Magic bean (leafy)

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Magic bean (leafy) was removed after an update.
The contents of this page no longer exist in RuneScape, and this article is kept for historical purposes.
Magic bean (leafy)
Release3 September 2018 (Update)
Removal25 November 2019 (Update)
Quest itemNo
DestroyAre you sure? This item cannot be reclaimed.
ExamineWorks in herb, flower, cactus, vine and belladonna patches.
Options [?]
Value1 coin
AlchemyNot alchemisable
On deathAlways kept outside dangerous area
Weight0 kg
Advanced data
Item ID44026
LinksMRID • recipe

Magic bean (leafy) was a type of magic bean which could be bought from the Farmers' Market for 1,000 beans alongside other magic beans. It could be placed in herb, flower, cactus, vine, and cave nightshade patches. When planted, the beans grew in about five seconds. The specific crop grown was a crop within the range of the highest crop at the player's current Farming level to twenty levels below.[1]

It was replaced by the supreme growth potion (leafy).

Monetary value[edit | edit source]

To maximise profit, the following items could be used to maximise the crop yield:

  • Magic secateurs from Fairy Tale I - Growing Pains, which boosts yield 10%.
  • Greenfingers aura, which boosts yield 3%, 5%, 7%, 10%, or 15% depending on tier.
  • Juju farming potion from Herblore Habitat, which gives a 33% chance of picking double herbs, effectively increasing yield by 33%.
  • Scroll of life, which gives a 10% chance of returning a seed after harvested from a plant or tree.
  • The hard Wilderness achievements will make the Wilderness herb patch disease-free, increasing overall profits. My Arm's herb patch is also disease-free.

Base rates (without any bonuses)[edit | edit source]

When planted in a herb patch, the following values could be expected, based on the player's level and ignoring any modifiers:

  • At level 20, Harralander : 9,472.4
  • At level 25, Ranarr: 13,171.6
  • At level 30, Toadflax: 26,023.6
  • At level 35, Spirit weed: 40,351.2
  • At level 40, Irit: 4,467.6
  • At level 41, Wergali: 18,169.6
  • At level 48, Avantoe: 3,468
  • At level 54, Kwuarm: 30,287.2
  • At level 57, Ranarr: 13,171.6
  • At level 59, Bloodweed: 62,145.2
  • At level 65, Snapdragon: 7,187.6
  • At level 67, Cadantine: 6,126.8
  • At level 73, Lantadyme: 34,931.6
  • At level 79, Dwarf weed: 32,286.4
  • At level 85, Torstol: 22,943.2
  • At level 91, Fellstalk: 25,146.4

Rates with all of the bonuses mentioned above[edit | edit source]

When planted in a herb patch, the following values could be expected, based on the player's level. For more precise estimates of harvest yields, refer to Farming#Herbs.

  • At level 20, Harralander : 13,651.4
  • At level 25, Ranarr: 18,982.6
  • At level 30, Toadflax: 37,504.6
  • At level 35, Spirit weed: 58,153.2
  • At level 40, Irit: 6,438.6
  • At level 41, Wergali: 26,185.6
  • At level 48, Avantoe: 4,998
  • At level 54, Kwuarm: 43,649.2
  • At level 57, Ranarr: 18,982.6
  • At level 59, Bloodweed: 89,562.2
  • At level 65, Snapdragon: 10,358.6
  • At level 67, Cadantine: 8,829.8
  • At level 73, Lantadyme: 50,342.6
  • At level 79, Dwarf weed: 46,530.4
  • At level 85, Torstol: 33,065.2
  • At level 91, Fellstalk: 36,240.4

Reducing a player's Farming level, such as by waiting at the entrance to the God Wars Dungeon, would not cause lower level herbs to grow. The herbs produced would depend on the player's base level and give the option to harvest for no experience if below the required level.

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Mod Rowley. Magic Bean (universal) not giving the right tree?. Reddit. 7 September 2018. (Archived from the original on 10 July 2019.)