
public final class GridRowBuilderDsl extends GridRowBuilder

Helper class annotated with @SliceMarker, which is annotated with @DslMarker. Two implicit receivers that are annotated with @SliceMarker are not accessible in the same scope, ensuring a type-safe DSL.


Public constructors

Extension functions

final @NonNull GridRowBuilder
final @NonNull GridRowBuilder

Inherited methods

@NonNull GridRowBuilder

Add a cell to the grid builder.

@NonNull GridRowBuilder

Sets the content description for the entire grid row.

@NonNull GridRowBuilder
setLayoutDirection(int layoutDirection)

Sets the desired layout direction for the content in this row.

@NonNull GridRowBuilder

Sets the intent to send when the whole grid row is clicked.

@NonNull GridRowBuilder

If all content in a slice cannot be shown, a "see more" affordance may be displayed where the content is cut off.

@NonNull GridRowBuilder

If all content in a slice cannot be shown, a "see more" affordance may be displayed where the content is cut off.

@NonNull GridRowBuilder

If all content in a slice cannot be shown, the cell added here may be displayed where the content is cut off.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0-alpha08
public GridRowBuilderDsl()

Extension functions


public final @NonNull GridRowBuilder GridRowBuilderKt.cell(
    @NonNull GridRowBuilderDsl receiver,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull CellBuilderDslUnit> buildCell
See also


public final @NonNull GridRowBuilder GridRowBuilderKt.seeMoreCell(
    @NonNull GridRowBuilderDsl receiver,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull CellBuilderDslUnit> buildCell
See also