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16. AIED 2013: Memphis, TN, USA - Workshops
- Erin Walker, Chee-Kit Looi:
Proceedings of the Workshops at the 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education AIED 2013, Memphis, USA, July 9-13, 2013. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1009, CEUR-WS.org 2013
Part 1: Workshop on Massive Open Online Courses (moocshop)
- Shreeharsh Kelkar:
Two Models of Learning: Cognition Vs. Socialization. - Emily Schneider:
Welcome to the moocspace: a proposed theory and taxonomy for massive open online courses. - Betsy Williams:
Roll Call: Taking a Census of MOOC Student. - Kalyan Veeramachaneni, Franck Dernoncourt, Colin Taylor, Zachary A. Pardos, Una-May O'Reilly:
Developing Data Standards and Systems for MOOC Data Science. - Jonathan Huang, Chris Piech, Andy Nguyen, Leonidas J. Guibas:
Syntactic and Functional Variability of a Million Code Submissions in a Machine Learning MOOC. - Sarah E. Schultz, Trenton Tabor:
Revisiting and Extending the Item Difficulty Effect Model. - Mohammad Hassan Falakmasir, Kevin D. Ashley, Christian D. Schunn:
Using Argument Diagramming to Improve Peer Grading of Writing Assignments. - Joseph Jay Williams:
Improving learning in MOOCs with Cognitive Science. - Joseph Jay Williams, Dave Paunesku, Benjamin Heley, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein:
Measurably Increasing Motivation in MOOCs. - Eliana Feasley, Chris Klaiber, James Irwin, Jace Kohlmeier, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein:
Controlled experiments on millions of students to personalize learning. - Daniel T. Seaton, Albert J. Rodenius, Cody A. Coleman, David E. Pritchard, Isaac L. Chuang:
Analysis of Video Use in edX Courses. - Yuan Wang:
Exploring Possible Reasons behind Low Student Retention Rates of Massive Online Open Courses: A Comparative Case Study from a Social Cognitive Perspective. - Haohan Wang, Yiwei Li, Xiaobo Hu, Yucong Yang, Zhu Meng, Kai-Min Chang:
Using EEG to Improve Massive Open Online Courses Feedback Interaction. - René F. Kizilcec:
Collaborative Learning in Geographically Distributed and In-person Groups.
Part 2: Scaffolding in Open-Ended Learning Environments (OELEs)
- Douglas B. Clark, Stephen S. Killingsworth, Mario Martinez-Garza, Grant Van Eaton, Gautam Biswas, John S. Kinnebrew, Pratim Sengupta, Kara Krinks, Deanne Adams, Haifeng Zhang, James Hughes:
Digital Games and Science Learning: Design Principles and Processes to Augment Commercial Game Design Conventions. - Alireza Davoodi, Samad Kardan, Cristina Conati:
Understanding Users' Interaction Behavior with an Intelligent Educational Game: Prime Climb. - Grant Van Eaton, Douglas B. Clark, David Beutel:
Designing Digital Objects to Scaffold Learning. - Reza Feyzi-Behnagh, Roger Azevedo, Elizabeth Legowski, Kayse Reitmeyer, Eugene Tseytlin, Rebecca S. Crowley:
Fostering Diagnostic Accuracy in a Medical Intelligent Tutoring System. - Aiden Jones, Susan Bull, Ginevra Castellano:
Teacher Perspectives on the Potential for Scaffolding with an Open Learner Model and a Robotic Tutor. - David A. Joyner, Ashok K. Goel, David M. Majerich:
Metacognitive Tutoring for Scientific Modeling. - Samad Kardan, Cristina Conati:
Evaluation of a Data Mining Approach to Providing Adaptive Support in an Open-Ended Learning Environment: A Pilot Study. - Babak Khosravifar, Roger Azevedo, Reza Feyzi-Behnagh, Michelle Taub, Gautam Biswas, John S. Kinnebrew:
Adaptive Multi-Agent Architecture to Track Students' Self-Regulated Learning. - John S. Kinnebrew, Daniel L. C. Mack, Gautam Biswas:
A Differential Temporal Interestingness Measure for Identifying the Learning Behavior Effects of Scaffolding. - Ido Roll, Natasha G. Holmes, James Day, Anthony H. K. Park, D. A. Bonn:
Process and Outcome Benefits for Orienting Students to Analyze and Reflect on Available Data in Productive Failure Activities. - Jonathan P. Rowe, Eleni V. Lobene, Bradford W. Mott, James C. Lester:
Embedded Scaffolding for Reading Comprehension in Open-Ended Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. - James Segedy, Kirk M. Loretz, Gautam Biswas:
Suggest-Assert-Modify: A Taxonomy of Adaptive Scaffolds in Computer-Based Learning Environments. - Elissa Thomas, Victor Girotto, Alex Abreu, Cecil Lozano, Kasia Muldner, Winslow Burleson, Erin Walker:
Exploring Adaptive Scaffolding in a Multifaceted Tangible Learning Environment. - Lubin Wang, Yoon Jeon Kim, Valerie J. Shute:
'Gaming the system' in Newton's Playground.
