
public class BeginCreateCustomCredentialRequest extends BeginCreateCredentialRequest

Base custom begin create request class for registering a credential.

If you get a BeginCreateCustomCredentialRequest instead of a type-safe request class such as BeginCreatePasswordCredentialRequest, BeginCreatePublicKeyCredentialRequest, etc., then as a credential provider, you should check if you have any other library of interest that supports this custom type of credential request, and if so use its parsing utilities to resolve to a type-safe class within that library.

Note : Credential providers are not expected to utilize the constructor in this class for any production flow. This constructor must only be used for testing purposes.


Public constructors

    @NonNull String type,
    @NonNull Bundle candidateQueryData,
    CallingAppInfo callingAppInfo

constructs an instance of BeginCreateCustomCredentialRequest

Public constructors


Added in 1.2.0
public BeginCreateCustomCredentialRequest(
    @NonNull String type,
    @NonNull Bundle candidateQueryData,
    CallingAppInfo callingAppInfo

constructs an instance of BeginCreateCustomCredentialRequest

@NonNull String type

the credential type determined by the credential-type-specific subclass for custom use cases

@NonNull Bundle candidateQueryData

the partial request data in the Bundle format that will be sent to the provider during the initial candidate query stage, which should not contain sensitive user credential information (note: bundle keys in the form of androidx.credentials.* are reserved for internal library use)

CallingAppInfo callingAppInfo

info pertaining to the app that is requesting for credentials retrieval or creation