Check In & Check Out

With this feature you can keep track of records that each user worked on. It will specify the time spent by user on records in a particular Entity.

Note: User Adoption Monitor Administrator or User Adoption Monitor User role is necessary to access Check-in/Check-out button.

In order to enable Check-in & Check-out feature for a particular entity, follow the steps given below:

  • First, you have to create action for the required entity. For each entity, you have to create separate actions. Go to Advanced Settings --> Settings --> Processes. Click on New.

  • Next, fill the required fields as follows:

    • Process name: Name the process, for e.g. UAM-Case-CheckInCheckOut .

    • Category: Select ‘Action’.

    • Entity: Select the required entity. Here ‘Case’ entity is selected.

  • Once the details are filled, click on Ok. Then ‘Activate’ the action as shown below:

Navigate to Entity Configurations --> Click on the “New” button under User Adoption Monitor.

Fill the following details:

Entity Label: Select the display name of the entity i.e. Incident

Entity Schema: Select the CRM schema name of the entity i.e. Incident

Owner: Insert the Owner name of the application

Message: Enter the message that is supported by the CRM entity. In the current case, the message will be checkincheckout.

Period: Select the tracking period based on which monitoring will be performed. For Example, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc.

Last updated

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