Part 3: 2nd Workshop on Intelligent Support for Learning in Groups
- Jennifer K. Olsen, Daniel M. Belenky, Vincent Aleven, Nikol Rummel, Jonathan Sewall, Michael A. Ringenberg:
Authoring Collaborative Intelligent Tutoring Systems. - Fazel Keshtkar, Borhan Samei, Brent Morgan, Arthur C. Graesser:
A Data Mining Approach to Construct Production Rules in an Educational Game. - Shitian Shen, Jihie Kim:
Modeling the Process of Online Q&A Discussions using a Dialogue State Model. - Olga C. Santos, Jesus Boticario, Raúl Cabestrero, Pilar Quirós:
Extending Collaborative Learning Modeling with Emotional Information. - Yu-Han Chang, Rajiv T. Maheswaran, Jihie Kim, Linwei Zhu:
Analysis of Emotion and Engagement in a STEM Alternate Reality Game. - Tom Murray, Leah Wing, Beverly Park Woolf:
A Dashboard for Visualizing Deliberative Dialogue in Online Learning. - Andrew Clayphan, Roberto Martínez Maldonado, Judy Kay:
Designing OLMs for Reflection about Group Brainstorming at Interactive Tabletops. - Julio Guerra, Denis Parra, Peter Brusilovsky:
Encouraging Online Student Reading with Social Visualization. - David Adamson, Carolyn P. Rosé:
Academically Productive Talk: One Size Does Not Fit All. - Manolis Mavrikis, Toby Dragon, Nikoleta Yiannoutsou, Bruce M. McLaren:
Towards Supporting 'Learning To Learn Together' in the Metafora platform. - Mohamed Soliman:
Supporting Collaborative Learning in Virtual Worlds by Intelligent Pedagogical Agents: Approach, Perspectives. - Jesus L. Lobo, Olga C. Santos, Jesus Boticario:
Towards Semantic Descriptions of Collaboration Indicators to Support Collaboration Models Transferability. - Andrew Clayphan:
Scripting at the Tabletop to Improve Collaboration.
Part 4: AIED Workshop on Simulated Learners
- Carrie Demmans Epp, Alexandra Makos:
Using Simulated Learners and Simulated Learning Environments within a Special Education Context. - Stephen E. Fancsali, Tristan Nixon, Annalies Vuong, Steven Ritter
Simulated Students, Mastery Learning, and Improved Learning Curves for Real-World Cognitive Tutors. - Stephanie Frost, Gordon I. McCalla:
Exploring through Simulation the Effects of Peer Impact on Learning. - Sylvie Girard, Lishan Zhang, Yoalli Hidalgo-Pontet, Kurt VanLehn, Winslow Burleson, Maria Elena Chavez Echeagaray, Javier Gonzalez Sanchez:
Using HCI Task Modeling Techniques to Measure How Deeply Students Model. - Manuel Hernando, Eduardo Guzmán, Ricardo Conejo:
Validating Item Response Theory Models in Simulated Environments. - Christopher J. MacLellan, Noboru Matsuda, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
Toward a reflective SimStudent: Using experience to avoid generalization errors. - Zachary A. Pardos, Michael Yudelson:
Towards Moment of Learning Accuracy. - Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo, Aaron Ong, Rex Perez Bringula, Roselle S. Basa, Cecilio Dela Cruz, Noboru Matsuda:
Impact of Prior Knowledge and Teaching Strategies on Learning by Teaching.
Part 5: 4th International Workshop on Culturally-Aware Tutoring Systems (CATS2013)
- Emmanuel G. Blanchard, Stan Karanasios, Vania Dimitrova:
A Conceptual Model of Intercultural Communication: Challenges, Development Method and Achievements. - Isabela Gasparini, Marcos Hideshi Kimura, Sergio De Moraes, Marcelo Soares Pimenta, José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira:
Is the Brazilian HCI Community Researching Cultural Issues? An Analysis of 15 years of the Brazilian HCI Conference. - Phaedra Mohammed, Permanand Mohan:
Contextualised Student Modelling for Enculturated Systems. - Zhao Xin Wu, Roger Nkambou, Jacqueline Bourdeau:
A Synergic Neuro-Fuzzy Evaluation System in Cultural Intelligence. - Mei Si:
A Virtual Space for Children to Meet and Practice Chinese.
