147 occurrences

'Sins' in the Bible

and he hath made atonement for the sanctuary because of the uncleanness of the sons of Israel, and because of their transgressions in all their sins; and so he doth for the tent of meeting which is tabernacling with them in the midst of their uncleannesses.

Verse ConceptsAtonementPriests Atoning

and Aaron hath laid his two hands on the head of the living goat, and hath confessed over it all the iniquities of the sons of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, and hath put them on the head of the goat, and hath sent it away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness;

Verse ConceptsWorship, Elements OfLaying On Of HandsAnimal Sacrifices, As A Type Of ChristHands On HeadsDriving Out AnimalsLaying Hands On SacrificesSin Confessed

for on this day he maketh atonement for you, to cleanse you; from all your sins before Jehovah ye are clean;

Verse ConceptsAtonement, Types OfSin, Deliverance From GodBeing Cleansed From SinForgiving Yourselfcleansing

'And this hath been to you for a statute age-during, to make atonement for the sons of Israel, because of all their sins, once in a year;' and he doth as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

Verse ConceptsAtonement, Types OfAtonement, in OTOrdinancesWorship, Times ForDoing Repeatedly

And if unto these ye hearken not to Me, -- then I have added to chastise you seven times for your sins;

Verse Conceptsdiscipline, divineSevenfolddisobedience

And if ye walk with Me in opposition, and are not willing to hearken to Me, then I have added to you a plague seven times, according to your sins,

Verse ConceptsAttitudes Of HostilitySevenfold

then I have walked -- I also -- with you in opposition, and have smitten you, even I, seven times for your sins;

Verse ConceptsSevenfoldGod Opposing

then I have walked with you in the fury of opposition, and have chastised you, even I, seven times for your sins.

Verse ConceptsChastisementSevenfoldGod Opposing

Speak unto the sons of Israel, Man or woman, when they do any of the sins of man, by committing a trespass against Jehovah, and that person is guilty,

Verse ConceptsMan And Woman

and he speaketh unto the company, saying, 'Turn aside, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men, and come not against anything that they have, lest ye be consumed in all their sins.'

Verse ConceptsTentsFellowship With WickedEvil AssociationsSeparation From Evil PeopleNot TouchingHaving No Dealings

and I throw myself before Jehovah, as at first, forty days and forty nights; bread I have not eaten, and water I have not drunk, because of all your sins which ye have sinned, by doing the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, to make Him angry.

Verse ConceptsMediatorProstrationWaterFasting, Accompanied ByMore Than One MonthFasting For Long Periods

And Joshua saith unto the people, 'Ye are not able to serve Jehovah, for a God most holy He is; a zealous God He is; He doth not bear with your transgression and with your sins.

Verse ConceptsGod's attitude towards peopleGod, Zeal OfJealousySanctification, Nature And BasisSin, And God's CharacterUnforgivenessGod, JealousPeople's Inability To Serve GodGod Not Forgiving

and all the people say unto Samuel, 'Pray for thy servants unto Jehovah thy God, and we do not die, for we have added to all our sins evil to ask for us a king.'

Verse ConceptsCalling upon GodConfession, Examples OfAskingNot DyingAdding EvilDeath PreventedPray For Us

and He giveth up Israel because of the sins of Jeroboam that he sinned, and that he caused Israel to sin.'

And Judah doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, and they make Him zealous above all that their fathers did by their sins that they have sinned.

Verse ConceptsGod, Zeal OfJealousyGod's People Sinning

and he walketh in all the sins of his father, that he did before him, and his heart hath not been perfect with Jehovah his God, as the heart of David his father;

Verse ConceptsHeart, Of Unregenerate PeopleNot Whole HeartedHeart, Fallen And RedeemedHeirs

because of the sins of Jeroboam that he sinned, and that he caused Israel to sin, by his provocation with which he provoked to anger Jehovah, God of Israel.

