Harlequin cow

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Harlequin cow
Release3 September 2018 (Update)
LocationManor Farm
OptionsCheck, Remove, Examine
ExamineThe rarest of breeds, now in three delicious flavours.
Advanced data
NPC ID25743

Harlequin cows are the shiny breed of cows that may be raised on the player-owned farm. It can be obtained by breeding two cows in the breeding pen, or by trading with another player. As an item it will appear as one of the normal cow variants and will only appear as a harlequin cow when added to a pen in growth stages of adolescent and above.

Even though they are called harlequin cows, a bull can also grow up to be of the harlequin breed if they are shiny.

Harlequin cow
Farming level 49
Pen size Large
Eats Flowers, fruits, vegetables
Produce [?] Cowhide (Always) (1,030)
Bucket of milk[p 1] (Always) (299)
Muck Manure and green manure
Breeding cycle
(max cycle)
5 hours (25 hours)
Breeding success chance 70%
Growth time
(from stage to stage)
Child Adolescent Adult Elder
N/A 72 minutes 2.1 hours 2.7 hours
Growth check Farming XP
Child Adolescent Adult Elder
N/A 625 1,093.7 1,406.2
Cured disease Farming XP
Child Adolescent Adult Elder
N/A 31.2 54.6 14
Base sell price in beans
Egg Child Adolescent Adult Elder
N/A 42 213 181 149
Buyer Milkshake (cow fancier) chathead.png: Chat head image of Milkshake (cow fancier)Milkshake (cow fancier)
Last spawn(wrong?) March 16 2025 00:00 UTC ago
Next spawn(wrong?) March 19 2025 00:00 UTC
  1. ^ Can be either bucket of milk, strawberry milk, vanilla milk, chocolatey milk, or nothing at all as second produce item

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 17 May 2021 (Update):
    • Cows, bulls and chinchompas on the Player Owned Farm will no longer appear without colour if textures are disabled.
  • patch 4 February 2019 (Update):
    • Shiny animals now count as a wildcard for trait requests when selling to player owned farm NPC buyers, on top of the existing breed wildcard.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Both harlequin cows and bulls share the same model, meaning that both the cow and bull will have udders. However in reality only female cows have udders.
  • Upon the release of the Archaeology skill, harlequin cows become highly sought after as a necessary item to complete the Gemini Zodiac step in the Infernal Source Contract Claws mystery which must be completed to access the Ancient Summoning aspect of the skill. The street price of a harlequin cow soared to exorbitant prices in the range of several tens of millions of coins during the first few days following the skills release as a direct result of this requirement. Due to player feedback, Jagex later hotfixed this issue by giving players the option to sacrifice one Strawberry cow, one Vanilla cow, and one Chocolate cow together in place of sacrificing a harlequin cow.
  • These may be a reference to the Mexican dessert called tres leches (literally “three milks”), or Neapolitan ice cream.