Set up Security
Alerts4Dynamics has the following security roles:
The Alerts4Dynamics Administrator has the rights for License Registration, Enable Entity Configurations, Read Entity Configuration, Create Alerts, View Alerts of other users and has organization-level access of all entities of Alerts4Dynamics.
It is necessary to assign any one of the above security roles to use Alerts4Dynamics solution
System Administrator has all the rights that Alerts4Dynamics administrator has
For other than the English language, the user must have one of the following roles Alerts4Dynamics User, Alerts4Dynamics Manager, or Alerts4Dynamics Admin even if the user is system admin.
When a new user is created and added to the instance, the user will automatically be assigned with the ‘Alerts4Dynamics User’ Security Role.
If System Admin changes the Business Unit of a user, then "Alerts4Dynamics User" security role will automatically get applied to the user of that respective Business Unit.
Follow the simple steps given below to assign security roles to CRM users.
Navigate to Alerts4Dynamics App -> License Registration -> Click on the Assign Security Role button.

A confirmation dialog box will appear. Click on OK.

The Alerts4Dynamics user security role will now be assigned to all the users present in Dynamics 365 CRM.

Now click on "OK" to close the pop up.

You can also follow another alternative method to set up security roles, as mentioned below:
Go to Advanced Settings --> Settings --> Security.

Select Users.

Select user --> Click on MANAGE ROLES.

Click on any one of the security roles --> Click OK.

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