Part 6: Cross-Cultural Differences and Learning Technologies for the Developing World (LT4D) -- Issues, Constraints, Solutions
- Imran A. Zualkernan, Ivon Arroyo, Beverly P. Woolf:
Towards Localization of Automated Tutors for Developing Countries. - Mohammed Phaedra, Permanand Mohan:
A Case Study of the Localization of an Intelligent Tutoring System. - Roberto Araya, Johan Van der Molen:
Impact of a blended ICT adoption model on Chilean vulnerable schools correlates with amount of on online practice. - Melissa-Sue John, Ivon Arroyo, Imran A. Zualkernan, Beverly P. Woolf:
Children Creating Pedagogical Avatars: Cross-cultural Differences in Drawings and Language. - Benjamin D. Nye:
Comparing Paradigms for AIED in ICT4D: Classroom, Institutional, and Informal. - Avron Barr, Tyde Richards, Robby Robson:
The Importance of Software Standards in the Globalization of Educational Technology: The IEEE Actionable Data Book Project.
Part 7: Recommendations for Authoring, Instructional Strategies and Analysis for Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS): Toward the Development of a Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT)
- Robert A. Sottilare, Heather K. Holden:
Motivations for a Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) for Authoring, Instruction and Analysis. - Charles Ragusa, Michael Hoffman, Jon Leonard:
Unwrapping GIFT: A Primer on Developing with the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring. - Keith W. Brawner:
GIFT Research Transition: An Outline of Options: How transition in GIFT moves through phases of idea, project, paper, and to real-world use. - Benjamin S. Goldberg, Janice Cannon-Bowers:
Experimentation with the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT): A Testbed Use Case. - Colin Ray, Stephen B. Gilbert:
Bringing Authoring Tools for Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Serious Games Closer Together: Integrating GIFT with the Unity Game Engine. - Mostafa Amin-Naseri, Enruo Guo, Stephen B. Gilbert, John Jackman, Mathew Hagge, Gloria Starns, LeAnn Faidly:
Authoring a Thermodynamics Cycle Tutor Using GIFT. - Benjamin Nye:
Integrating GIFT and AutoTutor with Sharable Knowledge Objects (SKOs). - James M. Thomas, Ajay Divakaran, Saad M. Khan:
Leveraging a Generalized Tutoring Framework in Exploratory Simulations Of Ill-Defined Domains. - Stephen Fancsali, Steven Ritter
, John C. Stamper, Tristan Nixon:
Toward "Hyper-Personalized" Cognitive Tutors: Non-Cognitive Personalization in the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring. - Anne M. Sinatra:
Using GIFT to Support an Empirical Study on the Impact of the Self-Reference Effect on Learning. - Jeanine DeFalco, Ryan S. Baker:
Detection and Transition Analysis of Engagement and Affect in a Simulation-Based Combat Medic Training Environment. - Jonathan P. Rowe, Eleni V. Lobene, Jennifer Sabourin, Bradford W. Mott, James C. Lester:
Run-Time Affect Modeling in a Serious Game with the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring. - Benjamin Nye, Donald M. Morrison:
Towards a Generalized Framework for Intelligent Teaching and Learning Systems: The Argument for a Lightweight Multiagent Architecture. - Vasile Rus, Nobal B. Niraula, Mihai C. Lintean, Rajendra Banjade, Dan Stefanescu, William Baggett:
Recommendations for the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring Based on the Development of the Deep Tutor Service. - Donald M. Morrison, Vasile Rus:
The SCHOLAR Legacy: A New Look at the Affordances of Semantic Networks for Conversational Agents in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. - Andrew Onley:
XNAgent: Authoring Embodied Conversational Agents for Tutor-User Interfaces.
