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16th FPL 2006: Madrid, Spain
- Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), Madrid, Spain, August 28-30, 2006. IEEE 2006, ISBN 1-4244-0312-X
- Ken McElvain:
FPGAs at 65NM and Beyond - Powerful New FPGAs Bring New Challenges. 1 - David J. Lau, Orion Pritchard:
Rapid System-on-a-Programmable-Chip Development and Hardware Acceleration Of ANSI C Functions. 1-6 - Ian Page:
Academia to IPO - A Modern Odyssey. 1 - Mike Hutton:
FPGA Architecture Design Methodology. 1 - Patrick Lysaght, Brandon Blodget, Jeff Mason, Jay Young, Brendan Bridgford:
Invited Paper: Enhanced Architectures, Design Methodologies and CAD Tools for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Xilinx FPGAs. 1-6 - Peter Alfke:
Tutorial: 65 NM FPGAs, A Look Under the Hood Technology, Features, and Applications. 1 - Yongfeng Gu, Tom Van Court, Martin C. Herbordt:
Improved Interpolation and System Integration for FPGA-Based Molecular Dynamics Simulations. 1-8 - Owen Callanan, David Gregg, Andy Nisbet, Mike Peardon:
High Performance Scientific Computing Using FPGAs with IEEE Floating Point and Logarithmic Arithmetic for Lattice QCD. 1-6 - Mike Hutton, Yan Lin, Lei He:
Placement and Timing for FPGAs Considering Variations. 1-7 - Lerong Cheng, Jinjun Xiong
, Lei He, Mike Hutton:
FPGA Performance Optimization Via Chipwise Placement Considering Process Variations. 1-6 - Florian Stock, Andreas Koch:
Architecture Exploration and Tools for Pipelined Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays. 1-6 - Konstantinos Masselos, Kari Tiensyrjä, Yang Qu, Nikolaos S. Voros, Miroslav Cupák, Luc Rijnders, Marko Pettissalo:
System Level Architecture Exploration for Reconfigurable Systems On Chip. 1-6 - Michael P. Gilroy, James Irvine
RAID 6 Hardware Acceleration. 1-6 - Fernando J. Álvarez
, Álvaro Hernández, Jesús Ureña
, Juan Jesús García
, Ana Jiménez, P. Santa Teresa:
Detection Module in a Complementary Set of Sequences-Based Pulse Compression System. 1-6 - Mariano López-García, Enrique F. Cantó-Navarro
FPGA Implementation of a Ridge Extraction Fingerprint Algorithm Based on Microblaze and Hardware Coprocessor. 1-5 - Julien Lamoureux, Steven J. E. Wilton:
Activity Estimation for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays. 1-8 - Scott Y. L. Chin, Clarence S. P. Lee, Steven J. E. Wilton:
Power Implications of Implementing Logic Using FPGA Embedded Memory Arrays. 1-8 - Phillip H. Jones, John W. Lockwood, Young H. Cho:
A Thermal Management and Profiling Method for Reconfigurable Hardware Applications. 1-7 - Mehrdad Eslami Dehkordi, Stephen Dean Brown, Terry P. Borer:
Modular Partitioning for Incremental Compilation. 1-6 - Lee W. Howes, Paul Price, Oskar Mencer, Olav Beckmann, Oliver Pell:
Comparing FPGAs to Graphics Accelerators and the Playstation 2 Using a Unified Source Description. 1-6 - Oliver Pell, Wayne Luk:
Compiling Higher-Order Polymorphic Hardware Descriptions Into Parametrised VHDL Libraries with Flexible Placement Information. 1-6 - Nele Mentens
, Kazuo Sakiyama, Lejla Batina, Ingrid Verbauwhede
, Bart Preneel:
Fpga-Oriented Secure Data Path Design: Implementation of a Public Key Coprocessor. 1-6 - Dries Schellekens, Bart Preneel, Ingrid Verbauwhede
