west side, hangings fifty cubits long, on ten pillars in ten bases, with silver bands.

Verse ConceptsTen ThingsWest Sides

And on the east side, the open space was fifty cubits long.

The hangings on one side of the doorway were fifteen cubits long, on three pillars with their three bases;

Verse ConceptsThree Other Things

And the same on the other side of the doorway; on this side and on that the hangings were fifteen cubits long, on three pillars with their three bases.

Verse ConceptsThree Other Things

And the curtain for the doorway of the open space was of the best linen, with designs of blue and purple and red in needlework; it was twenty cubits long and five cubits high, to go with the hangings round the sides.

Verse ConceptsembroideryColors, BlueGates Of The TempleRed MaterialBlue ClothPurple ClothBlue Purple And Scarlet

But of the winged four-footed things, those which have long legs for jumping on the earth you may have for food;

Verse ConceptsFeet Of CreaturesClean Food

And if a woman has a flow of blood for a long time, not at the time when she generally has it, or if the flow goes on longer than the normal time, she will be unclean while the flow of blood goes on, as she is at other normal times.

Verse ConceptsBleedingAction For A Long Time

If there is still a long time, he will give back, on account of it, a part of the price which was given for him.

Verse ConceptsAccording To Time

And old stores long kept will be your food, and you will take out the old because of the new;

Verse ConceptsBlessings, To IsraelOld ThingsMoving OnMoving To A New Placespace

Then let his long hair, the sign of his oath, be cut off at the door of the Tent of meeting, and let him put it on the fire on which the peace-offerings are burning.

Verse ConceptsHairsShavingBurning Sacrifices

At the order of the Lord the children of Israel went forward, and at the order of the Lord they put up their tents: as long as the cloud was resting on the House, they did not go away from that place.

Verse ConceptsSetting OutCamping During The ExodusGod's Orders

When the cloud was resting on the House for a long time the children of Israel, waiting for the order of the Lord, did not go on.

Verse ConceptsStaying A Long Time

And the Lord said to Moses, How long will this people have no respect for me? how long will they be without faith, in the face of all the signs I have done among them?

Verse ConceptsImpenitence, Warnings AgainstMiracles, Responses ToQuestionsUnbelieversNot Believing SignsBefore People ActDoubting God

How long am I to put up with this evil people and their outcries against me? The words which they say against me have come to my ears.

Verse ConceptsFaultsGod, Patience OfHearingRejection Of GodGod, All knowingGrumblingBefore God ActsComplaining

How our fathers went down into Egypt, and we were living in Egypt for a long time; and the Egyptians were cruel to us and to our fathers:

Verse ConceptsPeople Actually Doing EvilStaying A Long Time

The Lord our God said to us in Horeb, You have been long enough in this mountain:

Verse ConceptsActionsMoving On

So you were kept waiting in Kadesh for a long time.

Verse ConceptsStaying A Long Time

Then we went back, journeying into the waste land by the way to the Red Sea, as the Lord had said to me: and we were a long time going round Mount Seir.

Verse ConceptsComing To The Red SeaGod Led Them Through The WildernessStaying A Long TimeFalling

You have been journeying round this mountain long enough: now go to the north;

Verse ConceptsNorthFacing NorthChanging DirectionFallingwanderingfreemasonry

(For Og, king of Bashan, was the last of all the Rephaim; his bed was made of iron; is it not in Rabbah, in the land of the children of Ammon? It was nine cubits long and four cubits wide, measured by the common cubit.)

Verse ConceptsBreadthBedsIronMetalsGiantsIron ObjectsSole SurvivorsDimensions Of Other Things

If, when you have had children and children's children, and have been living a long time in the land, you are turned to evil ways, and make an image of any sort, and do evil in the eyes of the Lord your God, moving him to wrath:

Verse ConceptsProvokingIdols

May heaven and earth be my witnesses against you today, that destruction will quickly overtake you, cutting you off from that land which you are going over Jordan to take; your days will not be long in that land, but you will come to a complete end.

Verse ConceptsHeaven And EarthAnnihilationThings As Witnesses

Then keep his laws and his orders which I give you today, so that it may be well for you and for your children after you, and that your lives may be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you for ever.

Verse ConceptsTemporal Blessingsethics, and graceBlessings, To AbrahamOld Age, Attainment OfHow To Live LongEternal PossessionResults Of Keeping The CommandmentsKeep The Commandments!

Go on walking in the way ordered for you by the Lord your God, so that life may be yours and it may be well for you, and your days may be long in the land of your heritage.