Verse ConceptsProvoking God

Because that I have raised thee up out of the dust, and appoint thee leader over My people Israel, and thou walkest in the way of Jeroboam, and causest My people Israel to sin -- to provoke Me to anger with their sins;

Verse ConceptsImitating Wicked KingsGod Lifting People

concerning all the sins of Baasha, and the sins of Elah his son, that they sinned, and that they caused Israel to sin to provoke Jehovah, God of Israel, with their vanities.

Verse ConceptsProvoking GodVanityGod Opposes Idolatry

for his sins that he sinned, to do the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, to walk in the way of Jeroboam, and in his sin that he did, to cause Israel to sin;

Verse ConceptsImitating Wicked Kings

And it cometh to pass -- hath it been light his walking in the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat? -- then he taketh a wife, Jezebel daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Zidonians, and goeth and serveth Baal, and boweth himself to it,

Verse ConceptsMarriage, Restrictions ConcerningPolygamyServanthood, And Worship Of GodImitating Wicked KingsUnimportant Thingsjezebel

only to the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat that he caused Israel to sin he hath cleaved, he hath not turned aside from it.

only -- the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, that he caused Israel to sin, Jehu hath not turned aside from after them -- the calves of gold that are at Beth-El, and in Dan.

Verse ConceptsGolden Calves

And Jehu hath not taken heed to walk in the law of Jehovah, God of Israel, with all his heart, he hath not turned aside from the sins of Jeroboam, that he caused Israel to sin.

Verse ConceptsHalf Heartedness

and he doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, and goeth after the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, that he caused Israel to sin -- he turned not aside from it,

only, they have not turned aside from the sins of the house of Jeroboam, that he caused Israel to sin, therein they walked, and also, the shrine hath remained in Samaria, --

Verse ConceptsServing Asherah

and he doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, he hath not turned aside from all the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, that he caused Israel to sin, therein he walked.

Verse ConceptsConversion, nature ofImitating Wicked Kings

and he doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, he hath not turned aside from all the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat that he caused Israel to sin.

Verse ConceptsConversion, nature of

and he doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, as did his fathers, he hath not turned aside from the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat that he caused Israel to sin.

Verse ConceptsConversion, nature of

And he doth the evil in the eyes of Jehovah, he hath turned not aside from the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat that he caused Israel to sin, all his days.

and he doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, he hath not turned aside from the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat that he caused Israel to sin.

and he doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, he hath not turned aside from the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, that he caused Israel to sin.

and the sons of Israel walk in all the sins of Jeroboam that he did, they have not turned aside therefrom,

Verse ConceptsImitating Wicked Kings

only, by the command of Jehovah it hath been against Judah to turn them aside from His presence, for the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he did,

Verse ConceptsRejection Of God, Results OfDriven From God's Presence

let Thine ear be, I pray Thee, attentive, and Thine eyes open, to hearken unto the prayer of Thy servant, that I am praying before Thee to-day, by day and by night, concerning the sons of Israel Thy servants, and confessing concerning the sins of the sons of Israel, that we have sinned against Thee; yea, I and the house of my father have sinned;

Verse ConceptsWorship Day And NightNightPeople Of God, In OtWatchfulness, DivinePrayer, Offered WithSin ConfessedPay Attention O God!We Have Sinnedconfessinggrandfathers

and the seed of Israel are separated from all sons of a stranger, and stand and confess concerning their sins, and the iniquities of their fathers,

Verse ConceptsIniquity, Believer's Relation ToForeignersWorship, Elements OfSeparation From Evil PeopleAvoiding ForeignersSin Confessedconfessing

and its increase it is multiplying to the kings whom Thou hast set over us in our sins; and over our bodies they are ruling, and over our cattle, according to their pleasure, and we are in great distress.

Verse ConceptsBodyHarvestUnsuitable Rule

How many iniquities and sins have I? My transgression and my sin let me know.

Verse ConceptsSelf ExaminationOffenceExamining YourselfWhat Sin?

Sins of my youth, and my transgressions, Do not Thou remember. According to Thy kindness be mindful of me, For Thy goodness' sake, O Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsMemoriesSin, Deliverance From GodDivine RemembranceLimitations Of YouthGod ForgettingGod Forgive!Love And ForgivenessGoodnessThe PastMaking Mistakesrebellionteenagermindfulness

See mine affliction and my misery, And bear with all my sins.

