House Drakan outfit

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House Drakan outfit
Release14 September 2015 (Update)
Members itemsYes
Quest itemsThe Lord of Vampyrium
HeadHouse Drakan hood
BodyHouse Drakan top
LegsHouse Drakan trousers
FeetHouse Drakan boots

The House Drakan outfit is a set of level 70 hybrid armour obtained during The Lord of Vampyrium quest. The set doubles as Darkmeyer disguise and as non-degradable hybrid armour. If parts of the set are lost, they can be obtained from Vanstrom's mansion in Darkmeyer from the crate in his room. However, a fee of 100,000 coins is required before you can reclaim it. The outfit can be stored in an armour case in a player-owned house.

If lost in the dangerous player killing situation, 100,000 coins will be dropped in place.

Components[edit | edit source]

StyleSlotRangeAccDamageAttributeStyle bonusHouse Drakan outfit equipped (male).png: House Drakan outfit equipped by a playerHouse Drakan outfit equipped (female).png: House Drakan outfit equipped by a player
House Drakan hood-----196.6------
House Drakan top-----226------
House Drakan trousers-----216.2------
House Drakan boots-----49.1------

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!