FPGA Vendor Agnostic True Random Number Generator. 1-6 - Allen Michalski, Duncan A. Buell
A Scalable Architecture for RSA Cryptography on Large FPGAs. 1-8 - Thilo Pionteck
, Roman Koch, Carsten Albrecht:
Applying Partial Reconfiguration to Networks-On-Chips. 1-6 - Terrence S. T. Mak, N. Pete Sedcole, Peter Y. K. Cheung, Wayne Luk:
On-FPGA Communication Architectures and Design Factors. 1-8 - Sujan Pandey, Manfred Glesner:
Energy Efficient Statistical On-Chip Communication Bus Synthesis for a Reconfigurable Architecture. 1-6 - Andreas Schallenberg, Wolfgang Nebel, Frank Oppenheimer:
OSSS+R: Modelling and Simulating Self-Reconfigurable Systems. 1-6 - Wenyin Fu, Katherine Compton:
A Simulation Platform for Reconfigurable Computing Research. 1-7 - Pao-Ann Hsiung
, Chun-Hsian Huang, Chih-Feng Liao:
Perfecto: A Systemc-Based Performance Evaluation Framework for Dynamically Partially Reconfigurable Systems. 1-6 - Christos-Savvas Bouganis
, Peter Y. K. Cheung, Zhaoping Li:
FPGA-Accelerated Pre-Attentive Segmentation in Primary Visual Cortex. 1-6 - C. K. Wong, Philip Heng Wai Leong
An FPGA-Based Electronic Cochlea with Dual Fixed-Point Arithmetic. 1-6 - Oswaldo Cadenas, Graham M. Megson:
Verification and FPGA Circuits of a Block-2 Fast Path-Based Predictor. 1-6 - Heiko Hinkelmann, Andreas Gunberg, Peter Zipf
, Leandro Soares Indrusiak
, Manfred Glesner:
Multitasking Support for Dynamically Reconfig Urable Systems. 1-6 - Masato Yoshimi, Yasunori Osana
, Yow Iwaoka, Yuri Nishikawa
, Toshinori Kojima, Akira Funahashi
, Noriko Hiroi
, Yuichiro Shibata, Naoki Iwanaga
, Hiroaki Kitano, Hideharu Amano:
An FPGA Implementation of High Throughput Stochastic Simulator for Large-Scale Biochemical Systems. 1-6 - David B. Thomas, Wayne Luk:
Non-Uniform Random Number Generation Through Piecewise Linear Approximations. 1-6 - Jan Torben Weinkopf, Klaus Harbich, Erich Barke:
Parsifal: A Generic and Configurable Fault Emulation Environment with Non-Classical Fault Models. 1-6 - David de Andrés, Juan-Carlos Ruiz-Garcia
, Daniel Gil, Pedro J. Gil:
Fast Emulation of Permanent Faults in VLSI Systems. 1-6 - Ginés Doménech-Asensi, Juan Martínez-Alajarín, Ramón Ruiz Merino
, José-Alejandro López Alcantud:
Synthesis on FPAA of a Smart Sthetoscope Analog Subsystem. 1-5 - Usama Malik, Oliver Diessel
The Entropy of FPGA Reconfiguration. 1-6 - Valavan Manohararajah, Stephen Dean Brown, Zvonko G. Vranesic:
Adaptive FPGAs: High-Level Architecture and a Synthesis Method. 1-8 - Michael T. Frederick, Arun K. Somani:
Multi-Bit Carry Chains for High-Performance Reconfigurable Fabrics. 1-6 - George Ferizis, Hossam A. ElGindy:
Mapping Recursive Functions to Reconfigurable Hardware. 1-6 - Lesley Shannon, Blair Fort, Samir Parikh, Arun Patel, Manuel Saldaña, Paul Chow:
A System Design Methodology for Reducing System Integration Time and Facilitating Modular Design Verification. 1-6 - Chidamber Kulkarni, Gordon J. Brebner
Micro-Coded Datapaths: Populating the Space Between Finite State Machine and Processor. 1-6 - Kenji Kanazawa, Tsutomu Maruyama:
An FPGA Solver for Large SAT Problems. 1-6 - K. S. Tham, Douglas L. Maskell:
Software-Oriented Approach to Hardware-Software Co-Simulation for FPGA-Based Risc Extensible Processor. 1-6 - Yoshiyuki Kaeriyama, Daichi Zaitsu, Kazuhiko Komatsu
, Ken-ichi Suzuki, Tadao Nakamura, Nobuyuki Ohba:
Ray Tracing Hardware System Using Plane-Sphere Intersections. 1-6 - Hristo Nikolov, Todor P. Stefanov
, Ed F. Deprettere:
Efficient Automated Synthesis, Programing, and Implementation of Multi-Processor Platforms on FPGA Chips. 1-6 - Manuel Saldaña, Paul Chow:
TMD-MPI: An MPI Implementation for Multiple Processors Across Multiple FPGAs. 1-6 - Andreas Fidjeland, Wayne Luk:
Archlog: High-Level Synthesis of Reconfigurable Multiprocessors for Logic Programming. 1-6 - Guillermo Marcus Martinez
, Gerhard Lienhart, Andreas Kugel, Reinhard Männer:
On Buffer Management Strategies for High Performance Computing with Reconfigurable Hardware. 1-6 - Hayden Kwok-Hay So
, Robert W. Brodersen:
Improving Usability of FPGA-Based Reconfigurable Computers Through Operating System Support. 1-6 - Pengyuan Yu, Patrick Schaumont
Executing Hardware as Parallel Software for Picoblaze Networks. 1-6 - Ling Zhuo, Viktor K. Prasanna:
High-Performance and Parameterized Matrix Factorization on FPGAs. 1-6 - Goncalo M. de Matos, Horácio C. Neto
On Reconfigurable Architectures for Efficient Matrix Inversion. 1-6 - Kieron Turkington, Konstantinos Masselos, George A. Constantinides, Philip Heng Wai Leong
FPGA Based Acceleration of the Linpack Benchmark: A High Level Code Transformation Approach. 1-6 - Nastaran Baradaran, Pedro C. Diniz:
Memory Parallelism Using Custom Array Mapping to Heterogeneous Storage Structures. 1-6 - Konstantinos Masselos, George A. Constantinides, Qiang Liu:
Data Reuse Exploration for FPGA Based Platforms Applied to the Full Search Motion Estimation Algorithm. 1-6 - Tom Van Court, Martin C. Herbordt:
Application-Specific Memory Interleaving for FPGA-Based Grid Computations: A General Design Technique. 1-7 - Dionisios N. Pnevmatikatos
, Aggelos Arelakis:
Variable-Length Hashing for Exact Pattern Matching. 1-6 - G. Adam Covington, Charles L. G. Comstock, Andrew A. Levine, John W. Lockwood, Young H. Cho:
High Speed Document Clustering in Reconfigurable Hardware. 1-7 - Zachary K. Baker, Viktor K. Prasanna, Hong-Jip Jung:
Regular Expression Software Deceleration for Intrusion Detection Systems. 1-8 - Luis G. Barbero, John S. Thompson:
FPGA Design Considerations in the Implementation of a Fixed-Throughput Sphere Decoder for MIMO Systems. 1-6 - Imran Ahmed, Tughrul Arslan:
A Reconfigurable Viterbi Decoder for a Communication Platform. 1-6 - Keith Gowan, Jason Nery, Henrick Han, Tony Sheng, Howard Li, Fakhreddine Karray, Insop Song:
Intelligent Parking System Design Using FPGA. 1-6 - Luis F. Rodríguez-Ramos
, Angel Alonso, Fernando Gago, Jose V. Gigante, Guillermo Herrera, Teodora Viera:
Adaptive Optics Real-Time Control Using FPGA. 1-6 - Nicola Campregher, Peter Y. K. Cheung, George A. Constantinides, Milan Vasilko:
Reconfiguration and Fine-Grained Redundancy for Fault Tolerance in FPGAs. 1-6 - Kentaro Nakahara, Shin'ichi Kouyama, Tomonori Izumi, Hiroyuki Ochi, Yukihiro Nakamura:
Fault Tolerant Reconfigurable Device Based on Autonomous-Repair Cells. 1-6 - Pongstorn Maidee
, Kia Bazargan:
Defect-Tolerant FPGA Architecture Exploration. 1-6 - Zhi Guo, Abhishek Mitra, Walid A. Najjar
Automation of IP Core Interface Generation for Reconfigurable Computing. 1-6 - Daniel Ziener
, Stefan Assmus, Jürgen Teich:
Identifying FPGA IP-Cores Based on Lookup Table Content Analysis. 1-6 - Encarnación Castillo
, Luis Parrilla
, Antonio García
, Antonio Lloris-Ruíz, Uwe Meyer-Bäse:
IPP Watermarking Technique for IP Core Protection on FPL Devices. 1-6 - Ari Kulmala
, Timo D. Hämäläinen, Marko Hännikäinen:
Reliable GALS Implementation of MPEG-4 Encoder with Mixed Clock FIFO on Standard FPGA. 1-6 - Luciano Volcan Agostini
, Arnaldo Azevedo, Vagner S. Rosa, Eduardo A. Berriel, Tatiana Gadelha Serra dos Santos, Sergio Bampi
, Altamiro Amadeu Susin:
FPGA Design of A H.264/AVC Main Profile Decoder for HDTV. 1-6 - Jean-Baptiste Note, Mark Shand, Jean Vuillemin:
Real-Time Video Pixel Matching. 1-6 - Michael J. Beauchamp, Scott Hauck, Keith D. Underwood, K. Scott Hemmert:
Architectural Modifications to Improve Floating-Point Unit Efficiency in FPGAs. 1-6 - Alastair M. Smith, George A. Constantinides, Peter Y. K. Cheung:
A Novel Heuristic and Provable Bounds for Reconfigurable Architecture Design. 1-6 - Janina A. Brenner, Jan van der Veen, Sándor P. Fekete, Julio A. de Oliveira Filho, Wolfgang Rosenstiel:
Optimal Simultaneous Scheduling, Binding and Routing for Processor-Like Reconfigurable Architectures. 1-6 - Sándor P. Fekete, Jan van der Veen, Mateusz Majer, Jürgen Teich:
Minimizing Communication Cost for Reconfigurable Slot Modules. 1-6 - Klaus Danne, Roland Mühlenbernd
, Marco Platzner
Executing Hardware Tasks on Dynamically Reconfigurable Devices Under Real-Time Conditions. 1-6 - Boris Kettelhoit, Mario Porrmann
A Layer Model for Systematically Designing Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems. 1-6 - Suhaib A. Fahmy
, Christos-Savvas Bouganis
, Peter Y. K. Cheung, Wayne Luk:
Efficient Realtime FPGA Implementation of the Trace Transform. 1-6 - Dang Ba Khac Trieu, Tsutomu Maruyama:
Implementation of a Parallel and Pipelined Watershed Algorithm on FPGA. 1-6 - Takashi Saegusa, Tsutomu Maruyama:
An FPGA Implementation of K-Means Clustering for Color Images Based on Kd-Tree. 1-6 - Hideharu Amano, Yohei Hasegawa, Shohei Abe, Kenichiro Ishikawa, Shunsuke Tsutsumi, Shunsuke Kurotaki, Takuro Nakamura, Takashi Nishimura:
A Context Dependent Clock Control Mechanism for Dynamically Reconfigurable Processors. 1-6 - Andrea Lodi, Claudio Mucci, Massimo Bocchi, Andrea Cappelli, Mario de Dominicis, Luca Ciccarelli:
A Multi-Context Pipelined Array for Embedded Systems. 1-8 - Fredy Rivera, Marcos Sánchez-Élez
, Milagros Fernández, Román Hermida
, Nader Bagherzadeh
Configuration Scheduling for Conditional Branch Execution Onto Multi-Context Reconfigurable Architectures. 1-8 - Evangelia Kassapaki, Pavlos M. Mattheakis, Christos P. Sotiriou:
Actual-Delay Circuits on FPGA: Trading-Off Luts for Speed. 1-6 - Love Singhal, Elaheh Bozorgzadeh:
Multi-layer Floorplanning on a Sequence of Reconfigurable Designs. 1-8 - Allan Carroll, Carl Ebeling:
Reducing the Space Complexity of Pipelined Routing Using Modified Range Encoding. 1-6 - Thomas Perschke:
