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12th ICARCV 2012: Guangzhou, China
- 12th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision, ICARCV 2012, Guangzhou, China, December 5-7, 2012. IEEE 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1871-6
- Graham C. Goodwin
, Katrina Lau, Mauricio G. Cea:
Control with communication constraints. 1-10 - Roberto Cipolla:
3D shape and its applications. 11 - Kazuhiro Kosuge:
iCART: Intelligent Cooperative Autonomous Robot Transporters. 12 - Kaien Liu
, Guangming Xie, Long Wang
Consensus for second-order multi-agent systems with inherent nonlinear dynamics under directed topologies. 13-18 - Wen Sun
, Jinhu Lu
, Okyay Kaynak
, Maciej J. Ogorzalek
On pinning impulsive control of complex dynamical networks. 19-24 - Qian-Qian Li, Yan-Wu Wang, Jiang-Wen Xiao:
Dynamic consensus of multi-agent systems under Markov packet losses with defective transition probabilities. 25-29 - Jin Guo, Yanlong Zhao:
Recursive identification of FIR systems with binary-valued observations. 30-35 - Chi Huang, Daniel W. C. Ho
, Jianquan Lu
, Zidong Wang
Distributed filtering in sensor networks with hybrid communication constraints. 36-41 - Baoqi Huang, Tao Li, Brian D. O. Anderson, Changbin Yu:
On the performance limit of single-hop TOA localization. 42-46 - Hyo-Sung Ahn
Adaptive learning control with spatially-periodic and unknown random disturbances. 47-51 - Chiang-Ju Chien, Ying-Chung Wang:
Observer based adaptive control of nonlinear systems using filtered-FNN design. 52-57 - Mingxuan Sun, Xiangbin Liu, Haigang He:
Adaptive iterative learning control for SISO discrete time-varying systems. 58-63 - Weisheng Chen, Shaoyong Hua, Wenlong Ren, Wenbo Hu:
Neural-network-based cooperative adaptive identification of nonlinear systems. 64-69 - Huijin Fan, Bing Liu, Yindong Shen:
Fault tolerant control for uncertain systems with actuator stochastic failures. 70-75 - Min Wang, Cong Wang:
Learning from adaptive neural control for a class of pure-feedback systems. 76-81 - João Sequeira
, Cristina P. Santos
, Jorge Bruno Silva:
Dynamical systems in robot control architectures: A building block perspective. 82-87 - Ahmad Naddi Ahmad Mazlan, Euan William McGookin:
Modelling and control of a biomimetic autonomous underwater vehicle. 88-93 - Chang Wang
, Pascal Wiggers, Koen V. Hindriks
, Catholijn M. Jonker:
Learning Classifier System on a humanoid NAO robot in dynamic environments. 94-99 - Fei Chao, Haixiong Lin, Min Jiang
, Minghui Shi, Jinying Chao:
Integration of brain-like computational structure and infant behaviorial pattern for robotic hand-eye coordination. 100-105 - Hailing Li, Haiyan Wu, Lei Lou, Kolja Kühnlenz, Ole Ravn
Ping-pong robotics with high-speed vision system. 106-111 - Maying Yang, Yubo Jia:
Action utility prediction and role task allocation in robot soccer system. 112-117 - Hoda Dandach, Fahed Abdallah
, Jérôme De Miras, Ali Charara:
Vehicle dynamics estimation using Box Particle Filter. 118-123 - Procopio Stein, Anne Spalanzani, Christian Laugier, Vítor M. F. Santos
Leader selection and following in dynamic environments. 124-129 - Michael Hoy:
Deadlock resolution for navigation of wheeled robots in continuous state-space. 130-135 - Dae-Sung Jang, Han-Lim Choi:
Pass rate analysis of interception heuristic against border crossers along a linear border. 136-141 - Syed Usman Ahmed, Arsalan Akhter, Faraz Kunwar
Cellular automata based real time path planning for mobile robots. 142-147 - Alexey S. Matveev
, Michael Hoy, Andrey V. Savkin:
Boundary tracking by a wheeled robot with rigidly mounted sensors. 148-153 - Thomas Nierhoff, Sandra Hirche:
Fast trajectory replanning using Laplacian mesh optimization. 154-159 - Yan Li
, Jianguo Jack Wang
, Size Xiao, Xiang Luo:
Dead reckoning navigation with Constant Velocity Update (CUPT). 160-165 - Seyedehsamaneh Shojaeilangari, Wei-Yun Yau, Jun Li
, Eam Khwang Teoh:
Feature extraction through Binary Pattern of Phase Congruency for facial expression recognition. 166-170 - Je-Hyoung Jeon, Beom-Seok Oh, Kar-Ann Toh:
A system for hand gesture based signature recognition. 171-175 - Masatsugu Ichino, Yasushi Yamazaki, Jian-Gang Wang, Wei-Yun Yau:
Text independent speaker gender recognition using lip movement. 176-181 - Tetsushi Ohki, Seira Hidano, Tatsuya Takehisa:
Evaluation of wolf attack for classified target on speaker verification systems. 182-187 - Junjie Yan, Zhiwei Zhang, Zhen Lei, Dong Yi, Stan Z. Li:
Face liveness detection by exploring multiple scenic clues. 188-193 - Munawar Hayat
, Mohammed Bennamoun
, Yinjie Lei, Amar A. El-Sallam:
Novel low level local features for 3D expression invariant face recognition. 194-198 - Faiz Rasool, Sing Kiong Nguang
, Mohd Shakir M. D. Saat
, Jie Wu, Guangbo Zeng:
Robust H∞ state feedback control of networked control systems with congestion control. 199-204 - P. Baburaj, Bijnan Bandyopadhyay:
Discrete-time integral sliding-mode flow control for connection-oriented communication networks. 205-210 - Haili Liang, Xiaofan Wang:
Opinion dynamics in networks with bounded confidence and influence. 211-216 - Lei-Ming Liu, Chao-nan Tong, Yan-Kun Wu:
Modeling and design of feedback control systems based state observers over network. 217-220 - Tri Tran
, Quang Phuc Ha:
Parameterised quadratic constraints for network systems subject to multiple communication topologies. 221-228 - Chot Hun Lim, Tien Sze Lim, Voon Chet Koo:
A PC-based orientation sensing using 9-DOF strapdown inertial measurement unit. 229-234 - Yingfei Diao, Minyue Fu
, Huanshui Zhang
Comparison of node localization methods for sensor networks. 235-239 - Qing-Shan Jia
, Zhe Wen, Li Xia:
Event-based sensor activation for indoor occupant distribution estimation. 240-245 - Jasen Markovski, Michel A. Reniers
An integrated state- and event-based framework for verifying liveness in supervised systems. 246-251 - Fuchun Liu, Qiansheng Zhang, Xuesong Chen
, Renwei Huang:
Safe diagnosability of fuzzy discrete-event systems. 252-257 - Shaolong Shu, Wenhao Zong:
Recoverability of faulty discrete event systems. 258-263 - Hesuan Hu, Rong Su
A novel approach to liveness supervision of AMS with assembly operations using Petri nets. 264-269 - Liyong Lin, Rong Su
, Alin Stefanescu:
Remarks on the difficulty of top-down supervisor synthesis. 270-275 - Shaolong Shu, Feng Lin:
Fault-tolerant control for safety of discrete event systems. 276-281 - Jinchuan Zheng
, Minyue Fu
A simple robust controller for hysteresis and resonance compensation of piezoelectric actuators. 282-287 - Patrick Weiss, Patrick Zenker, Erik Maehle:
Feed-forward friction and inertia compensation for improving backdrivability of motors. 288-293 - Habibullah
, Obaid Ur Rehman, Hemanshu Roy Pota
, Ian R. Petersen:
Internal reference model based optimal LQG controller for atomic force microscope. 294-299 - Chunling Du, Tingting Gao, Lihua Xie:
Analysis of actuator in-phase property in terms of control performance and integrated plant/controller design using a novel model matching method. 300-305 - Yegui Xiao, Hongyun Wei:
A feedforward hybrid active noise control system in the presence of sensor error. 306-310 - Tushar Jain
, Joseph-Julien Yamé
, Dominique Sauter:
Case study on behavioral approach to fault-tolerant control: Application to an electric circuit. 311-316 - Evangeline Pollard, Denis Gingras:
Improved low cost GPS localization by using communicative vehicles. 317-322 - He Zhang, Zifeng Hou, Nanjun Li, Shuang Song, Pengzhi Xu:
Duo-graph: An efficient and robust method for large-scale mapping for visual-guided robots. 323-328 - Miguel Aranda
, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés:
Planar motion estimation from 1D homographies. 329-334 - Sheraz Khan
, Dirk Wollherr
, Martin Buss:
PIRF 3D: Online spatial and appearance based loop closure. 335-340 - T. T. Hoang, P. M. Duong, N. T. T. Van, D. A. Viet, T. Q. Vinh:
Development of an EKF-based localization algorithm using compass sensor and LRF. 341-346 - Bastian Bischoff, Duy Nguyen-Tuong, Felix Streichert, Marlon Ewert, Alois C. Knoll
Fusing vision and odometry for accurate indoor robot localization. 347-352 - Mariam Al-Sagban, Rached Dhaouadi
Neural-based navigation of a differential-drive mobile robot. 353-358 - Vadim Zaliva
3D finger posture detection and gesture recognition on touch surfaces. 359-364 - Kai Zhan, Fabio Ramos, Steven Faux:
Activity recognition from a wearable camera. 365-370 - Xiao Tang, Yinhe Wang, Qin-ruo Wang:
A rotation and scale invariance face Recognition Method Based on Complex Network and Image Contour. 371-376 - Shigeharu Miyata, Takehara Shin, Hideki Sakai, Takahiro Ishikawa:
Method for recognition of numbers on speed limit signs utilizing an eigen space method based on the KL transform. 377-382 - Si Lu, Li Liu, Shuai Zhao:
Field Line Detection Based on Local-precise Extracting and Modified Hough Transform. 383-389 - Aymen Sellaouti, Hmida Rojbani, Atef Hamouda, Cédric Wemmert, Aline Deruyver:
Hierarchical classification-based radon road extraction (HCBRRE). 390-395 - Harish Kumar Maheshwari, Muhammad Yakoob Siyal:
Correntropy coefficient analysis of fMRI using reference model. 396-400 - Li Wei, Minyue Fu
, Huanshui Zhang
Quantized output-feedback control for linear systems with multiplicative noises in measurement. 401-406 - Xiaomei Zhang, Rujuan Zhou, Zhenjuan Zhang, Guoping Lu:
Network-based stabilization of time-delay systems with actuator saturation via anti-windup design. 407-412 - Hao Chen, Jitao Sun:
Model construction of mix-valued logical network via observed data. 413-417 - Tao Bian, Yan-Wu Wang:
Average consensus of multi-agent systems under logarithm quantized communications. 418-423 - Baoyue Rong, Ling Shi
, Li Qiu
Networked state estimation of MIMO Systems. 424-429 - Jingyi Huang, Jing Yao, Jian Sun, Jun Wang:
A new coupled map car-following model under inter-vehicle communication. 430-435 - Youfeng Su, Jie Huang:
Global robust output regulation for nonlinear multi-agent systems in strict feedback form. 436-441 - Ronghu Chi, Zhongsheng Hou, Shangtai Jin, Danwei Wang:
A new dynamical linearization based adaptive ILC for nonlinear discrete-time MIMO systems. 442-446 - Ying-Chung Wang, Chiang-Ju Chien:
An FNN-Based adaptive iterative learning control for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems. 447-451 - Jia Shi, Qingying Jiang, Zikai Cao, Hua Zhou, Yi Yang:
Design method of PID-type model predictive iterative learning control based on the two-dimensional generalized predictive control scheme. 452-457 - Mingxuan Sun, Lingwei Wu, Lida Xu:
Discrete-time repetitive control with ideal error dynamics. 458-463 - Fan Wu, Xiao-Dong Li:
Iterative Learning Control for 2-D linear discrete systems with Roessor's model. 464-467 - Je-Young Jeong, Hyo-Sung Ahn
, Young-Soo Kim:
Decentralized iterative learning control for hegerogeneous system with arbitrary interconnections. 468-473 - Deyuan Meng, Yingmin Jia, Junping Du, Fashan Yu:
Formation iterative learning control for multi-agent systems with higher-order dynamics. 474-479 - Dong Shen, Youqing Wang:
Iterative learning control for stochastic point-to-point tracking system. 480-485 - Shakir Saat
, Sing Kiong Nguang
, Jie Wu, Guangbo Zeng:
Nonlinear robust state feedback control of uncertain polynomial discrete-time systems: An integral action approach. 486-491 - Fei Siang Tay
, Zhihong Man
, Zhenwei Cao
, Jiong Jin
, Suiyang Khoo:
A robust learning control for SISO nonlinear systems with T-S fuzzy model: C02-robust control. 492-497 - Dengfeng Zhang, Hong Wang, Baochun Lu:
Static output feedback reliable controller design of nonlinear systems with multiple constraints. 498-503 - Jianliang Chen, Yong-Yan Cao:
Robust fault detection observer design for LPV systems. 504-511 - Yi An Lei, Zhongyi Chu, ShanYong Ren, Dan Li:
Dynamic modeling and robust adaptive control of a deployable manipulator. 512-517 - Jianchun Xing, Ronghao Wang, Ping Wang, Qiliang Yang:
Robust control for a class of uncertain switched time delay systems using delta operator. 518-523 - Yunhua Li, Liuyu He, Liman Yang:
Coordinated and optimal acceleration and deceleration driving control for multi-axle hydrostatic driving vehicle. 524-529 - Ülo Nurges, Sergei Avanessov:
Fixed order stabilizing controller design via random reflection segments. 530-535 - Chao Yang, Junfeng Wu, Ling Shi
, Wei Zhang:
Communication scheduling for decentralized state estimation. 536-541 - Xiaoyang Liu, Wenwu Yu:
Quasi-synchronization of switched linearly coupled complex networks. 542-547 - Yiming Ji, Changbin Yu, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Threshold phenomenon for average consensus. 548-553 - Linlin Ou, Qike Shao, Junjie Chen, Yuan Su, Li Yu:
Decentralized PID controller design for the cooperative control of networked multi-agent systems. 554-559 - Kefei Xin, Xianghui Cao
, Peng Cheng, Jiming Chen:
Optimal controller location in wireless sensor and actuator networks. 560-565 - Yutao Tang, Yiguang Hong:
Hierarchical control design of nonlinear systems based on approximate simulation. 566-571 - Lixin Gao, Junwei Li, Xinjian Zhu, Wenhai Chen:
Leader-following consensus of linear multi-agent systems with state-observer under switching topologies. 572-577 - Jiangping Hu
Second-order event-triggered tracking control with only position measurements. 578-583 - Mengqi Wu, Yuanqing Xia, Mengyin Fu:
Application of NPC in wireless networked control systems. 584-589 - Juanjuan Xu, Huanshui Zhang
, Ling Shi
Consensus and convergence rate analysis for multi-agent systems with time delay. 590-595 - Dabo Xu, Yiguang Hong:
Distributed output regulation design for multi-agent systems in output-feedback form. 596-601 - Weidong Wang, Hongbin Ma, Youqing Wang, Mengyin Fu:
Localization of static target in WSNs with least-squares and extended Kalman filter. 602-607 - Xiang Luo, Yan Li
, Xiang Thomas Ren, Jianguo Jack Wang
Automatic road surface profiling with sensors fusion. 608-613 - Shifeng Wang, Rami N. Khushaba
, Sarath Kodagoda
Towards speed-independent road-type classification. 614-619 - Bingbing Liu, Xi Zheng, Xiaojun Wu, Yiguang Liu:
Quasi Monte Carlo localization for mobile robots. 620-625 - Jun Xu, Lihua Xie, Nitish Khanna, Wei Hong Chee:
Cooperative control in HNMSim - A 3D hybrid networked MAS simulator. 626-631 - Hao Li, Fawzi Nashashibi:
A new method for occupancy grid maps merging: Application to multi-vehicle cooperative local mapping and moving object detection in outdoor environment. 632-637 - Diluka Moratuwage
, Ba-Ngu Vo
, Danwei Wang, Han Wang
Extending Bayesian RFS SLAM to multi-vehicle SLAM. 638-643 - Fawzi Nashashibi, Paulo Resende, François Charlot, Carlos Holguin, Michel Parent, Laurent Bouraoui:
A cooperative personal automated transport system: A CityMobil demonstration in Rocquencourt. 644-649 - P. G. C. N. Senarathne, Danwei Wang, Han Wang
A new gain function for compact exploration. 650-655 - Qadeer Baig, Mathias Perrollaz, Jander Botelho Do Nascimento, Christian Laugier:
Using fast classification of static and dynamic environment for improving Bayesian occupancy filter (BOF) and tracking. 656-661 - Hisato Kobayashi, Yoshiyuki Hino, Ivan Ho, Billy Pham, Shoichiro Watanabe:
Information and communication technology-based tele-monitoring for elderly care houses. 662-667 - Tatsuya Yamazaki
Communicative robot interface for the ageing society. 668-671 - Qiang Lin, Daqing Zhang, Xiaodi Huang
, Hongbo Ni, Xingshe Zhou:
Detecting wandering behavior based on GPS traces for elders with dementia. 672-677 - Maqbool Hussain, Muhammad Afzal
, Wajahat Ali Khan
, Sungyoung Lee:
Clinical Decision Support Service for elderly people in smart home environment. 678-683 - Wei Meng, Lihua Xie, Wendong Xiao:
Sensor placement in heterogeneous sensor networks. 684-689 - Xiaodan Yuan, Mei Yu, Wendong Xiao:
Robust stabilization of multiple coupled networked control system via jump linear system approach. 690-694 - Bo Chen, Li Yu, Wen-An Zhang, Haiyu Song:
Networked multi-sensor fusion estimation with delays, packet losses and missing measurements. 695-700 - Haibo Zhang
, Michael H. Albert, Andreas Willig:
Combining TDMA with Slotted Aloha for delay constrained traffic over lossy links. 701-706 - Hui Cheng, Yi Chen, Wing Shing Wong, Qiong Yang, Lianfeng Shen:
Protocol sequence based wireless media access control in networked control systems. 707-712 - Lijuan Zhao, Bo Yang, Xinping Guan:
Power allocation based on finite-horizon optimization for vehicle-to-roadside communications. 713-718 - Rami Ronen, Shai A. Arogeti
Coordinated path following control for a group of car-like vehicles. 719-724 - Xiaohua Wang, Wenzhong Luo, S. N. Balakrishnan:
Linear impulsive system optimization using adaptive dynamic programming. 725-730 - Ye Lu, Ruiyun Qi:
Adaptive observer-based output feedback control design for fault compensation and tolerance. 731-736 - Wei Zhou, Xudong Ye:
Adaptive control of parallel DC-DC buck converters with uncertain parameters. 737-740 - Do Manh Tuan, Zhihong Man
, Cishen Zhang, Jiong Jin
A new sliding mode-based learning control for uncertain discrete-time systems. 741-746 - Jingtao Shi:
Sufficient conditions of optimality for mean-field stochastic control problems. 747-752 - Fuke Wu, Shigeng Hu:
Robust stability with general decay rate for stochastic neural networks with unbounded time-varying delays. 753-758 - Waleed M. Alfehaid, Asad I. Khan, Anang Hudaya Muhamad Amin
A combined pattern recognition scheme with genetic algorithms for robot guidance using Wireless Sensor Networks. 759-764 - Qinglei Hu, Danwei Wang, Eng Kee Poh:
Velocity-free fault tolerant control allocation for flexible spacecraft with redundant thrusters. 765-770 - Hao Hu, Bin Jiang, Hao Yang:
Robust H∞ reliable control for a class of uncertain switched nonlinear systems. 771-774 - Xuanju Dang, Peng Xu, Haoming Yang, Shan Li, Dawei Wang:
Phase plane-based variable structure control for switched reluctance motor direct torque control. 775-781 - Zhiyong Chen:
Robust sampled-data control of nonlinear output feedback systems. 782-786 - Shakir Saat, Sing Kiong Nguang
, Jie Wu, Guangbo Zeng:
Disturbance attenuation for a class of uncertain polynomial discrete-time systems: An integrator approach. 787-792 - Zhe Dong:
Power-level regulation of the MHTGR based upon iterative damping assignment. 793-798 - Yong Chen
, Lu Cao, Yiyong Huang, Xiaoqian Chen:
Integral sliding mode controller for pressure stabilization in hydrodynamic system with hydraulic accumulator. 799-804 - Bertrand Douillard, Alastair James Quadros, Peter Morton, James Patrick Underwood, Mark De Deuge:
A 3D classifier trained without field samples. 805-810 - Shi Zhao
, Tien-Fu Lu
, Ben Koch, Alan Hurdsman:
Stockpile modelling using mobile laser scanner for quality grade control in stockpile management. 811-816 - Mingjie Liang, Huaqing Min, Ronghua Luo, Jin-Hui Zhu, Chang'an Yi:
Local Consistent Alignment for 3D modeling with an RGB-D camera. 817-822 - Lorenzo Sabattini
, Alessio Levratti, Francesco Venturi, Enrica Amplo, Cesare Fantuzzi
, Cristian Secchi
Experimental comparison of 3D vision sensors for mobile robot localization for industrial application: Stereo-camera and RGB-D sensor. 823-828 - Stefan Krause
, Robert Evert:
Remission based improvement of extrinsic parameter calibration of camera and laser scanner. 829-834 - Lei Shi
, Rami N. Khushaba
, Sarath Kodagoda
, Gamini Dissanayake
Application of CRF and SVM based semi-supervised learning for semantic labeling of environments. 835-840 - Sheraz Khan
, Nikos Mitsou, Dirk Wollherr
, Costas S. Tzafestas
An optimization approach for 3D environment mapping using normal vector uncertainty. 841-846 - Xiaojun Wu, Zhigao Liu:
Accurate camera calibration for hand-held camera in multi-view stereo reconstruction. 847-852 - Xiaodong Du, Bin Liang, Wenfu Xu, Xueqian Wang, Xuehai Gao:
A semi-physical simulation system for binocular vision guided rendezvous. 853-858 - Stephen Vidas
, Sridha Sridharan:
Hand-held monocular SLAM in thermal-infrared. 859-864 - Dah-Jye Lee, Guangming Xiong, Robert M. Lane, Dong Zhang:
An efficient shape analysis method for shrimp quality evaluation. 865-870 - Brandon Taylor, Dah-Jye Lee, Dong Zhang, Guangming Xiong:
Smart phone-based Indoor guidance system for the visually impaired. 871-876 - Jinping Fan, Ruichun Wang, Shiguo Li, Chunxiao Zhang:
Automated cervical cell image segmentation using level set based active contour model. 877-882 - Wen-Po Cheng, Tien-Ruey Hsiang:
Tensor-based 3D color face reconstruction using a single image. 883-888 - Guanghui Wen
, Zhisheng Duan, Zhongkui Li, Guanrong Chen
Consensus tracking of nonlinear multi-agent systems with switching directed topologies. 889-894 - Jinwen Hu, Lihua Xie, Jun Xu
Vision-based multi-agent cooperative target search. 895-900 - Yang Ou, Yuanqing Xia, Mengyin Fu:
A modified method of nonlinear attitude estimation based on EKF. 901-906 - Yizhou Miao, Gangfeng Yan, Zhiyun Lin
A non-deadlock reconfiguration strategy in cooperative module systems. 907-912 - Sijian Zhang, Zhiyun Lin
, Gangfeng Yan:
Local multi-robot coordination and experiments. 913-918 - Peng Cui, Minyue Fu
Stability analysis of a distributed state estimator for linear systems. 919-924 - Zhongkui Li, Xiangdong Liu, Gang Feng
Coordinated tracking of multi-agent systems with a leader of bounded unknown input using distributed continuous controllers. 925-930 - Gen'ichi Yasuda:
Petri net based hierarchical and distributed implementation of robotic manufacturing systems. 931-936 - Kit Yan Chan, Sven Nordholm
, Ka Fai Cedric Yiu:
Multichannel filters for speech recognition using a particle swarm optimization. 937-942 - José Cecílio
, Pedro Furtado
Providing timely actuation guarantees with heterogeneous SAN for industrial process control. 943-948 - Pavel Dzitac, Abdul Md. Mazid
A depth sensor to control pick-and-place robots for fruit packaging. 949-954 - Yongchang Li, Dimitri Mavris
A hierarchical control architecture for resource allocation. 955-959 - Joseph-Julien Yamé
, Dominique Sauter:
A note on the canonical controller in the behavioral system-theoretic approach. 960-965 - Wenfu Xu, Qiang Xue, Houde Liu, Xiaodong Du, Bin Liang:
A pose measurement method of a non-cooperative GEO spacecraft based on stereo vision. 966-971 - Minghang Li, Weiyao Lan, Minghong Wu, Jiajia Cao, Linning Huang:
Real-time simulation of satellite attitude control based on low cost embedded system. 972-977 - Hamid Teimoori, Hemanshu Roy Pota
, Matthew A. Garratt
, Mahendra Kumar Samal
Helicopter flight control using inverse optimal control and backstepping. 978-983 - Kevin John Rafferty, Euan William McGookin:
A comparison of PID and Sliding Mode controllers for a remotely operated helicopter. 984-989 - Daibing Zhang, Xun Wang, Weiwei Kong:
Autonomous control of running takeoff and landing for a fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle. 990-994 - Djamalladine Mahamat Pierre, M. Nordin Zakaria, Anindya Jyoti Pal:
Self-Organizing Map approach to determining compromised solutions for multi-objective UAV path planning. 995-1000 - Zhou Fang, Chuanchuan Hao, Ping Li:
Learning linear parameter-varying control of small-scale helicopter using episodic natural actor-critic method. 1001-1005 - Adizul Ahmad
, Liang Zhao, Shoudong Huang
, Gamini Dissanayake
Convergence comparison of least squares based bearing-only SLAM algorithms using different landmark parametrizations. 1006-1011 - Syed Riaz un Nabi Jafri, Zhao Li, Aftab Ahmed Chandio
, Ryad Chellali:
Laser only feature based multi robot SLAM. 1012-1017 - Guillaume Bresson, Romuald Aufrère, Roland Chapuis:
Real-time Decentralized Monocular SLAM. 1018-1023 - Adizul Ahmad
, Shoudong Huang
, Jack Jianguo Wang
, Gamini Dissanayake
A new state vector and a map joining algorithm for range-only SLAM. 1024-1029 - Zhan Wang, Gamini Dissanayake
Exploiting vehicle motion information in monocular SLAM. 1030-1035 - Jared Le Cras, Jonathan Paxman
A modular hybrid SLAM for the 3D mapping of large scale environments. 1036-1041 - Shujing Zhang, Bo He, Xiao Feng, Guang Yuan:
ICM: An efficient data association for SLAM in stochastic mapping. 1042-1047 - Feng Su, Gu Fang
Moving object tracking using an adaptive colour filter. 1048-1052 - Jie Hou, Yaobin Mao, Jinsheng Sun:
Visual tracking by separability-maximum online boosting. 1053-1058 - Xuanpeng Li, Emmanuel Seignez, Pierre Loonis:
Reliability-based driver drowsiness detection using Dempster-Shafer theory. 1059-1064 - Xin Wang, Maja Rudinac, Pieter Jonker:
A robust real-time tracking system based on an adaptive selection mechanism for mobile robots. 1065-1070 - Yao Lu, Ling Li
, Patrick Peursum:
Human pose tracking based on both generic and specific appearance models. 1071-1076 - Abdul Basit, Matthew N. Dailey
, Pudit Laksanacharoen:
Model driven state estimation for target pursuit. 1077-1082 - Sascha Schrader, Markus Dambek, Adrian Block, Stefan Brending, David Nakath
, Falko Schmid, Jasper van de Ven:
A distributed online learning tracking algorithm. 1083-1088 - Pavel Dzitac, Abdul Md. Mazid:
Analysis of sensor and gripper jaw response times. 1089-1094 - Mats Isaksson
, Torgny Brogardh, Saeid Nahavandi:
A 5-DOF rotation-symmetric parallel manipulator with one unconstrained tool rotation. 1095-1100 - Teng Zhao, Ying Wang:
A neural-network based autonomous navigation system using mobile robots. 1101-1106 - Houde Liu, Bin Liang, Wenfu Xu, Xueqian Wang, Ye Shi:
Development of ground experiment system for space robot performing fine manipulation. 1107-1112 - Adrian Boeing, Thomas Bräunl:
Leveraging multiple simulators for crossing the reality gap. 1113-1119 - Qijun Xiao, Chaoyin Liu, Shengyong Li, Hungsun Son, Jinjun Guo, Jian Li:
Design, simulation and experiment of a novel mass detection system with active control magnetic. 1120-1124 - Csaba Antonya
Accuracy of gaze point estimation in immersive 3D interaction interface based on eye tracking. 1125-1129 - Pankaj Kumar, Jinhai Cai, Stan Miklavcic
Root crown detection using statistics of Zernike moments. 1130-1135 - En Peng, Ling Li
Acquisition of 3-D surface shape of human body from monocular images without pose estimation. 1136-1141 - Jianqing Wang, Min Wang, Hong Qiao, John A. Keane:
Oriented Gradient Context for pedestrian detection. 1142-1147 - Muhammad Rizwan Khokher
, Abdul Ghafoor
, Adil Masood Siddiqui:
Image segmentation using fuzzy rule based system and graph cuts. 1148-1153 - Sheng Wang, Qiang Wu
, Xiangjian He
, Min Xu
On splitting dataset: Boosting Locally Adaptive Regression Kernels for car localization. 1154-1159 - Wei Wu, Haoqian Wang:
Stereo matching using graph cuts: A 3D-Hough transformation approach. 1160-1164 - Jiayun Wu, Kah Bin Lim
