SMW Subobject for CutsceneNPC ID: 4861Options: ExamineExamine: She looks important.Release date: 4 September 2006NPC location: Near Castle Drakan in MeiyerditchIs members only: trueIs variant of: Sarius Guile
SMW Subobject for DarkmeyerNPC ID: 14184Options: Talk-to, ExamineExamine:
She looks important.
Vanescula's human servant.
Release date: 31 August 2011NPC location: DarkmeyerIs members only: trueIs variant of: Sarius Guile
SMW Subobject for The Darkness of HallowvaleNPC ID: 4714Options: Talk-to, ExamineExamine: She looks important.Release date: 4 September 2006NPC location: Near Castle Drakan in MeiyerditchIs members only: trueIs variant of: Sarius Guile
Sarius Guile is a servant of Vanescula Drakan and is first seen during The Darkness of Hallowvale quest. She lives in a house on the east side of Meiyerditch, although she is never home. Instead, she is likely in or around Castle Drakan, working. She is humbly dressed, but her status as servant of a Drakan still makes her exude something of importance, unlike the frail Meiyerditch citizens. She is still extremely lean, however, which may mean Sarius has to pay blood tithes as well. She is the daughter of Mauritys Guile.
During The Branches of Darkmeyer, Sarius reveals that her father was a member of the Myreque, and that she knows the location of their hideout. She transports the player from Darkmeyer back to the base.
After being told by Efaritay to look more for a cure on Haemalchemy in the Meiyerditch Laboratories, Sarius Guile is encountered there stating she had no idea what's been going on nor the fall of the Myreque. Through a bit of dialogue and mention of her father, she then believed there was more of her father's research hidden away. The adventurer then searches through the tunnels to find what's been missing in her father's research, both concluding a theory of the blood of a hybrid, Safalaan, to be part of a cure for vampyrism.
After the quest, she'll be nowhere to be seen again.