Bulk Migration Job
Bulk Migration Job Entity enables users to configure the bulk movement of the attachments from CRM to SharePoint and also it shows the details and status of the migrating attachments of Activities/Notes/Sales Literature.
It is necessary to assign SharePoint Security Sync Administrator/SharePoint Security Sync User Security role to use bulk migration job.
Users are advised to do the migration during off business hours for minimum interruption as there may be bulk of data to be moved.
Only the Entities where the Attachment Action is defined as Move or Copy in the Entity Configuration will be considered for Bulk Migration.
To configure Bulk Migration Job, go to SharePoint Security Sync App --> Bulk Migration Jobs.

Click on '+New'.

Fill in the respective fields.
This section is where you define the period and Activities/Note/Sales Literature attachment we are moving to SharePoint.

For?: This specifies whether we are doing Bulk Migration for Activities, Notes or Sales Literature.
Connector: In this field we specify the connector support i.e. SharePoint.
Schedule Date: Scheduled date keeps track of the date from which the migration job will start.
Attachment Action: In this field we specify the action i.e. Copy or Move.
Select Duration Criteria: In this field we specify the period for which we have to migrate Note Attachments/Activity Attachments/Sales Literature Attachments to SharePoint. Here, X represents Numeric Value. For e.g. Last 10 days, Last 3 weeks, etc. where the number 10 and 3 specify the Value.
Last X Days: Specify data of how many(X) days have to be migrated to SharePoint.
Last X Weeks: Specify data of how many(X) weeks have to migrate to SharePoint.
Last X Months: Specifies data of how many(X) months have to be migrated to SharePoint.
Last X Years: Specifies data of how many(X) years has to be migrated to SharePoint.
Older Than: This moves all the Note Attachments/Activity Attachments prior and inclusive of the date SharePoint.
Custom: This specifies the period Process From date to Process Till date between which the data is to be moved to SharePoint.
Note: The Notes and Sales Literature Attachments will be moved to their corresponding record folder and Activity attachments will move to a common folder named Activity Attachment or Regarding Folder.
The next tab is Information that comprises the details of processed records.

Total Records Processed: Total number of Activities//Notes/Sales Literature attachment that are processed.
Total Succeeded Records: Total number of records that have successfully migrated to SharePoint.
Total Ignored Records: Number of records that were ignored.
Total Failed Records: Total number of records that failed in the process of migration.
Total Succeeded Size (KB): The size of records that were moved to SharePoint. This tells the Dynamics 365 CRM user how much space he has freed from the CRM.
Total Ignored Size (KB): This is the size of files that were ignored while migrating to SharePoint.
Total Failed Size (KB): Size of failed files while uploading to SharePoint.
For further queries, reach out to us at crm@inogic.com
Last updated
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