Part 8: Formative Feedback in Interactive Learning Environments (FFILE)
- Anna N. Rafferty, Elizabeth Gerard, Kevin W. McElhaney, Marcia C. Linn:
Automating Guidance for Students' Chemistry Drawings. - Kim M. Kelly, Neil T. Heffernan, Cristina Heffernan, Susan R. Goldman, James Pellegrino, Deena Soffer Goldstein:
Estimating the Effect of Web-Based Homework. - Vanda Luengo, Dima Mufti-Alchawafa:
Target the controls during the problem solving activity, a process to produce adapted epistemic feedbacks in ill-defined domains. The case of a TEL system for orthopaedic surgery. - Pamela W. Jordan, Patricia L. Albacete, Sandra Katz, Michael Ford, Michael Lipschultz:
Eliciting student explanations during tutorial dialogue for the purpose of providing formative feedback. - Matthew J. Hays, H. Chad Lane, Daniel Auerbach:
Must Feedback Disrupt Presence in Serious Games? - Claire E. Stevenson, Wilma C. M. Resing, Willem J. Heiser:
Individual differences in the effect of feedback on children's change in analogical reasoning. - Zachary T. Chung, Hiroko Nagai, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo:
An Intelligent Tutoring System for Japanese Language Particles with User Assessment and Feedback. - Nancy L. Green:
Towards Formative Feedback on Student Arguments. - Matthew W. Easterday, Daniel Rees Lewis, Elizabeth Gerber:
Formative feedback in Digital Lofts: Learning environments for real world innovation. - Nicolas van Labeke, Denise Whitelock, Debora Field, Stephen Pulman, John T. E. Richardson:
What is my essay really saying? Using extractive summarization to motivate reflection and redrafting. - Lakshmi Ramachandran, Edward F. Gehringer:
A User Study on the Automated Assessment of Reviews. - Michael Eagle, Tiffany Barnes, Matthew W. Johnson:
Effects of Automatically Generated Hints on Time in a Logic Tutor. - Joseph Jay Williams, Helen Poldsam:
Providing implicit formative feedback to learners by combining self-generated and instructional explanations. - Paul Salvador Inventado, Roberto Sebastian Legaspi, Koichi Moriyama, Masayuki Numao, Jeanine DeFalco, Ryan S. Baker:
An architecture for identifying and using effective learning behavior to help students manage learning.
Part 9: The First Workshop on AI-supported Education for Computer Science (AIEDCS)
- Nigel Bosch, Sidney K. D'Mello:
Sequential Patterns of Affective States of Novice Programmers. - Sebastian Gross, Sven Strickroth, Niels Pinkwart, Nguyen-Thinh Le:
Towards Deeper Understanding of Syntactic Concepts in Programming. - Foteini Grivokostopoulou, Isidoros Perikos, Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis:
An Intelligent Tutoring System for Teaching FOL Equivalence. - Fernando J. Rodríguez, Natalie D. Kerby, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer:
Informing the Design of a Game-Based Learning Environment for Computer Science: A Pilot Study on Engagement and Collaborative Dialogue. - Christopher Michael Mitchell, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, James C. Lester:
When to Intervene: Toward a Markov Decision Process Dialogue Policy for Computer Science Tutoring. - Kelly Rivers, Kenneth R. Koedinger:
Automatic Generation of Programming Feedback; A Data-Driven Approach. - Roya Hosseini, Peter Brusilovsky:
JavaParser; A Fine-Grain Concept Indexing Tool for Java Problems.
Part 10: Workshop on Self-Regulated Learning in Educational Technologies (SRL@ET): Supporting, modeling, evaluating, and fostering metacognition with computer-based learning environments
- Tom Murray:
Brief Introduction to Social Deliberative Skills. - Ernesto Panadero, Sanna Järvelä, Jonna Malmberg, Marika Koivuniemi, Chris Phielix, Jos G. M. Jaspers, Paul A. Kirschner:
Enhancing socially shared regulation in working groups using a CSCL regulation tools. - Amali Weerasinghe, Amir Shareghi Najar, Tanja Mitrovic:
How should SE be supported - during problem-solving or seperately? - Christina M. Steiner, Gudrun Wesiak, Adam Moore, Owen Conlan, Declan Dagger, Gary Donohoe, Dietrich Albert:
An Investigation of Successful Self-Regulated-Learning in a Technology-Enhanced Learning Environment. - Mayya Sharipova, Gordon I. McCalla:
Managing Ethical Thinking. - Bowen Hui:
A Framework for Self-Regulated Learning of Domain-Specific Concepts. - Lishan Zhang, Winslow Burleson, Maria Elena Chavez Echeagaray, Sylvie Girard, Javier Gonzalez Sanchez, Yoalli Hidalgo-Pontet, Kurt VanLehn:
Evaluation of a meta-tutor for constructing models of dynamic systems.

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