Plaster fragment

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Plaster fragment
Release22 March 2006 (Update)
Quest itemIn Aid of the Myreque
DestroyYou can get another plaster fragment by exploring near the Inn in Burgh de Rott.
ExamineA fragment of plaster with some impressions on it.
Options [?]
BackpackRead, Destroy
Value1 coin
High alch1 coin
Low alch1 coin
On deathAlways kept outside dangerous area
Weight1 kg
Advanced data
Item ID7628
LinksMRID • recipe

The plaster fragment is an item that players might uncover whilst doing the In Aid of the Myreque quest. It is actually a piece of plaster with some pictograms on it.

This item depicts the slaying of a Vampyre through the Rod of Ivandis, and gives the player a hint of the ingredients required for a Guthix balance potion.

Book info[edit | edit source]

Plaster fragment
Author? (edit)
QuestIn Aid of the Myreque

Transcript[edit | edit source]

The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Plaster fragment.
  • The plaster has some pictograms on it, which you make out to be a small map of Morytania. Within the map are depictions of seven figures near the Salve, near to where the temple of Saradomin now stands.
  • One figure, the seventh, stands forwards of the other six and looks masculine. He seems to have an item in one hand which he holds aloft and in his other hand he holds some sort of container.
  • Emanating from the sky appear two rays of light; green, you think represents Guthix and silver represents Saradomin.
  • The seventh figure seems to be surrounded by this light.
  • All the figures depicted hold items, and some are commented. You see that someone holds a mace, another holds a cudgel.
  • The forward standing figure holds something called, 'Silvthril', and yet another figure holds a sword. You also notice some signs representing chemical formulas which point to the container held by the figure standing forwards of the main group.
  • They represent the elements silver, garlic, harralander, and the eggs of the red arachnid.
  • The figure seems to be administering this potion to a dark creature held in some sort of powerful force.
  • This is quite clearly an artist's impression of some moment in Morytania's history.

Disassembly[edit | edit source]

Plaster fragment
Disassembly categoryDefault
Disassembly XP0.1
Item quantity required1
Material count1
Base junk chance  98.9%
Common materials
Simple parts99/100
Rare materials
Variable components1/100

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!