SMW Subobject for Spring FayreNPC ID: 24195Options: Open Shop, Talk to, ExamineExamine: Host of the Bucking Baroo and seller of Yak items.Release date: 24 April 2017NPC location: Lumbridge CraterIs members only: falseIs variant of: Prezleek
SMW Subobject for Player-owned farmNPC ID: 25858Options: Sell Animals, Quick-sell animals, ExamineExamine: Has a baroo-tiful mind.Release date: 3 September 2018NPC location: Manor FarmIs members only: trueIs variant of: Prezleek
Prezleek occasionally appears at the Manor Farm, as Prezleek the yak trader. He may be sold yaks in exchange for beans. As a large-sized animal buyer, he will appear or renew his order for yaks every three days and purchase up to six animals before leaving, unless the player is at least 'Senior Master Farmer' rank in the Farming reputation system; then he will buy up to 12.
He will either want the Fremennik yak or Spirit yak breeds, which provides 10% extra beans. He will also want a specific trait, which provides 10% extra beans. If both the breed and trait are matched, it becomes 25% extra beans.