Conjuration is a mechanic used in the Necromancy skill to create spirits from the Underworld using abilities. The spirits that are conjured fight alongside the player, dealing Necromancy spirit damage to enemies that they target. Conjured spirits will target enemies that the player is currently target cycled to and they will stop attacking if Cease is cast. If a player is attacked by a monster, even if they have auto-retaliate off, conjures will still attack the monster.
Players must have a conduit equipped to be able to conjure a spirit. Unequipping a conduit while a conjure(s) is active will immediately dismiss them. Switching to a Necromancy shield (such as a dragonfire shroud or spectral spirit shield) that has an "Underworld Connection" will not immediately dismiss any conjured spirits, however the player will need to switch back to a conduit in order to conjure additional spirits.
The damage ranges listed in tooltips do not take into account perks such as Eruptive and Precise.
To begin with, players can only have 1 conjured spirit active at a time. This limit increases to 2 conjures at level 52 Necromancy, 3 at level 84, and 4 at level 106. Despite the limit being increased, players cannot conjure a second spirit of the same type while one is already active.
![]() |
Max active conjures |
1 | 1 |
52 | 2 |
84 | 3 |
106 | 4 |
Abilities[edit | edit source]
Ability | Members | Level | Type | Adrenaline | Target | Damage[?] | Cooldown | Equipment | Description | |
Conjure Skeleton Warrior | ![]() |
No | 2 | Other | 0 | Self | 642.5% | Conduit, 1 ectoplasm | ||
Conjure Putrid Zombie | ![]() |
Yes | 40 | Other | 0 | Self | 650% | 30 | Conduit, 1 ectoplasm | |
Conjure Vengeful Ghost | ![]() |
Yes | 40 | Other | 0 | Self | 280% | Conduit, 1 ectoplasm | ||
Conjure Phantom Guardian | ![]() |
Yes | 70 | Other | 0 | Self | 0% | Conduit, 1 ectoplasm | ||
Conjure Undead Army | ![]() |
Yes | 99 | Other | 0 | Self | up to 1572.5% | Conduit, 2–8 ectoplasm |
Modifiers[edit | edit source]
The duration of conjured spirits can be increased by 6, 12, and 18 seconds by learning Spirit Pact I, II, and III respectively.
Casting Life Transfer will damage the player for 50% of their maximum base life points and increase the duration of any active conjured spirits by 21 seconds.
The Conjurer's raising amulet increases the basic attack damage of conjured spirits by 5%. This is a multiplicative boost; the damage dealt by the spirits is multiplied by 1.05 when wearing the amulet.
The Robes of the First Necromancer have two set effects. For having at least two pieces equipped, the basic attack damage of conjured spirits is increased by 7% per piece. For having at least four pieces equipped, the duration of conjured spirits is increased by 5% per piece. This duration is applied after the effects of Spirit Pact.
Number of pieces worn | Basic attack damage increase | Duration increase | Duration (with Spirit Pact III) |
1 | 0% | 0% | 60 seconds |
2 | 14% | 0% | 60 seconds |
3 | 21% | 0% | 60 seconds |
4 | 28% | 20% | 72 seconds |
5 | 35% | 25% | 75 seconds |
Interactions with other combat mechanics[edit | edit source]
Conjured spirits scale off the player's necromancy ability damage at the time of being summoned, this ability damage is applied to the conjures and their respective command abilities throughout their lifespan. The main-hand weapons and the power armour equipment may also be unequipped after conjuring them and the conjured spirits will continue to scale off the ability damage the player had when they were first conjured. Perks, armour set effects such as the First Necromancer's equipment, and various other items may also affect the damage potential that conjures can perform dynamically, such as weapon poison modifying the Putrid Zombie's poison damage.
Conjured spirits will teleport to the player if the player is 16 or more tiles away from them. When the conjures are idle, the Skeleton Warrior and Vengeful Ghost will wander within one tile of the player while the Putrid Zombie will wander within two tiles of the player. The Phantom Guardian does not wander around the player, but instead will try to stay within two tiles of the player if the player moves away.
