Log In & Log Out

User Adoption Monitor in Dynamics 365 lets you watch when users log in and log out of the CRM system. This tool can track these activities daily, weekly, or monthly. It will specify the time spent by each user in Dynamics CRM system.

Note: Either User Adoption Monitor Administrator or User Adoption Monitor User role is necessary to access Log In/Log Out button.

To enable this feature, follow the steps given below:

  • Navigate to Entity Configurations (User Adoption Monitor App) --> Click on “New”

Fill the following details:

Entity Label: Select the display name of the entity i.e. Application

Entity Schema: Select the CRM schema name of the entity i.e. Application

Owner: Insert the Owner name of the application

Message: Enter the message that is supported by the CRM entity. In the current case, the message will be loginlogout

Period: Select the tracking period based on which monitoring will be performed.

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