Set up Security

Alerts4Dynamics has the following security roles:

The Alerts4Dynamics Administrator has the rights for License Registration, Enable Entity Configurations, Read Entity Configuration, Create Alerts, View Alerts of other users and has organization-level access of all entities of Alerts4Dynamics.


  • It is necessary to assign any one of the above security roles to use Alerts4Dynamics solution

  • System Administrator has all the rights that Alerts4Dynamics administrator has

  • For other than the English language, the user must have one of the following roles Alerts4Dynamics User, Alerts4Dynamics Manager, or Alerts4Dynamics Admin even if the user is system admin.

  • When a new user is created and added to the instance, the user will automatically be assigned with the ‘Alerts4Dynamics User’ Security Role.

  • If System Admin changes the Business Unit of a user, then "Alerts4Dynamics User" security role will automatically get applied to the user of that respective Business Unit.

Follow the simple steps given below to assign security roles to CRM users.

  • Navigate to Alerts4Dynamics App -> License Registration -> Click on the Assign Security Role button.

  • A confirmation dialog box will appear. Click on OK.

  • The Alerts4Dynamics user security role will now be assigned to all the users present in Dynamics 365 CRM.

  • Now click on "OK" to close the pop up.

You can also follow another alternative method to set up security roles, as mentioned below:

  • Go to Advanced Settings --> Settings --> Security.

  • Select Users.

  • Select user --> Click on MANAGE ROLES.

  • Click on any one of the security roles --> Click OK.

Last updated

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