Verse ConceptsGod Forgive!Assisted SuicideAfflictions

Not according to our sins hath He done to us, Nor according to our iniquities Hath He conferred benefits upon us.

Verse ConceptsReward, DivinePunishmentPunishmentsTreating OthersTragedy

Lo, to peace He changed for me bitterness, And Thou hast delighted in my soul without corruption, For Thou hast cast behind Thy back all my sins.

Verse ConceptsReinstatementSuffering, Of BelieversBeing BitterGod Has ForgivenPits Symbolizing GriefHope In Hard TimesBitternesscorruption

Speak to the heart of Jerusalem, and call to her, That her warfare hath been completed, That accepted hath been her punishment, That she hath received from the hand of Jehovah Double for all her sins.

Verse ConceptsHand Of GodJerusalem, Significance OfPunishment, Nature OfRansomRedemption, In Everyday LifeSensitivityDouble PenaltyGod Has ForgivenTime Of PeaceJerusalem In Millennial Kingdom

Thou hast not bought for Me with money sweet cane, And with the fat of thy sacrifices hast not filled Me, Only -- thou hast caused Me to serve with thy sins, Thou hast wearied Me with thine iniquities.

Verse ConceptsFatnessGod, Patience OfOffencePlantsSweetnessFat Of The SacrificesGod Growing Weary

Call with the throat, restrain not, As a trumpet lift up thy voice, And declare to My people their transgression, And to the house of Jacob their sins;

Verse ConceptsHesitationShoutingMinisters, Way They Should TeachTrumpets For SignallingWhat Sin?EmotionsrebellionDishonoring God

For our transgressions have been multiplied before Thee, And our sins have testified against us, For our transgressions are with us, And our iniquities -- we have known them.

Verse ConceptsOffenceWitness Against OneselfSin Made Known

Your iniquities have turned these away, And your sins have kept the good from you.

Verse ConceptsFruits Of SinSin Brings ImpoverishmentGod Turning Bad Things Into Good

Thy strength and thy treasures For a prey I do give -- not for price, Even for all thy sins, and in all thy borders.

Verse ConceptsTreasureFree Of Chargeborders

all loving thee have forgotten thee, Thee they do not seek, For with the stroke of an enemy I smote thee, The chastisement of a fierce one, Because of the abundance of thy iniquity, Mighty have been thy sins!

Verse ConceptsCruelty, God's attitude toChastisementNot Seeking PeopleForgetting PeopleWoundsFriends FailingGod As EnemyAll Have Sinned

What! -- thou criest concerning thy breach! Incurable is thy pain, Because of the abundance of thy iniquity, Mighty have been thy sins! I have done these to thee.

Verse ConceptsAfflictions Of The WickedNo HealingAll Have SinnedSin Producing Afflictions

Because of the sins of her prophets, The iniquities of her priests, Who are shedding in her midst the blood of the righteous,

Verse ConceptsPriests, Function In Ot TimesInnocent BloodSheddingKilling The InnocentWicked ProphetsA Righteous PeopleLeaders Sinning

Completed is thy iniquity, daughter of Zion, He doth not add to remove thee, He hath inspected thy iniquity, O daughter of Edom, He hath removed thee because of thy sins!

Verse ConceptsSin Made Known

As to Samaria, as the half of thy sins -- she hath not sinned, And thou dost multiply thine abominations more than they, And dost justify thy sisters by all thy abominations that thou hast done.

Verse ConceptsComparisonsAppearancesHalf Of ThingsPeople In RighteousnessGod's People Sinning

Thou also -- bear thy shame, That thou hast adjudged to thy sisters, Because of thy sins that thou hast done more abominably than they, They are more righteous than thou, And thou, also, be ashamed and bear thy shame, In thy justifying thy sisters.

