
public final class TabContents.Builder

A builder of TabContents.


Public constructors

Creates a TabContents.Builder instance using the given Template to display as contents.

Builder(@NonNull Template template, boolean enableApi8)

Creates a TabContents.Builder instance using the given Template to display as contents.

Public methods

@NonNull TabContents

Constructs the TabContents defined by this builder.

Public constructors


Added in 1.3.0
public Builder(@NonNull Template template)

Creates a TabContents.Builder instance using the given Template to display as contents.

There should be no title, Header Action or ActionStrip set on the template. The host will ignore these.

From Car API 6 onward, the following template types are supported as content:

  • ListTemplate
  • PaneTemplate
  • GridTemplate
  • MessageTemplate
  • SearchTemplate

From Car API 7 onward, the following template type is supported as content in addition to all previously supported template types:

  • NavigationTemplate

if template is null


if template does not meet the requirements


Added in 1.7.0-beta02
public Builder(@NonNull Template template, boolean enableApi8)

Creates a TabContents.Builder instance using the given Template to display as contents. Additional template types are enabled if enableApi8 is set to true.

There should be no title, Header Action or ActionStrip set on the template. The host will ignore these.

From Car API 6 onward, the following template types are supported as content:

  • ListTemplate
  • PaneTemplate
  • GridTemplate
  • MessageTemplate
  • SearchTemplate

From Car API 7 onward, the following template type is supported as content in addition to all previously supported template types:

  • NavigationTemplate

From Car API 8 onward, the following template type is supported as content in addition to all previously supported template types:

  • SectionedItemTemplate

if template is null


if template does not meet the requirements

Public methods


Added in 1.3.0
public @NonNull TabContents build()

Constructs the TabContents defined by this builder.