Reflect/damage mitigation/healing mechanics behaviour with conjures[edit | edit source]
- Vengeful Ghost will continue to heal the player even if the enemy is using damage nullifying mechanics.
- Conjure damage is correctly reduced following the damage mitigation or nullification mechanics of enemies.
- Damage boosted by the Haunted debuff correctly follows the damage mitigation or nullification mechanics.
- Typeless damage sources are not reduced by damage mitigation and receive the full effect of the Haunted debuff, such as the Putrid Zombie's poison damage, unless otherwise nullified.
- Damage boosted by the Haunted debuff correctly follows the damage mitigation or nullification mechanics.
- Conjure damage dealt to enemies such as the Legiones and Cerberus Juvenile that take reduced damage based on the distance the player is, will use the player's position to calculate the damage, and not the conjured spirit's position.
- Damage dealt by conjured spirits is not reflected onto the player from most monster mechanics.
- Araxxor and Araxxi's Web Shield and mirrorback spider mechanics do not reflect damage onto the player.
- Vorago's Target Link mechanic does not reflect back onto the player.
- Hard mode General Graardor's protection stance mechanic does not reflect conjure damage back onto the player.
- Frost dragon's orb mechanic does not reflect damage back onto the player.
- Linza the Disgraced's passive reflect mechanic will correctly reflect damage dealt by conjures onto the player.
- Nex's blood siphon mechanic does not heal from conjure damage dealt.
- The blood nihil's blood siphon mechanic will heal from conjure damage, despite sharing some similarities with Nex's blood siphon mechanic.
- The green aura mechanic at Kalphite King heals from conjure damage dealt.
- TokHaar-Ket-Dill is immune to necromancy damage and conjure damage until its armour breaks.
- Skeletal Warriors will continue to apply Shattering bones while the target is immune or reflecting damage, as long as the conjure is able to attack.
Interactions that are affected by conjures[edit | edit source]
- Conjured spirits and their command abilities always deal 100% of their damage potential, even when the player does not have 100% hit chance against the target.
- Conjures count towards Aftershock damage.
- Conjures contribute to the stored damage from the Scripture of Jas Time Rift effect.
- The Haunted debuff also applies to the final damage value of Time Rift when it closes.
- Conjures can trigger Death Mark.
- Damage dealt by conjured spirits is affected by various items and status effects:
- The Eruptive perk increases the player's base ability damage, thus increases the base damage of the conjures.
- The Equilibrium aura increases the player's base ability damage, thus increases the base damage of the conjures.
- Necklace of Salamancy increases conjure's damage and damage potency of the Haunted debuff. The Putrid Zombie's poison is unaffected.
- The slayer abilities demon, dragon, and undead, as well as their perk variants, demon, dragon, and undead slayer when used against the respective enemy.
- Vulnerability increases damage dealt by conjured spirits and potency of poison damage from the Putrid Zombie.
- The Balance of Power Edict buff in the Zamorak, Lord of Chaos fight increases damage dealt by conjured spirits and the damage potency of the Haunted debuff.
- Infernal Puzzle Box increases damage dealt by conjured spirits and potency of poison damage from the Putrid Zombie.
- The NopeNopeNope player-owned farm perk increases damage dealt by conjured spirits and potency of poison damage from the Putrid Zombie to spiders.
- The Corrupted debuff in the Sophanem Slayer Dungeon increases damage dealt by conjured spirits and the damage potency of the Haunted debuff. The Putrid Zombie's poison is unaffected.
- The Inner Power buff in the Raksha, the Shadow Colossus fight increases damage dealt by conjured spirits and the damage potency of the Haunted debuff.
- The black stream and red stream from the Telos encounter affect damage dealt by conjured spirits accordingly.
Interactions that remain unaffected by conjures[edit | edit source]
- The damage stated in the tooltips for conjured spirits will visually update after being summoned if the player's gear or stats change, but any summoned conjures will continue to respect the ability damage the player had at the time of being summoned.
- Conjures do not trigger Soul Split,[1] and therefore are unaffected by Split Soul.