Verse ConceptsAppearancesPeople In RighteousnessShame Has ComeGod's People Sinning

And -- lo, he hath begotten a son, And he seeth all the sins of his father, That he hath done, and he feareth, And doth not do like them,

Verse ConceptsNot Imitating EvilEthicsFathers Responsibilities

And the wicked -- when he turneth back From all his sins that he hath done, And he hath kept all My statutes, And hath done judgment and righteousness, He doth surely live, he doth not die.

Verse ConceptsRenunciationSin, Accepting Forgiveness OfBlessings Of ObediencePunishment of the The Wicked

Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because of your causing your iniquity to be remembered, In your transgressions being revealed, For your sins being seen, in all your doings, Because of your being remembered, By the hand ye are caught.

Verse ConceptsReminders Of Sin

And they have put your wickedness on you, And the sins of your idols ye bear, And ye have known that I am the Lord Jehovah!

Verse ConceptsFate Of IdolatersGod Will RequitePunishmentsconsequences

And thou, son of man, say unto the house of Israel: Rightly ye have spoken, saying: Surely our transgressions and our sins are on us, And in them we are wasting away, How, then, do we live?

Verse ConceptsOffenceSurvival

'Therefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and thy sins by righteousness break off, and thy perversity by pitying the poor, lo, it is a lengthening of thine ease.

Verse ConceptsGood Human Adviceevil, believers' responses toKindnessWise CouncelRenunciationRepentance, Nature OfAction For A Long TimePeople Showing MercyMan's Counsel

O Lord, according to all Thy righteous acts, let turn back, I pray Thee, Thine anger and Thy fury from Thy city Jerusalem, Thy holy mount, for by our sins, and by the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and Thy people are for a reproach to all our neighbours;

Verse ConceptsCityGod, Righteousness OfHillsAccording To ThingsGod Does Right For PeopleLet Not God Be AngryAnger And Forgiveness

'Seventy weeks are determined for thy people, and for thy holy city, to shut up the transgression, and to seal up sins, and to cover iniquity, and to bring in righteousness age-during, and to seal up vision and prophet, and to anoint the holy of holies.

Verse ConceptsIniquity, Christ's Relation ToCompletionGod, The EternalLast DaysSealsWeeksImputed RighteousnessThe Anointed OneSeventy100 Years And MoreEternal BlessingSealing The MessageVisions From GodProphecy AbolishedEnd Of ActionsAnointing ThingsHoly CityReconciliationfinishing

They have gone deep -- have done corruptly, As in the days of Gibeah, He doth remember their iniquity, He doth inspect their sins.

Verse ConceptsCorruption, Of HumanitySpiritual DepthsGod Remembering Sincorruption

For the transgression of Jacob is all this, And for the sins of the house of Israel. What is the transgression of Jacob? Is it not Samaria? And what the high places of Judah? Is it not Jerusalem?

Verse ConceptsSin, Nature OfGod's People Sinning

And I also, I have begun to smite thee, To make desolate, because of thy sins.

Verse ConceptsSin Brings Sickness

He doth turn back, He pitieth us, He doth subdue our iniquities, And Thou castest into the depths of the sea all their sins.

Verse ConceptsGod, Compassion OfObliviondepthGod, Patience OfSeaForgettingPromises To Stand onGod Will Show MercyIn The Heart Of The SeaThe Oceancats

and lo, they were bringing to him a paralytic, laid upon a couch, and Jesus having seen their faith, said to the paralytic, 'Be of good courage, child, thy sins have been forgiven thee.'

Verse ConceptsdiseasesHeart, HumanSin, And God's CharacterSonsParalyticsAttitudes Of FaithChrist's Knowledge Of BelieversBedsSaved By FaithChrist ForgivingGod Has ForgivenTake Courage!Overcoming ObstaclesNervousness

But, that ye may know that the Son of Man hath power upon the earth to forgive sins -- (then saith he to the paralytic) -- having risen, take up thy couch, and go to thy house.'

Verse ConceptsSon Of ManPower Of Christ, ShownJesus As Son Of ManChrist's Authority Over SinBedsGet Up!Forgiveness

and there were going forth to him all the region of Judea, and they of Jerusalem, and they were all baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.