A color grouping method for detection of object regions based on local saliency. 1165-1169 - Yang Yong:
Position variable structure control for water hydraulic vane actuator. 1170-1174 - Xiheng Zang, Shuo Tang:
Combined feedback linearization and sliding mode control for reusable launch vehicle reentry. 1175-1180 - Duc-Cuong Quach, Quan Yin, Yu-Feng Shi, Chunjie Zhou:
Design and implementation of three-phase SVPWM inverter with 16-bit dsPIC. 1181-1186 - M. S. Rana
, Hemanshu Roy Pota
, Ian R. Petersen:
High performance control of atomic force microscope for high-speed image scanning. 1187-1192 - Yayun Zhou, Jörg Schulze
, Stefan Schäffler:
Dual spherical spline: A new representation of ruled surface optimization. 1193-1198 - Xin-zhuang Dong:
Controllability analysis of linear singular delta operator systems. 1199-1204 - Xinyan Zhang, Weiqing Wang, Feng Li, Yi Dai:
Individual pitch control based on fuzzy PI used in variable speed wind turbine. 1205-1208 - Dan Ye, Quan-Yong Fan, Xin-Gang Zhao:
Improved H2 controller design for Markov jump linear system with general transition probabilities. 1209-1214 - Shuxiang Xu
, Yunling Liu:
HONNs with ELM algorithm for medical applications. 1215-1219 - Hui Tian, Jianbin Qiu, Huijun Gao, Qiugang Lu:
New results on robust filtering design for continuous-time nonlinear systems via T-S fuzzy affine dynamic models. 1220-1225 - Rami Levy, Shai A. Arogeti
, Danwei Wang:
Mode tracking and diagnosis of hybrid systems, an integrated approach. 1226-1231 - Mihai Crenganis, Radu-Eugen Breaz
, Sever Gabriel Racz
, Octavian-Constantin Bologa:
Inverse kinematics of a 7 DOF manipulator using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems. 1232-1237 - Rachit Mehra
, Sumeet G. Satpute, Faruk Kazi, Navdeep M. Singh:
Passivity based control of stochastic mechanical system. 1238-1243 - Jing Zhou
, Changyun Wen
Adaptive feedback control of magnetic suspension system preceded by Bouc-Wen hysteresis. 1244-1249 - Suiyang Khoo, Juliang Yin, Zhihong Man
Adaptive finite-time stabilization of a class of stochastic nonlinear systems. 1250-1255 - Wei Wang, Changyun Wen
, Jiangshuai Huang:
Adaptive consensus tracking control of uncertain nonlinear systems: A first-order example. 1256-1261 - Changchun Hua
, Yinjuan Liu, Jing Leng:
Visual-based robotic control without joint velocities. 1262-1267 - Changchun Hua
, Yaoqing Wang, Jing Leng:
Visual servo control of uncalibrated robot system with dead-zone input. 1268-1273 - Mingyue Cui, Zhao-Jing Wu, Xue-Jun Xie:
Adaptive tracking control for a class of stochastic mechanical systems. 1274-1279 - Juanjuan Xu, Huanshui Zhang
Open-loop Stackelberg strategy for two-player game with time delay. 1280-1284 - Yafei Tian, Fanyong Zhang, Shi Yan, Li Xu:
Invariance of second-order modes of 2-D digital filters under 2-D frequency transformation. 1285-1289 - Lu Wang, Mei Sheng, Huiling Xu:
Positive real control for uncertain 2-D discrete systems in general model. 1290-1295 - Huiling Xu, Zhiping Lin, Anamitra Makur:
Robust unbiased H∞ filtering for uncertain two-dimensional systems. 1296-1301 - Lizhen Li
, Lanning Wang, Xiaofeng Li, Weiqun Wang:
Output feedback control of 2-D T-S fuzzy systems. 1303-1305 - Huijin Fan, Mingtao Lu, Longzhen Li, Jianguo Yuan, Li Xu:
Image registration based on a novel 2-D adaptive filter algorithm. 1306-1310 - Amine Abou Moughlbay, Enric Cervera
, Philippe Martinet
Error regulation strategies for Model Based visual servoing tasks: Application to autonomous object grasping with Nao robot. 1311-1316 - Han Wang
, Zhuo Wei, Chek Seng Ow, Kah Tong Ho, Benjamin Feng, Junjie Huang:
Improvement in real-time obstacle detection system for USV. 1317-1322 - Xiang Li, Chien Chern Cheah
Observer based adaptive control for optical manipulation of cell. 1323-1328 - Jianjun Wang, Xiangpeng Li, Jinjin Zheng, Dong Sun
Dynamic path planning for inserting a steerable needle into soft tissue. 1329-1334 - Longquan Xi, Yangmin Li
, Xinhua Zhao:
Design and analysis of a 2-DOF micro-motion stage based on flexural hinges. 1335-1340 - Chi Ming Cheuk, Tak-Kit Lau, Kai-wun Lin, Yunhui Liu:
Automatic calibration for inertial measurement unit. 1341-1346 - Chengli Du, Haoqian Wang:
An effective mode decision method for multi-view video coding. 1347-1351 - Xuejiao Bai, Sei-ichiro Kamata:
An efficient window-based stereo matching algorithm using foreground disparity concentration. 1352-1357 - Nguyen Ho Man Rang, Minh Ngoc Le:
Light source estimation from a single image. 1358-1363 - Chunyan Zeng, Lihong Ma, Ming-hui Du, Jing Tian
Adaptive sparsity reconstruction method for ultrasonic images based on compressive sensing. 1364-1368 - Mohamed Amine Bendoumi, Mingyi He
, Shaohui Mei, Yifan Zhang:
Unmixing approach for hyperspectral data resolution enhancement using high resolution multispectral image. 1369-1373 - Zdenek Procházka:
Pathway estimation for vision based road following suitable for unstructured roads. 1374-1379 - Kyle Nelson, Asim Bhatti
, Saeid Nahavandi:
Super-resolution of a 3-dimensional scene from novel viewpoints. 1380-1385 - Yang Gui, Xiang Bai, Zheng Li, Yun Yuan:
Color image segmentation using mean shift and improved spectral clustering. 1386-1391 - Muhammad Imran
, Abdul Ghafoor
, Muhammad Rizwan Khokher