Verse ConceptsTemporal BlessingsGod's WaysOld Age, Attainment OfOrthodoxy, In OtWalkingHow To Live LongLife Through Keeping The LawLong LifeObedience

So that living in the fear of the Lord your God, you may keep all his laws and his orders, which I give you: you and your son and your son's son, all the days of your life; and so that your life may be long.

Verse ConceptsFutureFear Of The LordHow To Live Longstatues

And that your days may be long in the land which the Lord gave by an oath to your fathers and to their seed after them, a land flowing with milk and honey.

Verse ConceptsHow To Live LongGod Gave The LandMilk And Honey

So that your days, and the days of your children, may be long in the land which the Lord by his oath to your fathers said he would give them, like the days of the eternal heavens.

Verse ConceptsHow To Live LongEternal PossessionGod Gave The LandThe Earthland

See that you do not give up caring for the Levite as long as you are living in your land.

Verse ConceptsMastersNeglectPeople Not AbandoningTaking Care Of The Earth

So long as you give ear to the voice of the Lord your God, and keep all his orders which I give you today, and do what is right in the eyes of the Lord your God.

Verse ConceptsKeep The Commandments!

And if the way is so long that you are not able to take these things to the place marked out by the Lord your God for his name, when he has given you his blessing, because it is far away from you;

Verse ConceptsFar From HereTithes And OfferingMoney Blessingsdistancefriendliness

So that his heart may not be lifted up over his countrymen, and he may not be turned away from the orders, to one side or the other: but that his life and the lives of his children may be long in his kingdom in Israel.

Verse ConceptsNot Turning AsideAction For A Long TimeDo Not Be ProudTurning To Right And LeftAuthority

For if not, he who has the right of punishment may go running after the taker of life in the heat of his wrath, and overtake him because the way is long, and give him a death-blow; though it is not right for him to be put to death because he was not moved by hate.

Verse ConceptsMan AvengingNot HatingDeath Of A Family Member

If in war a town is shut in by your armies for a long time, do not let its trees be cut down and made waste; for their fruit will be your food; are the trees of the countryside men for you to take up arms against them?

Verse ConceptsRespect, For EnvironmentEcological ConcernsFortsTreesFelling TreesSharp ToolsHarming Trees

See that you let the mother bird go, but the young ones you may take; so it will be well for you and your life will be long.

Verse ConceptsAnimal LifeHow To Live Long

But have a true weight and a true measure: so that your life may be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

Verse ConceptsJust WeightsAccuracyHow To Live Longweightmeasurement

Then the Lord your God will make your punishment, and the punishment of your seed, a thing to be wondered at; great punishments and cruel diseases stretching on through long years.

Verse ConceptsDiseaseIllness

In loving the Lord your God, hearing his voice and being true to him: for he is your life and by him will your days be long: so that you may go on living in the land which the Lord gave by an oath to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Verse ConceptsCommitment, to GodGod, Living And Self sustainingGod, The CreatorGod Of The FathersOrigins Of Spiritual LifeLove Towards God, Results InAncestorsLife Through Keeping The LawThe Need To Love God

I will make my arrows red with blood, my sword will be feasting on flesh, with the blood of the dead and the prisoners, of the long-haired heads of my haters.

Verse ConceptsArrows, Described AsLong HairCovered With BloodGod KillingGod Making DrunkGod Will Kill The PeoplesGod's SwordArrows

And this is no small thing for you, but it is your life, and through this you may make your days long in the land which you are going over Jordan to take for your heritage.

Verse ConceptsHow To Live LongCrossing Into The Promised LandUseless WordsLife Through Keeping The LawEnjoying Life

Then the waters flowing down from higher up were stopped and came together in a mass a long way back at Adam, a town near Zarethan; and the waters flowing down to the sea of the Arabah, the Salt Sea, were cut off: and the people went across opposite Jericho.

Verse ConceptsDead SeaCrossing Into The Promised LandRoses

And at the sound of a long note on the horns, let all the people give a loud cry; and the wall of the town will come down flat, and all the people are to go straight forward.

Verse ConceptsFortificationsShoutingWallsBattle CriesThings Falling

Acting with deceit, got food together as if for a long journey; and took old food-bags for their asses, and old and cracked wine-skins kept together with cord;

Verse ConceptsExamples Of DeceitBottle, UsesenvoyCraftinessWineskins And Vatsimprovement

And these wine-skins were new when we put the wine in them, and now they are cracked as you see; and our clothing and our shoes have become old because of our very long journey here.

Verse ConceptsShoesThings Wearing OutUnusedWineskins And Vats

For a long time Joshua made war on all those kings.

Verse ConceptsAction For A Long Time

You have now been with your brothers for a long time; till this day you have been doing the orders of the Lord your God.