Verse ConceptsJohn's BaptismRevival, CorporateRivers And StreamsBaptised By JohnIn The JordanSin Confessedconfessing

which is easier, to say to the paralytic, The sins have been forgiven to thee? or to say, Rise, and take up thy couch, and walk?

Verse ConceptsParalyticsBedsThe Healed WalkingEasy For PeopleGet Up!God Has Forgiven

And, that ye may know that the Son of Man hath authority on the earth to forgive sins -- (he saith to the paralytic) --

Verse ConceptsChrist ForgivingWho Can Forgive Sins?ForgivenessGod's ForgivenessForgiveness Kjvforgiving

'Verily I say to you, that all the sins shall be forgiven to the sons of men, and evil speakings with which they might speak evil,

Verse ConceptsChrist Telling The TruthBlasphemyGod Will Forgive

that seeing they may see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and not understand, lest they may turn, and the sins may be forgiven them.'

Verse ConceptsUnbelief, Nature And Effects OfTurning To GodNot Seeing Spiritual ThingsBeing Without UnderstandingGod Not Forgiving

And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, 'Who is this that doth speak evil words? who is able to forgive sins, except God only?'

Verse ConceptsCriticism, against believersFaultsClaimsDisputesBlasphemy, Falsely AccusedGod AloneWho Is Jesus?BlasphemyPharisees Concerned About ChristWho Can Forgive Sins?Finding Fault With Jesus

which is easier -- to say, Thy sins have been forgiven thee? or to say, Arise, and walk?

Verse ConceptsThe Healed WalkingEasy For PeopleGet Up!God Has Forgiven

And that ye may know that the Son of Man hath authority upon the earth to forgive sins -- (he said to the one struck with palsy) -- I say to thee, Arise, and having taken up thy little couch, be going on to thy house.'

Verse ConceptsSon Of ManParalyticsBedsChrist ForgivingGet Up!Who Can Forgive Sins?

therefore I say to thee, her many sins have been forgiven, because she did love much; but to whom little is forgiven, little he doth love.'

Verse ConceptsLove Towards Christ, The Nature OfLove For GodReceived OutcastsGod Has ForgivenNot Loving GodForgivenessLove And Forgiveness

and those reclining with him (at meat) began to say within themselves, 'Who is this, who also doth forgive sins?'

Verse ConceptsReclining To EatWho Is Jesus?Christ ForgivingWho Can Forgive Sins?forgiving othersGod's ForgivenessLove And Forgivenessforgiving

They answered and said to him, 'In sins thou wast born altogether, and thou dost teach us!' and they cast him forth without.

Verse ConceptsBirth, PhysicalPride, Examples OfRegretting BirthExcommunicationBabies Sinful From Birth

Bible Theasaurus

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 46

חטּאת חטּאה 
Usage: 294

Usage: 54

Usage: 46

Usage: 8

Usage: 2

Usage: 4

Usage: 5

Usage: 141

Usage: 19

Usage: 7

Usage: 34

Usage: 55

זמרה זמר זמיר 
Usage: 6

Zammar (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Usage: 238

Usage: 33

Usage: 19

Chatta'ah (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Chatiy (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Charak (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Usage: 10

Usage: 65

Usage: 6

Usage: 35

עד עוד 
Usage: 483

עוון עון 
Usage: 230

Usage: 329

Usage: 83

Usage: 2

Usage: 93

Usage: 1

Usage: 33

Usage: 0

Usage: 4

Usage: 4

Usage: 21

Usage: 2

שׁוּר שׁירo 
Usage: 86

שׁירה שׁיר 
Usage: 90

Usage: 6

Usage: 91

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 5

Usage: 47

Usage: 35

Usage: 2

Usage: 143

Usage: 31

Usage: 0

Usage: 8

Usage: 0

from , of , out of , for , off , by , at , in , since 9 , on , not tr. , .
Usage: 490

Usage: 1

Usage: 8

Usage: 2

Usage: 4

Usage: 3

Usage: 2

Usage: 9

Usage: 1

Usage: 3

Usage: 4

Usage: 17

Usage: 4