
public final class ClippingMediaPeriod implements MediaPeriod, MediaPeriod.Callback

Wraps a MediaPeriod and clips its SampleStreams to provide a subsequence of their samples.


Public fields

final MediaPeriod

The MediaPeriod wrapped by this clipping media period.

Public constructors

    MediaPeriod mediaPeriod,
    boolean enableInitialDiscontinuity,
    long startUs,
    long endUs

Creates a new clipping media period that provides a clipped view of the specified 's sample streams.

Public methods


Attempts to continue loading.

discardBuffer(long positionUs, boolean toKeyframe)

Discards buffered media up to the specified position.

    long positionUs,
    SeekParameters seekParameters

Returns the position to which a seek will be performed, given the specified seek position and SeekParameters.


Returns an estimate of the position up to which data is buffered for the enabled tracks.


Returns the next load time, or TIME_END_OF_SOURCE if loading has finished.


Returns a list of StreamKeys which allow to filter the media in this period to load only the parts needed to play the provided TrackSelections.


Returns the TrackGroups exposed by the period.


Returns whether the media period is currently loading.


Throws an error that's preventing the period from becoming prepared.


Called by the loader to indicate that it wishes for its continueLoading method to be called when it can continue to load data.

onPrepared(MediaPeriod mediaPeriod)

Called when preparation completes.

prepare(MediaPeriod.Callback callback, long positionUs)

Prepares this media period asynchronously.


Attempts to read a discontinuity.

reevaluateBuffer(long positionUs)

Re-evaluates the buffer given the playback position.

seekToUs(long positionUs)

Attempts to seek to the specified position in microseconds.

    @NullableType ExoTrackSelection[] selections,
    boolean[] mayRetainStreamFlags,
    @NullableType SampleStream[] streams,
    boolean[] streamResetFlags,
    long positionUs

Performs a track selection.


Sets a clipping error detected by the media source so that it can be thrown as a period error at the next opportunity.

updateClipping(long startUs, long endUs)

Updates the clipping start/end times for this period, in microseconds.

Public fields


public final MediaPeriod mediaPeriod

The MediaPeriod wrapped by this clipping media period.

Public constructors


public ClippingMediaPeriod(
    MediaPeriod mediaPeriod,
    boolean enableInitialDiscontinuity,
    long startUs,
    long endUs

Creates a new clipping media period that provides a clipped view of the specified 's sample streams.

If the start point is guaranteed to be a key frame, pass false to enableInitialPositionDiscontinuity to suppress an initial discontinuity when the period is first read from.

MediaPeriod mediaPeriod

The media period to clip.

boolean enableInitialDiscontinuity

Whether the initial discontinuity should be enabled.

long startUs

The clipping start time, in microseconds.

long endUs

The clipping end time, in microseconds, or TIME_END_OF_SOURCE to indicate the end of the period.

Public methods


public boolean continueLoading(LoadingInfo loadingInfo)

Attempts to continue loading.

This method may be called both during and after the period has been prepared.

A period may call onContinueLoadingRequested on the Callback passed to prepare to request that this method be called when the period is permitted to continue loading data. A period may do this both during and after preparation.

LoadingInfo loadingInfo

The LoadingInfo when attempting to continue loading.


True if progress was made, meaning that getNextLoadPositionUs will return a different value than prior to the call. False otherwise.


public void discardBuffer(long positionUs, boolean toKeyframe)

Discards buffered media up to the specified position.

This method is only called after the period has been prepared.

long positionUs

The position in microseconds.

boolean toKeyframe

If true then for each track discards samples up to the keyframe before or at the specified position, rather than any sample before or at that position.


public long getAdjustedSeekPositionUs(
    long positionUs,
    SeekParameters seekParameters

Returns the position to which a seek will be performed, given the specified seek position and SeekParameters.

This method is only called after the period has been prepared.

long positionUs

The seek position in microseconds.

SeekParameters seekParameters

Parameters that control how the seek is performed. Implementations may apply seek parameters on a best effort basis.


The actual position to which a seek will be performed, in microseconds.


public long getBufferedPositionUs()

Returns an estimate of the position up to which data is buffered for the enabled tracks.

This method is only called when at least one track is selected.


An estimate of the absolute position in microseconds up to which data is buffered, or TIME_END_OF_SOURCE if the track is fully buffered.


public long getNextLoadPositionUs()

Returns the next load time, or TIME_END_OF_SOURCE if loading has finished.

This method is only called after the period has been prepared. It may be called when no tracks are selected.


public List<StreamKeygetStreamKeys(List<ExoTrackSelection> trackSelections)

Returns a list of StreamKeys which allow to filter the media in this period to load only the parts needed to play the provided TrackSelections.

This method is only called after the period has been prepared.

List<ExoTrackSelection> trackSelections

The TrackSelections describing the tracks for which stream keys are requested.


The corresponding StreamKeys for the selected tracks, or an empty list if filtering is not possible and the entire media needs to be loaded to play the selected tracks.


public TrackGroupArray getTrackGroups()

Returns the TrackGroups exposed by the period.

This method is only called after the period has been prepared.


The TrackGroups.


public boolean isLoading()

Returns whether the media period is currently loading.


public void maybeThrowPrepareError()

Throws an error that's preventing the period from becoming prepared. Does nothing if no such error exists.

This method is only called before the period has completed preparation.


The underlying error.


public void onContinueLoadingRequested(MediaPeriod source)

Called by the loader to indicate that it wishes for its continueLoading method to be called when it can continue to load data. Called on the playback thread.


public void onPrepared(MediaPeriod mediaPeriod)

Called when preparation completes.

Called on the playback thread. After invoking this method, the MediaPeriod can expect for selectTracks to be called with the initial track selection.

MediaPeriod mediaPeriod

The prepared MediaPeriod.


public void prepare(MediaPeriod.Callback callback, long positionUs)

Prepares this media period asynchronously.

callback.onPrepared is called when preparation completes. If preparation fails, maybeThrowPrepareError will throw an IOException.

If preparation succeeds and results in a source timeline change (e.g. the period duration becoming known), onSourceInfoRefreshed will be called before callback.onPrepared.

MediaPeriod.Callback callback

Callback to receive updates from this period, including being notified when preparation completes.

long positionUs

The expected starting position, in microseconds.


public long readDiscontinuity()

Attempts to read a discontinuity.

A discontinuity implies that the provided SampleStreams will start from a new playback position and any output pipelines need to be reset. This happens for example if the streams provide decode-only samples before the intended playback start position that need to be dropped.

After this method has returned a value other than TIME_UNSET, all SampleStreams provided by the period are guaranteed to start from a key frame.

This method is only called after the period has been prepared.


The playback position after the discontinuity, in microseconds, or TIME_UNSET if there is no discontinuity.


public void reevaluateBuffer(long positionUs)

Re-evaluates the buffer given the playback position.

This method is only called after the period has been prepared.

A period may choose to discard buffered media or cancel ongoing loads so that media can be re-buffered in a different quality.

long positionUs

The current playback position in microseconds. If playback of this period has not yet started, the value will be the starting position in this period minus the duration of any media in previous periods still to be played.


public long seekToUs(long positionUs)

Attempts to seek to the specified position in microseconds.

After this method has been called, all SampleStreams provided by the period are guaranteed to start from a key frame.

This method is only called when at least one track is selected.

long positionUs

The seek position in microseconds.


The actual position to which the period was seeked, in microseconds.


public long selectTracks(
    @NullableType ExoTrackSelection[] selections,
    boolean[] mayRetainStreamFlags,
    @NullableType SampleStream[] streams,
    boolean[] streamResetFlags,
    long positionUs

Performs a track selection.

The call receives track selections for each renderer, mayRetainStreamFlags indicating whether the existing SampleStream can be retained for each selection, and the existing streams themselves. The call will update streams to reflect the provided selections, clearing, setting and replacing entries as required. If an existing sample stream is retained but with the requirement that the consuming renderer be reset, then the corresponding flag in streamResetFlags will be set to true. This flag will also be set if a new sample stream is created.

Note that previously passed TrackSelections are no longer valid, and any references to them must be updated to point to the new selections.

This method is only called after the period has been prepared.

@NullableType ExoTrackSelection[] selections

The renderer track selections.

boolean[] mayRetainStreamFlags

Flags indicating whether the existing sample stream can be retained for each track selection. A true value indicates that the selection is equivalent to the one that was previously passed, and that the caller does not require that the sample stream be recreated. If a retained sample stream holds any references to the track selection then they must be updated to point to the new selection.

@NullableType SampleStream[] streams

The existing sample streams, which will be updated to reflect the provided selections.

boolean[] streamResetFlags

Will be updated to indicate new sample streams, and sample streams that have been retained but with the requirement that the consuming renderer be reset.

long positionUs

The current playback position in microseconds. If playback of this period has not yet started, the value will be the starting position.


The actual position at which the tracks were enabled, in microseconds.


public void setClippingError(
    ClippingMediaSource.IllegalClippingException clippingError

Sets a clipping error detected by the media source so that it can be thrown as a period error at the next opportunity.

ClippingMediaSource.IllegalClippingException clippingError

The clipping error.


public void updateClipping(long startUs, long endUs)

Updates the clipping start/end times for this period, in microseconds.

long startUs

The clipping start time, in microseconds.

long endUs

The clipping end time, in microseconds, or TIME_END_OF_SOURCE to indicate the end of the period.