- Conjures' auto attacks and their respective command abilities cannot trigger weapon poison or cinderbane gloves, but the Putrid Zombie's poison damage will still be boosted by them.
- Attacks from conjured spirits do not trigger most auras. The Haunted debuff will still increase the damage provided by the auras where applicable, such as increasing each hitsplat of the Dark magic aura.
- Attacks from conjured spirits do not give extra adrenaline when using the Inspiration aura.
- Conjures do not get boosted by the Slayer helmet when attacking an enemy on-task.
- Conjures do not get boosted by the effects Salve amulet gives or its enchanted variant, Salve amulet (e).
- Conjures do not get boosted by the Berserker's Fury Archaeology relic.
- Conjures do not get boosted by the Stone of Jas.
- Conjures do not trigger god books and scriptures.
- Conjures do not receive the increased damage buff from Scripture of Ful or Scripture of Amascut.
- Damage the player deals will first be increased by Scripture of Ful/Amascut, then the Haunted debuff if active will apply to the final damage value.
- Conjures can not perform critical hits.
- Conjures do not respect max/min hit modes on training dummies.
- Conjures do not get boosted by the player's prayers.
- Conjures do not give experience to raise equipment level of an item.
Interactions with the Haunted debuff[edit | edit source]
- The Haunted debuff application behaves in a similar fashion as Animate Dead does, but for offensive purposes, applying its effect at the end of all damage calculations.
- The duration of the Haunted debuff differs from it's in-game description, lasting for 3.6 seconds (6 ticks) instead of 4.8 seconds (8 ticks). Assuming there is always a commanded Vengeful Ghost to apply Haunted to the target every 4.2 seconds (7 ticks), there will be a 100% uptime of Haunted.
- Soul Split's healing potency is not boosted by the bonus damage applied by Haunted, but its damage counterpart, Split Soul, is boosted by the bonus damage.
- The Haunted debuff affects The Vengeful Ghost's healing capability.
- Various forms of damage in the game remain unaffected from the Haunted debuff:
- The Skeleton Warrior's rage mechanic will continue to add 3% per rage stack, and then the Haunted debuff is applied to the final damage value.
- Dreadnip auto attack damage is unaffected but affects their poison damage.
- Summoning familiars auto attack damage and their special moves are unaffected, with the exception of familiars that can deal forms of typeless damage (poison, typeless, reflect).
- Vengeance and deathtouch bracelet's reflect damage are unaffected.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Conjured spirits currently summoned will persist into Legacy mode if they have been summoned in the Evolution of Combat mode.
- Various bugs exist with conjured spirits depending on the area the player is at, ranging from forced despawning of conjures, to momentarily disconnecting the player.
- During the Zamorak, Lord of Chaos fight, the phase six to phase seven transition will despawn conjures, conjures will also despawn once the kill is completed.
- Summoning conjures between the phase transitions in Vorago cause the player to momentarily disconnect, and then reconnect seconds later.
- The soul phylactery item activated upon death will despawn all conjures during the resurrection animation.
- If the player enters the fight with Bork with conjures pre-summoned, all conjures will despawn, during the fight all conjures will also despawn, and every cutscene/dialogue trigger during and after the bork fight will despawn all conjures.
- Completing the Queen Black Dragon fight by touching the dragonkin artefact 4 will despawn all conjures.
- Dying inside War's Retreat and receiving the resurrection dialogue box from War will despawn all conjures.
- In the Fight Kiln, every time the arena transitions into a smaller one via a cutscene/dialogue trigger, it will despawn all conjures, regardless if cutscenes are enabled or not.
- The Dominion Tower has a few bugs with conjures with various ways of despawning them.
- In climber mode, the interface that appears after the fight will despawn all conjures.
- In the modes: endurance, special, and freestyle, the popup dialogue box that appears after the fight will despawn all conjures.
- The Random Daze handicap in Dominion Tower will forcefully despawn all conjures.
References[edit | edit source]
- ^ Jagex. "Necromancy: Community Feedback Update - #1." }11 August 2023. RuneScape News.