A robust non-blind color image watermarking scheme. 1392-1396 - Changle Zhou, Jiawei Chen, Jinliang Yao:
A visual attention model for dynamic scenes based on motion features. 1396-1401 - Weifeng Liu, Caifeng Song, Yanjiang Wang, Lu Jia
Facial expression recognition based on Gabor features and sparse representation. 1402-1406 - Dai-Duong Truong, Vinh-Tiep Nguyen, Anh Duc Duong, Chau-Sang Nguyen Ngoc, Minh-Triet Tran
Realtime arbitrary-shaped template matching process. 1407-1412 - Yang Guo:
A note on the number of solutions of the coplanar P4P problem. 1413-1418 - Xiaochun Liu, Tao Zhong, Dan Fu:
Robust compositional method for background subtraction. 1419-1424 - Anton Delprado, Ray Eaton:
An efficient single Vote Hough tracking algorithm. 1425-1430 - Xi-Zhao Li, Simon Williams, Gobert N. Lee
, Min Deng:
Computer-aided mammography classification of malignant mass regions and normal regions based on novel texton features. 1431-1436 - Wei Liu, Yonghua Wu, Jin Lv, Huai Yuan, Hong Zhao:
U.S. speed limit sign detection and recognition from image sequences. 1437-1442 - Yanhong Lu, Ran Yang:
Super-resolution reconstruction of dynamic MRI by patch learning. 1443-1448 - Fengxi Song, Zhongwei Guo, Qinglong Chen:
An experimental framework for evaluation of facial feature extraction methods. 1449-1453 - Hong Lu, Hongsheng Li, Wenlin Zou, Shumin Fei:
A robust algorithm for tracking object under occlusion and illumination change. 1454-1459 - Zhi Feng, Guoqiang Hu
Passivity-based consensus and passification for a class of stochastic multi-agent systems with switching topology. 1460-1465 - Reza Haghighi, Chien Chern Cheah
Distributed shape formation of multi-agent systems. 1466-1471 - Zhenxing Li, Haibo Ji:
Quantized consensus for linear discrete-time multi-agent systems. 1472-1476 - Zhouhua Peng, Dan Wang
, Chidong Qiu, Gang Sun, Hao Wang, Langtao Yan:
Distributed robust stabilization for a class of uncertain nonlinear multi-agent systems. 1477-1482 - Guanghui Wen
, Guoqiang Hu
, Zhiqiang Zuo, Yu Zhao:
Distributed containment control of linear multi-agent systems using output information. 1483-1488 - Hanlei Wang:
Cascade framework for task-space synchronization of networked robots with uncertain kinematics and dynamics. 1489-1494 - Bei Chen, Yugang Niu, Yuanyuan Zou:
Sliding mode control for networked systems with Markovian jumping parameters. 1495-1500 - Baoyong Zhang, Shengyuan Xu, Yongmin Li:
H∞ tracking control for time-delay systems with Markovian jumping parameters. 1501-1506 - Yonghui Liu, Yugang Niu:
Reliable stabilization for a class of uncertain switched systems: A sliding mode control design. 1507-1511 - Yongmin Li, Jianwei Xia, Yonggang Chen:
Decentralized H∞ filtering for interconnected Markovian jump systems with delays. 1512-1517 - Huaicheng Yan, Zhenzhen Su, Hongbo Shi, Hao Zhang:
H∞ filtering for networked control systems with quantization and multiple packet dropouts. 1518-1522 - Shan Ma, Junlin Xiong:
Decentralized stabilization of Markovian jump large-scale systems via neighboring mode dependent output feedback control. 1523-1527 - Jianbo Lu, Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi:
Constrained MPC designs for structured uncertain systems with random input delays. 1528-1533 - Rami N. Khushaba
, Sarath Kodagoda
Electromyogram (EMG) feature reduction using Mutual Components Analysis for multifunction prosthetic fingers control. 1534-1539 - Jaime Valls Miró
, James Poon, Shoudong Huang
Low-cost visual tracking with an intelligent wheelchair for innovative assistive care. 1540-1545 - Linsen Xu, Xianming Wei, Kai Cao, Yungao Shi:
Dynamic analysis of fluid-structure interaction for the biped robot running on water. 1546-1550 - Adrien Datas, Pascale Chiron
, Jean-Yves Fourquet:
A singular value approach for humanoid motion analysis and simulation. 1551-1557 - Jian Li, Hui Li, Xiu-feng Zhang, Guo-xin Pan, Qijun Xiao:
The design and implementation of lower limb rehabilitation robot based on BWSTT. 1558-1562 - Amir Aly
, Adriana Tapus:
Towards an online fuzzy modeling for human internal states detection. 1563-1570 - Chao Wang, Andrey V. Savkin, Tuan Nghia Nguyen
, Hung T. Nguyen
An algorithm for collision free navigation of an intelligent powered wheelchair in dynamic environments. 1571-1575 - Longjiao Huang, Supeng Leng, Caixing Shao, Changyue Liu:
An Information Relevance Related Broadcast scheme for Safety Packets in VANETs. 1576-1581 - Wei Zhou, Ya Yang, Zhuliang Yu:
Discriminative dictionary learning for EEG signal classification in Brain-computer interface. 1582-1585 - Yujun Lin, Qiaodi Zhuang, Ran Yang:
Image reconstruction of dynamic MRI based on adaptive motion estimation. 1586-1590 - Zhifei Shao, Meng Joo Er, Guang-Bin Huang
Receding Horizon Cache and Extreme Learning Machine based Reinforcement Learning. 1591-1596 - Xinzheng Zhang, Conggui Yuan:
Predict water quality based on multiple kernel least squares support vector regression and genetic algorithm. 1597-1600 - Yong Wang, Chuang Lu, Xinzheng Zhang:
An improved FSOA based on stochastic search. 1601-1604 - Jiyang Dais, Jin Yings:
Multivariable robust H∞ control for aeroengines using modified Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. 1605-1609 - Heli Hu, Qingling Zhang, Dan Zhao:
Decentralized non-fragile guaranteed cost control and optimization for neutral interconnected systems. 1610-1615 - Huanxin Peng, Andong Sheng, Wenkai Wang:
Pseudo multi-hop distributed consensus algorithm under directed topologies. 1616-1619 - Lili Cui, Shutao Wei, Dequan Li
, Zhixiang Yin:
Consensus over directed switching networks with communication delays and finite data rate. 1620-1625 - Huanxin Peng, Wenkai Wang, Guoqing Qi, Andong Sheng:
Second-order distributed consensus with one-bit adaptive quantization. 1626-1629 - Huanxin Peng, Andong Sheng, Wenkai Wang:
Second-order distributed consensus with modified probabilistic quantization. 1630-1635 - Dailin Zhang, Youping Chen, Jingming Xie:
Cross coupling control design for three-dimensional contouring control system based on layered modeling method. 1636-1641 - Radu-Eugen Breaz
, Sorin Tarnovean, Cristina Biris
, Octavian-Constantin Bologa:
Improving the dynamic behavior and working accuracy of the CNC laser cutting machines. 1642-1647 - Yanjie Chen, Yaonan Wang, Xiao Yu
Obstacle avoidance path planning strategy for robot arm based on fuzzy logic. 1648-1653 - Abhaya Pal Singh
, Faruk Kazi, Navdeep M. Singh, Pallavi Srivastava
PIαDβ controller design for underactuated mechanical systems. 1654-1658 - Wenmin Xu, Zhugang Yuan:
Application of fuzzy-PID in control of FC furnace gypsum calcination temperature. 1659-1662 - Zhengjie Wang, Xiaoguang Zhao, Xu Qian:
Carrier-based sensor deployment by a mobile robot for wireless sensor networks. 1663-1668 - Tingting Gao, Chunling Du, Lihua Xie:
Control performance comparison of PZT microactuator driven by voltage and current amplifiers in HDD dual-stage systems. 1669-1674 - Jianbin Qiu, Gang Feng
Control of continuous-time T-S fuzzy affine dynamic systems via piecewise Lyapunov functions. 1675-1680 - Shuai Liu, Lihua Xie:
Average consensus with arbitrarily coarse logarithmic quantizers. 1681-1685 - Yi Dong, Jie Huang:
Leader-following rendezvous with connectivity preservation of single-integrator multi-agent systems. 1686-1690 - Daizhan Cheng, Yin Zhao:
Game-based control systems: A semi-tensor product formulation. 1691-1695 - Hamid Reza Karimi:
H∞ synchronization of Markovian jump master-slave systems with delay. 1696-1700 - Zhan Li, Zhicheng Li, Huijun Gao, Hamid Reza Karimi:
Further results on H∞ control of switched linear time-delay systems. 1701-1705 - Chongyang Ning, Yong He, Min Wu:
Uniformly asymptotical stability of nonlinear time delay systems. 1706-1709 - Pak-Kin Wong, Hang-Cheong Wong, Chi-Man Vong
Modelling and prediction of automotive engine airratio using relevance vector machine. 1710-1715 - Shaoqian Lin, Yukun Jia, Iok Peng Lei, Qingsong Xu
Design and optimization of a long-stroke compliant micropositioning stage driven by voice coil motor. 1716-1721 - Zhixin Yang
, Difu Xiao:
A systemic point-cloud de-noising and smoothing method for 3D shape reuse. 1722-1727 - Bin Wang, Zhuo Wang, Mingzhe Yuan:
Intelligent control based on case-based reasoning for outlet tobacco moisture percentage of loosening resurgence machine. 1728-1732 - Hongliang Yu, Wanli Liu, Huijun Dong:
Research on recognition of working condition for calciner and grate cooler based on expert system. 1733-1737 - Xiaohong Wang, Hui Li, Qingjin Meng:
Design of process control system of rotary klin process for nickel iron production. 1738-1742 - Xiaohong Wang, Shizeng Lu
, Shaohong Jing:
Intelligence control method and application for decomposing furnace. 1743-1748 - Peng Wang, Ning Li, Shaoyuan Li:
Stability analysis for T-S fuzzy control systems with linear interpolations into membership functions. 1749-1754 - Chaochun Li, Hui Cheng, Rongbin Qi, Feng Qian:
Steady-state target real-time optimization for adaptive constrained generalized predictive control. 1755-1760 - Weike Shang, Yu Kang, Xin Wang, Hongsheng Xi:
Analysis and synthesization for a class of discrete-time Markovian jumping systems with mode-dependent delays and actuators saturation. 1761-1766 - Qunhong Wu, Linlin Ou, Hongjie Ni, Weidong Zhang
Stability region of fractional-order PI λDμ controller for fractional-order systems with time delay. 1767-1772 - Ronghu Chi, Tao Su, Shangtai Jin:
An identification based indirect iterative learning control via data-driven approach. 1773-1776 - Tim Nagel, Chao Zhang, Steven Liu
Kalman Filter based leak localization applied to pneumatic systems. 1777-1782 - Mustafa Turki Hussein
, Dirk Söffker
Variable gain control of elastic crane using vision sensor data. 1783-1788 - Felix Albu
Improved variable forgetting factor recursive least square algorithm. 1789-1793 - Zefeng Wang, Jean-Luc Zarader, Sylvain Argentieri
A novel aircraft fault diagnosis and prognosis system based on Gaussian Mixture Models. 1794-1799 - Fengmin Chen, Patricia J. Y. Wong
Solving second order boundary value problems by discrete cubic splines. 1800-1805 - Fengmin Chen, Patricia J. Y. Wong
Discrete biquintic spline method for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind. 1806-1811 - Yufeng Lian, Yantao Tian, Leilei Hu, Cheng Yin:
Development of identification of tire-road friction conditions. 1812-1817 - Zhenwei Zhou, Yiguang Hong, Haitao Fang:
Distributed estimation for moving target under switching interconnection network. 1818-1823 - Lin Wang, Xiaofan Wang, Xiaoming Hu
Distributed tracking and connectivity maintenance with a varying velocity leader. 1824-1829

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