A Flexible Implementation of a Temporal Filter with Motion Compensation. 1-4 - Kazutoshi Kobayashi, Manabu Kotani, Kazuya Katsuki, Y. Takatsukasa, K. Ogata, Yuuri Sugihara, Hidetoshi Onodera:
A Yield and Speed Enhancement Technique Using Reconfigurable Devices Against Within-Die Variations on the Nanometer Regime. 1-4 - Christos A. Papachristou
, J. Weaver, R. Vijayakumar, Francis G. Wolff:
A Dynamic Reconfigurable Fabric for Platform SoCs. 1-4 - Fernando Pardo, Paula López
, Diego Cabello
, Marco Balsi
FPGA Implementation of 3-D Thermal Model Simulator. 1-4 - Yohei Hori
, Hiroyuki Yokoyama, Kenji Toda:
Secure Content Distribution System Based on Run-Time Partial Hardware Reconfiguration. 1-4 - Antonin Hermanek, Michal Kunes, Michal Kvasnicka:
Using Reconfigurable HW for High Dimensional CAF Computation. 1-4 - Ángel Quirós-Olozábal
, Ma de los Ángeles Cifredo Chacón
, Diego Gomez Vela:
FPGA-Based Boundary-Scan Bist. 1-4 - Koen Van Renterghem, Dieter Verhulst, S. Verschuere, Pieter Demuytere, Jan Vandewege, Xing-Zhi Qiu:
A Scalable Network ASIP Enabling Flow Awareness in Ethernet Access. 1-4 - Joachim Becker, Yiannos Manoli:
Synthesis of Analog Filters on a Continuous-Time FPAA Using a Genetic Algorithm. 1-4 - Xin Wang, Tapani Ahonen
, Jari Nurmi
Prototyping a Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Network-On-Chip on a Conventional FPGA Device Using Synchronous Design Tools. 1-6 - Julio C. Sosa
, Rocío Gómez-Fabela, Jose Antonio Boluda
, Fernando Pardo:
FPGA Implementation of a Change-Driven Image Processing Architecture for Optical Flow Computation. 1-4 - Lejla Batina, Alireza Hodjat, David Hwang, Kazuo Sakiyama, Ingrid Verbauwhede
Reconfigurable Architectures for Curve-Based Cryptography on Embedded Micro-Controllers. 1-4 - Joaquín Olivares
, Ignacio Benavides, Javier Hormigo
, Julio Villalba
, Emilio L. Zapata:
Fast Full-Search Block Matching Algorithm Motion Estimation Alternatives in FPGA. 1-4 - Gabriel Caffarena
, Juan A. López
, Carlos Carreras
, Octavio Nieto-Taladriz:
High-Level Synthesis of Multiple Word-Length DSP Algorithms Using Heterogeneous-Resource FPGAs. 1-4 - Carlos Morra, M. Sackmann, Sunil Shukla, Jürgen Becker, Reiner W. Hartenstein:
From Equation to VHDL: Using Rewriting Logic for Automated Function Generation. 1-4 - Yue Zhuo, Hao Li, Saraju P. Mohanty:
A Congestion Driven Placement Algorithm for FPGA Synthesis. 1-4 - Miwa Miyata, Hideyuki Tsuchiya, Yuichiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Oguri:
An Implementation Technique of Multi-Cycled Arithmetic Functions For a Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor. 1-4 - María José Moure
, María Dolores Valdés
, Pablo Rodiz, Loreto Rodríguez-Pardo
, José Fariña Rodríguez
An FPGA-Based System on Chip for the Measurement of QCM Sensors Resolution. 1-4 - María del Carmen Pérez, Jesús Ureña
, Álvaro Hernández, Carlos De Marziani
, Alberto Ochoa, William P. Marnane
FPGA Implementation of an Efficient Correlator for Complementary Sets of Sequences. 1-4 - Carsten Bieser, Martin Bahlinger, Matthias Heinz, Christian Stops, Klaus D. Müller-Glaser:
A Novel Partial Bitstream Merging Methodology Accelerating Xilinx Virtex-II FPGA Based RP System Setup. 1-4 - Sajid Baloch, Tughrul Arslan, Adrian Stoica