Verse ConceptsMissionaries, Task OfUnity, Of God's PeoplePeople Not Abandoning

Now after a long time, when the Lord had given Israel rest from wars on every side, and Joshua was old and full of years,

Verse ConceptsTime Of Peace

And at their cry, the Lord made it dark between you and the Egyptians, and made the sea go over them, covering them with its waters; your eyes have seen what I did in Egypt: then for a long time you were living in the waste land.

Verse ConceptsBeggarsGod Led Them Through The WildernessStaying A Long TimeLooking At God's Works

So Ehud made himself a two-edged sword, a cubit long, which he put on at his right side under his robe.

Verse ConceptsThighsTwo SidedDimensions Of Other ThingsOther Right Parts

Looking out from the window she gave a cry, the mother of Sisera was crying out through the window, Why is his carriage so long in coming? When will the noise of his wheels be sounding?

Verse ConceptsLove, And The WorldLooking Through WindowsPeople Who Delayed

Now while she was a long time in prayer before the Lord, Eli was watching her mouth.

And Eli said to her, How long are you going to be the worse for drink? Put away the effects of your wine from you.

Verse ConceptsDo Not Get Drunkalcoholismdrunkards

And the ark was in Kiriath-jearim for a long time, as much as twenty years: and all Israel was searching after the Lord with weeping.

Verse Concepts20 To 30 YearsStaying A Long Time

And Samuel said to all the people, Do you see the man of the Lord's selection, how there is no other like him among all the people? And all the people with loud cries said, Long life to the king!

Verse ConceptsVoicesGroups ShoutingUnique Individuals

And the Lord said to Samuel, How long will you go on sorrowing for Saul, seeing that I have put him from his place as king over Israel? Take oil in your vessel and go; I will send you to Jesse, the Beth-lehemite: for I have got a king for myself among his sons.

Verse ConceptsCivil authoritiesHornsLeaders, PoliticalMissionaries, Task OfRejection Of God, Results OfHorns Of AnimalsAnointing KingsGod Abandoning IndividualsBefore People ActMourning In RegretSaul And DavidRejectionLeadership Qualitiesgrievingsaul

The stem of his spear was as long as a cloth-worker's rod, and its head was made of six hundred shekels' weight of iron: and one went before him with his body-cover.

Verse ConceptsArmourCraftsmenIronShieldsSpearsSpinning And WeavingArmor ProtectionArmorbearerBeamsIron ObjectsWeights Of Other Things

Then crying out to Joab, Abner said, Are fighting and destruction to go on for ever? do you not see that the end will only be bitter? how long will it be before you send the people back and make them give up attacking their countrymen?

Verse ConceptsPursuing PeopleEternal Judgement

Now there was a long war between Saul's people and David's people; and David became stronger and stronger, but those on Saul's side became more and more feeble.

Verse ConceptsDavid, Reign OfHousesWarfare, Examples OfWarfare, Nature OfWeakness, PhysicalStrong IndividualsWithout StrengthCivil WarWarBattle

When David had news of it, he sent men out with the purpose of meeting them on their way, for the men were greatly shamed: and the king said, Go to Jericho till your hair is long again, and then come back.

Verse ConceptsFacial HairHair GrowingWaiting Till Marriage

Now she had on a long robe, such as in past times the king's virgin daughters were dressed in. Then the servant put her out, locking the door after her.

Verse ConceptsClothingClothing, Kinds OfRobesDressFine ClothesShutting DoorsMulti ColouredLocks And Barsvirginity

Bible Theasaurus

Interminable (1 instance)
Lengthened (4 instances)
Lengthy (7 instances)
Yearn (23 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 9

Usage: 7

Usage: 5

length , long , ever , as long as , high
Usage: 95

by, as long, hitherto, when, how long, as yet
Usage: 784

רחק רחוק 
Usage: 85

Usage: 26

Usage: 276

Usage: 34

Usage: 15

Usage: 3

Usage: 119

Usage: 14

Usage: 19

Usage: 6

מה מ־ מ־ מה מה 
Usage: 751

Usage: 40

עד עוד 
Usage: 483

עלם עולם 
Usage: 438

with, unto, by, as long, neither, from between, from among
Usage: 1061

Usage: 458

Usage: 153

Usage: 224

Usage: 6

Usage: 34

of a long time , of old
Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 75

Usage: 39

Usage: 1

Usage: 14

long , far
Usage: 0

Usage: 1

no more , no longer , henceforth not , no , no ... henceforward , hereafter ,
Usage: 16

Usage: 76

when , as soon as , as long as , that , whensoever , while , till
Usage: 49

long ago , any while , a great while ago , old , in time past , of old
Usage: 4

Usage: 9

Usage: 7

so much , so great , so many , so long , as large , these many , so many things
Usage: 17

Usage: 2

Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain