Chapel Burner

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Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3
Chapel Burner
Release13 February 2023 (Update)
LocationFort Forinthry
OptionsBurn Herbs, Inspect, Examine
ExamineHave you considered the healing power of fire?
Advanced data
Object ID112129

Two Chapel Burners are interactable objects in the Chapel in Fort Forinthry that allows players to burn clean herbs (noted clean herbs can be used as well) to add a chance to save offerings on the nearby altar for all the players using it.

All players on the same world share the same timer (shared between the two burners), which can stack up to dozens of hours; it is recommended to use the Chapel on the official portable world (84) where the burners usually have a lot of time on them.

Unlike the chapel in the player-owned house, burning herbs is not required to gain the Prayer xp bonus; in this case it only depends on the tier of the Fort's Chapel.

Benefits[edit | edit source]

The benefit of burning herbs in the burners is to add a chance to save offerings at the altar. Each herb added adds time that the burners will burn, depending on the tier of the Chapel for the player adding the herbs. The chance to save offering increases with the tier of the Chapel for the player making the offerings.

Tier Benefits
Tier 1 Chapel Burners last for 15 seconds with 3% chance to save offerings at the altar.
Tier 2 Duration of Chapel Burners is increased to 18 seconds with 6% chance to save offerings at the altar.
Tier 3 Duration of Chapel Burners is increased to 21 seconds with 10% chance to save offerings at the altar.

Cost[edit | edit source]

Herb Cost per herb Cost per second
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
RuneScape inventory image of Clean guam 364 24.27 20.22 17.33
RuneScape inventory image of Clean tarromin 299 19.93 16.61 14.24
RuneScape inventory image of Clean marrentill 5,259 350.6 292.17 250.43
RuneScape inventory image of Clean harralander 1,869 124.6 103.83 89
RuneScape inventory image of Clean ranarr 2,407 160.47 133.72 114.62
RuneScape inventory image of Clean toadflax 4,579 305.27 254.39 218.05
RuneScape inventory image of Clean spirit weed 6,089 405.93 338.28 289.95
RuneScape inventory image of Clean irit 1,067 71.13 59.28 50.81
RuneScape inventory image of Clean wergali 2,952 196.8 164 140.57
RuneScape inventory image of Clean avantoe 969 64.6 53.83 46.14
RuneScape inventory image of Clean kwuarm 5,309 353.93 294.94 252.81
RuneScape inventory image of Clean bloodweed 8,196 546.4 455.33 390.29
RuneScape inventory image of Clean snapdragon 1,802 120.13 100.11 85.81
RuneScape inventory image of Clean cadantine 1,516 101.07 84.22 72.19
RuneScape inventory image of Clean lantadyme 5,687 379.13 315.94 270.81
RuneScape inventory image of Clean dwarf weed 5,574 371.6 309.67 265.43
RuneScape inventory image of Clean torstol 3,869 257.93 214.94 184.24
RuneScape inventory image of Clean arbuck 11,329 755.27 629.39 539.48
RuneScape inventory image of Clean fellstalk 3,816 254.4 212 181.71

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!