An Efficient Fault Tolerance Scheme for Preventing Single Event Disruptions in Reconfigurable Architectures. 1-4 - Oliver Sims, James Irvine
An FPGA Implementation of Pattern-Selective Pyramidal Image Fusion. 1-4 - Sutjipto Arifin, Peter Y. K. Cheung:
Towards Affective Level Video Applications: A Novel FPGA-Based Video Arousal Content Modeling System. 1-4 - Yana Esteves Krasteva, Eduardo de la Torre, Teresa Riesgo, Didier Joly:
Virtex II FPGA Bitstream Manipulation: Application to Reconfiguration Control Systems. 1-4 - F. Javier Toledo
, J. Javier Martínez, F. Javier Garrigós
, José M. Ferrández
, V. Rodellar:
Skin Color Detection for Real Time Mobile Applications. 1-4 - David Grant, Scott Chin, Guy G. Lemieux:
Semi-Synthetic Circuit Generation Using Graph Monomorphism for Testing Incremental Placement and Incremental Routing Tools. 1-4 - Ignacio Bravo Muñoz
, Pedro Jiménez, Manuel Mazo, José Luis Lázaro, Alfredo Gardel Vicente
Implementation in Fpgas of Jacobi Method to Solve the Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Problem. 1-4 - Pedro C. Diniz, Gokul Govindu:
Design of a Field-Programmable Dual-Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic Unit. 1-4 - Mário P. Véstias
, Horácio C. Neto
A Generic Network-on-Chip Architecture for Reconfigurable Systems: Implementation and Evaluation. 1-4 - Zhi Guo, Walid A. Najjar
A Compiler Intermediate Representation for Reconfigurable Fabrics. 1-4 - Mohamed Taher
, Tarek A. El-Ghazawi:
A Segmentation Model for Partial Run-Time Reconfiguration. 1-4 - Piotr Stepien, Milan Vasilko:
On Feasibility of FPGA Bitstream Compression During Placement and Routing. 1-4 - Tom Van Court, Martin C. Herbordt:
Sizing of Processing Arrays for FPGA-Based Computation. 1-6 - James Moscola, Young H. Cho, John W. Lockwood:
Implementation of Network Application Layer Parser for Multiple TCP/IP Flows in Reconfigurable Devices. 1-4 - Angel Fernandez Herrero, Alberto Jimenez-Pacheco, Gabriel Caffarena
, Javier Casajús-Quirós:
Design and Implementation of a Hardware Module for Equalisation in A 4G MIMO Receiver. 1-4 - Chin Mun Wee, Peter R. Sutton, Neil W. Bergmann
, John A. Williams
Multi Stream Cipher Architecture for Reconfigurable System-on-Chip. 1-4 - Alexander Danilin, Martijn T. Bennebroek, Sergei Sawitzki:
Astra: An Advanced Space-Time Reconfigurable Architecture. 1-4 - Arnaud Lagger, Andres Upegui, Eduardo Sanchez, Iván González:
Self-Reconfigurable Pervasive Platform for Cryptographic Application. 1-4 - Hamid Noori
, Farhad Mehdipour, Kazuaki J. Murakami, Koji Inoue, Morteza Saheb Zamani
A Reconfigurable Functional Unit for an Adaptive Dynamic Extensible Processor. 1-4 - Huang-Chun Roan, Wen-Jyi Hwang, Chia-Tien Dan Lo:
Shift-Or Circuit for Efficient Network Intrusion Detection Pattern Matching. 1-6 - François-Xavier Standaert
, Gaël Rouvroy, Jean-Jacques Quisquater:
FPGA Implementations of the DES and Triple-DES Masked Against Power Analysis Attacks. 1-4 - Balasubramanian Sethuraman, Ranga Vemuri
Multi2 Router: A Novel Multi Local Port Router Architecture with Broadcast Facility for FPGA-Based Networks-on-Chip. 1-4 - Toshihiro Katashita, Atusi Maeda, Kenji Toda, Yoshinori Yamaguchi:
A Method of Generating Highly Efficient String Matching Circuit for Intrusion Detection. 1-4 - Elias Todorovich, Eduardo I. Boemo
A-B Nodes Classification for Power Estimation. 1-6 - César Torres-Huitzil:
Area-Efficient Implementation of a Pulse-Mode Neuron Model. 1-4 - Somsubhra Mondal, Seda Ogrenci Memik
, Nikolaos Bellas
Pre-Synthesis Area Estimation of Reconfigurable Streaming Accelerators. 1-4 - Kostas Siozios
, Dimitrios Soudris
Wire Segment Length and Switch Box Co-Optimization for FPGA Architectures. 1-4 - Abdelelah Naoulou, Jean-Louis Boizard, Jean-Yves Fourniols, Michel Devy:
An Alternative to Sequential Architectures to Improve the Processing Time of Passive Stereovision Algorithms. 1-4 - Tomotaka Miyashiro, Akira Kitamura, Hironori Nakajo, Noboru Tanabe
DIMMnet-2: A Reconfigurable Board Connected Into a Memory Slot. 1-4 - Antonio Martínez-Álvarez
, Leonardo Maria Reyneri, Francisco J. Pelayo, Christian A. Morillas, Samuel F. Romero
A Codesign Tool for High Level Systhesis of Vision Models on FPL. 1-4 - Heikki Kariniemi, Jari Nurmi
On-Line Reconfigurable XGFT Network-on-Chip Designed for Improving the Fault-Tolerance and Manufacturability of the MPSoC Chips. 1-6 - Enrique Soto, Elena Lago, Juan J. Rodríguez-Andina
FPGA Implementation of High-Performance PHM / DPHM Schedulers. 1-4 - Yasunori Osana
, Masato Yoshimi, Akira Funahashi
, Noriko Hiroi
, Yuichiro Shibata, Naoki Iwanaga
, Hiroaki Kitano, Hideharu Amano:
Performance Evaluation of an Fpga-Based Biochemical Simulator ReCSip. 1-6 - Paul Saunders, Anthony D. Fagan:
A High Speed, Low Memory FPGA Based LDPC Decoder Architecture for Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes. 1-6 - Leandro Möller, Ismael Grehs, Ney Calazans
, Fernando Moraes
Reconfigurable Systems Enabled by a Network-on-Chip. 1-4 - Evangelos F. Stefatos, Tughrul Arslan, Didier Keymeulen, Ian Ferguson:
Integrating the Electronics of the Control-Loops of the JPL/Boeing Gyroscope Within an Evolvable Hardware Architecture. 1-4 - Timothy F. Oliver, Douglas L. Maskell:
Execution Objects for Dynamically Reconfigurable FPGA Systems. 1-4 - Christoforos Kachris
, Stamatis Vassiliadis:
A Dynamically Reconfigurable Queue Scheduler. 1-4 - Martin Novotný
, Jan Schmidt:
General Digit Width Normal Basis Multipliers with Circular and Linear Structure. 1-4 - Gustavo Martinez
, Jesus Marin
, Carlos Willmott:
FPGA Based Imaging Particle Detector Trigger System. 1-4 - Daniel Mesquita, Benoît Badrignans, Lionel Torres, Gilles Sassatelli, Michel Robert
, Jean-Claude Bajard
, Fernando Gehm Moraes
A Leak Resistant Architecture Against Side Channel Attacks. 1-4 - Wesley Peck, Erik K. Anderson, Jason Agron, Jim Stevens, Fabrice Baijot, David Andrews
Hthreads: A Computational Model for Reconfigurable Devices. 1-4 - Mustafa Gök
, Çaglar Yilmaz:
Efficient Cell Designs for Systolic Smith-Waterman Implementations. 1-4 - Shrutisagar Chandrasekaran, Abbes Amira:
FPGA Implementation and Power Modelling of the Fast Walsh Transform. 1-4 - Martin J. Pearson, Mokhtar Nibouche, Anthony G. Pipe, Chris Melhuish, Ian Gilhespy, Benjamin Mitchinson, Kevin N. Gurney, Tony J. Prescott
, Peter Redgrave:
A Biologically Inspired FPGA Based Implementation of a Tactile Sensory System for Object Recognition and Texture Discrimination. 1-4 - Kyprianos Papademetriou
, Apostolos Dollas:
Performance Evaluation of a Preloading Model in Dynamically Reconfigurable Processors. 1-4 - Rafael A. Arce-Nazario
, Manuel Jiménez, Domingo Rodríguez:
High-Level Partitioning of Discrete Signal Transforms for Multi-FPGA Architectures. 1-4 - Jason D. Bakos, Charles L. Cathey, Allen Michalski:
Predictive Load Balancing for Interconnected FPGAs. 1-4 - Cao Zhang, Duncan A. Buell
, Allen Michalski:
The Darpa Multiple Precision Arithmetic Benchmark on a Reconfigurable Computer. 1-4 - Minoru Watanabe, Fuminori Kobayashi:
A Reconfiguration Speed Adjustment Technique for ORGAs with a Holographic Memory. 1-6 - Balasubramanian Sethuraman:
Novel Methodologies for Performance & Power Efficient Reconfigurable Networks-on-Chip. 1-2 - Thilo Streichert:
Placing Functionality in Fault-Tolerant Hardware/Software Reconfigurable Networks. 1-2 - Suhaib A. Fahmy
Investigating Trace Transform Architectures for Face Authentication. 1-2 - Carlos Morra:
Configware Design Space Exploration Using Rewriting Logic. 1-2 - Su-Shin Ang, George A. Constantinides:
Dynamic Memory Sub-System for Reconfigurable Platforms. 1-2 - Carsten Bieser:
A Novel FPGA Design Acceleration Methodology Supported by a Unique RP Platform for Fast and Easy System Develpoment. 1-2 - Tobias Oppold:
Evaluation and Design of Processor-Like Reconfigurable Architectures. 1-2 - Arfan Ghani
, T. Martin McGinnity
, Liam P. Maguire
, Jim Harkin
Area Efficient Architecture for Large Scale Implementation of Biologically Plausible Spiking Neural Networks on Reconfigurable Hardware. 1-2 - Jonathan A. Clarke
, George A. Constantinides:
High-Level Power Optimization for Digital Signal Processing in Reconfigurable Logic. 1-2 - Elena Perez Ramo, Javier Resano
A Dual Cache for Performance and Energy Aware Reconfigurable HW. 1-2 - Marco D. Santambrogio
, Donatella Sciuto
Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration: The Caronte Approach. A New Degree of Freedom in the HW/SW Codesign. 1-2 - Ben Cope:
Can Graphics Processing Units be Used to Improve Video Processing Systems? 1-2 - Julien Lamoureux, Steven J. E. Wilton:
Architecture and CAD for FPGA Clock Networks. 1-2 - Francisco-Javier Veredas, Hans-Jörg Pfleiderer:
Automated Conversion From Lut-Based FPGAs to LUT-Based MPGAs. 1-2 - María Brox, Santiago Sánchez-Solano:
Development of IP Modules of Fuzzy Controllers for the Design of Embedded Systems on FPGAs. 1-2 - Vinay Sriram, David Kearney:
High Speed High Fidelity Infrared Scene Simulation Using Reconfigurable Computing. 1-2 - Luciano Volcan Agostini
, Sergio Bampi
FPGA Based Architectures for H. 264/AVC Video Compression Standard. 1-2 - Somsubhra Mondal, Seda Ogrenci Memik
Power Optimization Techniques for SRAM-Based FPGAs. 1-2 - Shrutisagar Chandrasekaran, Abbes Amira:
Power Reduction for FPGA Implementations : Design Optimisation and High Level Modelling. 1-2 - Mateusz Majer:
An FPGA-Based Dynamically Reconfigurable Platform: From Concept to Realization. 1-2 - Pil Woo Chun, Lev Kirischian:
A Framework for a Dynamically Reconfigurable System in a Parallel Multi-Tasking Environment. 1-2

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